Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Check Scale And See If You Lose Body Fat

By John Knight

Now, if you like to lose body fat, we are telling you to stay away from sugar. But how are you supposed to go about doing so? In general, avoiding products that have sugar listed as the first ingredient on the label is a good idea. The first ingredient is the highest concentration. So, the higher up sugar is listed in the ingredient list, the smaller you want your portion to be. Keep in mind that you are looking to eat real food, not a teaspoon of sugar. Therefore, sugar should not be listed very high up in the list.

The calories your body burns in fueling the digestive cycle are minuscule compared with the calories in the food itself. Although chewing celery might seem like a strenuous activity, it burns about the same amount of calories as watching grass grow. You may have heard that some foods, because they are difficult to digest, will make you lose body fat. Named as "negative-calorie foods," citrus fruits and celery have both basked in this flattering light in fad diets over the years. The problem is that it is not true.

Some seemingly healthy products can be deceivingly high in sugar. These can lead you to crashing later in the day, as well as overeating. These can be that fresh orange juice and blueberry yogurt and a handful of grapes you grab which may be spiking your blood sugar.

You want to make sure that your breakfast is low in sugar and high in protein and fiber. Products like granola bars, juice and cereal can be very high in sugar. This will keep you full for longer so that making it to lunchtime is no problem. Sometimes we can sabotage the most important meal of the day by waking up to an overload of sugar, like with hotcakes glazed with rich syrup.

Healthier options are eggs or oatmeal. So, next time you are at the grocery store, make sure you check the back of the box for the sugar levels in your breakfast foods. Check you weighing scale regularly. As the numbers on your scale begin to drop, look at other improving numbers: bring your blood pressure, cholesterol, or blood sugar down, for example. You can celebrate these improvements, because the better your numbers are, the longer you will live and you have done something to lose body fat. - 17269

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Tips In Getting The Best Cheap Treadmill For The New Year 2008

By Chloe Adisson

The last few days of 2007 will definitely be bringing in more feasting and, therefore, more calories. Get the best cheap treadmill to start the 2008 New Year right.

In most cases, the higher the cost of the treadmill, the higher the quality as well. This is also true if you only know little and you are in a hurry to get the purchase done right away. Take your time and understand what you are buying.

First, don't trust in sales hype unless it is from a third party, independent review. Getting the best cheap treadmill essentially requires you to figure out how the entire system works.

Whether its the expensive or the cheap type, all treadmills do the same thing. As soon as you turn it on and use it, you are aiming for a cardio vascular exercise, weight loss, and burn calories. That's just basically it. The price of the treadmill now varies on competitive features.

1. One of the most important things to look into when choosing the best cheap treadmill is to check on the motor. The ideal minimum should be 2.0 horsepower and anything lower than that may not be worth your money.

2. Read treadmill reviews from professionals. The treadmill guru's personal ratings and recommendations may help you a lot in deciding which ones to buy. The premise of course is that these pros may favor at the more expensive ones.

3. Consumer reviews are as helpful too. There are so many websites that allow treadmill users to comment on the products they use. Their opinions can also help because they have used the equipment themselves.

4. A manual treadmill doesn't qualify for best cheap treadmill. Yes manual treadmills are cheap but if you can afford to buy the better ones, then do so. You should buy equipment that can last longer and is much convenient to use.

5. Treadmill belt should be checked if it is in good condition. This is another piece in the treadmill that is important to look into. Make sure the belt is perfect for you to use. Check on the safety as well.

6. A treadmill's warranty offer and service speaks a lot about the quality. Most reviews tell you that a good warranty should be at least 5 years on the motor, 2 years on frames and parts, and a year on service.

Other than the above-mentioned, there are still other points about a treadmill that you should consider before buying. There's the framework, cushioning system, and other extras like the accessories and stuff. Manufacturers take advantage of improving these treadmill extras because the standard treadmill gets more expensive when more features are added.

There is not one best treadmill for everyone. It all depends on what you know and how much you are willing to spend. At the end of the day, you will know that what matters most is your own judgment. It is understanding which treadmill is really worth your money. - 17269

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Some Ways How To Get A Six Pack

By John Knights

If you want to know how to get a six pack you need to go to the gym and sign up for a fitness program. There are trained instructors who can readily help you with this. Normally, what you need is a hardcore program that will transform your soft body into a hard muscular carved-in-stone powerhouse. But never forget to consult your doctor.

It is important that you have honest communication to prevent any untoward events. You need to see your physician first if you are fit to do some hard-pound and bone-breaking programs. Whatever is the doctors advice you must relay that to your gym instructor so he can give you a lighter training course.

Actually, you can do some light and easier exercises that are for muscle toning using weights in the comfort of your home. You just need to consult your physician and expert fitness trainers on these before you do your own private program. You do not have to worry if you have no time for the gym. You can still have some other ways how to get a six pack. Dumbbells are good and they have several sizes and corresponding weights that suit your capacity.

As suggested by experts, you can do in five days a week in thirty-minute sessions some exercises. No need for extraneous exercises if your body does not permit, but you still have to do some light exercises within the recommended level. The American College of Sports Medicine guidelines support the 2009 Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans, which recommend that adults get at least one hundred fifty minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity each week.

It may be moderate but it is still effective as long as you are doing your regular exercise. With constant exercises using weights recommended for you is workable. It may take some time however especially if you are doing it on a slow space but that an easy way how to get six pack. - 17269

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How to Choose the Best All-in-one Home Exercise Equipment

By Thong M. Dao

More and more people prefer a piece of home exercise equipment to a gym membership nowadays. A home gym can be easily set up in a small free space or even in the basement. It can help you save money because you just need to buy one machine but still can utilize different exercises.

The first thing to consider when buying such equipment is what you want to achieve. What is your fitness goal and how can the machine help you out?

You can find various types of all-in-one fitness equipment on TV ads, on the web or in magazines. These machines are mostly designed for people who like working out with weights.

At the time of writing, Total Gym and Bowflex are the 2 most common brands. What's best about Bowflex is it suits different financial levels and that partially accounts for its fame.

To make it even better, you could store the Bowflex system in tight and small places, even under the bed if you prefer. The bigger and more pricey Blowflex system competes with the kinds of pro equipment that you may find in gymnasiums, which provide you with a quality exercise.

The Total Gym is excellent too. It's less pricey than the Bowflex and utilises resistance and gravity rather than conventional weights. By employing this home exercise equipment, you've the power to adjust the machine to a broad variety of workouts that will work different areas of the body.

Whenever selecting an all-in-one system, you need to compare features, brands and prices, and think who you purchase it for. When you purchase it for the whole household, ask for others' opinions.

Don't restrict yourself to Bowflex and Total Gym. There are more choices out there, Weider, for example. Make sure you get the home exercise equipment that offers the best value for your money.

- 17269

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How To Gain Lean Muscle - Dos and Don't's

By Jack Thomson

Anybody who cares about his or her looks must be looking for ways on how to gain lean muscle without the fat. Indeed who does not want to know the secrets to how lean muscles are gained? If you have been doing a research on this topic, by and large you must know that your attitude and your diet play very important roles.

Yes, when you want something really bad, then you must approach it with the right mind. Tell yourself you can do it, and you can. Make no room for negative thoughts because these can make you lose your focus.

If you no longer have a problem with how you look at things, you must now work on your diet. Yes, the kinds of food you eat have a lot to say on your general physique. As much as possible, cut back on foods that have a lot of fat, grease and sugar. Eat several times a day of meals comprising 50% starchy carbohydrates, 35% protein and 15% healthy fat. Eating frequent small meals improves metabolism, which helps you burn fat a lot faster.

You need to burn calories in order to gain lean muscles. Cardio workouts can help you achieve this faster. Try brisk walking, biking, swimming, jogging, hiking, or whatever you feel like as long as it gets you moving and your heart pumping.

Another must do is to engage in a good weight training program. Weight training involves a series of activities using different sets of dumbbells. When performed correctly and consistently, weight training can tone, firm up, and develop your muscles.

As you can see, gaining lean muscles only requires that you dedicate your time and effort. To be honest about it, it may take some time before you can actually witness visible results. So be patient enough to wait for that moment because it will come.

Nonetheless, when you feel like giving up, do something about it. Don't just sit there and do nothing. Change your routine, for instance. Go to a different gym, brisk walk instead of run, get yourself a new set of exercise suit, and so on. A different look, a different feel may be all you need to recover your joie de vivre, so to speak. It is also a good idea to do these exercises with your best friend. In most cases, having someone around can motivate you to pursue your dream.

My site will show you more on how to gain lean muscle. - 17269

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Gaining Muscle Mass Without Gaining Excess Weight

By Greg Correll

The two commonly known goals to fitness is:

1) Gain muscle

2) Lose fats

Either way, its almost impossible to get both accomplish at the same time, because both these goals are like a spectrum, focusing on both will most likely get you no where further from where you started.

So, how do you gain muscle weight without gaining too much fat at the same time? When trying to gain muscle mass, youll definitely be taking in more than your required daily calories, because if you want to build muscle mass, you must have enough food intake to build your muscles from.

You might think the idea of eating heavy every meal and all day long would be a good way to start your muscle building journey, but instead you end up having plenty of excess fats stored in your stomach and your waistline. Therefore if having a six pack abs look is part of your plan, you do not want this to happen.

Generally, having extra 3-500 of calories would be enough to do the trick. This way you'll get lean tissues instead of fats, food intake coupled with proper exercises would be the key to get you that perfect body sooner.

But, be realistic, naturally youre going to add half a pound or a pound a week, if youre doing everything right. Dont aim too add anything beyond that too soon because then youll probably have no control of the extra fats. Always keep an eye on your body fat level and tweak it as you go, if you see youre gaining undesirable fats, start lowering your calorie intake slightly.

Therefore, the best way to gain those extra muscle mass is not to get yourself into eating constantly and aggressively. A slower approach and better understanding of how your calorie intake interacts with your very own metabolism will make the whole process easier. Further more, your very goal is to get ripped, and not gain fats! - 17269

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Knowing How To Get Ripped Off From Fats

By John Knights

There are too many conflicting ideas on how to get ripped off with body fats that make it hard to know which the good advice is. You can enjoy a Rocky Road ice-cream dinner "now and then" which means as an occasional deal and not a steady routine. Do not deny yourself certain cravings. Make a meal out of a favorite treat and you will be less tempted to overindulge on your splurge foods.

It bears repeating how to get ripped of fats and that high-fiber, low-fat foods"whole grains, vegetables, fruits"should be the mainstay of your diet. Just be sure to eat them in combination with moderate helpings of protein. While carbohydrates fill you up initially, they leave the stomach faster than protein. Protein with a little fat helps slow that process. So, to stay satisfied for as long as possible, include a well-rounded mix at each meal. Aim to get 45 to 65 percent of calories from whole grain breads, 15-20 percent from lean cuts of beef, skinless chicken, and no more than 20-30 percent from fat.

Most of us drink more juice than we realize. A large glass of juice can contain twice the amount of true serving. A true serving is no more than a half cup. Because fruit juice packs a lot of calories in a small space, if you are watching your weight, it is smarter to grab a piece of fruit. Fruit juice is a better choice than soda. Juice is convenient and tastes great, but it does not have the fiber of the original fruit. And many juice drinks may contain more water and sugar than actual fruit.

Today, food makers everywhere hawk low-carbohydrate products, including low-carbohydrate beer, bread, ice cream, and yes, even potatoes. Yet some low-carbohydrate products are so loaded with extra calories that they are an unnecessary hurdle to weight loss.

No matter when you eat, your body will store extra calories as fats and that is what you should know. If you want a snack before bedtime, think first about how many calories you have eaten that day and do something. It is what and how much you eat and how much physical activity you do during the whole day that determines whether you gain, lose, or maintain your weight. It does not matter what time of day you eat and find ways how to get ripped off those extra calories. - 17269

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Top 5 Fitness Foods Unveiled By Washington, DC Personal Trainer

By Josef Brandenburg

Priding myself on being one of Washington, DC's top personal trainers, I have made it my life's work to help others to get healthy. Sometimes this task can seem extremely overwhelming without someone to support and guide you. We all have an idea of what exercises are good and what exercises are bad, but what happens when it comes to food? There are so many conflicting reports, no fat, no carbs, low fat, fruitarian, vegetarian, vegan, its enough to make your head spin! Thankfully, you don't have to worry. You have Washington, DC's top personal trainer to guide you in the right direction! Here are my top five fitness foods for you to focus on in your quest to a healthy existence.

1. Grass Fed Beef: Beef being at the top of the list even though it has high fat content, shouldn't surprise you. Besides tasting great, it is high in protein, fat burning CLA and omega 3 fatty acids while being low in saturated fats. You must remember that what was fed to what you eat is just as important as what you eat! Also keep in mind that not all beef is created equal.

2. Turkey Bacon: This is my favorite side dish as I am sure many others would agree. It tastes great; it is high in protein and extremely versatile. Try it crumbled in a favorite salad or next to your egg white omelet in the morning.

3. Berries: Sweet and wonderful. Whether they are strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, they are considered a number one super food. Packed with vitamins, anti oxidants and healthy phytochemicals. Funny thing is that they are relatively low in sugar, when they are ripe taste as sweet as the sweetest candy. A great suggestion is to stop eating that nutrient deficient cereal and toast for breakfast and try replacing it with a bowl of sweet berries for breakfast instead. They are so much better for you and will wake up your boring taste buds as well. Try it once and I can guarantee you'll never look back.

4. Spinach: Popeye was on to something here. Spinach is tasty and versatile. You can have it for breakfast, lunch, dinner and a snack if you so choose. It is loaded with Beta carotene to help prevent cataracts, Vitamin c to boost your immune system and leutin to protect against macular degeneration. You can have a spinach omelet for breakfast, a spinach salad for lunch and some of that grass fed beef with a side serving of spinach for dinner. Does that sound like you are being deprived? I don't think so!

5. Shrimp: Ready to serve in less than two minutes, it is a very lean protein. With shrimp, you will be offered vitamin D for your bones, vitamin b12 which gives energy, selenium for an antioxidant. At only 112 calories per 4 oz, serving shrimp is high in protein and low in fat. What isn't perfect about that?

Listed above you have just been given one of Washington, DC's top personal trainers list of the top five healthy foods. Adding these to your diet will be doing your body and your heath a multitude of good. Just try it and see if your taste buds do not thank you! - 17269

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Nivea Goodbye Cellulite Hello Bikini Challenge

By El Bilson

Ladies have you tried using Nivea Goodbye Cellulite Cream and havent quite seen the results you are looking for? Many experts agree that a cellulite cream alone will not solve your problems, especially if you're not living a healthy lifestyle. But what exactly are the secrets to a healthy lifestyle.

In general, a healthy lifestyle involves doing things that have been proven to be good for your health. When we practice healthy habits, our bodies respond positively. This means you'll consistently be keeping an ideal body weight, you'll sleep through the night and will have enough energy to get through the day.

Although unhealthy habits such as consuming too many sweets, smoking cigarettes and indulging in too much alcohol may allow us to enjoy the moment, they can lead to an unhealthy body over time. Most people do not realize it, but our skin is a very good reflection of our overall health. People that are eating the right foods, getting exercise and enough sleep have skin that glows. People that practice unhealthy habits often have skin that looks dull and tired.

Experience in the market has shown Nivea that women may need a little help with the healthy lifestyle aspect of their product. Apart from selling their product, this unique skin care company wants you to have success with their Nivea Goodbye Cellulite Cream (so youll keep buying it!). This is why they are offering a free diet and exercise plan entitled Hello Bikini Challenge.

Unlike other get fit challenges offered by magazines, websites and such, the Nivea Hello Bikini Challenge is specifically designed to help you get rid of your cellulite. What makes this challenge even more exciting is that Nivea also gives you style tips on how to look your best in those revealing summer outfits.

Is it really necessary to do the challenge when using Nivea Goodbye Cellulite Cream? Not always. Many women will have great results just by following the instructions on the label. However, many of us are constantly in a state of getting in shape or their on XYZ Diet, hoping to lose the last ten pounds. Many women find that they are more likely to develop healthy habits when they have a plan to stick with and follow.

There are several things to be aware of before you purchase a cellulite cream. For starters, make sure you are dedicated to using the cream for six to eight weeks at least. Many women end up disappointed when they do not see results right away. Relax - getting rid of cellulite can take time!

The method you use to apply the cellulite cream can also affect how well you are able to get rid of cellulite. Most cream manufacturers recommend applying the cellulite cream using a massaging motion. This helps move toxins and fluids beneath the skin. It also helps the cream absorb more fully.

A final thing to keep in mind with Nivea Goodbye Cellulite Cream is the fact that you need to apply it at least twice a day. For some women, this may be too much of a time commitment. Others may find that this fits right in with their schedule. - 17269

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6 Week Body Makeover Restaurant Guide

By Kourtney Kidd

Many people have a hard time ordering healthy foods when eating out. Eating out can be stressful for those on strict diets. However, you don't have to be stressed if you had a little guidance when it came to choosing the right foods.

With the Restaurant Companion, you will be able to eat out at America's most popular restaurants. This means, you won't have to push aside your social life and enjoy a night out with out the stress of choosing foods the healthiest food on the menu. The body makeover guide was compiled by specialists who went through popular restaurant menus to determine which foods were compatible with the body makeover.

To use the guide, all you have to do is simply flip to the restaurant of your choice and follow the menu suggestion listed in the book. If the restaurant is not in the book, you can use the general tips for ordering foods at any type of restaurant such as Chinese, Mexican, Japanese and many more foods.

If you went to the Jack in the Box (which is notorious for high calories meals). You could order the Side Salad, Asian Chicken Salad or the South West Chicken Salad with no cheese. All of these foods would be an acceptable choice according to the book.

You don't have to fear eating out at restaurants anymore. The body makeover restaurant book will help you adhere to the guidelines of the diet while giving you the freedom to eat out. - 17269

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Michael Thurman Six Week Body Makeover - Basics of Food Composition

By Rico Kidd

When you diet, you learn that food isn't just food; it's a means to build muscle, give you energy and store fat. Learning how food reacts with your body will give you a better understanding how to lose weight. Reprogramming your body's metabolism is the goal of the Six Week Body Makeover. This article will review different types of food and how it reacts with your body.

Carbohydrates have been given a bad name from popular diets like the Atkins diet. Carbohydrates are not your enemy; over consumption of carbohydrates is your enemy. Carbohydrates are the means to give your body energy. Food breaks down to sugar in your body and fuels your muscles and brain. Fruits, vegetables and grains like rice and pasta are forms of carbohydrates. There are two types of carbohydrates; simple and complex. Simple or "fast" carbs are converted to sugar at a faster rate than complex carbs. Sweet foods like refined sugar, candy, honey or molasses and most sweet fruits are examples of simple carbs. Complex carbs are converted to simple sugars at a slower rate. Examples of complex carbs are potatoes, yams, rice and other whole grains.

Protein is the main building block for building and maintaining muscle tissue, hair and vital organs. Protein comes from animal sources such as meat, fish and poultry. There are non-animal sources of protein. You can consume soy, legumes, nuts and combinations of partial proteins to substitute for animal proteins. The easiest way to get protein is through animal sources. It is hard to get an adequate amount of protein from non-animal sources. Many people worry about the fat content in protein. This is why you should choose proteins that are low in fat. A great source of low-fat protein is egg whites, skinless turkey, skinless chicken breast and many types of fish.

Fat has essential elements that control your metabolic rate. It is stored as energy reserves and can be found in animal fat, vegetables, nuts and dairy. When you eat fat, you wear fat. Fat takes a long time to break down in your body. It will take your metabolism a long time to turn fat into fuel, so there is a greater chance of having the fat stored as "reserves".

If you are not eating a variety of foods, it might be a good idea to supplement some foods with vitamins. However, on the Six Week Body Makeover, you shouldn't have to supplement your diet with vitamins as you will be getting all the nutrition you need from the meals that are planned according to your body type. - 17269

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Five Mistakes People Make Due To Fat Loss

By Tomuse Gospuse

Right to the point, there are five different mistakes people do due to fat loss. I watch men and women do this everyday. Make sure you aren't doing these mistakes and you will burn fat.

1. No social support

Trying to lose fat without any social support from your friends, family, trainer, etc. is not the way to go. Research has proved that with social support you will most likely be successful in burning fat. Concentrate on two people out of your social support that has be successful as well.

2. Not having a program to keep you on track

How do you approach the gym? Do you walk in thinking about where to start and what you are going to do today? You are wasting your time. A plan needs to be made so that you know what you are going to work on. Stay with the plan, now whenever you enter the gym you know exactly what is going to be done.

3. Staying with the same workout for more than 4 weeks

The longest you should stay with the same workout program is 4 weeks. Don't stay with a workout program longer than 4 weeks especially if you have not received the results you want. Change it up a bit frequently so that you will get great results and have more fun at the gym.

4. Not taking it into consideration that nutrition is a big part to losing fat as well

What you eat is a big factor to losing fat as well as training. Going to the gym working out like an animal will do no good if you go home and eat junk. Doing so won't get you any results in fat loss. The food you eat is as important as your exercises. Put natural healthy foods in you stomach, 6 medium meals a day. Get a bunch of protein, fiber and vegetables in your system daily. Eat good fats, don't touch trans fat and try to drink a gallon of water a day. Simple and effective.

5. Not understanding their limit

I always get asked by people if adding more lifting and cardio to their workout is good, no it isn't. People get this crazy idea that if they add more cardio and lifting to their training it would be even better for them. Doing so is not advised.

Your body will breakdown to quickly from working out so much at once. Training to much and on a low calorie diet don't go well together. This type of training will not make your engine run better or more efficiently.

Focus on your workout in quality not quantity. For many reasons stick to high quality nutrition and high quality training. The only thing that really matters is the results, not sore muscles or being exhausted after each workout, and not feeling like your lacking food. It is all about quality work and quality food for a better healthier body. - 17269

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