Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Rachel Ray, Acai Berry, Healthy And Delicious!

By Brad Jensen

Rachel Ray is crazy about acai berry. Acai is one of the 10 super-foods promoted by Dr Perricone. Oprah is enthusiastic about acai berry. Research has proven that this berry is a powerhouse of nutrition! Acai berries are the power packed berry of the Amazon rainforests of Brazil.

Acai berries taste like an intoxicating blend of chocolate and berries. Acai berry is chock full of essential fatty acids, amino acids, and antioxidants. Although acai may not yet be available in the average Safeway, you can easily find it in several health food and gourmet stores.

Among the many benefits of Acai is that it can prevent and sometimes reverse signs of aging. A mixture of antioxidants assist in fighting premature aging. Acai has 10 times more antioxidants than red grapes and up to 25 times then the established health benefits of red wine. These antioxidants work together to keep your skin soft and smooth and supple and youthful looking. Acai can also actually reverse some pre-existing facial wrinkles.

Acai also contains a wonderful combo of dietary fiber, healthy fats, and phytosterols. These ingredients work together to facilitate digestive and cardiovascular health. Phytosterols from plant sources are super helpful in treating many conditions, such as arthritis, immune system deficiencies, and high cholesterol. The plant sterols try to saturate absorption sites faster than those of cholesterol, which is an animal sterol, and therefore reduce the total amount of cholesterol absorbed by the body. Total and low-density lipid cholesterol levels can be reduced by the consumption of phytosterols which represents an enormous health benefit to anyone at risk of high cholesterol..

Acai berries also boast an amino acid complex which acts in conjunction with minerals to promote proper muscle growth and health. This is important to anyone trying to increase their muscle mass or anyone trying to prevent muscles wasting.

The benefits of acai berry are vast and wide. The fatty acid content in acai berries resembles that of healthy oils such as olive oil and flax seed oil. It is also full of monounsaturated oleic acid.

Oleic acid is critical to good health for a number of reasons. Oleic acid helps omega-3 rich oils such as fish oil go into the membranes of our cells; together they help make cell membranes healthier by making them more flexible. By keeping our cell membranes supple and flexible, our cells can function more efficiently. This benefit can not be overstated as high insulin levels create an inflammation, and inflammation causes premature aging. From another health perspective, oleic acid exhibits other benefits as it has been shown to prevent the progression of dangerous and deadly heart disease.

An interesting use of oleic acid which is found in acai berry is its use as an ingredient in Lorenzo's oil made famous in a TV movie of the same name. This medication was developed to prevent the onset of adrenoleukodystrophy (ALD), a condition effecting boys that attacks the myelin sheaths of the body, causing debilitating symptoms similar to those in multiple sclerosis. Though Lorenzo's oil does not cure the condition, it can delay onset or progression of the disease in those who are not yet symptomatic.

There seem to be many reasons to at least try the acai berry diet. The taste alone, berries plus dark chocolate, sounds compelling. - 17269

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The Proper Form For A Bench Press

By Klint Newton

The bench press is the squat of the pectoralis, or pecs, muscle group. Squats are considered by most bodybuilding authorities to be the best exercise for building the thighs or quadriceps. The bench press is considered by most authorities to be the best exercise for building up the chest, or pecs. This article will explain to you how to perform a proper and safe bench press.


I'm assuming that your equipment is functioning properly and in safe condition. Approaching the bench from the front, lay down with your head at the end with the bar. Make sure that your back and butt are flat against the bench. Be sure the position yourself far enough down the bench that when you lower the bar to your chest it doesn't hit the supports.

Grab the bar firmly shoulder width apart. If you grip the bar wider you will place more emphasis on your pecs, but it will also put more pressure on your shoulder joints. If your grip is more narrow you will involve your triceps. You just need to do the lift a few times without weight, to see the right place on the bar for you. Before you add any weight to the bar, practice your grip and form a few times. Slowly and controlled, lower the bar until it barely touches your chest. Next, raise the bar to the nearly fully extended position. I just want you to do this a few times to feel the motion of the exercise.


Load some weight on the bar, and make sure to keep it even. If you put a 10lb plate on one side, put the same amount on the other side. Just as practiced, grab the bar above you with a grip that is most natural to you. This grip will be at least 12inches apart, but no more than 6 inches greater than shoulder width apart. Now with the help of your spotter, slowly lift the bar to the starting position. Make sure to have the weight steady and still before lowering. Now slowly lower the bar to your chest, taking about four seconds to lower the weight. Let the bar slightly touch your chest. Once it does, press the bar back up to the starting position, taking about 2 seconds to lift the bar. Repeat this lift for the desired amount of reps.

The bench press is a fundamental exercise that all bodybuilders and weight trainees should be familiar with. Keep up the great work and great form, and with practice, you will notice your weight increasing month after month. - 17269

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Inpeccable Truths On Attaining Sculpted Six Pack Abs

By Josh Wintrop

Any time you turn on the television, you are subjected to the sight of actors, models, and stars talking about their wonderfully sculpted, flat tummies. This can be frustrating, right? Why? Even though these people make it seem simple to get toned abs, you don't seem to have the same luck in your own life. However, have you been doing the best things? If you know what you need to do, getting that sculpted midsection you want is actually fairly simple.

It is an unfortunate fact, that many people whose main focus is gaining six-pack abs, tend to spend all of their time on abdominal exercises, and neglect to pay attention to the other elements necessary to achieve their objective.

With the TV models spouting a laundry list of reasons that our stomachs get flabby, it is very hard for viewers to find the reality in all of it. The way you and your midsection look are attributable to your age, gender, genetics, health condition, lifestyle, and many other things as well. The spare-tire look that most men end up with is due to the fact that they naturally store fat in the midsection. When it comes to women, the fat is stored in the lower abdominal area, which creates that little pooch.

If you eat less fat and exercise this will help, but you can't be sure where you'll lose weight with these methods. It isn't enough to just perform abdominal exercises in order to get not only a flat, sculpted midsection but also the six-pack abs that are all the rage. In order for you to achieve this goal, you have got to have a program that is comprehensive in it's efforts, neglecting nothing. The first part of the struggle is lowering the fat level in your body, which is not very easy to do in the first place, is difficult to maintain, and can be very dangerous for you if not done properly.

If you find yourself in this situation, it can be almost impossible to achieve your goal and you'll get upset. The best thing to do is to set goals which you are going to be able to meet, even if it takes you some time. You are going to have to fact up to you are going to have imperfections in your body, no matter what program you follow, when you set realistic goals for yourself. You should challenge yourself to accept these imperfections instead of allowing them to be the source of frustration; make your goal that of improving your overall health and appearance, not perfection.

The infomercials that are plaguing the airwaves with boasts on getting six-pack abs quickly are very misleading, and dangerous not only physically but to your sense of self as well. You should be very wary of all of the weight loss supplements, weight loss gadgets, and abdominal exercise machines that swear they can give you weight loss quickly for a very exorbitant price. In order to make permanent, effective changes in your body, you should not expect an overnight fix.

It's difficult to attain a firm, toned and sculpted body. Beyond that, you don't have to buy an exercise machine or special gadgets to get an excellent stomach. In order to get a great stomach, do abdominal exercises, the correct cardiovascular training workouts and eat the right food. - 17269

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Keeping Well in Winter

By Dr. Jason Fowler

Simon and Garfunkel [and later, The Bangles] had it right. Winter light is hazy - it is more diffuse. The sun is lower in the sky and the sun's rays reach the Earth at an angle, losing much of their power. And of course, there's less sunlight during each 24-hour day of winter than during the rest of the year.

All these facts make it more important during winter to ensure that you're getting your daily dose of sunlight. Humans depend on sun exposure to satisfy daily requirements of vitamin D.1 Vitamin D deficiency is classically associated with loss of bone mass, and is also associated with rheumatoid arthritis, cardiovascular disease, cancer, and type 1 diabetes.2

Humans need sunshine. It's not just a matter of aesthetics or a personality quirk like being a sun-worshipper. In Southern California and the rest of the Southwest there's plenty of sunshine all year round. Everywhere else in the United States, though, direct sunlight is much harder to find.

Humans also need exercise. As time is a precious commodity for all of us, it makes sense during winter to exercise and get your daily dose of sunlight at the same time.

Doing aerobic exercise outdoors perfectly fulfills our requirements. Walking, running, and cycling get us out into the fresh air and sunshine. If you're used to riding a stationary bike or walking or running on a treadmill at home or at the gym, winter is the time for you to take it outside.

Your bones will benefit greatly by increased contact with direct sunlight. And, interestingly, your entire body will benefit from your new outdoors focus. Machines such as treadmills and stationary bikes are great - they make it easy to exercise. But there's a big difference in terms of overall benefit when you're actually riding a real bike up a real hill or running on a real surface that changes configuration on almost every step.

The difference relates to proprioception3 - your body's response to physical changes in three-dimensional space. Bottom line, the more overall use you make of your body, the more you'll benefit. Exercising outdoors provides whole-body training in ways machines never can.

The need to actively seek out sunshine during winter creates a wonderful opportunity to broaden our exercise horizons. Make sure to dress appropriately and to wear UV-protecting sunglasses.

Many affordable brands of high-performance sportswear are available that wick moisture away from your skin and provide good insulation. Layering is the way to go. You can remove layers as you get warmer. Wicking-and-insulating caps and gloves are also available. It's better to be a little too warm than a little too cold.

Be sure to consult with your chiropractor about the most effective forms of exercise for you. He or she will be able to help you design a customized exercise program that works best for you.

1Holick MF: Sunlight and vitamin D for bone health and prevention of autoimmune diseases, cancers, and cardiovascular disease. Am J Clin Nutr 80(6):1678S-1688S, 2004 2Mohr SB, et al:The association between ultraviolet B irradiance, vitamin D status and incidence rates of type 1 diabetes in 51 regions worldwide. Diabetologia 51(8):1391-1398, 2008 3Buccello-Stout RR, et al: Effects of sensorimotor adaptation training on functional mobility in older adults. J Gerontol B Psychol Sci Soc Sci 63(5):P295-300, 2008 - 17269

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Losing Fat and Building Muscle, What You Need To Do

By Benshoo Gronshe

A marvelous strategy for losing Fat & Building Muscles simultaneously: There can be a lot of different approaches to lose weight and to gain muscles simultaneously - some of them are conventional, some old-fashioned and some contemporary. This article will elaborate yet another approach.

What is the abs diet? Abs diet program was basically a fitness workout plan developed by a press officer for the promotion of his health journal. That journal is named as Men's Health. This suggestion of abs diet was truly acknowledged by people and it brought in the massive change. Afterwards, it was modified by some people to make it additionally useful for weight loss program.

The abs and diet program takes around about 6-weeks to show considerable results.

Hence, usage of this plan along with the safety measures is highly-effective for losing fats and building muscles.

The most effective diet plan for it includes 12 special food items which are considered as the base of this plan. Besides that, the basic aim over here is to properly guide you in shaping your muscles by doing different exercises and maintaining proper diet.

Various people get advantages from this strategy through many years. It's a matter of luck at times, as many take advantages from it, but there are many people got fail in having any sort of assistance regarding their fitness regime.

This plan suggests eating six to seven times a day, having bodybuilding exercises with the consumption of lean proteins and carbohydrates. It will help you build muscle and lose fat.

Twelve Powerful Foods: For your desired fat loss and muscle gain, it is recommended that you try the following twelve Powerful Foods.

1.Pulses 2.Curd, low fat cheese, low fat milk 3.Walnuts, Almonds or other types of nuts 4.Oils made by nuts, specially olive oil 5.Berries 6.White meat 7.Low fat Peanut Butter 8.Eggs 9.Barley 10.Brawn Breads 11.Cereals 12.Fresh vegetables and fruits

Losing weight and building muscles together are good for one's abdominal body, it is proven by many researches. However they both are not the only methods to accomplish your goal. It is our basic requirement to have nutritious food with the intention of a wonderful body.

What we should do for losing fats and building muscles:

1.Discard unwanted diet 2.Evade the use of creamy sauces 3.Lessen milky foods to half 4.Avoid eating in the evening - especially after six 5.Cut your corners, where needed 6.Increase protein-rich foods 7.Discard fried chicken and eat Lima 8.Serve protein-enriched low-fatty edibles including fish, eggs, beans, chicken and peanuts

These are the superior ways of getting high proteins. Addition of proteins in food helps to alter and build muscles. This way, your muscles get prominent and healthy and you'll look good.

All you need to do is make good habits and kick off the bad ones. So follow this article and you will achieve the aim of building great muscles and losing fats. - 17269

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