Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Aid With Curing Your Constipation

By Craig Matthews

Suffering from constipation? Well most of us do erst in a while for some and frequently for others. What we will look at in this article is how you can get all the help you will need with constipation.

While this is not everything, you can research other sources for constipation help. People who suffer from constipation find it extremely uncomfortable. There are sundry reasons for constipation.

1: Consumption of fast foods and foods that lack plenty of fiber.

Most episodes of constipation are the result of this primary cause. Fast foods are the thing to do in this instant gratification age. No one knows what it means to eat food that is healthy.

As long as you can grab some sandwich, burger or fried chicken and the stomach feels full, all is well. Due to this, foods are not digested readily. All of the fiber required to promote bowel movements are nearly non-existent.

2: Not drinking enough liquids.

People don't drink fluids these days -at least not enough to compensate for bodily needs. Hence, when the feces gets to the rectum, the little moisture remaining in it is absorbed by the rectum. Because stooling requires moisture to enable the easy passage, it becomes hard to freely pass stool. That's why there is a lot of straining to get eliminate the waste.

3: Keeping a stagnant sedentary life.

People who don't take care of themselves physically, tend to easily develop constipation as a result of the fact they are not involved in any sort of exercise. One of the very first recommendations for those who need constipation help is exercise. The fact that you move around would improve your bowel movements and hasten the relief of constipation.

4: Women with hormonal imbalances.

Pregnancy can cause constipation both because of the change in hormone levels and because of the pressure from the uterus on the intestines. Because you have read about some of the reasons, it would be best if we continue on so you can have the help you need with constipation.

Eat lots of Fiber!

Dietary fiber which is also known as bulk forming laxatives is gotten from the consumption of fruits and vegetables. The easiest way to incorporate this into your lifestyle is by increasing the quantity of fruits and vegetables in your meals and cutting down on the excess of dairy and meat products.

But, in certain cases, some people could find it difficult to deal with the amount of fruits that are required. Whenever this happens you should take wheat bran, oat bran, psyllium seeds or other fiber supplements.

You can make sure you get enough fiber by reaching for fruit, rather than junk food, when you feel the urge to snack. There is however, a downside to this method if the patient has strictures and adhesions. It is a good idea to consult a doctor before deciding to pursue this course of treatment.

Some fibers include sugar which diabetic patients are unable to process. When this happens you should consume fibers which are free of sugar. Fibers should not be taken in large quantities suddenly. A small amount is best to begin with.

From then on, it can slowly be incremented as long as the patient finds the need. You're best spacing about a week for every level of upping the fiber intake. Several sources of fiber are fruits, vegetables, Citrucel, Konsyl Fiber and Maltsupex. - 17269

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How To Separate The Wheat From The Chaff When Choosing A Diet

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

With so many diets out there and so many opinions, how are you supposed to find the best plan for losing weight?

Finding the right diet can be harder than finding a needle in a hay field.

So without further delay, here is what to watch out for when finding the right plan to lose weight:

1. Recommended amount of calories. Yes, eating an insanely small amount of calories will help you lose weight, but there will be consequences. And if you go below 1200 calories, the health risks begin to mount.

2. Sufficient carb intake. Your body and brain needs a bare minimum amount of carbohydrates for proper functioning. Less than about one hundred grams per day and you will lose calorie-burning muscle in addition to low levels of focus.

3. Inclusion of all food groups. If the plan requires that you exclude a food group, it will most likely be very unhealthy. Why? Because wide varieties of foods interact with each other in ways that we currently do not understand.

4. Enough variety to appease your palate. Any plan you decide to do should allow just enough variety to keep you from feeling like a prisoner of food. Having said that, do not go overboard here because you will not be able to automate your cooking.

5. Up selling and cross selling of products. Be weary of diets where the author up sells and cross sells products from which he is affiliated. Such marketing schemes provide very biased information.

6. Mandatory supplements. Some supplements are very effective, most are not. If the diet you are considering is centered around a single wonder supplement, then you are better off looking the other way. A single supplement will not change the way your body looks.

There is a lot of information to navigate when it comes to finding the right diet plan for you. Luckily, if you follow my advice, you will be one step closer to finding a plan that works. So ignore all the marketing hype and make informed decisions. - 17269

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Six Reasons Why You Are Affected By Easy Bruising, Reason 1 - Growing Older!

By Carolyn Cooper

If you are constantly discovering new bruises every time you happen to look down, you need to be aware that your body is trying to inform you of some new situation that indicates some form of change. Once you recognize that some type of change is occurring , you to spend the time necessary to figure out exactly what your body is attempting to tell you.

Although there are numerous reasons that might be the cause for this new condition of bruising easily, the most likely reason that you need to consider is your aging. As you grow older, it is much more normal for you to tend to bruise easily. Even though aging is by far the most common reason for easy bruising, it is not the only possible explanation. You need to evaluate for yourself all of the various causes for easy bruising so that you can select a proper course of action to reduce or prevent your bruising easily condition.

You have probably noticed that your skin is thinner and less flexible as you've gotten older. Not only is your skin is not providing the protection for your blood vessels and body that it once did, your skin tends to wrinkly easily. Your skin is not nearly as strong, and with the loss of elasticity, your skin now tends to be injured easily.

A bruise is basically caused by broken blood vessels just below unbroken skin. Even with the weakened condition of your skin, small bumps probably won't cause your skin to break, but the bump could easily break your weakened blood vessels just below the skin.

Contributing to this is going to be the thin capillary walls that you are dealing with. When you have thin capillary walls, you will find that they are significantly easier to traumatize. This is something that can make bruising much more common and much more dramatic. If your capillaries are more fragile than they once were, and if your skin is not providing you with the protection that you need, the results can be large bruises.

You should also understand that your body is no longer producing the levels of collagen like it use to. Collagen is the substance that gives your skin it's flexibility and firmness, and as we grow older, our bodies produce less of it. Large numbers of anti-aging formulas use collagen to improve skin tone, because youthful skin is smoother looking, and flexible skin is able to protect your body better.

As we get older, bruising easily is definitely is a more common condition for a variety of people. However, there always seem to be some people who bruise more easily than others, but there are also some people that don't seem to be bothered by bruising at all. Various groups of people are effected differently by bruising. Some groups take better care of themselves, or have better genetics, or are affected by any number of varied other reasons.

Every person needs to learn the causes of why their specific bruises occur. The more knowledge you can obtain about the causes for your easy bruising, the greater likelihood you will have to discover a means to overcome your bruising easily situation. You should also give some thought to adding a daily supplement program like Bruises Be Banned which can help you reduce bruising or prevent bruising altogether. - 17269

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Veganism - The Cruelty Free Way

By Nick Trutickoff

Starting with the moment when Elsie Shringley and Donald Watson utilized the word "vegan" for referring to the non-dairy veggies, this style of living was taken to be truly uninteresting. Some of the unsympathetic vegetarians detached themselves from this movement. The quite act of veganism became a real health crazed conception. The diet of the vegans became all the more famous and especially with countercultural communities like those of the hippies, but still enjoyed its quite own exclusivity. With huge developments in the society, a few vegans now plan to erase that self righteous reputation and promote the act of veganism as a really enjoyable and healthy way of living. This will further assist them drive the attention of more and more people, thus contributing predominantly to the practice of veganism and to a vegan world.

The quite popular vegan life style is now changing from being the one that was related with self sacrifice to being linked with rigorous fun. The people who are looking forward to be vegans should not just get attracted to the ethical benefits offered by veganism, but instead try doing some deeper research on it and gain powerful reasons of why to follow this diet. The diet of vegans is as a rule a very complicated one that requires some experienced assist to understand and take it in.

The people who are planning to turn in to vegans not just lay emphasis on the health benefits associated with the cause. Their main goal is to enjoy and lead a life that is purely cruelty free. The vegans also believe in the fact that lower consumption or no consumption of animal goods will aid into more use of the plant foods by humans than the livestock, thereby helping fighting the world hunger.

These vegans likewise restrict themselves from using the products fabricated from animal bodies like leather, wool and silk as well as cosmetics and dyes. Even trading performed in wool silk and leather products for the Payless kicks as well as hemp worked as a sacrifice for these vegans. These days, the vegan professionals offer the great aesthetic which is made fashionable and cruelty free. The fashion designer, popular Stella McCartney uses fake leather and natural fibers to offer her line of clothing collection.

As a matter of fact, there are two reasons because of which people often lead a vegan style of living. These two reasons are the cause there are different types of vegans having different objectives and completely different lives.

The primary reason to have a vegan way of living is because of ethical factors that assist a person to serve the globe as a vegan. Enjoying an outstanding vegan life helps reducing the query of various animal based products like fur, meat and eggs. Even the manufacturers producing these animal based items often sense guilty of their act but are then overpowered by the need to get a living.

Some widespread practices that are performed with real cruelty towards the animals include keeping them in cages that are not properly maintained and are very small in size. The pigs, cows and chicken are all put in the cages that are really little and they often suffocate them to various diseases and even death.

Another valuable rationality that helps people to select the vegan lifestyle is the health benefits which can be offered by a vegan diet. Vegan life style is indeed a little better when compared to other that are not vegan.

The proteins that are found in cheese, meat and other foods can also be included in the vegan life-style through intake of the protein rich items like legumes and tofu. Even the Omega 3 fatty acids in fish can be used in the vegan style of living because these fatty acids occur in the flax seed naturally. The typical vegan diet is generally more nutritionally rich than the diet which revolves around intake of the fatty cheese and meats.

To conclude, veganism serves to be the style of living which is introduced to pay due respect to all living things of this globe. These vegans try respecting the animals along with the human beings. They do not believe in using animal bodies for fulfilling their own needs. This further means that they are against of using any kind of animal fur, fiber, eggs, honey, flesh, cocoons, milk, feathers or wax. Vegans even don't use the animals for sustaining any explore work. They, in turn, try the best of their capabilities to have fruitful connection with the animal race. - 17269

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Most Common Myths about Six Pack abs

By S Kumar

There are numerous six pack abs products in the marketplace for building lean and toned abs.These products claim results which are quite amazing and hence create a dilemma in the minds of people trying to purchase them.This makes it quite difficult for people to make a right choice and get the best results.

The main reason behind this is the amount of over exposure that we are subjected to through magazines, newspapers, TV and the web.These products promise fantastic results but it is common knowledge that many of our acquaintances have failed to get any appreciable result by using these products.In this article let us try to understand the the pitfalls to be avoided and the proper course of action to be taken in order to be able to build lean and toned muscular abs.

First of all we have to understand the primary facts about body building and not become victims of misconceptions.But most of us get trapped by these misconceptions .The most common misconception that we come across is that it is of utmost importance that we exercise everyday in order to gain toned abs.But this is not true.An exercise routine of 3-4 days per week is more than enough to achieve the required level of fitness.The body is to be given time for the growth of muscles and the repairing of tissues.

Another common misconception is that it does not matter if we take Junk Food as long as we do an exercise workout immediately after taking the Junk Food.Majority of us believe this to be true due to the logic behind it,but in fact one has to give up the Junk Food in total if they wish to develop a six pack that they can exhibit with pride. Also the diet should be planned and balanced.

The biggest fable about the building of toned abs is that one should do maximum possible number of sit ups to fully tone the abs and attain six pack abs.The fact is that the exercise module should cover the whole body and not be focused only on the abdominal region. If this is not followed then the chances of gaining toned six pack abs are bleak.The body will extract all the deposited fat from the abdominal zone which is one of the major storing place of fats in the body when the whole body is exercised.

The qualified nutritionist and renowned personal trainer Mike Geary has formulated a an effective strategy for success as follows: * Fad dieting, pills and drugs are not needed in order to gain six-pack abs. * People looking for the 'lazy way' to get six pack abs will never succeed. * His manual explains the 'secrets' of exercising to lose fat in the region of stomach and the science behind why these methods work. * He also provides a diet course which which does require you to starve and explains how to smartly choose the food which does not contain fats. * It is designed for both men & women covering all ages and the body building starts with beginner,intermediate & advanced levels to get maximum results.

With the full knowledge of the do's and don't s of building a toned six pack abs,you are ready to follow a program that is more likely to give you very positive results in the shortest possible time. - 17269

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Muscle Toning with Resistance Band Workouts

By Jesse Regan

Among all routines that require an equipment, resistance band workouts are probably the most convenient but, nevertheless, effective. Many fitness buffs and professionals commonly use these set of exercises and included it in the P90X workout program. As a regular but important part of any fitness workout program, this has been proven to tone the muscles and condition the whole body. This has also been used as a form of therapy for persons undergoing physical rehabilitation or recovering from muscular injuries. Because it does not require any other piece of implement, this can be performed even at home.

What makes it unique from other routines is the resistance band. It has some movements common to many cardio exercises but using the resistance band requires more force from you. The band is made of a flexible rubber tubing that has handles made of plastic at the ends. It is the band's elasticity that gives resistance to your muscle movements. If you like to raise the resistance, you can just adjust the distance between the handles to suit your wants. Hence, you can actually use the resistance band according to your capability.

You can do the bicep curl with a resistance band. Just step on the middle of the band's span and hold tightly each of the handles with palms facing up. Check if the pulling pressures felt by both arms are the same, which means equal resistance. To make your position more stable, you can bend your knees a bit and increase the distance between your legs, which would also add tension to the band. From there, you can start doing the bicep curls.

Another resistance band exercise is the butt blaster, which is a top choice among women fitness buffs. The user gets on her hands and knees. She then wraps the resistance band around one foot while she holding each handles, making sure that the length of the is equal to the distance between her hands and knees. Then she flexes the foot, on which the resistance band is wrapped, and bends her leg back again. Doing this in repetitions tones the gluteal muscles.

Lifting free weights can be more tedious but it focuses only on the major muscles, usually, in the arms. On the other hand, resistance band workouts more muscle groups. As a routine in the P90X program, it works out even the minor sets of muscles are given attention and, therefore, have its own time for exercise, which results into a balanced toning of the muscles.

You need not worry about injuries with this workout. The pressures you apply to your muscles are all within your control when using a resistance band. If you are just starting, however, make only a few repetitions at first. Soon, you can gradually increase it as well as the frequency of your workouts, again, depending on your perceived development.

You can enjoy more information about workout tips on the internet. - 17269

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4 Fat Loss Supplements Analyzed

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

We are a nation that wants to lose fat. Do you want to lose fat? If you do, a whole slew of companies are willing to offer cutting edge supplements that will make fat loss a cinch.

But there is a catch. Said companies are NOT regulated by the federal government. In fact, they could literally put anything in a bottle and not get slapped by the FDA until someone got sick.

But are all supplements ineffective or dangerous? Well, the truth is that there are some very effective supplements with hardly any risks. The main problem is finding companies that produce them with high levels of purity.

And to help ease your pain, I have decided to analyze 4 common fat loss supplements:

1. Supplemental amino acids. Proceed with caution here. If you take a massive amount of one amino acid, you can limit the absorption of another. Amino acids can compete for carriers. Also, extra amino acids will not help you get more energy.

2. Acetyl carnitine pills. Carnitine is used to bring fatty acids into the mitochondria to be oxidized. However, your body makes all that it needs on its own. So supplementing is likely going to be a waste of money.

3. Insulin mimickers. The most popular insulin mimicker is chromium picolinate. And some initial work showed promise here. But the end conclusion is that chromium is a waste of money. You are far better off using this money to buy healthy food.

4. Meal replacements. Often found in shiny packets, meal replacements should not be called meal replacements. Why? Because a packet of powder will never be able to replace a meal in its nutritional entirety. These powders have limited applications and remember that solid food will always outperform liquid food.

If a supplement is accompanied by ridiculous claims, it probably does not work. You are much better off spending your time and energy doing other things that will actually make a difference. And do not be swayed by clever marketing! - 17269

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Who Serves the Tastiest Hamburgers?

By Laura Hertz

We live in a nation filled with great options for hamburgers and cheeseburgers. It seems that just about everywhere, you're able to find a great, tasty burger no matter where you are. With all of the different burgers out there, you'd think that people get sick of them but this simply isn't the case. More and more burger restaurants spring up each year.

The burger is definitely the favorite food in the United States, and there are so many options for those who enjoy them. All kinds of varieties exist at all kinds of price ranges. While most of the best are all delicious, people have different tastes as far as toppings go like cheese, vegetables, bun style, and more.

In this summary I'll be analyzing some of the offerings throughout the country, trying to proclaim the best burger out there. Since local options aren't really feasible for most of you, I'll be focusing on nationwide chains. Some may be regional ones though.

I've eaten more burgers than I can count in my life and I've made it a point to try as many new ones as often as I possibly can. From my own experience and the feedback of others, I'll be choosing these best burgers.

While the Big Mac, the Whopper, and some of the other more well known fast food burgers remain staples in America, the most successful feedback comes from In N Out Burger.

Patrons absolutely love the fact that its meat is never frozen and the fries are hand cut. Everything tastes extremely fresh for fast food, they say. You won't even have to spend much money for it.

It's true that this might be the favorite of Americans, but unfortunately you'll only be able to get to one if you're on the West coast. If you're located on the other end of the country, Five Guys doesn't do such a bad job either, and this gets our number two chain.

This is all obviously subject to opinion, but these represent the opinions of the masses, and that's what I aimed to bring you. Happy eating! - 17269

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Secrets to a Good Muscle Workout Routine

By Jesse Regan

If one has been doing a lot of cardio exercises and dieting lately, there is no doubt that a significant number of pounds should have been lost. This is also the time that new routines should be tried. These will keep his interest in working out and maintain the lighter weight he has just achieved. More importantly, any weight-loss, particularly those nearly drastic, can make someone appear deflated and thin. While the beer belly may have gone, what can remain are the just as unsightly loose skin and folds.

If one tries to look around a gym, he should notice that cardio exercises are not the only thing in its menu. The gym instructor may even suggest to him to try also the weight machines so he can also develop his muscles. Weight training will exercise the muscles and grow them to replace the fat that had been ridden off through the previous cardio routines. The effect, naturally, would be a body that is shaped strong and fit. This completes the fitness workout process.

Doing muscle workouts, however, is not simply lifting any weights, anytime, and anywhere. It does have a system, a process that may need to be followed in order to get the best results and to avoid injuries. First, one should make a schedule that is neither too tight nor too relaxed. Nothing that is done in extreme is fine and this definitely includes muscle workout. A weekly schedule should consider splits or breaks in workout days and in actual routine minutes. A good workout schedule would be having one to two days of rest in between workouts. For every schedule, different muscle groups should be trained. Overtraining one muscle group is an invitation to muscle cramps or, worse, injury.

To avoid such imbalance, be sure that you set aside workout schedule for the legs, the arms and the torso muscles. These are the major muscle groups that you have to develop. The torso, which takes longer to tone, includes the chest, the abs, and the back. You can exercise your chest by doing flat bench presses or by using dumbbell flyes and the incline hammer strength machine. Your back, on the other hand, will find pull-ups, chin-ups, and deadlifts quite helpful.

These may be oftentimes unseen by the eyes, but the chest, the abs, and the back also have muscles that must be developed. Performing flat bench presses and flat bench dumbbell flyes are good for shaping the chest. Bent over barbell row, chin ups, and seated cable rows, when done correctly, will tone the muscles at the back.

After a week of workout, you may notice that the routines have become simpler and this should be your cue to add reps and weights. However, do not shock your muscles with extreme increases as this may only do you harm. Be considerate to your body with gradual rising of the reps and weights.

You can access information about workout tips like this online. - 17269

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Insulin And Weight Loss

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

There is one single hormone you need to focus on if you really want to lose fat once and for all. It is the hormone responsible for most fat loss failures. Why insulin? Because it is the gatekeeper of fat loss.

You see, no matter how much you run, no matter how much you lift weights, no matter how many supplements you take, if insulin is high you will never lose fat.

Thus, here is how to lower insulin for better weight loss:

1. Stick to low GI carbs. Carbohydrates by far have the biggest impact on insulin levels compared to other macronutrients. So if you have anything white in your diet or if drink a lot of liquid calories, it is time to start phasing these foods out.

2. Lose fat ASAP. The more fat you lose, the less insulin your body will produce. This is quite ironic, but true. Some would call this a catch 22. However, simply see it as more motivation to get the ball rolling.

3. Say goodbye to the dopamine rush. Carbohydrates and their broken down form, sugar, increase levels of dopamine in your brain (a feel good hormone). Once you drop the sugar, you will miss this rush more than anything else. The best strategy here is to distract yourself by doing involved activities.

4. Avoid the whole grain mentality. We have been told for far too long that whole grains are healthy. And while they do contain more fiber than sugary foods, they are still NOT optimal for weight loss. We did not evolve over history to eat whole grains.

5. Stay away from alcohol. Alcohol does so many harmful things in your body that I could write a whole book on the subject. In terms of weight loss, alcohol provides an obscene amount of calories while increasing levels of stomach fat. And this type of fat leads to more insulin.

Insulin is the ultimate fat loss gatekeeper. You can pretty much ignore everything else and focus on this one hormone and the weight will come off like a butter through knife. And if you follow the tips in this article, the weight loss will happen that much faster. - 17269

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Effects of Colostrum on the Heart

By Dr. Anthony Kleinsmith

Thousands of articles have been written on the health benefits of colostrum. Colostrum has been known to effectively help build the immune system and treat many ailments and diseases. Now, scientists are learning that colostrum can have huge health benefits for the heart. This article discusses what current knowledge is known about the effects of routine dietary supplement of bovine colostrum, and what it can do for the heart muscle functioning and physiology.

Growth Hormone IGF-1

Bovine colostrum contains growth hormone that works in conjunction with IGF-1 to assist in the functioning as well as repairing of the heart muscle. Growth hormone and IGF-1 have receptors found on all heart muscle cells. Studies show growth hormone may act on the heart directly. IGF-1 may act indirectly on the heart or by separate hormonal pathways.

Research shows stimulatory effects come from both growth hormone and IGF-1on heart muscle cells. These stimulatory effects occur by a pathway of cells that use calcium. When congestive heart failure patients have been administered growth hormone, their clinical status and heart function improved.

Quality Colostrum is Safe

Because Colostrum and milk comes from the same source, many people think that colostrum is part of milk. This common belief could not be further from the truth. It is true that colostrum and milk come from the same source, however they are fundamentally different. The fact is that colostrum and milk are two totally different substances. Colostrum comes first from the mother then milk comes second. There is a period of time when both milk and colostrum are mixed together. However, high quality colostrum has virtually no milk present. Bovine colostrum contains no cholesterol and can be used by patients with high triglycerides and high serum cholesterol. For this reason, those that have cholesterol problems should seek out the highest quality colostrum. - 17269

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