Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Can You Truly Lose Weight With The Acai Berry Diet?

By Laura Rodriguez

It is all over the Internet and everyone who is searching for ways to lose weight has no doubt heard about the acai berry diet and the magical way it can help you lose weight. Merely consume this small little berry that tastes similar to a blueberry dipped in dark chocolate and the weight will drop off your body like magic. As you read some of the claims you would think that is how it happens but that is not exactly it.

Well the reality is that the acai berry, which is only found in the Brazilian rainforest, will not help you lose any more weight than the blueberry that is found in the state of Maine. Present are no magic bullets or mystical potions when it comes to weight loss.

Nevertheless the acai berry can be beneficial to your weight loss efforts and it can be of help when it comes to the deterrence of diseases, the slowdown of the aging course of action and the lessening of inflammation in our bodies since this tiny little berry is one of the most nutritious foods ever found in nature.

The antioxidant qualities of a food are measured by an ORAC score or more exactly the Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity. The acai berry boasts one of the highest ORAC scores ever found in a food. The acai berry has 10 times the antioxidant capacity as red grapes and even twice as much as blueberries, which are one more powerful fruit.

The acai berry is also high in the essential fatty acids Omega 3, Omega 6 and Omega 9. Up to 50% of the edible pulp is comprised of these fatty acids plus monounsaturated oleic acid, which is the same healthy fat that is found in olive oil.

The acai berry is also unusual in the fact that it contains 19 amino acids, which are the building blocks to protein. They also play host to vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, C and E along with the minerals potassium, magnesium, copper, calcium and zinc.

It has only been in the past few years that the acai berry has been offered outside of Brazil. This is because the acai berry is extremely perishable and it must be processed or consumed within twenty four hours of removal from the tree in order to keep the nutritional integrity of the fruit. There are different processing methods but the most effective way to process the acai berry is with a freeze-drying method.

The acai berry is not a mystical brew that will help you lose weight but this modest berry is an extremely and highly nutritious food that can help you to achieve optimal health and energy. When you give your body optimal nutrition it responds positively to diet and working out and the weight will come off. - 17269

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Green Tea Rx Skin Care For Wrinkles and Finelines

By Jake Wakefield

As we get older, our skin appears with wrinkles and other skin imperfections.

Even though we may get skin problems from this aging process, that does not mean we simply have to endure them. There are solutions.

The exposure we get to the sun and also our exposure to many other harmful chemicals through mass-produced soaps and other products with harsh chemicals means that our skin is often left in a damaged state.

Luckily, GreenTeaRx offers one solution that can help us maintain younger, healthier looking skin. GreenTeaRx employs both anti-oxidants and anti-carcinogens to achieve this effect.

Using these two substances, GreenTeaRx is able to add together a double effect to nourish your skin better than before.

GreenTeaRx makes use of scientific research on the green tea extract. Mainly, its anti-carcinogenic properties insure that the amount of free radicals in your body is lessened so you do not have to deal with the negative effects that they have on you and your skin. Cancerous cell muntation is less likely to occur and we find that GreenTeaRx does a great job at making sure they do not effect your skin.

GreenTeaRx also has anti-oxidant properties which means a double punch against the spread of cancer. Your skin then stays naturally young because of these fighting properties.

Additionally, GreenTeaRx encourages the production of elastin and collagen, two very important substances that naturally diminish as we grow older. By increasing the production of these two substances, your skin's appearance will improve making wrinkles and fine lines look not as bad.

If you are unsure of whether GreenTeaRx is going to work for you, don't worry! Green TeaRx is currently offering a free trial so you can try the product out and see if it works without even having to spend any money on it. Go ahead and take advantage of this offer. - 17269

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Did You Know You Can Lose Weight With The Acai Berry Diet

By Lillian Griffin

Someone who is researching diet plans and weight loss programs recently has no doubt heard about the amazing acai berry diet plan. The claims are that you can just consume this scrumptious little berry that is purported to taste like blueberries dipped in dark chocolate and the weight will drop off your body. You would believe that the acai berry is a magical solution to weight loss.

So what is the truth? Well an acai berry from the Brazilian rainforest will not help you lose weight any more than a blueberry from the state of Maine. It is not a magical bullet. It is not a supernatural potion that instantly makes the pounds melt off.

Then again, the acai berry can be a help to weight loss and an aid to our bodies for the deterrence of diseases, the reduction of inflammation in our bodies and the slowdown of the aging procedure. It is not because this little berry is a magical fruit but rather because this berry is one of the healthiest and most nutritious foods ever found in nature.

Antioxidant qualities in a food are measured by the ORAC score or the Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity and the acai berry truly has one of the highest ORAC scores ever found in a food. It has more than 10 times the antioxidants as grapes and even two times the amount of antioxidants as blueberries, which are another potent fruit.

The acai berry is also high in the essential fatty acids Omega 3, Omega 6 and Omega 9. Up to 50% of the edible pulp is comprised of these fatty acids plus monounsaturated oleic acid, which is the same healthy fat that is found in olive oil.

The acai berry is also unusual in the fact that it contains 19 amino acids, which are the building blocks to protein. They also play host to vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, C and E along with the minerals potassium, magnesium, copper, calcium and zinc.

The acai berry is extremely perishable and it has only been in very recent times that it has been offered outside of Brazil at all. The berries ought to be processed within 24 hours of removal from the tree in order to maintain the nutritional integrity of the fruit. Different processing methods yield different results and the best way to process these berries is with a freeze-drying method.

The acai berry is not a magical way to lose weight but the fact is that this tiny berry is a nutritional powerhouse and it can help you to realize optimal health and energy, which helps to build a strong, healthy body and a strong, healthy body will respond to diet and exercise in such a way that the excessive flab will come off. - 17269

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6 Quick Tips to Turbocharge Your Fat Loss Efforts

By Thong M. Dao

If you are like many people who are trying to lose weight, you have probably tried diet after diet only to find out that the diet you are currently on is not helping your fat loss plans. The reason for this might be that you are using fad diets and weight loss programs that do damage to the body instead of helping it achieve its ideal weight. If you want to lose fat and stay healthy follow the following tips to help you achieve your goal.

1. Watch everything you consume from the food itself to what you top it with. Garnishments and condiments can sabotage a healthy meal because they are typically high in fat.

2. Determine meal time and adhere to it. Attempt to eat your meals at given times. An eating pattern can assist you to take control over what you consume and when you consume it. Besides, it actually is best to have 5 small meals per day instead of just 1 or 2 big meals. Only eating once per day makes your body feel like it's malnourished, which puts on weight rather than burning it for fuel. In addition, do not wait till you are starved to eat. It just makes you gorge till you are stuffed.

3. Quit snacking in between meals. Do not fall for snacks in between meals. This is especially true for those who have to travel a lot. They feel that the only time they can get a bite to eat is snacks and junk food. The main problem with most snacks and junk food is that they are usually less filling and contain a lot of fat and calories. Just think about French friestempting but terribly fattening.

4. Go easy on the tea and coffee. They are pretty much harmless if you don't add a lot of cream and sugar to them. It is the cream and sugar that becomes fattening. Think of it this way, when you have a cup of coffee or tea with cream and two cubes of sugar, you are essentially eating a piece of chocolate cake every time.

5. Counting calories is a good idea, but don't overdo it. If it is a packaged food item, then it will have the calories on the packaging. Be sure to pay attention to serving sizes in terms of calories as well. This is where food producers get tricky and you must not fall in their trap.

6. Stay away from fried things. Fried things are an absolute no-no. The more fried things that you avoid, the lesser weight you will gain. Fried things are called so because they are fried in oil or fat. And even if the external oil is drained away, there is still a lot of hidden oil in it so stay away from it. - 17269

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Food And Vitamins Cellulite Sufferers Should Take

By El Bilson

Many women are starting to look into the kinds of food and vitamins cellulite sufferers need to take. Getting rid of cellulite can be managed through some lifestyle modifications. The results you desire can be achieved if you just have the necessary discipline. Skin improvement and the reduction of cellulite can be visible in as early as eight weeks. It takes a simple health program that is done on a regular basis.


Each day we put our body through a lot of stress. Because of this, we need to take multivitamins to keep us going. Multivitamins contain most of the basic vitamins our bodies need to keep us healthy. Vitamins are also required for healthy skin.

Advanced research, however, have discovered the fact that taking multivitamins is no longer necessary, except for those with certain medical conditions. This is because the food we eat everyday already contains most of the vitamins and minerals that we need. By simply eating the right kinds of food all the time, one can get all the nutrients needed by the body. This can save you money that would have otherwise been wasted on vitamins cellulite aside.

Nevertheless, the result of these studies do not negate the fact that there are specific amounts of multivitamins that our bodies need. It can be hard to determine how much of each vitamin you are consuming from food.

Our skin is very susceptible to poor diet habits. Most dermatologists suggest taking between 1 to 6 grams of Vitamin C everyday and 400 IU of natural Vitamin E. These requirements may not be reached if you just rely on the food you eat. This is where taking multivitamins come in. The vitamins cellulite sufferers need to take may vary, so it's important to consult your doctor.


You are what you eat and What you sow is what you reap are just two of the common quotes we often hear. Cellulite is often a result of eating unhealthy foods on a regular basis. Often these habits are hard to break and thus we have trouble getting rid of cellulite.

Eating the right kinds of food can result in a healthier disposition overall, not just with your skin. Health experts recommend that we eat a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables like apples, bananas, oranges, broccoli, celery, carrots, beans, and nuts. Foods with high contents of fiber and protein are also of great importance.

By taking a break from unhealthy foods, you give your body a chance to heal. Get rid of junk foods and go only for healthy options instead. Keep yourself hydrated by drinking a lot of water and fresh fruit juices. Drinking a lot of liquids helps in eliminating toxins from the body. You may also want to try a detox diet. This can help get rid of toxic build up in the body, especially if you have been eating healthy for a while and aren't seeing any results. - 17269

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Do You Know Why We Shouldn't Ignore Bruises?

By Carolyn Cooper

We talk a great deal about bruises that appear for no apparent reason, and for almost all of us, finding a cure for this situation is simply a case of enhancing our circulatory system's well being and being a little more cautious. However, it is still necessary to keep in mind that whether they are painful or not, or whether they are big or not, bruises are still an indicator of a form of damage that our body has suffered. Even more than just the the knowledge that blood vessels are broken; however, it is essential that we remember that bruises may be pointing to something else that has gone wrong in our body.

For example, one thing that bruising easily can indicate is a circulatory system problem, or it can also be pointing in the direction of diabetes. Diabetes happens when sugar is being removed from the blood which in turn makes the blood thicker. This causes the white blood cells to have a more difficult time attacking an infection in order to overcome it, which may then lead to a variety of diverse complications. Be aware of this, if you have a family history of diabetes, you should always be certain that you keep an eye on your bruises diligently.

Easy bruising could also be pointing toward a depressed immune system. If we have an immune system that has been compromised, we'll learn that this can presage a variety of bacterial attacks, opportunistic infections, or viral issues. You may also determine that you could be dealing with easy bruising because your immune system is over responding to outside stimulus. As an example, allergies will fit this classification, as well as asthma and certain autoimmune afflictions.

Liver disease, lymphomas and blood related diseases like leukemia can all be signified by easy bruising. It can also be a sign of systemic lupus erythematosus, some nutritional deficiencies, or an infection of the bloodstream. Also be aware that you need to consider the possibility of aplastic anemia, which is a blood disorder where the bone marrow does not produce enough new blood cells.

Although we enumerated a long list of ailments, it is considerably more likely that you are experiencing a situation that can be overcome with a few particular supplements or a very good bruise cure. However, the facts are that we are unable to escape the fact that a bruise is a sign that an injury has occurred to our bodys system. Having advanced warnings of this type can allow us to better treat the bruising, and the more that we learn about what our body might be telling us, the happier we are going to be.

If you find that you tend to be bruising more easily, it is essential that you take your concerns to your doctor; especially if you have a history of family problems in this vein. This is the only way that will help you get the help or treatment that could prove essential later on. - 17269

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The Best Dumbbell Exercise Chart - Only the Best Exercises

By Josh Owen

It's hard to find a good dumbbell exercise chart. You'll find charts with inferior exercises and most aren't organized by major muscle group. You need only the best dumbell exercises, and you need them organized by major muscle group.

Here's your list of dumbbell exercises organized by major muscle group:

Quadriceps: Dumbbell Squats

Hamstrings: Dumbbell Romanian Deadlifts

Legs: Dumbbell Lunges

Calves: Donkey Calf Raise

Chest: Bench Press

Shoulders: Overhead Press

Back: Dumbbell Rows

Biceps: Dumbell Curls

Triceps: Extensions

Forearms: Pinwheel Curls

The dumbell exercises I've listed above are the absolute best compound weight lifting exercises that you can do with dumbbells. All you'll need to do the exercises above are a good set of adjustable dumbells and an adjustable weight bench. That's it.

You can build your own home gym in the corner of any room. And you can get a great workout with the exercises I've shown you. You don't need much room at home, and the cost of the equipment is minimal.

The weightlifting exercises I've listed above are the best compound exercises you can do with dumbbells for each major muscle group. You won't find isolation exercises in the list above because isolation exercises use lighter weights and do not work as much muscle mass as compound exercises. For example, dumbbell curls use much heavier weights than concentration curls.

Compound exercises are more efficient. This means you get better results in less time. Stay away from isolation exercises unless you really need to improve a weakness in one of the major muscle groups.

Do you want to know how to do each of the exercises in the list above? If so, you can see the entire dumbbell exercise chart at the link below. You'll also see a few more of the best dumbbell exercises. Exercise videos are included.

Learn how to put the above exercises together to form your own weight lifting program. Learn how to make progress each and every workout, how many times to workout each week, and more. See the link below. - 17269

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