Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Avoid Fad Diets Like Plague " They're Nothing But Trouble

By Thong M. Dao

It's hard to believe fad diets are bad when so many people say they have positive results. The internet does not help in the matter either. Countless websites claim that fad diets show significant weight loss in just a couple of days.

That is always temporary. It's usually 90% water which will be put straight back on as soon as your body rehydrates, which it must do or else you'll suffer severe health problems or die.

We also have over hyped fad diets that are not crash diets which push you to the extremes. However, these do not help you lose fat. They only help you lose money.

Good nutrition plans are available. However, why spend money when you can obtain the same information from your doctor for free? On the downside, they can be too difficult to follow, which is why many give up in no time.

The bad of fad diets

1. If a diet program promises you quick and easy weight loss, it's often based on eating certain types of food. However, consuming only some kinds of food will prevent you from getting a balanced diet.

Supplements are often offered. However, your body may not be able to absorb them unless you eat foods that are prohibited by these programs. Then, if you can continue your diet for long, your body will probably experience nutritional deficiencies.

2. Many fad diets are boring or ultra-strict. Fad diets that you can't enjoy will put you back to your old habits. For example, you diet for 2 days, can't stand what you have to eat, crave something else and, wallah, you have fallen off the train to weight loss. Then lots of people blame themselves for not losing weight.

3. Fad diets do not meet the requirements of the American Heart Association. "These diets are short term", promoters might argue. But what happens if you do not reach your goals? Now make your choice: continue what's bad for your health or stop and you'll most likely gain all your weight back.

4. Your body needs a wide variety of foods. However, fad diet programs do not always provide you with sufficient intake of fruits and vegetables.

5. Quick weight loss diets are just a temporary solution and do not help you to make permanent changes to your eating habits. Permanent changes are the only way to maintain your target weight once you reach it.

Fad diets encourage yo-yo diet-binge cycles of fast weight loss and equally fast weight gain. This is worse for your health and your self-esteem than if you stay overweight all the time.

The only way to lose weight for good is to follow a healthy and moderate diet, exercise regularly and stay away from fad diets. If you come across a fad, run as fast as you can and don't look back. - 17269

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Don't Try HCG Weight Loss Until You Read This

By Thong M. Dao

In this article we'll talk about the HCG weight loss fad (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin) and how far it can help us lose weight. Folks hope to lose weight quickly with the help of fad products, but if you ask me, I never believe in fads, and never will!

HCG is a hormone that already exists in your body, not some kind of drug. Those who have the highest levels of this hormone are pregnant women.

There was no relation between HCG and weight loss. Then an ill-famed man named Kevin Trudeau wrote a book regarding how HCG can benefit weight loss.

More about Kevin Trudeau, he had several violations regarding FTC guidelines. That's why he has already spent many years behind bars.

"It's a miraculous hormone that helps you lose weight rapidly", said Kevin Trudeau, "it's better than any other fat loss supplement". Unfortunately, no medical or scientific proof has been found to back him up.

A small group of physicians and specialists claim they have evidence that HCG actually works. However, manufacturers of synthesized HCG say that this hormone has not shown any benefit to obesity.

For almost forty years, several tests and studies were done on HCG to prove the validity of these claims. A lot of research was done regarding the effectiveness of HCG weight loss program. No study or research done till date has been able to prove that HCG indeed helps lose weight. So how can the doctors claim the opposite?

Guess what? If you choose HCG weight loss program, your physician is going to put you on a low calorie diet. So tell me how do we know which program actually works?

Do you have a lot of money to throw away? If so, go ahead and get your synthesized HCG from the black market or another country. HCG products have been banned and not available in the US for a long time.

Our country has too many weight loss trends and new ones emerge daily. Wake up man, think twice about what you are going to put in your body.

If you take my advice, I would recommend that until the effectiveness of HCG weight loss is fully proved, we should just follow the old method of healthy diet plans and fitness training.

Healthy food plan doesn't mean that we have to strictly diet; just eat lots of raw vegetables and fruits, and drink lots of water, and make sure to avoid the fatty and junk foods as much as possible! This is a proven way to weight loss success. - 17269

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Why the Recession Isnt a Way for a Slimmer Body

By Ryan Parker

We all know that the economy isnt in the same state of health that it used to be. Indeed millions of Americans are even unsure that they will still have a job at the end of the year. As a result of this many are actually tightening their budgets and hording cash so that they and their families can weather the financial turmoil up ahead. The problem is that many are making the mistake of looking for cheaper food in all the wrong places. Your health of you and your family is of utmost importance and buying the wrong cheap foods can cause serious problems with you health in the long-run.

There was a very interesting article published in a local weight loss magazine that stated that Americans are some of the most obese people in the world. According to them, we have some of the highest rates of heart disease in the industrialized world. This was even before the terrible turn in the economy. The funny thing though was how the belt tightening of the general American population has actually increased our levels of obesity and risk of heart disease. As you might imagine this is rather counter intuitive. Most people would think that if you are tightening your belt and spending less on food that you should actually get a little skinnier and not be exposed to higher risks of heart disease.

One of the biggest factors causing this very curious behavior is the pricing structure for foods in the USA is very different compared to other countries. The US has benefited in huge economies of scale in farming and thus is actually able to provide animal proteins and staples are prices that are often cheaper than those available for fresh green vegetables. This is certainly true in supermarkets where shoppers can often get off-cuts of meat ground-up at prices as low as 99 cents per pound. It is impossible for supermarkets to offer these prices for fresh vegetables as they simply do not have the shelf life to enable the economies of scale to happen. In normal unindustrialized nations, it would be impossible to even imagine that meats can be cheaper then normal fresh vegetables or rice.

The main problem is that Americans who are trying to save on the costs of food are still going about purchasing their food items at the same places they are used too, namely supermarkets. Supermarkets simply do not provide for people who are looking for quality foods at a bargain basement price. The cheaper meats are normally low in digestible protein and high in fat. The cheap carbohydrate products have some of the highest G.Is and the cheap drinks are almost always filled to the brim with sugar to make them taste better. This is a perfect combination for heart disease and diabetes.

Just to make matters worst are the huge number of fast food restaurants and diners which offer some of the cheapest meals available. Although the immediate response would be to lower ones pickiness when it comes to food, having cheap meals at the diner of at fast food restaurants are extremely unhealthy. There will be a marked deterioration of your health through eating too much fatty meats and also not eating enough fresh green vegetables to provide vital nutrients like vitamins, fiber and anti-oxidants.

Although it might be a bit hard to swallow at first, just because you are in a financial bind doesnt mean that you should stinge on your food to the point of eating unhealthily. There are actually ways in which you can get fresh clean foods without having to pay very high prices. Naturally having fresh green vegetables is very important. You should always aim for freshness, leanness and fiber for the best combination diet. The best place to source fresh greens is to visit the farmers market in the early mornings so that you can get the best quality picks at reasonable prices. As for meats, local butchers can offer cuts that arent available in supermarkets and some can even offer them at very reasonable prices.

It is never a good idea to give up year health simply for the savings of a few dollars. The moral of the story is not to accept food that is cheap but of lower quality. If you look around you will be able to find foods that are both cheap and high quality. The only problem is that you must be willing to spend some time to look for the best foods available to you and your family. - 17269

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Your Diet Food Delivered to your Door!

By Sarah Talbot

For many people who have to work, it is not easy to create healthy portioned meals on a daily basis to lose weight, it is much easier to order a takeaway than be concerned with the calorie counting process. With this in mind there are corporations being created all over the country to take the stress out of dieting and will prepare the diet meals for you. So if you need an edge to reach your weight loss goals, a diet food delivery service maybe the next step for you.

The Pure Package is a very popular diet food delivery program in the UK. It is a very easy program to use which clients have had great results with. When you sign up with The Pure Package, you can look forward to the perfect diet for your needs. This is a diet service which has been produced from years of study and analysis to present to you which diet methods will work best for you. With this diet meal delivery service, you don't have to shop for special diet foods in the shops or plan your meals while using the program, which will be a big time saver for you.

At around 6 o'clock in the morning you will find a temperature controlled bag at your front door, it will contain diet food for the entire day including all snacks. This will take all the work out of dieting and allows you to concentrate on other parts of your life without interuption. You don't have to have your food delivered to your home, you could have your diet foods delivered to your office, or even the gym.

Having your diet food delivered to your door has many benefits. First of all you don't spend as much time shopping or counting calories, worrying about which meals to eat everyday which will help you lose weight. Secondly, you will see that different food combinations are a must for your continued health. With this type of diet delivery program you will learn to break old eating habits and fall in love with a new way of eating diet foods. This is the fundamental benefit to a diet delivery program, you will learn to love this new way of eating foods and want to continue on with the program long after your service is over because you will finally see how successful weight loss is done.

Consider these benefits and what they can do for you and your diet plans for this coming year. Having healthy and delicious food combinations delivered right to your door is a great short term solution. If you think you can continue on even after your program is completed, than this method is right for you. - 17269

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Why You Must Consider this Natural Gout Treatment

By Charles Horner

Bromelain may not be one of the most popular natural gout treatments, but it is very potent. It does an excellent job at helping ease painful episodes. This article will show you why it is well suited to treating your gout pain.

Pineapples are the fruit most known for containing bromelain. This enzyme decreases inflammation. Inflammation is the main reason for gout pain. The inflammation occurs when uric acid crystallizes in the joints causing irritation and swelling.

Just eating pineapples is not sufficient to help you eliminate gout pain. There is not not enough of the potent enzyme in them. You do have an alternative, however. You can buy bromelain in many health food stores. Bromelain can be used for other health problems, such as digestion irritation and different types of arthritis.

Doctors have been known to prescribe bromelain in order to decrease blood clotting. Ask your doctor prior to using this supplement or any supplement for that matter before using it therapeutically.

In order to prevent potentially lethal drug combinations, you should consult your doctor prior to taking bromelain. Doctors should always be a part of your health care plan even if you are using vitamins and dietary supplements.

Bromelain must be used in moderate doses. If you ingest too much it can give you a fast heart pace. Too high a dose can also cause you get get sick with nausea and vomiting. Higher doses have been known to cause diarrhea as well.

If your doctor has prescribed aspirin and Warfarin for you, you should not take bromelain in the supplemental form. Since Warfarin and aspirin are blood thinners this could potentially cause a bleeding problem if you add bromelain to your plan. Pineapples should be safe, though and you can still get at least a little help for your gout symptoms.

Bromelain should definitely be considered for your natural gout treatments plan, especially if you are having an acute gout attack. There is nothing better than being able to reduce the painful swelling that is causing you grief. - 17269

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Revealed Acai Berry Health Secrets

By Carter Sinclair

Even without our current advances in medical science many Amazonians are living healthier and longer last lives than us. They do so because of their Acai berry diet. They have been consuming this fruit as much as 50% of their daily intake to benefit from its great health benefits.

Many athletes around the world are benefiting from the awesome performance enhancement of acai berry. It gives you all the energy you would find in a caffeinated drink without the side effects. It has helped Brazilian surfers take over the competition and use the Acai fruit as a secret weapon.

Acai can also help improve your eyesight. It contains anthocyanins, which is an antioxidant that has been known to help improve vision. It is especially helpful in strengthening your night vision.

In the war against cancer a very exciting breakthrough has happened. Researchers at the University of Florida discovered that Acai berry causes leukemia cells to self destruct. The research is very new but has a very promising future.

Acai has been proven to slow the aging process and give your body a giant boost to its immune system. On the Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity or ORAC, Acai has the highest antioxidant count in foods. This is what fights off harmful free radicals that cause aging and immune system problems.

If your not a fan of eating fish to get your essential fatty acids or Omega fatty acids you can enjoy Acai. It contains all the Omega fatty acids you need to help improve your mood, improve brain functioning, and reduce cholesterol.

Acai is a great tasting fruit juice. It tastes like a snack rather than a health food, and can make an excellent post workout or morning smoothie. - 17269

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How To Make A Good Soup For Low Fat Diet? Healthy Living-Part 3

By Haiyan Lai-Heskin

Healthy diet is not only about restricting self towards food which is unhealthy but eating a balanced diet which comprises of all the necessary nutrients which also includes adequate amount of water. Soup is a really healthy habit to get into.

Soup is such a versatile vehicle for aromas and flavours that opens up many possibilities for the cook. Soup is fantastic for warming the cockles on these cold and lonely evenings, and is great even in the summer for that hunger gap that needs filling in minutes.

By removing the fat from the soup, it will be healthier and taste better. Fat-free vegetable soups, vegetable broths, and soups made with skimmed milk are very healthy soup. It is imperative to get rid of all visible fat and grease from the soup. Here are some adept ways to do this:

1. You can cover and refrigerate the soup or broth for 6 to 8 hours or until the fat rises through liquids and solidifies in a layer at the top. Then use a spoon to lift off the hardened fat.

2. If there is not time for refrigerating or cooling the soup first, use bread slices by direct application to the top layer of the soup, in order to blot up or absorb the grease.

3. A few leaves of lettuce dropped in a pot of soup will absorb grease from the top. Remove them after the fat has been absorbed onto the leaf or leaves. The lettuce leaf may also impart a slight flavour to the soup, helping to lend a little zest.

4. To remove the last spots of fat floating on the surface, drag a clean, unprinted paper towel across the top. It will oak up most of the remaining oil. When it is fat saturated, discard the towel.

5. Boil the meat and rinse it under the cold water before you add it into the soup. It not only rid the fat off the soup , but also make the meat much quick to cook and more tender.

Vegetable and vegetable-beef canned soups, yet, are very low in fat content and are the good substitutional choice for the low-fat diet. As Some soup producers make canned soups that have almost a half-teaspoonful of fat per serving of soup when diluted evenly with water. so the dry soup mixes are rather low in fat and are very enjoyable. - 17269

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Learn about Juice Extractor Motors

By Aaron Benjamin

There are lots of juice extractor parts thatcan be used for getting an extractor run perfectly, but none are as important as the juice extractor motor. There are all kinds of important aspects to consider when trying to choose a juice extractor motor. The motor should be one that has a strong revolutions per minute option and should consistently operate with power. Holding a good warranty is also a good idea.

The revolutions per minute, or rpm, of the motor is the top factor to look into. This tells you how often the parts of the engine will be able to spin. When it can work at faster rpm rates, it will be less difficult for the motor to manage the tasks at its most efficient rates. A good motor should work at close to 5000rpm for a juice extractor. Some extractors will offer motors that can run at more than 6000rpm in many cases. A good product to look for is the Breville 800JEXL Juice Fountain Elite 1000 Watt Juice Extractor.

The power that must be used is another important aspect. A good motor will have the ability to operate with about a third of a horsepower. Horsepower refers to the the motor's ability to work at a particular speed over a period of time. A third of a horsepower will be adequate enough simply because it will make it easier to handle the juice extractor. Motors with bigger horsepower levels will tend to use more electricity than what should be used.

Another aspect to consider is the noise of the motor. The motor needs to be one that is quiet and is nicely insulated. If you remember this, it will be easier and more relaxing to use the motor.

Another aspect of the juice extractor motor deals with how simple it is to repair the motor. A premium extractor is going to be able to have its motor be easy to clean up. This includes being able to keep the motor correctly maintained so that it will be effortless to get the blade and other pieces to work properly.

The last aspect to consider is that as the motor is certainly one of the most vital juice extractor parts, it will need to be covered in case of mishap. The consumer ought to get a good warranty on the whole extractor so that it will be easy to operate the extractor without worrying about it. A good warranty will last up to a few years, but quite a number of companies will offer lifetime warranties. One of the best on the market is the Breville 800JEXL Juice Fountain Elite 1000 Watt Juice Extractor.

A juice extractor motor certainly the most important pieces of the tool. This motor must be one that is powerful and can handle lots of revolutions in a minute. It should be quiet and simple to clean, too. A good warranty on the extractor motor will set your mind at ease, too. - 17269

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Good and Bad Weight Loss Solutions to Lose Weight Quickly

By Aaron Wilding

There are plenty of ways to lose weight and have a great looking body. But which of all of these ideas are the best weight loss solutions? Which of these methods work and which ones aren't worth your time or money?

Bad Weight Loss Solutions: Using Drugs and Chemicals

Too many people think that it would be so great if you could just sit on the couch, make no changes other than taking a pill, and lose all the weight you want. Wouldn't that just be wonderful? But let's look at it from a practical standpoint: what happens if you go off the pill? Won't you just put all of that weight back on because you didn't make any real changes to the way you lived your life?

Relying on chemicals and drugs to lose weight quickly is not a weight loss solution that you should try. I have an uncle that lost a ton of weight using the weight loss miracle drug Fen-phen. The sad thing is that within a short time after the FDA banned it he put all of the weight right back on. And he hasn't taken it off again since. Why did this happen? Because he relied on the miracle drug to do it for him, but he didn't make any real changes other than that.

Are there products like fat burners and other things that can help you lose weight quickly? Sure, but you better be doing your part as well if you're going to see lasting changes! You still need to be eating right and getting exercise, then use the fat burner as a boost to what you're already doing.

Good Weight Loss Solutions: Long Term Lifestyle Changes

In order to have real and lasting weight loss, you're going to have to make some basic lifestyle changes. This is the only true weight loss solution. And what do these lifestyle changes I'm referring to consist of? Well, you probably already know the answer: diet and exercise are the key changes to make.

Have you been looking or a magic pill or device that would miraculously make you lose weight quickly without making any changes to the way you eat or live? Have you been looking for the easy way to lose the weight and not make changes? How has that been working out for you? I'm sure the answer is, "Not good."

There are lots of companies that offer weight loss solutions to help you get started. For example, NutriSystem will give you all your meals so you can eat right. You can also go to Weight Watchers meetings to get a support network going. A local gym can help as well. These solutions have helped a lot of people lose weight because they are based on lifestyle changes, not a magic pill.

Trust me, don't rely on drugs alone since they won't really give you a healthy and long term weight loss solution. To lose weight quickly you're going to have to make some real changes. - 17269

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How to avoid muscle injuries

By Jon Cardozo

Starting out on any project can be a lot of fun. There's usually excitement, and this is enough to get people going for a while. Unfortunately, this period is more like a honeymoon and doesn't really last long. Building muscle, for example, takes consistency over long-term.

If you're serious about building a huge amount of muscle, you'll need the right information to get started. This information can help you make progress more effectively and more quickly while avoiding injury. If you don't take time to learn some fundamentals in the beginning, you may end up paying for it down the road.

The first thing you should do is address any preexisting injuries before taking on an intense muscle building program. Getting a checkup with your family doctor is a good start, but you may need to consider some other therapies such as myofascial release to clear up any trigger points or scar tissue. Even some forms of massage therapy can be quite helpful, and many are surprised by the relief that these therapies can provide.

This so called alternative therapy is becoming more common and can offer recovery options that simply are not available in a doctor's office. The important point to keep in mind is that these injuries should be should be dealt with before they become a more severe problem. Remember that an injury like tendonitis can hamper your ability to train and delay your progress significantly.

Another important thing to keep in mind is the recovery program. You should never underestimate the importance of resting in between workouts. Some people make the mistake of going to the gym day after day and following an extremely intense workout program. The truth is that your muscles need rest in between workouts since that is when they grow. Too many beginners try to build their muscles all at once.

Remember that muscle grows because you're exposing it to a heavier weight than it is used to. This growth occurs after the workout is complete, and the body needs time to rebuild the muscle cells. This is why many well known trainers only recommend a few hours of workouts per week, believe it or not.

If resting is important, then sleep is absolutely crucial. You should understand your muscles are not the only parts of your body that need to recover. Your entire body, including your nervous system and immune system, need to recover from your workouts. Moreover, deep sleep is necessary to build your muscles as effectively as possible. Do not underestimate the importance of sleep. Simply lying around and taking it easy isn't good enough either. You have to devote enough time to sleep each day.

The last bit of advice I would like to give you before you begin your new weightlifting program has to do with listening to others. When you start going to the gym or hanging out in a bodybuilding forum, you'll probably be exposed to many different opinions that contradict each other. It's tough to sort it all out, but you need to look for people who have proven their philosophies and achieved success. Look for a trainer who has proven how to build muscle naturally without steroids and even with no supplements (or a minimum of supplements). - 17269

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Top Ten Fitness Tips

By Mike Walker

Many programs assist you in burning body fat or muscle building. When achieved, these goals get you sexy and fit. Steps need to be taken to keep those results though. Programs may guide you throughout the process to achieving these goals but daily activities need to be taken in order to keep your results. These activities are simple things like drinking plenty of water and eating healthy foods.

1. Drink as much water as you can consume, drinking water greatly increases your calorie burning and muscle building/recovery. Thirst can act as hunger making you think you're hungry when you're actually just thirsty. Drink at least 64 ounces of water daily if not more. Good approaches to drinking more water can be drink water right when you wake up and carry on through the rest of the day till you go to bed.

2. Cut down on coffee and teas, avoid fizzy drinks.

3. Have a piece of fruit or more a day in your diet, canned fruit juice or bottled fruit juice is difficult to digest and high in calories.

4. Stay away from sports drinks it will just replenish all the calories you burned from your workout. Nothings better than a bottle of water, grab one of those instead and drink plenty of it.

5. Make sure you get your breakfast; studies have shown that people who eat breakfast lose more body fat weight than those who do not. You cannot achieve your goals and exercise efficiently without eating properly.

6. Don't eat late night snacks; ideally do not eat past 9 o'clock it takes 3 hours just to digest food. If you go to sleep when your body hasn't fully digested your food it sits in your stomach and for men it digest a lot slower for women it slows way down digesting slower then men.

7. Eat your greens! An essential part to your health and staying fit is to get vegetables in your system, helps with the calorie burning process.

8. Give your body sleep, sleep is awesome to your body and is one of the good things you can do for yourself as in staying fit. Sleep aids in burning fat and building muscle.

9. Have an intake of all food groups daily

10. Have a consistent workout routine, complications people have is they start off great with keeping there routine but they slack off or miss a workout or two then they stop, Keep a consistent routine. - 17269

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