Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Get Extreme, Get Fit

By Jesse Regan

There is a brand new sort of fitness training system that is making major waves in the health and fitness world today. The ChaLEAN Extreme Workout Program, which was created by Chalene Johnson, is a cutting edge and revolutionary workout system that primarily aims to get rid of all your unnecessary extra body fat, thereby transforming you and your body by giving you lean and sexy muscles. The workout, which is available in a series of videos, guarantees that you will achieve all these in just ninety days.

What is the secret of the ChaLEAN Extreme Workout Program? It's actually quite simple: lean phasing. This workout has you exercising through the use of circuit training routines that are part of the training program. This makes your body able to transfer the spotlight from cardio routines to resistance exercises and back again, aiding in the body fat burning. This way, you generate more muscles, which is massively valuable in burning your fat. Apart from the increasing muscles that burn more body fat, your body's metabolism will amplify as well.

There is a myth that lifting weights will make you bulk up rather than slim down. The ChaLEAN Extreme refutes that myth by proving that the more muscles you have, the more extra fat you will burn. As a result as opposed to bulking up, you will achieve a leaner and toned body.

Before starting the workout routine, the proper form is needed so as to do the routines just right. This is because the workout entails using different kinds of resistance bands or weights. The workout video will start by showing you the right techniques so you can perfect your form and not hurt yourself or make the workout ineffective.

The series is broken down into three phases, thirty days each. In every one of these three phases, your metabolism will be highly charged through powerful and intense cardio and strengthening routines. After that, your muscles will be revitalized and lengthened through a relaxing flexibility workout.

The first part of the workout is the Burn Phase. Through this video, you will be doing moderate training routines using light resistance bonds or weights. This process will facilitate a large increase in your metabolism. This thirty day routine will be the start of you shedding those extra fat reserves.

The second part of the ChaLEAN Extreme Workout is the Push Phase. For the next month, your workout routine will focus on pushing you and the muscles that you have started to build past your comfort zone. You will be strengthening and toning areas of your body one at a time and step by step.

The last part in the series is the Lean Phase. You will be introduced to all new and dynamic workouts and techniques which will make all the excess fat your body melt off. This phase has routines that work out your upper body, lower body and even your core all at the same time.

These are only some samples for great information about workout video . - 17269

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The Undisputed Fastest Way to Drop off Weight Rapidly

By Nik Tartin

Smartest way to lose weight Tip #1 Once you've made the final decision to change the way you look physically, the next step is to make a list of goals. try out not to overwhelm yourself with too Many, since you are just getting started. Make a list of 3 goals to carry out each day. For instance, your first goal may be to walk 1 mile per day, your second goal may be to consume 5-6 small meals per day, and your third goal may be to drink at least 8 glasses of water per day.

Once you've manifested this goal, then you can write down three more goals that you want to accomplish in 1-2 weeks time. When implementing ways to drop off weight, the idea is to make your goals become habit, and habit is embedded in the subconscious mind. At this point, you are in a state of mind where you don't think about the activities which you've been implementing to lose weight, they all become automatic and this is where you wish to be.

Smartest way to Drop off weight Tip #2

While Many would do anything to check the formula for the fastest means to drop off weight, it would not happen overnight. Doggedness is the key to anything you would like to achieve in life. I may assure you that you would begin to see results in just a week or two if you don't stop.

Resigning is not an option. Be patient and your time would come when you will begin to see your shape change dramatically. Think Of, the smartest means to drop off weight is to make the habit of your goals that you have set on paper and in your mind.

Literally millions of people are exploring the internet for answers to the smartest way to lose weight. Some are probably looking for several type of hocus pocus deal or some pill that would do the work for them, but this is not the case. Please recognise that always it takes time to obtain results.

Don't conceive the hype you view in those infomercials assuring you 30 pounds in a week, because that is very unlikely. Do your due industriousness and take the necessary steps and safeguards to make a plan of action to lose the weight in a natural and healthy way. - 17269

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Eat Better With Healthy Meal Plans

By Clyde Chu

Today, many of us lead busy lives that sometimes we find it a struggle to eat nutritious meals and yet, stay healthy. Here are a few healthy meal plans that will help you eat and feel better. As an added bonus they can help save the hassle.

One of the biggest ways to eat better and save money is by packing your own lunch. Not only are you getting good, home cooked food but you can cook at home for a whole lot less money than you usually spend on fast food. You can also pack a sandwich or two but this just doesn't give you the same nutrition as a meal would.

If you invest in a good lunch box or if your employment has a refrigerator then you can take just about anything you want. I usually cook enough to last for several days at once. This is really simple and then you only have to fix your plate and go. There are healthy alternatives such as ordering healthy meal plans which can be delivered to you - just the way you like it.

When you fix your plate, don't forget to add some vegetables. Not only does this help fill you up but you get more nutrition and energy. You can open a can of vegetable or buy bags of frozen vegetables that can be micro waved right on your plate when you heat up the rest.

Some people complain that baked or broiled meat is to dry, If you coat it in bread crumbs it will help a lot. These add taste and lock in moisture. Throwing a pan of chicken into bake is fairly quick and very easy. It is also a very healthy food with lots of protein.

If you are eating at home then try to avoid takeout. Not only do you spend a fortune but it tends to be very fattening and lacking in nutrition. If time is a big issue then you can pick up family size meals pre packaged to put in a slow cooker or in the micro wave that's ready in minutes. You can also use the same micro wavable vegetables for dinner that you did for lunch. They have broccoli and cheese and many other varieties to choose from. You can even make instant mashed potatoes and rice in just a few minutes.

Whether you are looking to save time or money, or just eat better, these tips for healthy eating are just what you need. - 17269

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Colloidal Gold is an Ancient Super Food that has Been Rediscovered

By Kathryn Barry

Colloidal Gold is gaining recognition as a super nutrient valuable for its broad spectrum support of a healthy high performance body, mind and mood.

Commonly Reported Experiences and Benefits:

Motivated with a sense of optimism

Increased overall sense of well being

The ability to focus, remember, and concentrate is stronger

Coping with stress is easier

A deep night's sleep

Calm zen-like awareness

Easier dream recollection

Mood support through the "winter blues"

Support in relief of cravings and addictions

How was Gold Used as a Supplement in History?

For centuries, gold tonics have been sought for rejuvenation and over all well being.

The Mayan culture used gold for their eating utensils and has held gold in high standing for thousands of years.

Could this be because they knew that over time their bodies would absorb microscopic amounts of gold and gold ions picked up from their plates, bowls, and drinking glasses?

Paracelsus the modern forefather of Pharmacology studied alchemy and created metallic minerals such as gold for use as medicines.

Paracelsus cured patients that other physicians of his time had trouble curing.

Is a Super Food Made from Metal Safe?

Yes, some of the fourteen essential nutrients involved with our metabolism are metals such as iron, magnesium, zinc, selenium, and manganese.

Gold does not interfere with medications or other chemistries within your cells as it is a non-toxic noble element.

People with allergies are told to wear high quality gold jewelry because allergies to gold are almost non-existent.

Is Colloidal the Best Type of Gold Supplement?

Yes, chunks of gold would not be able to be absorbed at the cellular level. Particle size does matter when it comes to being edible.

Your cells can absorb colloidal forms of gold easily.

However, ionic gold supplements are smaller than colloidal and some claim ionic to be better.

It is true that ionic forms of gold (Angstrom Gold for example) have an even smaller particle size than most colloids.

This truth doesn't necessarily make ionic more desirable.

Because ionic gold's shape and energetic qualities have been altered by the removing of electrons, this form of gold acts more like a drug inside your body.

Ionic charged particles will seek out atoms in your cells that have a negative charge and bond with them.

This can feel good at first, but can eventually lead to nerve cell toxicity and over sensitization of the nervous system.

You Can Find Pure Colloidal Gold at Elements for Life!

Gold Rush is an exceptional product created in small batches and should impress even the most educated gold supplement connoisseur.

Extremely small 1.2-3nm sized particles for near 100% bioavailability. Concentration is 10 ppm (parts per million) in pure distilled water.

Gold Rush is ion free and is not ionic gold.

True Colloidal Gold of the highest quality is light ruby pink in color.

This product requires no refrigeration and is basically tasteless. - 17269

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Exercise For Abs, Work Them Hard!

By Chris Frost

Exercise for abs, how you can get that flat stomach and the look that you've wanted for years possibly. It's a look that many people will hope to reach at least one time in their life, and possibly keep during older age even. But if you really want to get that flat abdomen, you're going to need more than those old crunches you use to do.

First part of the process is to get rid of the body fat that is covering up those abdominal muscles in the first place. You will need to change how you eat for your exercise for abs program to work out. Plus many of the exercises that you can do are going to only focus on one part of those muscles. But with core strengthening you can work all the muscles at one time.

An exercise ball will be a great addition and they don't cost very much. Get a large one to help keep your balance when you do crunches. As you do this you're going to continue to work the muscles that you need to, but without the ball you may not get as much work on those muscles.

As with most exercise programs you will need to change how you eat. It's one of the main things about getting in shape, and something that many people try to avoid as much as possible. But you really need to cut out the body fat by eating a balanced meal each day. Try eating smaller meals throughout the day, instead of a few bigger ones.

You also have other things that will help melt off the body fat that you need to do each day. Eat breakfast, it's a must; add in calcium to your diet, and high fiber foods too. Water intake needs to be increased when you cut down how much you eat too. If not your body may slow metabolism down too much.

The use of core stability exercises is a must in order for your exercise for abs program to work. It will provide you with balance, stability and a great strength in your torso. By the way so you know those core muscles include your lower back, abdomen, and hips. Don't forget to include the aerobic exercise to help burn the fat off your body.

Getting all these steps together you're going to see a flat stomach. But make sure you do them all in order to really see those results. No matter how much you workout if you don't change how you eat, that body fat will not leave, and you will not see a flat stomach.

In closing, if you have the right incentive and really want to accomplish a flat stomach, you can do this. At first the change of diet may seem a bit hard, but your stomach will shrink and get use to eating less at each sitting. Adding in the aerobics and core stability training will finish off your steps nicely. Don't give up if you don't see success quickly, it may take time to rid your body of all the fat you've accumulated. - 17269

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Acai Berry - Tasty Way to Lose Weight

By Walter Marsaki

Can you think of a food that can help you loose weight and same time taste better. Many people who are trying diets are not happy with results. Many do not have the patience required for the procedure to work or in some other case people simply lack time to pursue fitness regime.

To get a body that is healthy and equally high in energies to function. It needs vitamins, minerals and antioxidants among other important ingredients. And Acai berry fits in to the bill perfectly as a 'Super food' that contains much of items required to keep body in right shape.

This product can be used by anyone who uses any type of diet. Acai berry has two major effects on your body, first it will lower your appetite and after that it will supercharge your cells. This causes your calories to burn.

Using acai berry products cause excess waste and toxins from your body. This cleansing action can shave five to 20 pounds off your weight and give you less a bloated and flatte belly. Adding acai berry to your diet gives you satisfied feeling along with, boost your metabolism, that results in more calories burned.

Hence Acai berry nutrients can be said to help . Burn fat efficently . Process food faster . Remove unwanted extra pounds.

Acai berry contains Amino Acids,fatty acids,fiber and phytosterols a brief examining of them will assist in understanding how they aid in weight loss.

Amino Acids: It work as protein building blocks that help muscles operate correctly. They also mend muscles as in strenous exercise other similar activities.

Fatty acids:The aci berry is loaded with Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids,both of which help boost metabolism and to satisfy fully hunger.

Fiber: Like most fruit Acai has good amount of fiber that helps push food through your digestive system. In addition,it shortens time food stays in your digestive tract. This means food items you consume has less time to be absorbed by your body and hence get stored as fat. This element also helps your hunger as well.

Phytosterols: Aids in maintaining a healthy digestive system,fortify your digestive system so that it absorbs nutrients better and remove waste more effectively.

So in order to loose weight with Acai berry use it as a supplement to a effective health improving diet. It is impractical to expect to eat high fat,sugar rich foods and then take an acai supplement like a magic pill. So to lose weight you need to practice healthy eating habits along with adding acai berry to your diet.

Finally, adding Acai to your diet is an easy way to boost your metabolism and repair muscles. - 17269

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Body Building Tips, How To Become A Strong Bodybuilder

By Ricardo d Argence

If you are seeking to build muscle, you have surely come across a number of different plans. While the focus of these plans may vary, they all agree on the common denominator that you need to have a regimen.

The best way to start your new muscle building plan involves setting up an objective. That means you need to devise a goal and draw up the needed plans to follow it. There is a lot of information out there that and exploring such info will lead to a desire to achieve which eventually can be parlayed into success with the right motivation.

Not all of these tips will be appropriate for everyone. Use what you wish from it. So, from that point of view, consider the following list.

1. Before beginning any serious weight lifting or body building regimen, consult your physician.

2. Set your goals. Clearly define your expectations of your new bodybuilding program and set a realistic time frame.If you set goals that are unreachable, you are setting yourself to fail. You can become bored, disappointed and disillusioned to the point where you may give up. This is a very sad outcome to what might have been the best decision of your life. Don't be your own worst enemy. Continue to set long-term goals, but also set achievable short-term ones.And do reward yourself when you reach them.

3. Take cost into consideration. Budget out all the costs associated with your workout. Upon doing this, it then becomes best to use your discretionary funds to invest in your bodybuilding program. The end result of this will be the determination as to whether you use a use gym or you join a professional one. For many, signing up with an actual gym is the best option but it is not necessary for everyone.

4. Check into less expensive alternatives to purchasing new equipment.If the used equipment works just as well, why spend extra just to get a shiny new toy! Good, brand name used equipment is every bit as functional as something right off a showroom floor.

5. Combine your club membership with your home gym. You could always buy less expensive home gym equipment and then sign up for a decent gym membership. From this, you could devise entire workout routines.

6. Eat healthy! This can't be stressed enough. The only true bodybuilding aids are good nutrition.Get recommendations from a licensed dietician. Find out about free seminars on diet and nutrition offered in your community. Find out everything you can on natural foods that can make up a healthy diet.

7. When you opt to use dietary supplements, always be sure of what exactly it is that you are putting into your system. Be sure to follow all instructions to the letter. You also may wish to seek a physicians help on your decision. In particular, a doctor that emphasizes sports medicine may be the best person to consult with.

8. Treat yourself right. While it is important to push yourself to achieve your goals, you can very easily tip the scales in the other direction and create an unhealthy situation. Obsessive, compulsive behaviors are not conducive to a healthy bodybuilding lifestyle. - 17269

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Great Advice To Help With Weight Loss

By Josh Wintrop

Many of us want to loose weight especially with the holidays coming up. Here is a common sense approach to weight loss.

Now I know the first thing most people tell you to do is cut out all junk food and fast food. I am here to tell you that you not only don't have to but shouldn't. Cutting out all of your favorite foods only makes you want them more. Here is the key: if you go to a burger place then only order the burger and skip the fries. In other words just eat a little less than you normally would when you go out.

I have heard that three meals a day is best. I prefer to eat several small meals. This gives you more energy and helps to boost your metabolism. It also keeps you from being tempted to snack on junk between meals. Another plus top this is that you don't have that stuffed feeling after each time you eat. These meals can be just quick bites here and there if you are pressed for time.

Exercise is probably the one biggest factor. Now you don't need special machines or to spend several hours a day in a gym. If you are like me you will pay for these things and never use them. A stair climber is nice if you can afford one. These work your legs and really get your heart pumping.

I did my exercises on my bed. These were simple leg lifts and sit-ups. Also front leg lifts are super for your lower abs. Also being on the bed is better for your back and just more comfortable. Exercise is great for your metabolism and helps tone your muscles. This can really take the inches off quick but you have to exercise some every day. Walking is also very good.

You might enlist the help of a friend to help keep you on track. Having someone to share your goals with can be a big pick me up when you are feeling like its impossible to keep up the good work. Even just a pair of jeans you want to fit into might help. This will be a reminder of your goals and what you are working for. Having a goal is very important but it has to be a realistic goal. You can't expect to see results over night.

You should always consult a doctor to make sure you are healthy enough to use any weight loss advice. Also you must be aware that stopping with a weight loss program may result in gaining the weight back. I hope these tips help! - 17269

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Erasing Migraines

By Dr. Jason Fowler

Stress, sleep deprivation and fatigue have been no small component of Dr. Michael Benson's life. As a fetal surgeon, Benson is often up for 24- to 36-hour stretches at a time looking after patients. He has little time to rest or eat regular, healthy meals. It's no wonder he has suffered from migraines for years.

Benson is not alone. It's estimated that 28 million Americans suffer from migraines. As anyone who experiences these intense headaches can tell you, they can be extremely debilitating. Acute pain, possible visual disturbances and nausea, as well as sensitivity to light, sounds and odors can render a person incapable of going about everyday responsibilities, much less performing complicated tasks like surgery.

In order to cope, Benson has used Ibuprofen and heat to manage the pain, but sometimes it does not work. "I used to keep a preloaded syringe of Toradol [a strong, anti-inflammatory pain reliever] in my medicine chest," he admits, "because once my headaches get really bad, I get nauseated and can't take anything by mouth. It saved having to go to the ER."

Having trained as an M.D., Benson confessed that chiropractic treatment was not in his knowledgebase or on his immediate list of pain-relieving measures. In fact, if he hadn't been visiting his brother, a doctor of chiropractic, when a bad migraine hit, he may never have received chiropractic care. "The Ibuprofen didn't work, so my brother offered to examine me and adjust my neck," he says. "When you're in pain, you're willing to try anything." Within 10 to 15 minutes of the adjustment, his migraine had disappeared.

It's likely that Benson's body reacts to stress by tensing muscles around the cervical joints in the neck, causing nerves in his neck to become impinged and triggering his migraines. Chiropractic adjustment alleviates this pain by relaxing muscles and promoting a full range of motion in the neck, allowing the headache to subside. And Benson's positive experience isn't uncommon. Recent studies at Duke University found that spinal manipulation was almost always immediately effective in relieving headaches originating in the neck and provided longer-lasting relief than commonly prescribed pain medications.

Dr. Benson's migraines probably won't go away completely without substantial lifestyle changes- changes that could be tough to implement with his profession. Once migraines are an established pattern, they are very difficult to get rid of, explains his brother. But he can work to minimize them with chiropractic care- a solution that doesn't carry the potential side-effects of over-the-counter and prescription pain medication. Whenever a potentially incapacitating migraine hits and Benson gets an adjustment from his brother, "It always works," he says. - 17269

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Biotin Hair Loss Explained

By Daniel Smotherly

A general practitioner's promoted vitamin tested for the handling of hair loss is the Biotin hair loss therapy. Biotin, a B-vitamin, can be found in milk, egg yolk, soy, liver, and other rich foods. This natural nutritional supplement will help nails to seem healthful and will help restore hair loss.

To keep hair loss from developing researcher, Andrew Lessman suggests 2mg of biotin per day. The purpose of the B-vitamin is to maintain metabolism, but Biotin is especially intended for people high in cholesterol.

Even though Biotin is great for strong and healthy hair, specialists in the field of medicine suggest utilizing other B-vitamins in addition to Biotin. Vitamins B1, B2, B6, and B12, along with frolic acid and choline are vitamins that are in the B family.

Our growth and replication of cells depends on biotin, so people suffering with hair loss should use medications with a biotin substance. Biotin releases the energy from carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, and it is a complex vitamin used for the production of fatty acids.

The main sources of biotin are liver, kidneys, milk, cheese, butter, poultry, cauliflower, bananas, watermelon, peas, brewer's yeast, nuts, beans, oat bran, salmon, and mackerel.To prevent hair loss eating rich foods will give the body an average level of biotin.

Some shampoos with biotin can also help stimulate hair growth. One reason why several dermatologists suggest using Biotin supplements is because thousands of calories are needed daily to keep our hair healthy.

The positive effects of Biotin are it helps maintain healthy hair, since it provides protein in the body from rich foods in the diet. The negative effects of Biotin are it hasn't proved to be 100% effective; it is however more effective when taken with other B-vitamins.

Before using Biotin clients should do some study or consult a dermatologist to be taught about the product. Taking prescription drugs with Biotin should be done with caution. Some consumers have become ill due to bad side effects from taking these supplements, the result being Biotin deficiency.

Further hints of Biotin deficiency are sickness, depression, and anorexia. While Biotin is a herbal nutritional product you wouldn't imagine the supplements to be harmful. But seeing as Biotin is not FDA-accepted, you're trying a Biotin hair loss medicine at your own risk. - 17269

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Tone Abs Can Keep You Healthy

By Jace P. Andersen

Obsession with tone abs is normal nowadays. On a muscular or slim body they look amazing. We decide if someone looks to be in good shape based on their tone abs. However, tone abs are more than just good looking. They are the picture of a healthy body.

Having tone abs is a great way to ensure good health. The abdominal muscles are a large central muscle group in the body. They are at our midsection and literally hold the body together. These strong muscles support our internal organs from the outside. There is nothing else protecting our stomach, intestines and other important organs. They are providing defense where we do not have bones.

Good posture depends on strong tone abdominal muscles. They help us stand upright and prevent slouching. Weak abdominal muscles must get help from other muscles to do their important job. Many times the lower back ends up helping those muscles maintain posture. That is not the job of the lower back.

A good abdominal workout can help many people with lower back pain. Some low back pain is caused by weak abdominal muscles. Stronger abs are able to work better. These strong abdominal muscles do not need the help of the lower back. With strong tone abs, stress on the lower back and other joints should decrease.

Speaking of back pain, incorrect abdominal exercise sometimes causes back pain. These muscles are so important that they have backup muscles. When they are not exercised correctly other muscles will attempt to take their place. Care must be taken that abs workouts are done correctly to prevent injury to other muscles.

The importance of balance is often overlooked. Gymnasts and acrobats rely on balance to do physically demanding tasks. Balance also prevents injury and helps the body work better. A balanced body works together and each muscle group does its correct job. The abdominal muscles are extremely important to making sure the body has good balance.

Even if you are not a gymnast or a professional athlete, having good balance is important. It is almost impossible to stand on one leg without using your abdominal muscles. Good balance also helps you walk. Having tone abdominal muscles for balance is a strong reason for many people.

Balance exercises are often overlooked when searching for abs workouts. These type of exercises improve balance by toning the abs. Using a balance ball is a common way of improving balance while toning the abs. Yoga is also a popular workout that uses the abs to improve balance. Adding these balance exercise programs to your workout will help tone your abs.

Tone abs can keep you healthy. They help you stand up straight and build a beautiful posture. Strong abdominal muscles protect our vital organs similar to how bones protect our lungs. Tone abdominal muscles are the foundation of professional athletes providing their bodies balance. Everyone knows tone abs look good on you. Now it should be clear that tone abs are also good for you. - 17269

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Toned Arms-How To Get Them While Avoiding Your Purse From Getting Lighter

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

The supplement industry is highly unregulated. So unregulated that the majority of supplements simply do not work.

Unfortunately, many women spend countless amounts of money every year only to find that the magic pills aren't getting them anywhere. Having said that, there are certain supplements that are effective for very specific applications.

And having knowledge about ineffective supplements is beneficial so that you don't fall into the buying traps.

So without further ado, here are supplements you should NOT be spending money on when trying to get toned arms:

1. Amino acids. Bodybuilders love amino acids because they believe they increase muscle mass. And more muscle mass translates into more calories burned which would accelerate arm toning. The problem here, however, is that amino acids compete for absorption.

2. Energy formulations. First we saw red bull, then a whole host of other companies hit the market each offering the next best bang. The main problem with all of these drinks and pills is that their high caffeine content wreaks havoc on the female body from many different physiological standpoints. Only use them in emergencies.

3. MRP's. Also known as meal replacement powders, they come with the promise of being able to replace a meal. Well, the truth is that a packet of powder will never be able to rival a balanced meal in terms of nutritional quality.

4. Tubs of protein. The supplement industry would have you believe that taking endless scoops of protein will help you burn fat, build muscle and live forever! Well, the truth is that your body does a much better job of absorbing protein in its solid form.

5. Fat blockers. Stay away from anything that blocks the absorption of fat. Dietary fat is critical for the production of arm fat burning hormones in your body. It also helps get more nutrients into your active tissues.

If you're trying to get toned arms please do not waste your money on ineffective supplements. Your purse may get lighter but your arms will not! Stick to whole foods and you'll reach your sexy arm goal much quicker. - 17269

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