Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Cure Insomnia

By Laura Croff

Not getting enough sleep can have a wide range of negative effects on your life. After a night without much sleep, the next day you find that you cannot function at your optimal level. Your general sense of well-being is decreased and you find it difficult to concentrate on the tasks that you need to do. Additionally, your appearance worsens and it is difficult to handle the various problems that may come up through your day.

Everyone has had those nights where you fall asleep but end up waking up a few hours later and no matter how long you wait, you just cannot fall asleep again. Or, perhaps you are unable to fall asleep even at the beginning of the night.

Somniem PM Natural Sleep Aid is a natural treatment for sleeplessness. Unlike prescription sleep pills which often leave you feeling groggy and "hung over" the next day, Somniem PM's naturalness introduces a gentle side to its aid. Its natural ingredients include melatonin, the very same aid your body uses to help you sleep.

Many scientists believe that the main reason for a night with poor sleep is that the body produces a low amount of melatonin before bedtime. Many factors can influence this low production from stress to caffeine to alcohol. With a natural melatonin based supplement like Somniem PM Sleep Aid, you encourage your body to produce more melatonin and thus are able to sleep better each night.

Due to Somniem PM encouraging the natural sleep system in your body, it can help correct a sleep cycle that has been distraught from the effects of alcohol or caffeine among other factors.

Dissimilar from sleep pills that are prescribed, Somniem PM is not addictive and contains no side effects so that the next morning when you wake up from your sleep, you will find that you feel refreshed rather than groggy like most prescription pills end up having you feel.

Considering the natural ingredients in Somniem PM and its proven effectiveness in helping an all natural sleep cycle, Somniem PM is a viable option for getting a peaceful night's sleep. - 17269

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History of Smart Liposuction

By Art Gib

Liposuction has changed greatly over the years. At one time, liposuction was a rather barbaric procedure. When the procedure was initially performed, it was done with scalpels. The scalpels would turn inside of the body and actually scrape the fat away. People would lose fat, but they would also lose other things, like blood. The procedure did not make it very far.

As more people get liposuction, it is losing the stigma that was associated with it at one time. There was a time when people were embarrassed if they got the surgery. Now, friends talk about it over lunch.

That is when the cannula was introduced. It was realized that a cannula could provide a safer surgery. Surgeons began using the cannula technique, but there were still problems. Bleeding was an issue, as was the anesthesia. It took some time for science to progress to the point of finding better safety measures.

By 1985 the traditional liposuction procedure had gained acceptance within the medical community as a medically sanctioned intervention for the reduction of body fat and contouring of the areas where the fat was removed. As the process of liposuction was used more and more the problems related to its use were addressed and reduced.

Also, anesthesia practices changed. At one time, people had to be put to sleep when having liposuction done. Now, they can receive local anesthesia, which is much safer. There are fewer complications due to anesthesia when local is used.

Patients are able to get numbed on the areas that are receiving the surgery and therefore stay awake during the surgery. The complications associated with general anesthesia were thus eliminated.

In addition, laser liposuction has become an option as well. With laser liposuction, there are even fewer complications because of the gentle nature of the procedure. Unlike traditional liposuction, laser lipo melts the fat away without the ramming associated with liposuction.

Still, it was not enough. Even though there were fewer risks, it was still not as safe as the medical community wanted it to be. There were deaths associated with liposuction, and there were other problems as well. The community worked hard to find a solution that would present more benefits and fewer risks. - 17269

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Acai Berry -A Tasty And Healthy Fruit

By Dana Hawkes

It's only been a few centuries since the magic of this dark purplish round, grape-like fruit, became known to the whole world. Its existence and importance previously is believed to be known only to the rain forests of the Amazon, where it is a wild fruit. These berries have now become the best preferred fruits and recommended by almost all diet specialists and physicians. Many health conscious individuals are also becoming aware of its health benefits. The fruit is being exported in tons every year throughout the world.

Known to be rich in a series of vitamins and minerals, this fruit helps fight deadly diseases like cancer, pulmonary diseases etc. The vitamins present in the fruit being, A, B, B1, B2, B3, C E etc help in reducing the illness factors. The minerals like potassium, calcium, magnesium, copper and zinc are plenteously found in the acai fruit.

There is no doubt the berries cure people having hypertension and imbalanced blood sugar levels. In addition to vitamins and minerals, the fruit contains an acceptable amount of protein and fiber that makes it unique and healthy to consume.

Apart from uncountable health benefits, the acai berries also find a place in delicious cuisines, mouth watering deserts and chill ice creams. This contradicts the fad among people thinking all foods that are healthy do not taste delicious. The chocolaty flavor of the berries is simply irresistible to eat and make lip-smacking delicacies.

So what's more? Next time you order an ice cream in the five star hotels, make sure it is flavored with acai berry and go the healthier and tastier way! - 17269

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Clean Colon

By Jill Pharoah

Doctors agree that a wide variety of illnesses and disease come because our colon begins to age.

The colon is a very important part of our body that keeps us healthy and gets rid of harmful waste.

It also absorbs nutrients that allow us to live healthy lives and is thus a very important part of us.

There are problems, however, when it becomes filled with toxins and bacteria which can cause long term effects that are not beneficial.

Some of the other short term effects that can occur are a lack of energy, bloating and a loss of motivation as well as constipation.

To keep yourself healthy and clean, a colon cleansing supplement can aid you in your goals.

Colon cleansers can keep your body clean and are a natural way to eliminate waste in your colon so that you will look better and not bloated.

They are usually formulated to insure a gentle cleansing so there is no need to worry about side effects.

Combining a natural process with clinically proven to be effective ingredients means good aid for your body.

If you are interested in living a healthier life and losing some weight, definitely check out Nature Cleanse today. At the time of writing, a free trial is available so that you can check out its great benefits for yourself without paying a dime! - 17269

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Acai Berry Breeze

By Dan Levine

Weight loss can be a particularly difficult pursuit to take up. It is hard to lose weight once you have put it on.

There are some helpful aids for you that can help you lose weight and raise your energy levels.

One of these solutions is Acai Berry Breeze, a weight loss supplement packed with the world-renowned "superfruit" acai berry.

What are the Acai berries and how can they help you lose weight exactly?

The Acai berry has been harvested in the Amazon for hundreds of years and has been known in that area for its detoxifying and rejunvenating properties.

Acai has become particularly popular in the media in recent years and has been adapted into the diets of celebrities and sports stars alike.

The Acai Berry Breeze supplement provides a whole lot more than just Acai berries, though. It also has green tea extract as well as a host of other proven ingredients to help you lose weight and feel good.

Acai Berry Breeze can increase fat oxidation, increase your metabolism, fight fatigue and increase your energy levels quickly to help you lose weight faster.

It is filled with many nutritional elements including Omega-3, 6 and 9 oils as well as vitamins and more.

If you want to start losing weight today and taking advantage of the Acai berry, then take a look at Acai Berry Breeze today. At the time of this writing, Acai Berry Breeze is even offering a free trial so that you can try it with no risk and see the benefits for yourself. Give it a try today! - 17269

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Pull Weeds, Not Your Back!

By Dr. Jason Fowler

As springtime approaches, weather warms up and leaves turn green, many people will spend more time outside planting bulbs, mowing the lawn and pulling weeds. Gardening can provide a great workout, but with all the bending, twisting, reaching and pulling, your body may not be ready for exercise of the garden variety.

Gardening can be enjoyable, but it is important to stretch your muscles before reaching for your gardening tools. The back, upper legs, shoulders, and wrists are all major muscle groups affected when using your green thumb.

A warm-up and cool-down period is important in gardening as it is for any other physical activity," said Dr. Scott Bautch of the American Chiropractic Association's (ACA) Council on Occupational Health. "Performing simple stretches during these periods will help alleviate injuries, pain and stiffness."

To make gardening as fun and enjoyable as possible, it is necessary to prepare your body for this type of physical activity. The following stretches will help to alleviate muscle pain after a day spent in your garden.

Garden Fitness Stretches Before stretching for any activity, breathe in and out, slowly and rhythmically; do not bounce or jerk your body, and stretch as far and as comfortably as you can. Do not follow the no pain, no gain rule. Stretching should not be painful. While sitting, prop your heel on a stool or step, keeping the knees straight. Lean forward until you feel a stretch in the back of the thigh, or the hamstring muscle. Hold this position for 15 seconds. Do this once more and repeat with the other leg. Stand up, balance yourself, and grab the front of your ankle from behind. Pull your heel towards your buttocks and hold the position for 15 seconds. Do this again and repeat with the other leg. While standing, weave your fingers together above your head with the palms up. Lean to one side for 10 seconds, then to the other. Repeat this stretch three times. Do the "Hug your best friend." Wrap your arms around yourself and rotate to one side, stretching as far as you can comfortably go. Hold for 10 seconds and reverse. Repeat two or three times. Finally, be aware of your body technique, body form and correct posture while gardening. Kneel, don't bend, and alternate your stance and movements as often as possible to keep the muscles and body balanced.

When the Bulbs Are Planted... If you already feel muscle aches and pains and did not complete the warm-up and cool-down stretches, there are ways to relieve the discomfort. Apply a cold pack on the area of pain for the first 48 hours or apply a heat pack after 48 hours, and consider chiropractic care.

Prevention is Key! The best way to fight the pain, emotional stress, and missed work that may accompany a spinal problem is to prevent it from happening in the first place. The following tips will help you identify and remove "spinal stressors" and incorporate spinal health into your daily routine. - 17269

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Why Are Dietary Supplements Good For Us?

By Janet Hemley

Today people are becoming more health conscious and always looking for tips on ways to improve their health. As a result, a demand for dietary supplements is growing. No doubt about it, nutritional supplements are big business, but do we really need them?

In 1994, Congress passed a law that defines dietary or nutritional supplements. It goes something like this: supplements must contain some sort of ingredients such as vitamins, minerals, herbs, or amino acids to supplement the diet. They may not be represented for use as a conventional food and must be clearly labeled as dietary supplements.

Nutritional supplements come in many forms, including pills, capsules, powders, energy bars, and liquids. They can include vitamins, minerals, herbs, amino acids, probiotics, enzymes, fiber, and other nutrients intended to enhance our diets.

Why do people take them? For many reasons: to maintain or improve their health, to relieve stress, to boost energy, to prevent disease, or simply to supplement their diet.

Can they really help you? They can most certainly help you overcome nutritional deficiencies. They can also help with many ailments as well, but you have to look for quality products. Getting low quality products is not only a waste of money, but also a health risk.

How to choose the right supplement? Quality is very important and with the sheer number of supplements available, it's hard to choose. The safest way to buy supplements is from a reputable store and an honest company that stands behind their products and customers.

Supplements can offer a number of advantages, but you have to be careful of what you choose. Always remember, not all supplements are safe. To be healthy and safe you need to exercise common sense and a bit of caution. - 17269

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Brazilian Pure and Cha de Bugre

By Jen Levine

There are many ways to approach the issue of losing weight. You may be looking for some help.

Luckily, there are some answers to your weight loss problem that can help boost your weight loss and make you feel better.

One particularly helpful supplement is "Brazilian Pure" which features Cha de Bugre.

What is the Cha de Bugre and how can it help you?

The Cha de Bugre is known for its detoxifying and rejuvenating properties and has been harvested for hundreds of years just for this purpose deep in the Amazon.

Recently, Cha de Bugre have been all over the news for their great weight loss properties and thousands of people including many celebrities and world-class sports players have begun to include Cha de Bugre in their diets.

However, the Brazilian Pure product doesn't just stop at Cha de Bugre... it also features other ingredients that are known to help weight loss including green tea extract.

Brazilian Pure has been shown to help you increase your metabolism, fight fatigue, increase fat oxidation, increase energy and more as well as help you lose weight quickly.

There are also many different nutrients and vitamins in Cha de Bugre that come in Cha de Bugre Pure like the Omega 3, 6 and 9 oils.

If you want to lose some weight or shed some pounds, then definitely consider Cha de Bugre Pure to help you lose weight quicker. At this time, you can even get a free trial of Brazilian Pure so you really have nothing to lose. Simply take the free sample and see the results for yourself today! - 17269

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What You Need to Know When Shopping For A Treadmill

By Kyle Ross

When comes time to buying a treadmill, it is very important to know what you need and want in terms of features. It is very common for people to walk into a retailer with little idea of what they are looking for and end up paying for more treadmill than they really need. With the abundance of information available online today, there is no reason anybody should rely on commission-paid salespeople to tell you what you want. There are four key factors to take into consideration, and really make decide on, that will tell you what treadmill will make you happy.

The first, and probably the most influential for many people, is the budget. How much you have available to spend will determine the range of features available to you. If you only have one thousand budgeted, then you will end up with a budget treadmill or none at all. Simple economics will tell you that the cool features you wish to have aren't free and the sooner you come to terms with what you can afford, the better your eventual buying decision.

An important factor that will affect what treadmill you should take home is the level of use the treadmill must endure. There is a huge difference in walking or light jogging in comparison to sprinting or marathon training. Treadmills are designed for heavy or light users, both in terms of use, and the individual's weight.

For some experienced treadmill users, certain types of features are a requirement. Many treadmills, from budget machines to high-end treadmills come with at least a minimum selection of features such as training programs for different types of workouts. Figure out what features are a necessity, desirable within the budget, and which are just outright ridiculous. Don't walk into the shop and risk letting a salesperson make decisions for you.

Once you hit the shop, it is important to keep in mind that you don't have to buy right away. Many people will find it helpful to walk away and talk to a second salesperson at another time if they are feeling pressured or uncomfortable with the prior visit. That is a good thing to practice with anything big purchase. It is never a good idea to buy under pressure.

Besides the intensity of use we also have to figure out the consistency of use. Is it going to be used for an hour daily? Two hours twice a week? Don't be surprised if you buy an entry level model, sprint for an hour a day, and the treadmill dies on you in less than six months.

If you plan for a buying mistake, make sure you have a very inclusive warranty included with your purchase. We didn't include warranty into the list of four because it is something that all treadmills in consideration should already have. Most treadmills come with measly 90 day warranties, if there is room in the budget, try to look for something longer. - 17269

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What To Look For In A New Treadmill

By Nick Gellar

Treadmills outsell any other form of exercise equipment on the market. That's because running is a workout that everyone knows, and knows is a great way to get that burn.

If you have ever considered buying a treadmill and actually did the research, you will notice there are a lot of brands and each brand has a huge list of models. For many, a treadmill is a big purchase starting at $700 and upwards beyond $3000 a piece. So, here are a couple keys to look out for when shopping for a treadmill.

The most important, and expensive, part of the treadmill is going to be the motor. Firstly, you need to find a motor with the power to support whatever your demands are from the treadmill. If it is a treadmill that will actually be used on the regular basis, look for 2.5 continuous horsepower as a minimum.

The running surface of your treadmill is the deck. It's just beneath the belt that you will be frantically trying to stay on. Look for rubber or polymer cushions placed under the deck. It needs to have plenty of shock absorption otherwise you might as well go running over the pavement outside, it's cheaper too.

These days almost every treadmill has an incline feature so you can pretend to be running uphill while actually you're just running in place, at an incline. It's great for forcing yourself into a more strenuous workout. The ranges vary more or less steep but if you're looking for intense workouts make sure you have a treadmill that supports that feature.

People love numbers as much as they love to know that they are making effort and progress. To measure effort most treadmills come with a heart rate monitor built into the machine. It works by reading your pulse off your hands when you grab the rail in front of you. Of course this isn't a natural way to run so only do this occasionally to check your heart rate and otherwise let your hands swing naturally as they should.

Some have calorie calculators so you can see the number of calories you're burning, some people find it encouraging to see their calories burned. Although, I've heard some trainer who are versed in these things claim the calorie burned numbers are grossly optimistic to keep the consumers happy.

The most important thing, your insurance against any problems is the warranty. Look for manufacturer warranties that will back up their treadmills for a decent length of time. It's not uncommon to find a treadmill with a warranty for 10 years on the motor, 3 years for parts replacement, and 1 year in servicing the machine. - 17269

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Foods High in Potassium

By Daniel Jackson

Why is potassium so important for your diet? To begin with your heart cannot function without potassium, which is a big deal. Even if you did manage to find a way for it to function without it, your muscles will not function without it and a serious potassium shortage will also impair your cellular process and make you feel extremely weak.

With the importance potassium out of the way now, lets get down to how best to increase your intake.

1. Nuts and seeds have very high concentration of potassium so eat as much nuts as you can, that should give you a good dose to last you for the day.

2. If you do not like nuts or have some form of an allergy, the next best source is from cereal. Bran flakes would be an ideal method of getting some much needed potassium into your system.

3. Eat some muesli and you wont have to eat the nuts or seeds and you can definitely avoid the bran flakes.

4. Between breakfast and/or lunch, have a handful of dried fruits. They are very high in potassium.

5. You could even mix the dried fruits into any of your meals, wherever it may be appropriate as fruits go very well in rice and salads.

6. Do you like raisins? If you do thats great news as they are very high in potassium content and could be another source.

7. Another good source of potassium are baked potatoes. Not the kind you might used to eating with cheese or sour cream etc. But just simple plain baked potatoes. If that is something that you can eat then it is yet another option to up your potassium intake.

8. This might taste a bit unusual but the cuban delicacy of boiled plantains is a great source of potassium.

9. Pasta lovers will rejoice knowing that plan pasta and tomatoes are also a great source of potassium.

10. Sardines, smelly but full of potassium.

Feeling motivated to increase your potassium intake? Thats good. Considering that twenty percent of americans have acute potassium deficiency and we all know where that can lead to. Make the change today and get healthy. - 17269

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Lose Flabby Upper Arms Without Having To Touch A Weight

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

Is this a flabby upper arms joke? Nope. The truth is that you can lose arm fat without having to touch a weight.

They key is to practice the most effortless type of fat loss in existence. No, I'm not talking about surgery. I'm talking about spontaneous fat loss.

It's so easy because there is no exercise involved and no dietary restrictions. You simply tweak little things here and there and the arm flab goes away just like that.

How do you spontaneously lose fat? Well, here are 4 things you can start doing today so that the flabby upper arms are gone by tomorrow:

1. Consume foods with labels from undesirable locations. Now you have to be a little flexible here but it's worth it. A very interesting study showed that people who were given an alcoholic beverage with a label from an undesirable location, ate 500 fewer calories during a meal.

2. Stay away from high glycemic index carbohydrates. It was shown that boys who ate low glycemic index carbs consumed 621 fewer calories in a meal versus boys who ate high glycemic index carbs. Stay away from high glycemic index carbohydrates at all costs.

3. Have a salad before any big meal. One really cool study showed that restaurateurs ate 100 fewer calories when given a salad with dinner. No be really really careful with how much dressing you use

4. Substitute saturated fat with unsaturated fat. One study demonstrated that people eat 200 fewer calories per meal when consuming olive oil versus butter. Olive oil is an unsaturated fat and butter is a saturated fat. Follow the above tips and you'll notice a reduction in flabby upper arms with minimal effort on your part.

Trust me, the research backs this up. Losing the arm fat doesn't have to be a never-ending uphill battle. Take action today so that you can have sexy arms tomorrow! - 17269

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