Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Get the Best Abs

By James Statham

Ready to get the best abs around? In this article, I am going to be revealing to you the way that you should be going about getting a six pack. There are three specific factors that, if you use correctly, will give you rock hard abs! These are the three components. Your diet, your work outs and your dedication. By the end of this article, you will have gained the basics of what you need to know to get ripped!

Now the biggest mistake guys make, when trying to get the best abs, is doing traditional abs exercises. I'm sure you know what I'm on about! Crunches, leg lifts, sit ups etc. These are all hailed by the so called experts, but are actually some of the least effective abs exercises around! This is because is order to get ripped, you need to raise your metabolism and lower your body fat levels. Now crunches, and the like, will not do either of these, and will only waste your time!

Incase you didn't know, your metabolism determines the amount of calories your body burns throughout the day. The higher this number is the more fat you burn. Simple. Therefore, you need to get this number up, whatever you do, or you will spend forever trying but never succeeding. Thankfully, there are specific abs exercises that will bring your metabolism up, all you need to do is find out what they are!

A very common mistake made is that guys tend to follow the incorrect diet. A low carb diet is another thing the experts preach about, but again, they are totally wrong! Infact, a low carb diet will force your body to produce more sugar, and could have the opposite effect on your belly fat! To get the best abs, you'll want to follow a high protein diet. Protein is essential in building muscle and getting a lean cut body, so make sure you're eating foods such as meat, fish and dairy products.

Also, stay away from typical cardio workouts. The experts, again, tell you that the way to get the best abs is to burn off all that fat on the treadmill, but this is such a bad way to burn belly fat. Think about it. A long, drawn out cardio workout is not only very dull and tedious, but is just no way near intense enough to burn off fat quickly. Instead, focus on exercises, that involve lots of muscle groups. If you can go swimming for half an hour, with high intensity, you'll see serious fat burn over the course of a few weeks!

Let's not forget the most important factor, if you want to get the best abs, which is your own dedication to the cause. If you can stick to a routine for several weeks, and not slack off with what you're eating, then you'll have a sexy six pack of your own! - 17269

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Garden of Life Vitamin Code Mens Vitamins - A Natural Way To Approach Men's Health

By Ben Pate

Men need a diet rich in nutrients and minerals to keep them functioning at their optimal levels of performance. However it's statistically proven that men are less likely to pay proper attention to their health than women. For this reason men commonly have reduced immune function and suffer from lack of energy. The primary culprit for these problems is a nutrient deficiency in the foods that men eat. Garden of Life RAW Mens Supplements provides all the rounded nutrition that men need.

Vitamin Code Men's Formula, Garden of Life is designed specifically to address the health and nutrition needs of men. Vitamin Code Men's Formula provides an unsurpassed level of encompassing health aspects to promote physical energy and mental endurance while supporting the bodily immune system with vitamin E, lycopene, selenium and zinc. This unique blend of vitamins and minerals addresses men's health on fundamental psychological levels.

Providing an extreme synergistic blend of highly effective vitamins and minerals this formula delivers an encompassing and inclusive system that supports prostate, heart and vision health. Additionally the blend provides a verbose boost to daily energy and helps manage stress and digestion.

Providing a powerful blend of amino acids, antioxidants, enzymes and probiotics that are designed to boost the core aspects of the male body is the structural design of Vitamin Code RAW. This unique approach to wellness and health is what makes Vitamin Code RAW a step ahead of its competitors and so widely praised for using a specific and targeted method to approach the unique health needs of its consumers.

With each passing year the use of herbicides, fungicides and chemical fertilizers increases wildly as a way to make more food for a growing world. The painful truth of this fact is that as the years go by the food we produce is becoming much less nutritious for us. A comparison drawn of food nutrition between the 1960's and 70's to the present day shows that overall food nutrition has been reduced by almost 25 to 50 percent in just those few years.

Making the problem worse is the method in which we pack our foods. For convenience and safety we subject our foods to elaborate chemical treatments including irradiation, chemical preservation, and heating. While these processes may increase the overall safety of our food they greatly and further lower the nutritional quality and health benefits of the produce. By the time the produce actually reaches the consumer it has been put though so many changes that the nutrition of the product is a fraction of what it once was!

Many individuals don't realize that even simple things such as heating and cooking the foods you consume can kill their nutritional value. The Vitamin Code Mens system is capable of providing your body with the most nutrition from food by keeping the food in its natural form, free from alteration or chemical interference. This way the body gets the most natural and healthy form of food intake as nature wanted. - 17269

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Supplements or No Supplements for Weight Loss?

By Marz Zinnbao

In the today's age of high tech that has allowed medical science to accomplish so much, there are a number of drugs showing up all over the place that are advertised as the answer to problem of weight loss.

These types of drugs are called 'supplements' and each are competing to hold the title of giving the best solution to help people lose weight quickly and effortlessly.

The question is - do they work?

If the truth were to be told, many people have had many bad experiences with some supplements which have caused a number of horror stories to begin cropping up regarding supplements. Many people these days regard supplements to be nothing more than scams and they are treated with a great deal of skepticism.

Keep in mind though, that for each of the horror stories there are as many success stories. Some people have reported some very compelling stories of weight loss after using certain supplements. This often makes people wonder if these supplements are more effective that the skeptics report.

In order to be able to understand what these supplements do, you will want to understand how most of them work. Most of today's supplements will do at least one of the following:

1. Control the appetite

2. Boost the metabolism

3. Assist the digestive process

As you can see, these are all great for helping with weight loss.

To begin with, controlling the appetite is important in order to avoid binge eating or overeating. Many people that are overweight has trouble controlling the amount of food they it, so it would be very valuable to be able to completely remove this factor.

People that have a slow metabolism rate are also at risk for gaining weight. If these people are given a quick boost to their metabolism they will make better use of any excess energy that would otherwise be stored as fat.

Finally, taking in supplements to aid in the digestive process allow food to be absorbed by the body much better and metabolize it faster. As a result, you'll be sleeping with less food in your stomach which converts into excess fat and energy.

Just to summarize, if a supplement is able to do any of the three tasks listed above, it will definitely have the potential to aid with your weight loss effort. But one question remains; do they work as well as they are advertised to.

There really is no accurate answer to that. Just be aware of any claims by supplement companies that sound outlandish or unrealistic.

Weight loss supplements may be a valuable arsenal to your weight loss program, but it should only compliment your existing exercise routine and diet.

Conclusion: Supplements can help you lose weight, but they're by no means a 'miracle cure'. - 17269

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Stomach Exercises

By James Statham

Tired of traditional stomach exercises? Did you know that many exercises that target your abs are actually useless and can even harm your chances of getting lean and ripped? In this article, I'm going to be showing you which exercises and pointless, and what types of exercises will really blast your abs, and shred that fat! By the end of this article, you'll know the basics of what you need to do to burn belly fat super quick!

So what stomach exercises are a waste of time? Well, you'll probably have heard them before, and you may still be performing them, to no avail! Crunches, sit ups and leg lift are what many people believe will get you lean and ripped in no time. I've got news for you, this isn't going to happen anytime soon! In order to get ripped, what you need to do is burn fat, by high intense exercising and by raising your metabolism. Traditional exercises like these will do nothing to help you raise your metabolism, and don't burn much fat at all!

Well then which stomach exercises should you be performing? Good question! Basically, the best abs workouts, aren't abs workouts! I used to perform endless sets of crunches and leg lifts, sometimes two or three times a day, because I was always told by so called experts, that this was how to get ripped. However, after months and months with next to no results, I finally found out what exactly targets your abs and burns fat insanely! The exercises that work best are what's known as compound exercises.

Compound exercises don't target specific areas, they involve lots of muscle groups. This is because when you exercise, you can't target certain areas in which you want to burn fat from. You burn fat, in equal proportions, from all over your body. If you're only doing crunches, you're only working out that muscle group. Abs are a small muscle group. Whereas compound exercises involve working out large muscle groups, and therefore will burn away lots more fat!

Now obviously, you can't get a lean, muscly body purely by doing correct stomach exercises. You need to incorporate the diet that will assist you in burning fat and raising your metabolism. Don't go for the low carb diet, just because there is less carbs and therefore you won't need to burn off as much, this isn't how it works! A low carb diet can have the opposite effect, and actually harm your chances of burning fat. Instead, target foods that are high in protein. Protein is considered the building blocks of muscle growth, so make sure you get plenty of this.

Always try and keep your workouts under 75 minutes. Ideally, you should get in the gym, blast your muscles and get out. If your workouts are longer than 90 minutes, then you aren't putting enough intensity into your exercises, and won't burn as much fat away. - 17269

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The Clear Benefits Of A Pattern Of Eating That Is Rich In Fruits And Vegetables

By Nicole V Peterson

The USDA has long suggested that people consume 5 or more fruits and vegetables every single day as a health measure, to manage weight and put off illness. As of this time it is projected that the ordinary American eats only 3 or fewer fruits and vegetables each day.

The nutrition of produce is undoubted. The advice for consuming items of produce is not linked to any kind of financial advantage for producers or farmers but just for the health side effects for the consumer.

Many critical wellbeing side effects can be gained when you add more items of produce to your nutritional regime. You will even see advantages for fat loss and anti-aging. Items of produce are high in essential nutritional value such as vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, phytonutrients and more. All of these vital nutrients are important to your excellent wellbeing.

There are also some explicit advantages that you can anticipate. Your cardio wellbeing will see serious advantages. A recent Harvard experiment found that for every supplementary serving of items of produce that you devour every day, your risk of heart disease reduces by as much as 4% and researchers have also discovered that if you get the recommended five servings of produce each day, your risk of stroke will cut by as much as 26%. Food intakes that are rich with items of produce are in addition connected to significantly reduced blood pressure.

A pattern of eating abounding in items of produce can also lead to a reduction in the rate of cancers and other acute sickness. Many ailments, such as cancers, are caused from excessive free radicals running unchecked in our bodies. Fruits and vegetables are loaded with antioxidants that come in and reduce the effect of the free radicals, which can put a halt to the destruction that they can bring about.

Fruits and vegetables also provides an benefit for your eyesight and vision. Countless fruits and vegetables are high in vitamin A, which is critical for your eyesight but examination has also discovered that eating as little as cup of leafy greens every day will decrease the risk of macular degeneration by as much as 43%.

A nutritional regime high in produce will moreover increase your digestive health. You will have more liveliness and you will be healthier and stronger all around. Endeavor to eat more good for you and nutritious items of produce and steer clear of highly processed foods, deep fried foods, sugars and all junk foods.

Adding in more items of produce to your every day eating habits can only benefit your wellbeing. Endeavor to get in at minimum 5 or even additional portions. Fruits and vegetables tend to be low in calories and rich in fiber and satiety power so the more you can devour the better. - 17269

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The Truth Behind Thin Arms And Artificial Sweeteners

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

If you like sugar and want to get sexy arms, you're in for a long ride. But not all hope is lost. How so? Because of artificial sweeteners. They give you all the taste without the arm fat gain.

Sounds great, right?

Unfortunately, there is a growing body of research showing that artificial sweeteners can be very unhealthy for you.

So here are 5 things you need to know about sexy arms and sweeteners:

1. They can increase cancer risk. A solid study showed that low calorie sweeteners can increase cancer risk by thirty percent. Not good! The good news, however, is that the increase in cancer was associated with the highest levels of intake.

2. They're hidden in many foods. You are probably eating a substantial amount of low calorie sweeteners without even knowing it. Nowadays, food companies are loading their products with multiple combinations of sweeteners to buffer any bad after tastes.

3. Studies showing safety have NOT been long term. Every single study done on artificial sweeteners has been short term. Not good. And most of them have been conducted by the manufactures. Thus, the research is both short term and biased.

4. Popular sweeteners are toxic. Aspartame, also known as Equal or NutraSweet, was found to be toxic in the largest rodent study to have ever been conducted. Now although rodents are much different from humans, this still raises a flag of caution.

5. Just because it's natural doesn't make it safer. Stevia use to be my favorite sweetener because it's natural. Then I came across some research showing that it converts into a mutagen within the human intestine. Not good, even if you really want thin arms!

At the end of the day, we still don't know how safe artificial sweeteners are. My personal advice would be to not take the risk and eliminate them as much as possible from your diet. After all, getting thin arms doesn't have to be unhealthy. In fact, it should increase your health. And remember: do not pay attention to all the marketing hype. Only pay attention to peer reviewed research. - 17269

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Why Children Are Suffering From Back Pain Early On: Four Reasons For The Pain

By Dr. Robert A. Simmons

Many parents are reporting that children are starting to have back pain at younger ages. This may be due to several factors. The children of today are leading different lives than most of us did when we were children. They spend much more time in sedentary positions than they do participating in activities.

Sleeping Habits - Children need plenty of rest every night, about eight to 10 hours to be exact. This rest time is sufficient enough for the body and all its systems to reenergize. How children and adults sleep is also important since laying on the belly can put too much stress on the body's lower back and neck. The two best sleeping positions include sleeping on the side or the back.

One item that can cause low back pain in children is school book bags. The bags are becoming increasingly heavy. As school curriculums expand, the books have become heavier. Often as a security measure, the time between classes is kept at a minimum. This results in children not having enough time to get any books stored in their lockers.

There is, however, a solution to this problem and this is getting downloadable versions of the books. Many schools have opted to go this route. However, if a child's school is still using regular books (most are), the child will need to use both straps of the bag; they'll need to make sure the bag is resting high and that it's tight against the body, as this will help to reduce the amount of strain placed on the back. A child's backpack should never weigh more than 10 percent of their weight.

The best backpacks have shoulder and waist straps, but it can be difficult to get kids to wear them at times. There are also bags that roll. If you purchase one of these, make sure that they switch arms from time to time. This prevents overstretching of the chest muscles. Chiropractors can perform a postural exam to show the effects of a book bag or backpack.

Video games and computers are a frequent cause of low back pain in kids. Most video games are played while sitting on the floor with no back support. This position is held for very long periods of time in many cases. Parents need to limit the amount of time spent playing video games as well as computer use.

Fourth, children who play sports are at very high risk for developing back pain. Parents don't often think about sports being a problem since so many kids are involved in it; however, sports like basketball, football and soccer has a lot of physical contact and injuries are not uncommon. While kids are tough and pain tends to go away quickly, the damage that's been caused by the injury has already been done. Whenever a sports injury occurs, parents should immediately seek medical assistance.

Having a postural exam performed on children can be very helpful. Many postural problems can be detected and corrected if found early. Prevention is always the preferable treatment. Following some of the tips in this article can help with back pain in later years. - 17269

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How to Dunk a Basketball: 8 Tips

By Kevin Whitmore

It's no secret that every basketball player would love to know how to dunk a basketball. We all spent our childhoods trying to jump as high as we can, and then one day we finally reached the net. Some of us ended up reaching the backboard and rim after that, but it's a major challenge no matter where you're at. Here are some pointers to get you on your way.

1. If you're at the point where you can reach rim, it'll still take some work to dunk. One of the quickest ways to train yourself before making the jump is to try dunking with a tennis ball. It's much easier to palm and is a great way to start out.

2. It's important to both have leg strength and great endurance when learning how to dunk a basketball. By standing right under the basket and jumping without any kind of a running start, you'll build both your legs and your endurance. Do fixed position jumps about 25 straight times, with no major rest in between jumps (a few seconds in between each jump tops).

3. Do squats. These build the quadricep muscles and act as a major source of leg strength.

4. Work the back of your legs (hamstring muscles and calves). All of these things will make your jumps more explosive and you'll be one step closer to knowing how to dunk a basketball.

5. Work your midsection as much as you can. Lower back, stomach muscles, and even your upper back will all give you an edge in your journey to learn how to dunk a basketball.

6. Get some sneakers that make it comfortable to jump in. When you're learning how to dunk a basketball, the last thing you want is a pair of old or bulky shoes that makes it all even harder.

7. Eat healthy foods! Doritos, soda, pizza, and all of the other guilty pleasures are great, but they actually hinder your vertical. If you're serious about learning how to dunk a basketball, a diet adjustment will do you good. Trust me on that.

8. Buy a system that teaches you how to dunk a basketball if you're really serious. If followed seriously, verticals can increase by over a foot within a month or two. This is exactly what did it for me. - 17269

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Fish Oil And How It Can Help Your Health

By Wanda McCall

Fish oil contains the chemical Omega 3 which is also known as fatty acid, something that has been proven to have a number of health benefits and should be ideally included in any diet. It can be found in a wide variety of fish but the best supply is natural fresh fish that is not come from farm. By contrast, fish that comes from the farm tends to contain contaminants which are otherwise harmful for your body.

Among the many benefits offered by fish oil as a dietary supplement is that it increases the power of the immune system and helps to raise fertility and cardiovascular health. Other advantages of it include increased brain power and function and it helps to lessen the risk of the onset of Alzheimer's. There are many more advantages, but these are just some of them.

The benefits of fish oil are simply enormous. They have been well known throughout recent times and indeed fatty acids have even been approved by a number of standards and scientific organisations. Unfortunately, because of the rarity of these important fatty acids, they can be difficult to come by. This is partly due to the high price of fish products and the low quality of many of them.

There is plenty of proven research to show these benefits and there is absolutely no reason whatsoever why you should be without fish oil is an important dietary supplement. If you do not like fish, then it is not necessarily a problem. You can also find fish oil in dietary supplements such as pills which you can take every day.

However, there is no getting away from the fact that the best source of fish oil comes from entirely natural resources. That is fish which does not come from fish farms. Farmed fish tends to contain a number of contaminants which can offset the benefits of fish oil. - 17269

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Pregnancy and Food

By Jayde Johanssen

Pregnancy is an extremely special time of a woman's life. It's filled with changes and new experiences. Your body is charged with hormones and there's new life developing inside you. Given all the transformations that are taking place, the subject of what to eat, and also what not to eat get's a whole new meaning.

Food and dietary matters is all important for pregnant women, as they are eating for two (or perhaps more). Yet, it can often become a somewhat murky area. There's so much misinformation floating around out there that the facts become confused with the myths. Yet, despite all the mystery surrounding food and pregnancy, experts suggest that drastic changes aren't necessary.

When it comes down to it, according to doctors and nutritionists, it's best to take a healthy approach. Choose wisely. While this may seem like very common knowledge, getting down into the precise points of what you can and can't eat, it does get very perplexing. Often the matter is made too complicated.

Things only get worse once family and friends chime in; eager to offer their own experience and their own anecdotes, they tend to offer less insight and more gossip than any good factual information. Even the stranger in the bus sitting next to you, or the clerk at the grocery store will chime in and offer their own bits of wisdom which can be all the more disconcerting. Facts get mixed up with stories and anecdotal evidence.

Indeed, matters aren't helped by the fact that it seems like every time you turn around there's a new article published in some obscure scientific journal that purports such and such food is actually bad for you or vice versa, it's actually really good for you. Reports often contradict each other. This mishmash of information only ends up making more women even more confused.

Often when it comes down to it, this wealth of extraneous and incomplete knowledge leaves you more confused than you started off.

The question of what one can eat and what one shouldn't eat when pregnant can be boiled down to a few basic guidelines. The thing to remember is that you should be smart. Eat in moderation and put your common sense to work. Don't over indulge.

Experts would agree that there are some simple rules to abide by when it comes down to it. These guidelines are actually really guidelines anyone should follow, with a few amendments.

You should always remember to wash all fruits and vegetables before you eat them. Remember too, to be careful with foods such as cantaloupe and water melon-the rinds can actually contain harmful bacteria that may be transferred to the fruit, so do wash them before you cut into them.

Cook food so that it is well done; this is especially true for poultry and other meats. Don't risk getting food poisoning.

Wash your hands before and after handling meat products.

Try not to eat junk food all the time. It's better to eat high fat food in moderation, despite the odd cravings.

According to the FDA women who are or may be pregnant and nursing should stay away from fatty fish such as swordfish and mackerel. These are known to contain toxic amounts of mercury.

Instead opt for canned fish or smaller ocean fish.

The consumption of alcohol should be avoided. - 17269

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Colostrum: The Immune Booster

By Dr. Anthony Kleinsmith

Immune Factors

To comprehend what the Immune Factors are in high quality first milking colostrum and what they do, it is important to recognize that some of these components have one or more effects on the overall regulation and functioning of the immune system (immuno-regulating substances), while others are very restricted in what they can do and their benefits are usually very localized in the body, ordinarily exerting their effects primarily in the gut (gut protective substances).

Let's meet the Immuno-Regulating Substances

Thymosin (alpha & beta chains). A hormone composed of two protein-based chains that are separately present in bovine colostrum. The chains act on the thymus gland independently or in concert with each other to stimulate activation, development and maintenance of the immune system.

Proline-rich peptide (PRP) , a/k/a thymulin. A hormone-like small protein that acts upon the thymus and other organs associated with the immune system to keep them from over-reacting to an insult.

Cytokines. Small proteins produced by various cells in the body that induce the generation of specialized types of white blood cells, signal them to come to the site of an insult and help in their passage through tissues.

Lymphokines - Different types of white blood cells produce varying sizes of these proteins. These proteins inform related cells to transform in such a way that makes them more functional in releasing substances that can destroy invading microorganisms.

Gut protective substances.

Immunoglobulins (IgG, IgM, IgA) - These are complex proteins which are also called antibodies. These proteins are a significant portion of proteins found in colostrum. A mother cow's immune system produces these antibodies throughout her life as she responds to multiple different microorganisms. These proteins are then transferred prior to parturition into the colostrum. These antibodies react against fungi, viruses and bacteria that attack the gastrointestinal tract in humans.

Transfer factors. Small proteins produced in response to the body's exposure to certain types of microorganisms, particularly those that reside in deep tissues for a long period of time, like Mycobacterium tuberculosis. They are specific for a particular microorganism and are carried inside of certain types of specialized white blood cells. Transfer factors have limited effectiveness alone in defending the body against infection by such microorganisms, but, rather, act in concert with various white blood cells and other factors in an attempt to keep the microorganisms under control.

Lactoferrin - This protein attaches to iron, and it is very effective when certain aerobic bacterias require iron for reproduction. Lactoferrin can impede the growth of microorganisms in the gut when working with a specific antibody.

Transferrin - This mineral-binding carrier protein also attaches to iron that is available. It can either act together with Lactoferrin or on its own to impede the growth of microorganisms in the gut.

Lysozyme. A very powerful enzyme that is capable of attaching itself to the cell wall of certain pathogenic bacteria and degrading selected proteins, leaving holes in the wall of the bacteria.

Lactoperoxidase - This mildly effective enzyme can attach itself and interfere with the replication of degrading proteins and bacteria

Xanthine Oxidase. Another mildly effective enzyme that can also attach to the wall of certain bacteria, degrade different proteins than those affected by lactoperoxidase and also interfere with the ability of the bacteria to replicate.

White Blood Cells (Leukocytes) - Colostrum contains three types of functional white blood cells: neutrophils, polymorphonuclear, and macrophages. Their functions are best put to use right when the antibodies attach to the microorganisms. Each of these white blood cells can phagocytize foreign bodies and microorganisms. They also apply a substance which is carried into the microorganisms to destroy them.

Oligosaccharides and Glycoconjugates - These complex carbohydrates adhere to the inner surface of the gastrointestinal tract to prevent microorganisms from attaching. - 17269

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Work Killer Abs With Just 3 Key Techniques

By Travis Hunt

Several articles from health magazines and blogs posted all over the Internet offer ways on how to build killer abs. Anyone would be anxious to know the real secret to achieve this goal, and I am quite positive many of you have discovered that there are a lot of steps on how to do it. However, did you know that the exact formula to build killer abs is to actually combine not one or two but at least 3 methods to reach your goal?

It?s not as hard as you think. It only seems like it because you haven?t even started yet. But once you get the ball rolling, things will just start to fall into place.

Some of you may think that to be able to make a fitness plan work, you might need to buy a magic slimming pill or, in addition, hire a personal trainer. You are gravely mistaken. There are only three fundamental techniques in getting killer abs. Since you?re already here, you might as well read on and learn.

1. Healthy Eating

Knowing what your body fat percentage can help you determine which foods you need to cut down on. You can easily find out what your body fat percentage is by asking your doctor or a fitness trainer at the gym.

If you have a very high fat percentage, then you need to revise your dietary program and you should get ready to give extra efforts in your training routine towards forming your abdominal muscles.

You?ll never win the battle with the bulge even if you make a thousand sit ups every day; you won?t achieve six pack abs that way. Regular practice of eating highly nutritious will help you get to your goal for sure.

With a low fat diet, you can easily burn stored body fat. Try getting more leafy greens and lean meats into your meals. In the meantime, you need to avoid foods that are high in saturated fat, such as chips, French fries, fried chicken, and processed canned meat.

2. Abs-concentrated Workouts

You now need to focus on building your abs through three abs-targeting exercises. This is where all the fun and excitement begins. When all the extra unhealthy fat are out of the way, that would be the best time to get your belly. Now you understand that maintaining a reduced fat diet is favorable to your training routine.

Start doing 5-10 reps with each workout. When you feel that you are improving, you can then moderately increase your reps to build killer abs. A few simple and also proven efficient types of abs-concentrated workouts are bicycles, different kinds of crunches, and sit ups.

3. Strengthen your muscles completely

While you work on your abdominal, it is also important that you strengthen and condition other muscle groups as well. Here is why:

You get faster, long-lasting results

You decrease the chances of injury

You give your abdominal muscles a break

You allow your whole body to get in shape

Activities such as Boxing, canoeing, karate, and swimming are only some of the wide range total body exercises you can do.

How to get killer abs is not cryptic at all. You just have to cover all the bases -- get your diet right, work on those abs, and involve the rest of your body. - 17269

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