Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Product Review of the Omega OM510 Massage Chair

By James Knolan

The Prestigio massage chair is the subject of this product review. The OM-510 is made by the prestigious Omega Massage Corporation. We will submit this massage chair to a test of 5 separate categories. Each category can get between 0 and 20 points. We will look at the following areas for evaluation: Warranty & Customer Service, Comfort/Ergonomics, Ease of Use, Features and Massage Therapy. A maximum score of 100 points is possible in this review process. We now take a look at the OM-510 Prestigio massage chair recliner.

Warranty & Customer Service: This is an important long term protection that must be factored into a big ticket item purchase. Omega provides the following warranty coverage for the Prestigio: 5 years on the frame, 3 years on parts, 1 year of shipping and 90 days in home technical service. This is the most comprehensive warranty for a mid level masssage chair. Service is quick and responsive. We give the Omega Corporation a 19 in warranty and customer service.

Comfort & Ergonomics: The science of ergonomic design is being applied in most industries. This is important that things are designed in a sensible manner to accommodate us humans. We need controllers simple and easy to use like the Prestigio. It comes with large buttons, making it easy for everyone to use. The fit of the chair is designed well. The chair back has a contour to fit your back. The seat is plush and the leg rest comfortable to use. The OM-510 Prestigio massage chair gets a 17 for its ergonomics.

Ease of Use: We like the large LCD at the top of the remote and it is also back lit for use in low lighting. The oversize buttons make the remote easy to read and for those with less dexterity, easy to push. We like the top controls the chair back and the lower portion controls the lower body. The change form automatic to manual requires selecting mode and then the massage technique. Overall, it is a good remote and we rate is at a 16 in this category.

Key Features: The two outstanding features of the OM-510 in our minds are the foot massage with the reflexology nodes and the soothing shiatsu massage. Relax your feet after a tiring day with the Prestigio's reflexology foot massage. This applies a firm compression massage over the tops of the feet while reflexology nodes gently push up into the bottom of the feet. Very soothing! The Shiatsu massage is a very invigorating and can penetrate deeply in the lumbar area. We are impressed with the deep tissue potential of this massage. First time users should attach the included softening pad. This is a relieving shiatsu massage recliner. We give it an 18 for its key features.

Massage Therapy: The massage functions are included in the Prestigio includes both manual and automatic massages. The manual massage functions for the back include tapping, finger press, kneading, and Shiatsu. In the automatic massage mode select from 3 timed massages from 10, 20 and 30 minutes. You can also select from 4 back courses. These back courses focus on particular areas of the back. The manual courses include the upper back, lower back, full back and pinpoint. One excellent feature of the Prestigio is its back coverage. It penetrates the lower back or lumbar area very effectively. Much better than most massage chairs on the market today. The lower body massage is covered with an air system. It has effective coverage of the buttocks, thighs, calves and feet. Our overall rating for the Prestigio massage recliner for massage therapy is 19.

Overall Rating: Let us present the total score for the OM-510 Prestigio from Omega Massage. We score this striking recliner an 89/100. This is perhaps the best mid tier massage chair. It combines elegant looks with soothing massage therapy. You get the best warranty protection and years of solid relief. The Omega OM-510 Prestigio massage chair recliner is the best mid tier model. - 17269

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Agarikon Conk As a Potential Smallpox Remedy - NPR Interview with Paul Stamets

By Dr. Markho Rafael

In an interview on National Public Radio, world-renown medicinal mushroom expert Paul Stamets recounts his discovery of the healing properties of agarikon, a mushroom growing on 500-year-old trees in the old growth rainforests of the northwestern United States.

Stamets knew that fungi (mushrooms) were more closely related to humans than to plants and therefore susceptible to many of the same pathogens (bacteria, molds, viruses). And yet the perennial agarikon mushroom managed to remain disease free in the dripping wet rainforests for up to 50 years without decaying from rot, mold, or bacteria. So therefore it followed, he figured, that it must possess a powerful immune system full of antibiotic compounds that might benefit people.

To find agarikon in the wild, look for something reminiscent of a beehive on the ancient tree trunks of an old-growth forest. (You may view a picture of agarikon through the agarikon-link on this page.) Please keep in mind that agarikon is a rare and threatened species. Do not harvest it unless there's a very good reason for doing so. But by all means, bring out your digital camera.

Paul Stamets now grows his own agarikon, which he uses for his agarikon extract. A sample of this extract was sent to the BIO Shield Program for testing at a top security lab located in Ft. Dietrich, MD. The BIO Shield Program is a division within the Defense Department created to search for remedies against biological warfare agents and bioterrorism threats - e.g. pathogens like smallpox or anthrax.

Several tens of thousands of natural and synthetic "medicines" have been tested within the Bio Shield Program. According to John Seacrest, drug discovery supervisor within BIO Shield, the agarikon extract submitted by Paul Stamets was one of only a few agents that tested positive against viruses related to smallpox. While smallpox virus itself is not available for testing (due to it being supposedly extinct and all), the agarikon extract proved effective in inhibiting closely related viruses (presumably cowpox).

Following this discovery, Paul Stamets now has a patent pending on a mushroom-derived anti-viral drug. One of his financial backers, Boston-based investor John Norris, bases his support in part on the fact that, as he says, not everyone is able or willing to be vaccinated against diseases such as smallpox.

It's also worth mentioning that Mr. Norris is a former second in command in the FDA hierarchy, and he believes that through his joint venture with Paul Stamets, they could soon be selling several hundred million doses of the Stamets agarikon extract to the armies of the United States, U.K., and Germany.

However, that may still be a few years off. This new mushroom-based anti-viral drug must first go through many lab trials and then gain final approval by the FDA.

Note: This article is intended to provide entertainment and information only. Do not use this or any other herbal or mushroom-based product for medicinal purposes unless advised by a licensed medical doctor.

Reference: Tom Banse, NPR Morning Edition, Smallpox Defense May Be Found in Mushrooms, August 4, 2005. - 17269

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What are Organic Chickens and What Are the Benefits of Eating Them?

By Andrea Kristi

It is not a secret to anyone that chicken is healthier than a fried burger. If you are really health-conscious, buying organic chicken is your best choice and here is why.

Buying conventionally raised chicken is not always the best idea, because farmers often use arsenic in the chicken feed. Arsenic is a poison, which exposure has been linked to certain types of cancer, heart disease, liver disease and many other health problems.

Another study has shown that if pregnant women expose themselves to arsenic, their children may have higher chances of getting cancer later in life.

Government researchers found that arsenic levels in young chicken may be up to four times higher than in other poultry.

Arsenic is a very dangerous poison, which can also be deadly. Even though the chicken industry claims that the amounts of arsenic used in the organic chickens feed is safe, many experts are convinced that no amount of arsenic is safe.

If you buy organic chicken, you may be sure that you are not going to be exposed to even small levels of arsenic. Organic chickens are fed with natural feed which is not genetically or chemically altered. They are raised on natural vegetarian diets and are kept on pesticide-free soils. No antibiotics, growth hormones or any other medication is given to organic chicken. Organic free-range chickens get regular access to fresh air and sun and they have plenty of space to move.

Chicken that can run freely and are living healthier lives, have used muscles, instead of wasted muscles. Organic chicken and their eggs have a richer taste; they have high beneficial fats and higher amounts of Omega-3 Fatty Acids.

If you cant afford to buy organic chicken on a regular basis, check local farmers markets. They often offer organic or free-range chicken for cheaper than supermarkets or specialized organic food stores.

Even if you dont care about your health and dont mind getting exposed to arsenic, give organic chickens a try anyway. If you experience their rich taste, you may never want to buy any other chicken again. - 17269

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Healthy Life Benefits from Drinking Wu Long Tea

By Zak Hunter

In recent times there have been some incredible claims for the properties of Wu long tea and not just about weight loss. According to some it lessens signs of aging, increases energy levels, improves your teeth, even reduces hair loss, is beneficial to improves the immune system...the list continues.

In recent times there have been some incredible claims for the properties of Wu long tea and not just about weight loss. According to some it lessens signs of aging, increases energy levels, improves your teeth, even reduces hair loss, is beneficial to improves the immune system...the list continues.

This is a truly amazing product and well worth sourcing to bring into your life's every day routine. Find some on the net or simply go to your local Asian speciality store. Research so far has indicated that Oolong Tea boosts the metabolic rate and definitely assists with weight-loss.

A Japanese journal claims that this tea can increase the body's ability to burn fat. This declaration has increased the demand of Oolong Tea, and it is meant to be scarce in supply. Green tea and black tea come from the same plant, Camelia sinensis; the differences in taste and colour are due to the way the leaves from the plant are processed.

Wu Long Tea tends to be an in between colour...more brown with the higher quality teas showing tinges of green. Oolong Tea also has less caffine than green tea but both teas have similar, incredible properties.They are both full of anti-oxidants. This remarkable product can be easily found at most Asian supermarkets.

Wu Long Tea can very affordable or very expensive and well worth finding. Whether you buy from the internet, at a tea house or an Asian Speciality store you will not be disappointed. The price varies according to quality. I find you can purchase a weeks supply for around $5 Australan.

Wu Long Tea can very affordable or very expensive and well worth finding. Whether you buy from the internet, at a tea house or an Asian Speciality store you will not be disappointed. The price varies according to quality. I find you can purchase a weeks supply for around $5 Australan.

Higher quality blends are from $15 for te same quantity.That is loose leaf and I would drink around 6 cups per day. I also paid the same price for a higher quality Oolong Tea and receive 10 tea bags ! The quality was definitely noticeable. Buy a few brands and find your own way. I now drink more Wu Long Tea than I do coffee...now that can't be a bad thing.. - 17269

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Maximize Your Fat Loss At The Gym

By Elizabeth Brown

It seems that the majority of us want to lose weight and get fit. In our efforts to do so we often start an exercise program or join a gym. But how many people do you see at the gyms who never seem to make any progress at all? It's not going to the gym that will get you in shape but rather what you do at the gym that makes all of the difference.

If you are going to see any results from an exercise program you are going to have to work hard and break a sweat. That means getting your heart rate up into the target zones and keeping it there. There is some evidence that if you keep your heart rate at the lower end of the zone for a longer period of time that your body will actually burn more fat than carbohydrates, however, that does not necessarily translate to weight loss.

Whether you are actually burning fat or carbohydrates as your main energy source during an exercise program is not nearly as important as how many calories you burn altogether. For example if you may burn 350 calories during an easier but longer workout and those calories may come from fat, but if you add in some challenging intervals of high intensity you may burn as many as 750 to 1000 calories in that same workout and even though you will be burning a combination of carbohydrates and fat you will still lose more weight.

High intensity interval training is extremely effective for fat loss. The idea is to get your heart rate into the target heart training zone and then for 30 to 60 second intervals work really hard and raise your heart rate to the higher ends of the zone and then let it come back down to the lower ends and repeat a few times. If you do high intensity interval training you can even cut your workout time by half or more and still burn more calories and have more success.

To get a rough idea of your maximum heart rate, take your age and subtract it from 220. Then take that number and multiply it by 60% and 80%. This would give you a target heart-training zone. This is the zone that you need to keep your heart rate at during your cardio training in order to see the best results.

If you want to lose weight and drop fat for the long term, you will need to gain muscle. That means that you should pump iron. Muscle is a biologically active tissue. That means that you will burn more calories just in the process of living if you have more muscle on your body. Fat is basically an inactive tissue and it will not help your body to burn any calories at all.

While exercise is important the most crucial aspect to getting results from any fitness program does not happen at the gym. 6-pack abs are built in the kitchen, not at the gym. Incorporating a highly nutritious diet is the most important aspect of any fitness plan. You will never see the best results from an exercise plan unless you consume a good diet.

Maximum fat loss can be achieved by following a few fundamentals. Supercharge your cardio routine by adding in some HIIT, begin a solid weight-training program and improve your diet. If you do all of these basic things you should see some results quite quickly. - 17269

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