Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Five Stay Alive

By Dr. Jason Fowler

It's the rare child who actually wants to eat fruits and vegetables. Kids and adults alike are bombarded by television and radio ads for cereals, candy, and chips that contain huge amounts of sugar and large quantities of saturated fat. The sugar craving begins in childhood - kids quickly develop a taste for sweets. To a child's sugar-sensitized palette, the complex sugars contained in fruits and vegetables are a poor substitute.

We carry these habits into adulthood and our long-term health suffers as a result. Twenty-four hours is not enough time in the day for most of us, and most consistently choose fast foods as a means of satisfying our need for food and a method for limiting the amount of precious time we spend on meal preparation.

But fast foods are not really food in the sense that the nutrition they provide is minimal. Fast foods are essential empty calories.

In the 1950s and 1960s a well-known health-related slogan was "an apple a day makes the doctor away". This advice represented ancient folk wisdom. Today, decades of research has shown that apples - and all fruits and vegetables - have remarkable health-promoting and disease-fighting properties.

Almost all fruits and vegetables are packed with magical biochemicals called phytochemicals - "phyto" means plant. Phytochemicals give fruits and vegetables their color, so the more colorful a food, the more phytochemicals it contains.

Ongoing research studies show that phytochemicals - of which there are thousands of varieties - provide protection against the development of many chronic diseases, including cancer, heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, diabetes, and arthritis.1,2

Most phytochemicals are antioxidants and neutralize free radicals in human cells. Others have anti-inflammatory properties - these help slow the aging process.

Fruits and vegetables are such an important aspect for our health and well-being that many national organizations have promoted the "five to stay alive rule" - the recommendation is to eat at least five portions of fruits and vegetables each day.3

Portions could include any of these fruits or vegetables - an apple, an orange, a banana, a cup of grapes, a cup of blueberries, a yam, a couple of carrots, a couple of tomatoes, and a couple of tablespoons of broccoli.

For many of us, "five to stay alive" would be a radical departure from our old habits. It might take a little effort to develop new shopping and eating habits, but once you are in the groove it's likely you'll be feeling so much better you'll wonder why you didn't start this healthy-eating plan sooner.

Your chiropractor is an expert on nutritional health and well-being and will be glad to help you create a food plan that works for you and your family.

1de Kok TM, et al: Mechanisms of combined action of different chemopreventive dietary compounds: a review. Eur J Nutr 47(Suppl 2):59-59, 2008 2Ware WR Nutrition and the Prevention and Treatment of Cancer: Association of Cytochrome P450 CYP1B1 With the Role of Fruit and Fruit Extracts. Integr Cancer Ther December 2008 3Liu RH: Potential synergy of phytochemicals in cancer prevention: mechanism of action. J Nutr 134(Suppl 12):3479S-3485S, 2004 - 17269

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Reduce Belly Fat With Tonalin CLA Supplements

By Jane Moore

Can Tonalin CLA (Conjugated Linoleic Acid) help you reduce belly fat? The answer is a very encouraging yes. Millions of Americans struggle with their weight. Being overweight causes significant health problems and is damaging to one's self esteem. Recent studies are giving hope to the idea that a simple natural supplement may give people a boost in their weight loss struggles.

Recent research done out of the University of Guelph in Ontario, Canada, found that overweight adults who took a daily supplement of CLA managed to lose weight prior to Christmas holidays. More importantly, the subjects taking the CLA supplement were able to maintain their weights while simultaneously reducing the amount of their daily exercise and indulging in typical holiday fare.

The remarkable results of this holiday study were repeated by researchers at the University of Wisconsin which is located in Madison, Wisconsin. This second study had a sample size of 40 overweight adults. In this second study researchers gave half of their study subjects a daily supplement of Tonalin CLA while the other half took a placebo pill. The subjects were studied over a period of six months

The nutritionists from Wisconsin found that the experimental group that took the CLA supplement lost weight before the holiday season and did not gain any weight over the holiday season. They also found that the experimental group who took the placebo had Christmas holiday weight gain that much more than what was gained in the pre-holiday period. Throughout the entire study, there were no differences between the control group and the CLA supplement group with respect to exercise or amount of calories consumed.

At the end of the 24 week study, the group taking the CLA supplement lost a total of 2.2 pounds of fat. Also during the critical pre-holiday season period (November and December), the CLA group lost weight while the control group gained a total of 1.5 pounds of fat mass. Just over two pounds of fat might sound minimal. However, this loss was strictly ?fat? and not water loss or muscle loss. The subjects who took the CLA supplement also found that they seemed to lose re belly fat. Belly fat is associated with an increased risk of heart disease.

There are a few different types of CLA supplements. Research showed that a mixture of two common forms held the most promise for fat loss. Happily, this mixed form is easy to find. Tonalin CLA is the only easily available and clinically proven form of CLA. It was used in the above described studies.

The studies and research seem to indicate that that there are very few risks in taking the mixed-form Conjugated Linoleic Acid or Tonalin CLA supplements. If considering whether CLA supplements would be an appropriate inclusion in your weight loss program you should talk to your doctor. - 17269

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All You Need to Take Easy Control of Your Expanding Waistline is Common Sense

By Thong M. Dao

Controlling waistline, unfortunately does not come with a magic wand or a quick fix diet plan. Whether you like it or not, in order to control weight, we must consume proper nutrients.

If you're giving over 100% effort, to consume only healthy foods and exercise and yet are unable to reach your weight loss goal, I would recommend you to see your doctor. You may have a problem absorbing food properly. Your doctor may have to assist you with medication.

Many of us started off eagerly with weight loss programs. However in days or weeks we fall right back into our old way because, we crave for certain foods that we should not have or we feel bored or dislike what we are allowed to consume.

How can this be addressed? Nutrition and natural medicine experts I've crossed paths with say that the body can be disciplined such that it hungers for food only when it truly needs sustenance. By knowing how to suppress your appetite even when colleagues or family members show up with irresistible calorie-laden treats, you are well on your way to a trimmer figure.

Nutrition experts suggest a few tips and reminders, too, to empower people to handle their `weighty' issues well. These include:

1. Keeping your metabolism in high gear

2. Understanding how your body absorbs nutrients and your own health issues.

3. Exercise regularly, with no ifs, ands or buts.

4. Choose well-balanced meals. Our meals need to include fruits and vegetables, and low glycemic index foods which will curb our appetite. Our body will be grateful in the end. By eating healthy foods, you are decreasing the possibility of having a heart disease or even diabetes.

To keep the extra pounds at bay, pay little attention to diet trends. Nix the junk food. Your best bets are the wonder fruits and veggies, the essential fats and calcium. Some foods that will let you get a power surge of calcium without causing your waistline to expand are tuna noodle or other pasta casseroles or a healthy serving of cheesy macaroni.

Omega-3 fatty acid-rich foods like salmon, mackerel and herring likewise aid overweight people who follow a weight loss program (that includes exercise) achieve greater control over blood sugar and cholesterol levels.

Green tea is also a great source in promoting weight loss. However, we recommend you to seek medical advice regarding the correct amount as green tea can create iron deficiency. Remove butters and shortenings and replace the flavoring by adding a few tablespoons of virgin coconut oil. This will contribute to flavorful meals and overall health. - 17269

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Do You Know What Are the Different Types of Bruising?

By Carolyn Cooper

If you are examining bruises, whether they are present on yourself or a loved one, it is essential that you keep in mind that there are separate, specific kinds of bruises out there. If you learn a little more about the different types of bruises exist, you are probably going to be much better educated as to available treatments and what needs to take place. Spend some time to really determine how much you actually know about bruises and how is the best way to treat them. If you learn a little about how to determine how mild or severe a bruise is, you will have a much better idea of the best way to treat it.

First, consider where the damage actually is. A subcutaneous bruise is one that happens just beneath the skin and will generally be relatively mild. On the other hand, an intramuscular bruise occurs within the belt of the muscle underneath and can do some more serious damage, while a periosteal bruise refers to a bone bruise, which can be extremely painful.

When giving a rating to bruises, professionals in the medical profession can use the following index to outline the severity:

0- a light bruise with no damage at all 1- a less than moderate bruise with a small amount of damage done 2- a moderate bruise with some damage 3- a serious bruise with some possibility of permanent or impermanent harm 4- an extremely serious bruise with possibility of permanent or impermanent harm 5- a critical bruise with a risk of death

When you get a light bruise, you could feel a bit of pain, whether it occurs right away or later. You may develop an inflammation because histamines have been released into the blood stream. Even after the capillary walls have been repaired, blood can still weep out and cause the bruise to look darker, and it will generally take about fifteen days for a light bruise to fade, while a darker bruise can take a little longer. Bruises that are categorized as mild will tend to need the least amount of treatment, though depending on the location of the bruise, you could have to rely on some stretching exercises during the healing process so that the muscles beneath the bruise don't become stiff and stubborn.

With bruises that are classified as moderate or severe, however, you could discover that you may have to deal with somewhat more severe complications. Additional bleeding may take place, and this could cause swelling that can cut off the blood flow to the tissues. The blunt trauma that is the foundation of bruises of this severity can result in damage to internal organs or bones, and if the trauma is severe enough, it could result in concussion, coma and even death. If this occurs, emergency treatment becomes essential.

Fortunately enough, most of us will never have to deal with anything other than light bruises in our everyday life. Make certain that your bruises, no matter how severe, are given appropriate treatment. - 17269

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Healthy Life Benefits from Drinking Wu Long Tea

By Zak Hunter

In recent times there have been some incredible claims for the properties of Wu long tea and not just about weight loss. According to some it lessens signs of aging, increases energy levels, improves your teeth, even reduces hair loss, is beneficial to improves the immune system...the list continues.

In recent times there have been some incredible claims for the properties of Wu long tea and not just about weight loss. According to some it lessens signs of aging, increases energy levels, improves your teeth, even reduces hair loss, is beneficial to improves the immune system...the list continues.

This is a truly amazing product and well worth sourcing to bring into your life's every day routine. Find some on the net or simply go to your local Asian speciality store. Research so far has indicated that Oolong Tea boosts the metabolic rate and definitely assists with weight-loss.

Wu Long Tea tends to be an in between colour...more brown with the higher quality teas showing tinges of green. Oolong Tea also has less caffine than green tea but both teas have similar, incredible properties.They are both full of anti-oxidants. This remarkable product can be easily found at most Asian supermarkets.

Wu Long Tea tends to be an in between colour...more brown with the higher quality teas showing tinges of green. Oolong Tea also has less caffine than green tea but both teas have similar, incredible properties.They are both full of anti-oxidants. This remarkable product can be easily found at most Asian supermarkets.

Wu Long Tea can very affordable or very expensive and well worth finding. Whether you buy from the internet, at a tea house or an Asian Speciality store you will not be disappointed. The price varies according to quality. I find you can purchase a weeks supply for around $5 Australan.

Wu Long Tea can very affordable or very expensive and well worth finding. Whether you buy from the internet, at a tea house or an Asian Speciality store you will not be disappointed. The price varies according to quality. I find you can purchase a weeks supply for around $5 Australan.

Wu Long Tea can very affordable or very expensive and well worth finding. Whether you buy from the internet, at a tea house or an Asian Speciality store you will not be disappointed. The price varies according to quality. I find you can purchase a weeks supply for around $5 Australan. - 17269

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6 Must-Know Things for a Trimmer and Healthier You

By Thong M. Dao

Do you want to lose fat? Have you tried different diets and failed consistently? If you answered yes to these questions, you are in good company. There are a lot of people who have been trying fat loss diets over the years and have failed. The reason they have not succeeded is that they used gimmicks and lose-weight-fast diets that do more damage than good. Here are some sensible things to keep in mind when you try to lose weight.

1. Consume foods from all food groups daily. It is an excellent way to guarantee you're taking all the nutrients your body calls for and this assists to ward off any dieting deficiencies. Besides, do not have the same foods day in and day out. Experiment so that you do not become bored with same old diet.

2. Try to have breakfast within one hour of waking. It's always best to have breakfast within an hour of waking so that your body can charge itself with the energy it needs for the day. The idea is not to wait for yourself to get really hungry. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.

3. Proteins should be 25 - 30% of your diet. A lot of stress is put on meat as the primary part of your meal. Protein needs more calories to digest which is called the thermogenic effect.

4. Attempt to go as vegetarian as possible. It truly is a better life style, even when you cannot cut meat out altogether. The more fruits and vegetables you are able to consume the better. The more meat you cut down, the more fat you'll be able to cut off from your diet also. Nevertheless, protein is crucial, therefore be sure that your choice lets you keep good protein levels.

5. White bread is fine, however high fiber multigrain ones are a lot better. They are a different way to add additional fiber to your dieting and These too contain a sound protein level.

6. Limit your sugar intake as much as possible. If you must have sweetener in your coffee and tea, try to find an artificial sweetener that you don't mind the taste of. However, these things are not all that healthy either and should be limited as well. - 17269

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Gain Muscle Healthily - A Guide To Gaining Muscle

By The Buff Jerk

Hello! I bet you've been searching the internet for a while now, trying to find information on how to gain muscle. I can tell you right not from my own personal experience that almost all the information online is completely false or aimed at people who find it EASY to gain muscle.

If you really want to know the truth on gaining muscle, then the best iron clad route to take is to download a professionally written how to gain muscle program. A proper program will show you how YOU should train and eat to gain muscle. Everyone is different - different weight, different strength levels and different body fat levels.

This means that every single person who wants to gain muscle has a different starting point.

You may need to lose some body fat before you gain muscle, or you may just want to start gaining muscle straight away. Either or, you'll need to train and eat completely differently, as you can't do both at once, contrary to popular belief.

A top quality how to gain muscle program will show you how to eat properly. It'll tell you the things you should eat, how to cook them, at what times to eat and how many calories and nutrients to consume every single day.

A good muscle gain program will also teach you how to train properly. If you want to start off by gaining muscle then you'll need to lift heavy weights. The program will show you how to perform each exercise properly, which muscle groups to hit and how many sets and reps to perform for each exercise.

You'll learn lots of other cool stuff on top of that like the importance of rest, how much sleep to get, the importance of hormones (testosterone, growth hormone, insulin etc) and how to naturally manipulate them for your advantage. Plus other stuff that you've probably never even heard of before!

You can download a top how to gain muscle program from the net right now for about the price of a tub of protein. What this means is that you won't have to waste anymore time or money on going to the gym or buying supplements. You can just get straight to gaining muscle fast - guaranteed! - 17269

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Facts about whey, soy, egg and casein protein

By Henrick Scofers

Protein is a nutrient which is essential to the body, particularly for the muscle tissues. Nutritionists recommend a daily intake of about .3 grams for every pound of body weight. Bodybuilders and other athletes, however, require more protein in their diets to encourage muscle growth and to nourish their bodies to handle the demands of their workouts. These people should get about 1.25 grams/day for each pound of body weight.

It's not only how much protein you get though; it's also where it comes from that matters. While most of us get all the protein we need from our diets, athletes often need supplements to provide them with enough of this important nutrient. The protein used in protein supplements is nearly always from the same four sources. Each is used differently by the body and are more or less suitable for different individuals.

The 4 common types of protein supplements are whey, soy, egg and casein. Protein supplements can be strictly one type of protein, or it can be a mix of, usually, two different types.

Whey protein is derived from milk and is the source used in the majority of protein supplements. Whey protein contains both essential and nonessential amino acids. The essential amino acids are those which must be obtained through the diet since our bodies cannot produce them " and as you may have guessed, nonessential amino acids are those which we can produce, but may want more of through dietary sources. Whey protein is easily digested and used by the human body, the exception being those who have allergies to milk, who should avoid concentrated whey protein. As it happens, the concentrated form is preferred for protein supplements, being inexpensive to produce and containing between 30% and 85% protein by weight. There are also whey protein isolates, with a protein content of around 90%, which are more expensive. Whey protein is not only an excellent protein source, but also boosts immune function, contains amino acids and is helpful in speeding along muscle recovery after a workout.

Soy protein is made from soy flour and is the most complete plant-based protein available. Just as with whey powder, there are soy protein concentrates and isolates, with the isolate being a richer source of protein but also more costly. Soy protein is also easily digestible and is suitable for persons with milk allergies or lactose intolerance. There are however some people who are allergic to soy and obviously, these people should not use soy-based protein supplements. Soy protein can be mixed into foods to increase the protein content and has the added benefit of helping to regulate cholesterol levels.

Egg protein is often mentioned as being the best protein supplements. This protein comes from egg whites and is quickly and completely digestible. Containing all of the essential amino acids, it's also a popular ingredient in protein supplements. However, there are those who are allergic to eggs and should not use protein supplements containing egg protein.

Casein is also a milk protein. Digested at a slower rate than whey, casein protein is often used in combination with other proteins which are more quickly available to the body for sustained nourishment. Casein protein is a good choice for meals prior to workouts and for taking before bed. Like whey protein, casein protein should be avoided by the lactose intolerant and those with milk allergies.

When you're shopping for protein supplements, always read the label to make sure that the protein sources used are suitable for your needs and that you can safely ingest. Protein supplements can be a great thing " but make sure you choose well. - 17269

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Gout And Uric Acid Information

By PJ Easton

Since close relatives in my family suffered from gout and uric acid pain, we became aware of the foods they needed to avoid like purine rich foods, and alcohol. There is always a concern that some family illnesses can be passed down to our children.

Of the many conditions she suffered from, gout was on the list, so I did a little research so that I could better understand should the need arise for me to include this in a hereditary list of ailments to present to our doctor.

My research basically found that small amounts of uric acid is normally found in humans and is waste produced by dying cells that release purines, your body can also absorb purines from food. When there is too much uric acid in your blood then a condition called hyperuricemia occurs.

If a person has hyperuricemia for many years usually more than 20 years then too much excess uric acid gets stored all through the person's body and then it's possible for the uric acid to crystallize into sodium urate. Then what can happen is that the crystals can accumulate in the persons joints which then sets them up for a painful attack of gout.

It becomes necessary for the person to lower their uric acid levels which will help to prevent getting sick from the symptoms of hyperuricemia and gout. Your doctor will work with you to help It is important to work with your physician to monitor your gout and your uric acid level.

You must visit your doctor and get him to take blood to test and measure. He test the blood for what is called serum uric acid levels.

To avoid getting gout you might need to go on medicine, or just change some habits that could be making gout symptoms arise.

Being overweight is a contributing factor in getting gout, for example if you are considered obese, then your body fat ratio is off balance with your height. This means that you could be increasing your risk for getting gout by four times. Maintaining a healthy weight is a major factor to keep from getting sick with gout.

A healthy weight keeps people from getting heart disease and high blood pressure as well, and there is research suggesting that hypertension and cardiovascular disease and even kidney related diseases may come from uric acid being too high. - 17269

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You Can Actually Lose Weight With The Acai Berry Diet

By Deborah Walker

Anyone who is researching diet plans and weight loss programs recently has no doubt heard about the amazing acai berry diet plan. The claims are that you can just consume this mouth-watering little berry that is purported to taste like blueberries dipped in dark chocolate and the weight will drop off your body. You would assume that the acai berry is a magical solution to weight loss.

The acai berry is only found in the Brazilian rainforest and that may be part of the mystique but the reality is that the acai berry cannot help you lose weight any more than the blueberry that is grown in the state of Maine. When it comes to weight loss there really are no magical potions or magic bullets.

In spite of this, the acai berry can be a help to weight loss and an aid to our bodies for the deterrence of diseases, the reduction of inflammation in our bodies and the slowdown of the aging process. It is not because this little berry is a magical fruit but rather because this berry is one of the healthiest and most nutritious foods ever found in nature.

Antioxidant qualities in a food are measured by the ORAC score or the Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity and the acai berry in reality has one of the highest ORAC scores yet found in a food. It has more than 10 times the antioxidants as grapes and even twice the amount of antioxidants as blueberries, which are another powerful fruit.

Acai berries are also very rich in healthy fats. Up to 50% of the edible pulp of this berry is composed of the essential fatty acids Omega 3, Omega 6 and Omega 9. The fat found in the acai berry is also high in monounsaturated oleic acid, which is the same as olive oil, which is a well-known nutritional powerhouse.

It is also especially remarkable that this berry contains the 19 amino acids that are the building blocks of protein. Not only that but the acai berry in addition contains vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, C and E and the minerals potassium, magnesium, copper, calcium and zinc.

The acai berry is exceptionally perishable and it has only been in very recent times that it has been offered outside of Brazil at all. The berries have to be processed within 24 hours of removal from the tree in order to uphold the nutritional integrity of the fruit. Dissimilar processing methods yield different results and the best way to process these berries is with a freeze-drying method.

No, the acai berry is not a supernatural fruit that will help you lose weight however it is an extremely healthy food that can aid your body in achieving optimal health and wellness and when you do that your body responds in a positive manner to diet and exercise and the weight can then more simply come off. - 17269

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