Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

How To Tell If Acai Is Working

By Carter Sinclair

One of the first signs of acai berry working is that you will feel an immediate boost of energy. The energy boost is long lasting and only gets better with time. Let me explain, the acai berry helps to get rid of harmful toxins that make the body slow or sluggish. You get this boost without the use of supplements.

The two other benefits you get from Acai during the first couple weeks is an improvement in your sleeping and in your digestive system. Acai helps regulate hormones and brain chemicals to promote healthy digestion because of the high fiber content it contains.

The difference you'll see in your skin and hair will be tremendous after a month or two. You'll also notice your brain functioning more clearly. The essential fatty acids prevalent in Acai berry are known to fight depression and improve your mood. Also, these are fatty acids are what improves overall brain functioning making you smarter.

Acai is packed with antioxidants that help fight free radicals that cause aging. You will notice this difference in your healthier looking skin, and stronger hair.

You will not notice some of the other great benefits under the surface. Research has shown that Acai berry fights off cancer cells and lowers your cholesterol. So while you may not notice all these benefits on the outside they are very important in protecting your health inside.

Some companies are selling low quality Acai products that may not be delivering on their promises. The majority however are proving why the Acai berry is so special because of all the great nutritional value it adds. - 17269

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Drop The Fat

By Robyno Jamison

Lots of people spend a fortune on fad diets in there quest to drop the fat and leave it behind them, but we know they don't work. Well not long term anyway. I wanted to drop the fat but knew there was a better way than throwing my money at diet products.

This brings us onto those pills that are marketed at us to lose weight by magic. What the hell is in those pills and are they any good for our bodies let alone do they actually drop the fat successfully.

There is the other alternative, surgery like lipo suction. A very expensive alternative that probably won't be a long term one. If those extra inches around your belly were taken away today, would you change the way you live tommorrow. If you didn't then those inches would find there way back to your belly.

Do you know what is the real way to drop the fat and keep it at bay long term.

Did you know the answer to that question or do you need to learn how to become the person with the firm fit body. The person who dosn't need that surgery or to pop the pills to drop the fat behind you.

The only way to do this properly is to balance your food intake with regular good structured exercise. These to factors working together with your motivation is going to get you the fat free body you really want.

Yes this is the right way, you don't have to go on a strict diet. What you do need to do is think about the type of food you are eating and decide if you can cut down on some of the more fatty things you are consuming.

Then you have to put together a good exercise program that is structured towards burning that fat. The balance between the two has to be right, if you are consuming more calories than you are burning then you are going to gain weight or never burn the weight you are trying to lose. - 17269

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Is Something Missing in Your Diet?

By Thong M. Dao

A lot of people eat healthy. They usually have a salad in place of a fast food lunch. They make weird drink potions like green smoothies and uncooked foods that mimic components of the common US diet.

Many people have already experienced lots of health benefits of this manner of eating. They are not only trim but they also lead a healthy life. Chances are they have finally found the perfect diet plan. Is there something, however, that's missing?

Usually, there is one component that individuals who eat right might be missing. We all are able to obtain this by drinking it. The subject of this article is, of course, water. You might respond that you already drink sufficient water in the course of a day.

Is it true though, that you are drinking a great deal of water? You would be amazed at the number of individuals that are dehydrated from young as a consequence of not drinking sufficient water. The volume may not be sufficient even if they drink during the entire day.

A truly wholesome diet includes plenty of water consumed throughout the day. It's essential to have half of your body weight in oz. of water everyday. For instance, if you were a 150 pound person, you would need to consume 75 ounces water during the day.

Also make certain that you are adding sea salt that accumulates to 1/8 of a tsp. to every 16oz. of water.

What are the benefits of sea salt? It aids in keeping the water within our bodies for enough time to do the intended job of keeping us hydrated. Chances are you may find yourself constantly using the bathroom and flushing out any nutrients from foods you have eaten if your salt intake is low.

Try this type of drinking for a month. You would be surprised at how much of a health benefit you will experience, simply from drinking water. - 17269

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Fitness Infos - Weight Loss Products: How to Spot a Scam

By Marius Hagen

Are you looking to lose weight? If you are, there is a good chance that you will start your own weight loss program. When many individuals start their own weight loss programs, they do so with the help of a number of weight loss products, like diet pills or exercise equipment. If you are interested in buying these types of weight loss products, you need to always be on the lookout of scams, as they do exist.

When it comes to weight loss products, like exercise equipment and diet pills, many people automatically wonder how they can tell if they are being scammed. Unfortunately, you often cannot tell by reading an advertisement in a magazine or online or by watching a television infomercial or even by looking at the weight loss product in question. The best way to determine if the weight loss product you are interested in buying is really worth your money is to do research first.

When it comes to researching weight loss products, there are a number of different ways that you can go about determining if the product or products you want to buy are worth the cost. One of the easiest ways to go about doing so is by visiting the online websites of retailers that allow their customers or the general public to rate or review their products. Many consumers like to alert others to a product that is a waste of money or even alert others to a product that is well worth the cost.

When reading weight loss product reviews, like product reviews for diet pills or exercise equipment, it is important to remember that no product is perfect. Even the best products, like the ones that come highly rated and recommended, will have a few bad reviews. What you need to be cautious of is any weight loss product that has more bad reviews than it does good reviews. This is a surefire sign that the weight loss product in question may not be worth your money.

You can also find product reviews or just specific weight loss products being discussed by performing a standard internet search. When performing a standard internet search, you will want your search phrase to be the name of the weight loss product in question. Your standard internet search may lead you to online message boards where weight loss and other health issues are being discussed.

Another way that you can determine if you are being ?scammed,? by a weight loss product, is by examining the online website of the product distributor or manufacturer. When you buy a diet pill or another weight loss supplement, you should be provided with as much information as possible. Be cautious of any product whose website only claims to help you lose weight, but doesn?t explain how it is

Another great way that you can determine if the weight loss products you are interested in buying are worth the money is by speaking with your doctor. Often times, you don?t even have to schedule a visit; a telephone call should get you the answers that you were looking for. Most doctors can let you know if a weight loss pill or supplement that you are interested in buying is worth the money. If they can?t tell you about the specific product in question, there is a good chance that they can at least review the ingredients with you. For exercise equipment, your physician may also be healthy to wage you with advice.

Of course, if you have the money to spend on weight loss products, you may be interested in going ahead and buying the product or products in question anyways. That is fine to do, but you also need to remember that many weight loss products, especially the ones featured on television infomercials are priced relatively high. - 17269

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5 Little Things to Easily Take Control of Your Diet

By Thong M. Dao

If you are attempting to lose weight, a correct diet is the way to go. Because of our hectic lifestyle, we tend to cheat every now and then. But you should always stick to certain healthy foods on a daily basis.

Should you divert from your ideal healthy eating plan, these 5 steps will bring you back on track and prevent your body from falling too far from your ideal weight.

1. Organic fruit. A minimum of 2 helpings of fruit should be eaten each day. You can also consume fruits by making a smoothie and dividing it into 2 parts, so one is ready for later. It will keep you on track and it's delicious, too.

2. Organic veggies. We all need to consume veggies on a daily basis. Fiber is taken in from vegetables so this helps your body in lots of other areas.

If you have trouble eating veggies, a good way to get them into your diet is to use some leafy green veggies, add them to your smoothie as usual. You'd be amazed how tasty this really is.

3. Sprouting is a very simple process. Just get some seeds which you can germinate, like wheat berries or lentils, place them in a jar to soak for several hours, then drain the water off.

Dampen them twice a day and they will germinate comparatively quickly. Nibble on these whenever you are hungry for their fantastic health benefits.

4. Eating flaxseed oil on a daily basis is one of the easiest ways to get Omega 3 fatty acids into your body. Even better than fish and meat. Include this in your daily routine and you will be stunned at how it can make such a difference in your health.

5. Water. Even though it's not a food, it's even more important to your diet. Consume a lot of water equating to half the weight of your body daily in ounces along with ocean salt of quantity one pinch per 16 ounces.

This will make an amazing difference to your health. You'll see after you take it for a week. - 17269

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A Detox Diet for Cellulite

By El Bilson

Cellulite is a condition that many women wish they didn't have to deal with. A detox diet for cellulite is something that may help you get rid of ugly skin for good.

Are you looking into doing a detox diet for cellulite? While there is no specific diet that will completely get rid of cellulite, detox diets can help. There are several detox diets that you can try and we will look at where to find more information on these special diets.

Wondering how a detox diet helps improve your skin? What does it mean to detox the body? This article is a good starting point for more information on detox diets and how they work. Before you start a detox diet it is important to check with your doctor. This is especially crucial if you have health problems or are on any medications.

Several organs in the body help clean toxins from the blood. The main detox organ is the liver. However other organs such as the kidneys, intestines, lungs, lymph, and skin all play their part in cleaning the body. Our bodies are a miracle in that all the systems work together.

After many years of cleaning the body, these organs can become overworked. Toxins build up, and hamper the functioning of the cleansing organs. Cellulite and the overall appearance of the skin will improve once you change your diet. And a good way to start is by detoxifying your body through a good cleanse. After that you can choose low fat, high fiber foods that will continue to improve the functioning of the body.

Many of us are eating processed foods that are high in fat and low in fiber. With the wide availability of junk food, it is easy to get off track. My husband and I travel a lot and most of our meals are consumed in restaurants. Many people give into their cravings for french fries or pizza on a regular basis. But over time these foods and others like them cause the body to be loaded down with toxins.

These toxins put extra work on the liver and kidneys and the other detox organs. Going on a brief detox diet gives these organs a rest and allows them to clean the extra toxins from the body. Detoxifying the body allows these organs to play catch up on the work they are designed for.

The term cellulite is used to describe the dimpled look that is found on the skin. As skin ages the connective tissue, called septa, in the subcutaneous layer of the skin loses its elasticity. When this happens, the fat deposits that are a normal part of the body push up between the connective tissue. This is what causes cellulite to have a rippled or dimpled appearance.

By changing what we eat and drink, we can improve circulation to the septa. When blood circulation is improved, a reduction in cellulite can be achieved over time. Of course, this is a change in lifestyle that might be difficult for many people. Permanent results require us to give up some of the foods we may enjoy. But the good news is that the healthy change in diet will not only improve the look of skin but will result in a healthier body overall.

There are a number of detox diet for cellulite to choose from. Visit your local library or bookstore or do a web search and you will find many methods to detoxify the body. Some of these detox diets include fasting. Others are liquid diets that include fresh fruit and vegetable juices. Whatever method you choose to detox, remember that you are giving your body a chance to rest. This will lead to not only improve cellulite, but improved health overall. - 17269

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Easy Steps to Fitness Over 40

By Thong M. Dao

There's no doubt that organizations, medical professionals and people in all walks of life discuss fitness over 40. Middle-aged people may sound off about not being able to climb stairs any longer because of uncomfortable knees.

More frequently, you will hear of people getting diagnosed with high cholesterol, raised blood pressure, diabetes or coronary disease.

Reduce the risk of illness, lower stress, and improve overall health with fitness programs. Increased physical fitness will result in the muscle strength to support joints and lessen pain related to arthritis.

Unfortunately, 60% of people in America don't get the advocated amount of activity and 25% aren't physically active at all. As per statistics available, there is a slow increase in the number of folks suffering from stress related diseases like coronary disease, elevated blood pressure, raised cholesterol and diabetes.

"Fitness over 40" programs don't always begin in the gym, however, and physical activity is only worthy when it raises your heart rate for at least 30 minutes. The options are endless because in just 30 minutes, you could jog or bike with your kids, exercise in front of the TV, jump on a trampoline or whatever.

If you are over 40, you need to think about the affect it will have on your current nutrition and habits as well as your ability to make the necessary changes.

It's a must to add more vegetables, fruit and whole grains to your meals if you're over 40 and want to stay fit. You may even benefit from a consultation with a dietician who can help you slowly ease into a healthier diet.

5 to 7 servings of fruits and vegetables, 8 to 10 glasses of water and decreasing the amount of white flour in your daily diet will go a long way to improving your health.

Besides the importance of exercise, your nutrition and daily habits also contribute to your health. Cardio and weight training are essential components of your exercise program.

Practicing cardiovascular routines can be applied to bicycling, running, walking, swimming, trampoline, exercise ball, or skipping rope. Mix the exercise up a bit and do it with friends because you'll have more fun and you'll stick with it longer.

If you do strength training, remember to skip a day before executing it again. As an example, if you train on Monday, you'll be able to do it again on Wednesday.

Either at home or at the gym, do your strength training at least 3 times a week. It will lessen your risk of osteoporosis, improve the support of your joints and give you a trimmer figure. - 17269

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Detoxing with Zeolites

By Carrie Spry

A chemical reaction between salt water and lava for what we call zeolites. Zeolites have special structures that are cage-like with open channels and spaces. These open channels allow molecules and ions to move easily into and out of the structure. These type of materials are also called molecular sieves.

Zeolites are natural minerals that hold a negative which is not common in nature. This enables them to attract and trap ions, atoms, and compounds with the opposite charge and remove them from a system, like a magnet. The heavy metal toxins that are found in our environment and our bodies are positively charged.

Research has shown that zeolites remove lead, arsenic, mercury, cadmium and other heavy metals. Zeolites actually help to balance the pH level in our bodies. Having a balanced pH level stabilizes the immune system.

Zeolites have been used in powdered form for over 800 years throughout Asia as a traditional medicine to promote well being and overall health. Zeolites have been giving a GRAS (generally recongnized as safe) status from the US FDA. The are natural, non toxic and safe for long term use.

We are exposed to heavy metal toxins on a daily basis in the air we breathe, the food we eat, and the water we drink, not to mention other chemicals we apply to our bodies. It is important to know your product and get the one with the most research behind it.

When choosing zeolites to detox your body, read the product info to make sure that the product is cleansed of all the original heavy metals and toxins. You are not in any danger of absorbing these toxins, but it doesn't leave much room to absorb your toxins into it.

When looking for a product to used in your personal detox, keep in mind the following points. Choose a product that is natural and not synthetic. The zeolites should be activated or chemically washed to remove the natural toxins it has already absorbed, from being in nature. Also, you don't want to contaminate the zeolites before you ingest them, ensure that they are suspended in water. - 17269

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These 7 Fat Burning Foods Will Take Your Fat Loss to the Next Level

By Thong M. Dao

Specialists have found two primary categories of fat burning foods. Can you guess the first one? If you said "fiber", you're correct. Fruits and vegetables are high in fiber. Fiber offers a huge benefit, they fill our bottomless pits and reduce calories intake.

So, if fruits and vegetables are called the fat burning food, fiber may well be the fat burning nutrient. Protein is another best fat burning food. It's becoming more scientifically accepted that protein may help to curb appetite.

Protein also has the same power, and can slightly boost our metabolism in the process. But its imperative that we choose your proteins wisely, because like all other foods, if were eating more than the body needs, itll show up on the scale as a gain, instead of a loss.

The list of smart, low-calorie fat burning foods is as follows.

1. Green tea. Researchers find that the catechins (helpful phytochemicals) in green tea may trigger weight loss by stimulating the body to burn calories and mildly decrease body fat. So indulge in either a hot cup or a nice tall iced glass of green tea.

2. Tomato or broth soups. A bowl of tomato or broth soup is an excellent snack before meals. No grilled cheese sandwich, please.

3. Low-calorie green salads. Let's start off by saying "please, do not load your low-calorie salads with croutons, fatty dressings and cheese", or it will be counter-productive. I highly recommend you add high fiber content such as sunflower seeds. This way you will curb any cravings later.

4.Yogurt. Not any kind, but low-fat yogurt. It is a great way to help you out with those stomach growling moments. Low-fat yogurt offers the protein and carbohydrates that your body needs as you are heading down the path to a healthy living.

5. Beans. Beans have fiber and protein and the best part of all, eating beans is filling. Navy, Pinto, Lima, Black Eye are all common beans.

6. Water. You may know water takes up most of the earth. And it's the same for your body. Without water your body will dehydrate. If you don't like water by itself, try adding the following items: lemon, lime, watermelon, or unsweetened flavoring. Remember to ask yourself, as you're heading to the fridge, "have I watered my body properly today?".

Your body produces toxins and the best way to remove them is water. Another outstanding benefit water provides is in the stomach. So as you're working toward weight loss and feel hungry between meals, drink up. You'll be glad you did.

7. High-fiber, whole-grain cereal. To some it tastes like cardboard but high-fiber, whole-grain cereal will give your body a jump start. Don't knock it until you try. Whole grains help enhance fiber and your daily nutritional intake. No time for breakfast? A bowl of cereal will get the job done.

I hope the above fat burning foods list can help. - 17269

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Build Strength For Six Pack Abs - Joint Strength For Better Results

By Dan Solaris

In these times of gourmet ice cream, gourmet coffee and uh, 'gourmet fast-food', it's becoming increasingly difficult to stay fit and lean. Unless you're a native of Miami Beach, it seems like six pack abs are becoming rare- a common sight only on Baywatch reruns and movies depicting warriors of ancient Greece.

The strong demand for weight-loss products like diet pills, exercise machines and ab gadgets shows that a large portion of society wants to get lean and sport six pack abs. The high percentage of North Americans that are overweight also shows that people are misinformed about effective methods on losing body fat.

Most people, for example, do sit-ups and crunches session after session while leaving-out the lumber and oblique muscles. The imbalance of strength can actually result in back pain and injury because the spinal column is strained. Working-out improperly brings slow results which lead to frustration and quitting.

As any weight-loss expert will tell you, getting rid of unsightly belly flab naturally without the use of scalpels requires burning-off the vast amounts of calories we get from the food we eat. Getting lean enough to get a tight, well-defined stomach takes tons of hard work and discipline, but not really impossible for those that really want it.

Because most of the culinary delights we partake of each day are loaded with trans-fats and processed sugars, it's quite impossible for us to lose fat by going about our daily routines without exercising. The vast amounts of surplus calories we get from the jelly donuts and cheezy fries can only be off-set by an effective exercise regimen every day.

Total body exercises which engages several muscle groups in activity are the best for rapid calorie-burn, fat-loss and formation of six pack abs. Cardio and anaerobic strength training both play an important role in building strength and forming six pack abs because they do wonders in raising our basal metabolic rate. Our BMR is responsible for 75% of calories our bodies use-up each day.

Working-out consistently also strengthens and develops muscle tissue and in turn reinforces the joints of the body- making them last longer as we grow old. Strong connective tissue around our joints prevents injury which can keep us from being consistent with our exercise regimen and prolonging the process to a chiseled abdomen.

Osteoarthritis is the leading cause of disability in America. It is mostly caused by too much joint-stress brought about by excess weight. Working-out consistently will not only prevent this by lightening the load on our joints, we also get an awesome set of shredded abs in the process! - 17269

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Information to help you Shed Pounds Sensibly

By Matthew Roberts

When trying to lose weight your health is the number one priority. Many people use diet plans that are hazardous to their health to take off extra pounds quickly. You should never try to lose weight too fast if you want to stay healthy. It is very risky to your health to lose weight at a fast rate and you will likely gain it back anyway.

Starving yourself is one of the techniques many use to lose weight quickly. This is not a good way to lose weight, as it is bad for your health and painful to stick with. You will lose your energy as your body will lack the vitamins and minerals it needs to function properly. You may also develop problems with the skin as well as disorders associated with malnutrition.

Find a good diet plan that makes sense. This type of diet plan will be easier to follow and you can eat food that is nutritious as well as enjoyable to eat. Lettuce or cabbage for every meal will quickly burn you out on your diet. The hollow eyed bony look is not trendy anymore. The focus now is more about the healthy lean look of a physically fit body. A healthy body lets you exercise with ease and develop muscles to burn calories.

Exercise is seriously underrated when it comes to losing the pounds you want to lose. Exercising will actually improve energy levels while providing the activities you need to stay in good shape. This does not mean you must spend hours at the gym.

Increase your activity by walking instead of driving when you can or using the stairs more, you may even enjoy skipping rope or doing housework while listening to music and incorporating a dance into your chores. Make out a healthy diet and exercise plan and make it as interesting as possible so you will stay with it and keep the weight off once it is lost.

Weight loss is not as hard as it is made out to be. The key is to reduce the caloric intake and get your body moving. When the energy required is more than your intake of food provides you start to burn stored fat. Thus, the optimum way of taking off those excess pounds is to choose a diet that is nutritious. This means a reduction in calories as well as burning the ones you consume by exercising.

When you begin it will be somewhat of an effort. But by using a sensible plan you will know you are providing essential vitamins to your body. Believing in yourself is essential - this is the key to success.

You will see advertisements for pills or other products to make you lose weight by ridding your body of fat. These are called fat blockers or fat binders that cause the fat you consume to pass on through you body and be expelled as a waste product. It is supposed to keep the intestines from processing the fat thus keeping fat from accumulating in your body.

The fat will bind together and result in the intestines being unable to take it. It sounds like a good idea in theory but this way of removing fat has its disadvantages. This is not a healthy way to keep your body from absorbing fat; it can result in foul smelling stools and excessive diarrhea. This is neither a pleasant experience nor a healthy one for you and your body. - 17269

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Fast Abs Workout - Think Stability

By Dan Solaris

As more and more cultures are discovering the wonders and calories of fast-food from the west, the number of obesity cases is also fast increasing. In North American and metropolitan cities in Europe, an overwhelming majority of the populations are becoming overweight.

That said, more and more people are joining the fight against the flab and a large number don't know the first thing about exercising to get fast abs. A lot of folks go about their workouts thinking rep after rep of sit-ups, leg raises and crunches are what a fast abs workout is all about.

Most folks that decide to start weight-loss programs on their own rely on conventional sit-ups and crunches for their abs workout. Unknown to most, there's a more efficient alternative to these exercises and that is by doing complete core exercises. That includes the muscles of the lower back as well as the abdominal and oblique muscles at our sides.

Having strong core muscles is like having a strong foundation. It enables the rest of the body to move fluidly with less effort and avoid injury. Core muscle exercises also mimic the natural movements our bodies move in our daily activities.

Our spine has a natural curve to it and doing ab exercises flat on the floor or on a bench clearly limits our torsos range of motion when we're doing crunches or sit-ups. Using a soft, curved medium like an exercise ball enables more muscle movement, resulting in more physical effort and more calories burned.

Actually, there is concrete evidence proving there's significantly more muscle effort done while working out the abs on an unstable surface. An electromyography study showed that more muscle fibers of the obliques, lower and upper abdomen were being strained while doing crunches on an exercise or stability ball.

Aside from more muscle being involved in movement, core-based exercises on an exercise ball or similar workout aid lets the body burn more calories because the body is trying to balance itself at the same time. More calories in less time are burned while trying to do the repetitions in crunches or similar exercises because the transverse abdominis muscle is involved in providing stability.

Another reason employing unstable surfaces makes for a more effective abs workout is because they're more fun exercises to do. Boredom and monotony is the main reason people find it hard to exercise consistently- resulting in slower or minimal gains. - 17269

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