Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Tips For Hard Gainers - Learn How To Get Bigger

By Jennifer King

If you're unlucky enough to be a hard gainer, and you have trouble packing on quality muscle mass then you will already realize that gaining size isn't something that is easy to do. Fundamentally, putting on quality weight is to do all the things you're doing now, but do them bigger.

This means you have to eat bigger, and you have to start looking at how you're training, and train harder. If you fail to do these two things you won't put on any weight and you won't get any stronger. Your muscles won't get any bigger if you don't eat more food, and you won't get bigger muscles if you don't lift more when you're training.

When it comes to packing on muscle lifting weights should be at the top of your list. The next most important thing is your diet. Without a proper diet all your weight training efforts will be a waste of time. Giving your body enough rest between workouts is also important. If you don't give your muscles enough time to repair themselves then your progress will go backwards.

The first thing to do that you will benefit from massively is work out how many calories you're eating every day. Once you have worked this out you'll know how much more you have to eat to add a substantial amount that is going to allow you to grow. You could start at adding 500 a day.

This might sound a lot at first but it could be a meal that contains 30 grams of protein, 40 grams of carbs and 25 grams of healthy fat. A meal this size isn't difficult to add to your daily meals. When you start training more effectively your body will need this extra consumption for the extra calories your muscles will be burning.

Once you've what you're going to eat every day you need to get serious about your weight training. This means that going to the gym is for lifting weights and not socializing. Most gym users use their time in the gym to talk with their friends. They lift the same weight every session for the same amount of reps, talk to their friends, then go home and wonder why they're not growing.

The first thing you need to do is start writing down how much you're lifting and for how many sets and reps. You need to progresses with your training , and you can only do this if you know what you did last time your trained. Your muscles won't grow if you don't do more than you did last time you were training. If you don't get stronger then your muscles have no reason to grow, and if you don't lift more than you did the week before you won't get stronger.

When you write everything down you'll now exactly what's working for you and what isn't. If your progress is going backwards you'll know where to adjust your training.

If you truly want to dramatically change your body, to learn how to build muscle mass fast, then understand that your goals need the power of all of the above working together so you can achieve them. - 17269

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Gym Workout Programs, How to get a Solid Chest

By Ricardo d Argence

When building muscles for your chest you need to be aware of the common pitfalls and misconceoptions out there. To achieve the famed chiseled look in the pectorals, or in any part of the body, it takes disciplined work. Some body builders think the most efficient way to achieve this goal is through bench presses. One exercise alone can not obtain real definition in the pectoral muscles.

There a few simple weight lifting exercises that will help build a well-defined chest.

High Cable crossover will work the difficult to reach inner Pecs. Low Cable crossovers, is another inner pec exercise, the key is the correct amount of tension.

Bench press-Close grip, this will work the inner Pecs quite well, however the movement will also work triceps and upper chest. Bench press-Wide grip, your wide spaced handling will work the lower pectoral.

Dips, depending on elbow position, you can work either the inner or the outer Pecs. Dumbbell Flyers works the inner pectoral muscles but you really have to squeeze them together. Alternate this on incline, decline, and flat bench.

These are examples of good chest muscle exercises, changing your workout around will lessen the chance of hitting a plateau. Its important to understand that both nutrition and rest are important.

When you are building muscle, nutrition is as important as weight lifting. When you lift weights, you are actually tearing muscle tissue. To repair the muscle and thereby make it larger your body requires protein and complex carbohydrates. It is also a good idea to increase your vitamin and mineral intake.

Hydration is also important for any workout routine. The body requires water to provide nutrition to the cells, eliminate waste, and regulate internal body temperature. In addition to all these, water also cushions the joints and protects major internal organs. Increase your water intake above the recommended daily amount as strenuous exercise quickly depletes fluid levels.

Just as importantly, you need to get enough rest for your bodybuilding regimen to be effective. As sleep is detrimental to muscle building, daiming that a catabolic happening can occur while sleeping, whereby some product marketers have pushed the idea. Do not fall for false claims by marketers wanting you to purchase their products, for example some will say this is where your muscle will waste away. This is completely false and could potentially cause serious mental and physical problems.

Sleep is your body's way of regenerating and healing itself, without sleep your muscles will not heal properly and all your work will have been for nothing. Not to mention the fact that you will be fatigued and enable to complete future training sessions.

Combine all of these elements and you will quickly build your muscles and have the strong, toned chest you desire. To increase the benefit from your body building work, remember to eat well, set aside enough time for quality sleep and diversify your workout routine. - 17269

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Weight Training Routines, How to get a Solid Chest

By Ricardo d Argence

There are some common misconceptions when it comes to building muscle for a solid chest. As with any area of the body it take disciplined work of the pectorals to achieve that much desired chiseled look. Many body builders are under the impression that the best way to do this is through bench presses. While this exercise does in fact work the pectoral, muscles there are other exercises needed to get a truly refined look.

There a few simple weight lifting exercises that will help build a well-defined chest.

High and Low Cable crossover are perfect to begin. High Cable crossover will work the difficult to reach inner Pecs. Low Cable crossovers, is another inner pec exercise, the key is the correct amount of tension.

Let's follow with Bench press. Bench press-Wide grip, your wide spaced handling will work the lower pectoral. Bench press-Close grip, this will work the inner Pecs quite well, however the movement will also work triceps and upper chest.

Dumbbell Flyers works the inner pectoral muscles but you really have to squeeze them together. Alternate this on incline, decline, and flat bench. Dips, depending on elbow position, you can work either the inner or the outer Pecs.

These exercises will benefit the chest muscles, and decrease your chances of hitting a plateau, by mixing things up a bit. It is also important for you to understand and appreciate that rest and nutrition are equally important.

Nutrition is just as important as weight lifting when you're trying to build muscle. When you lift weights, you are actually tearing muscle tissue. You need to eat carbohydrates and proteins for your body to repair and enlarge your muscles. It is also a good idea to increase your vitamin and mineral intake.

Hydration is also important for any workout routine. The body requires water to provide nutrition to the cells, eliminate waste, and regulate internal body temperature. In addition to all these, water also cushions the joints and protects major internal organs. Increase your water intake above the recommended daily amount as strenuous exercise quickly depletes fluid levels.

Getting an adequate amount of rest is just as important to any other factor when body building. Some product salesperson suggested the thought that sleep is unfavorable to building muscle, claiming that a catabolic phenomenon occurs while at sleep. However it is a false claim by marketers wanting to sell their product on saying that this is where the muscle wastes away. This isn't just a baldfaced lie, it may actually result in grave consequences mentally as well as physically.

Sleep is your body's way of regenerating and healing itself, without sleep your muscles will not heal properly and all your work will have been for nothing. Not to mention the fact that you will be fatigued and enable to complete future training sessions.

You will be able to create muscle tissue swiftly and obtain the firm chest you've constantly desired by bringing each of the preceding elements together. To make the most of your body building workouts, make sure to eat healthy, switch up your routine and provide your body with plenty of quality sleep. - 17269

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Water Filtration Systems for Pure Drinking Water Right from your

By Joseph Nagy

With a huge trend of people turning towards natural health, it has been emphasized that drinking pure water is one of the most important things we can do for our health. Sadly, there are over 2,100 toxins that can be in our drinking water, including chlorine, lead, chemical run-offs from large farms and corporate pollution. These toxins are found in your tap water, whether you have well water or municipal water.

The solution, for many consumers, is to purchase bottled water; however, some reports claim that bottled water really isn't all that much better for your health. The millions of plastic bottles manufactured, transported and dumped in our landfills are harmful to our environment and slowly killing our planet!

A home water filtration system would be the answer to all the above; healthier water and less damage to the environment. Many different systems are available, each with their own significant differences to be considered. Though some are very costly, they are not necessarily the best.

The reverse osmosis system is very popular today. It does a great job of removing toxins from your drinking water, but it also removes the beneficial minerals that our bodies need, like magnesium, potassium, calcium and many more.

There are water filtration systems that do not remove all toxins from your drinking water; just some. They might cost less, but are they worth it if you are still getting contaminants in your water? Check the features each system offers when comparing the price of each system.

If you are truly conscious of your health when it comes to water, think about your shower or bathing water. Heat and steam from warm water opens your skin pores for water to be absorbed into your body. You breathe the steam into your lungs. There are contaminants in water that can cause dry, itchy skin, rashes, and upper respiratory irritation. A shower water filter makes a great difference here.

You can save time and money on maintenance and replacement filters if you purchase a whole house filtration system. One system will filter all of your water, drinking water, cooking water, laundry water and bathing and showering water.

While people are very health conscious today, they are also budget conscious. Figure out how much you are spending, per unit, to purchase bottled water. Amazingly, you will find that it is pretty close to the price of gasoline! How many of these units do you drink per day, per week, per year? Keep this number in mind when you shop for your system.

An important item to consider when looking at water filtration systems is the cost of maintenance and the availability of replacement filters. The replacement filters will be rated by number of gallons of water that can pass through before they need to be replaced. Figure out the cost of the total number of filters you will need to maintain pure drinking water for a year. You will be happy to find that the cost is less than what you are paying for bottled water. Another great feature is a system that comes with easy to read, illustrated instructions for easily changing the filters.

With adequate research into water filtration systems, you should have a pretty good idea of what you want to have installed in your home. When you consider the purchase, installation and maintenance costs, compared to the cost of purchasing bottled water, also think about the convenience. You will no longer be going out to get bottled water each week; no more plastic bottles cluttering up the house and the landfills. With a whole house water filtration system, you get the added bonus of improving the quality of all your water, for better results with laundry as well as safe cooking and showering water.

Now that you have an idea of what you are looking for in a water filtration system, consider the purchase price and cost of installation. Also think about the added convenience of pure water right from your tap. No more lugging in cases of bottled water; no more contributing to the millions of plastic bottles in the landfills. If you chose a whole house water filtration system, you will have improved the quality of all your water, including bathing, showering and laundry.

There are many products available to suit your individual needs and fit your budget. Whether you just want a filter for one faucet, a shower filter, or a whole house filter, do your research to be sure you get a water filtration system you will be happy with. - 17269

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Learning About Acai Berries

By Ken Yessef

Many people love berries. Some love blueberries, some love blackberries, some love strawberries and now berry lovers are discovering the fewest berry on the block, Acai berries. Acai berries are berries of the Acai palm trees that are native to the Amazonian rain Forest. For people who love berries, they cannot wait to get to know more about Acai berries.

The first thing to know about acai berries, though, is that these much publicize acai berries are not yet available widely. Fresh acai berries are not available in most countries including the United States and European countries. If you to go a local grocery stores in these countries to find fresh acai berries, you are not likely to find any but you might find some acai products in the frozen section or the juice section.

If you feel like hopping on a plane to Brazil where the acai berries are, you will be able to order some acai dishes. Many people in Brazil have acai berries for breakfast and in other dishes throughout the day. The acai berry is a popular fruit in Brazil and they are very affordable there too.

If you live in countries where the acai berries are not available, you can look in the frozen section of your local whole food stores. You will find some acai packs, acai smoothie packs, or acai ice cream or acai sorbet. There are many recipes that can make use of these acai berry products. Most people say they taste very good and unique.

There is always the option of drinking juices that have acai berries in them. Recently, many more acai berry juices were introduced in countries where the acai berries are not freshly available. There are many brands to choose from and there are many tastes to choose from. Most of the acai berry juices do not just contain acai berry content but other fruits as well.

Some people look into the acai berries for health reasons. The acai berries are very healthy and eating acai berries can improve your health significantly. There have been enough researches to know that the acai berries contain much needed nutrients, vitamins, and minerals that the body needs to fight many diseases and illnesses.

There are many reasons to try acai berries and their acai berry products. Fortunately, there are great acai products in a store near you that are cheap enough for you to grab a taste of them today. A delicious bottle of acai juice can cost just a few dollars. Of course, there are products that cost more. To learn more about acai berries and find out what you need to know before you try any, there are a few really great websites that will provide lots of valuable information about them. - 17269

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Muscle Building Books - Homemade Supplement Secrets

By Westy

Homemade Supplement Secrets

When you buy the e-book Homemade Supplement Secrets, you will learn everything that you need to know about supplements and how to make them in your own home. The claims that are made by the manufacturers of some of the best selling supplements on the market are analyzed and all of the ingredients gone through with a fine tooth comb. When you have all of this information you will be armed with the knowledge that you need to use the best supplements and not fall victim to these false claims.

The e-book will take you through all of the ingredients that you may have in your own kitchen and shows you how to get the proper nutrition for your exercise and diet program. You will learn where these ingredients are available and how you can make your own supplements at home. The book contains the recipes for every supplement that is currently on the market. They are broken down into categories in the book so that you can easily find the type of supplement that you are trying to create.

You cannot say that Jeff is giving you an exact replica; he gives you the best of supplements and deducts the fluffs. An "ingredient sprinkle" is actually the fluff and is a tactic to deceive the consumers. They project it in such a way that it seems to have huge quantities of the most essential component, which is not true. These ingredients are found in smaller quantities and have hardly any effect on the body. Sometimes you'll see that a product contains "whey proteins", may be it does, but in such a tin proportion that it won't even have an impact on your body.

The book goes through all of the ingredients that are included in the supplements that are currently on the market and shows you the percentage of these ingredients that are contained in the supplement. The book goes on to show you how much your body really needs for the ingredient to be effective. The facts in the book have been painstakingly researched and the recipes that you will find to make your own are designed to give you the best supplement that you can use.

The e-book will also detail all of the ingredients that you will need for making your own supplements and where you can find them. The program comes with updates that will keep the information current for many years.

The first thing that you will note is Jeff covers only the best selling supplements in the market. That seemed annoying, because most of these best-sellers need not be the best performers as well. These supplements are widely advertised and that increases its sale. That's all you can complain about, or probably you cannot. As you try to analyze, you will fee that there is no room for complain.

It will become apparent that once you take away all of the ingredients that do not do anything for your health and body and compare the recipes in the book to those of the best sellers, you will see that you are actually making a better supplement.

Jeff's e-book is undoubtedly the best source of learning the basics of supplementation. The e-book is well organized and very friendly with all the necessary details that you need to remember. - 17269

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Dealing With High Cholesterol And Triglycerides

By Adrian Fletcher

If a person's cholesterol is high due to the fact they are overweight, there is a fair chance that their triglyceride levels will also be above the level considered to be acceptable. The lifestyle that you live and types of food choices you make typically have a direct impact on the link between cholesterol and triglycerides.

The body stores fat from food that is eaten but not being used for energy immediately as triglycerides. Our food and lifestyle are directly related to our cholesterol and triglyceride levels. So we can control cholesterol and triglyceride by changing our food habits and lifestyle. This is often the first place to start if you have high levels of cholesterol and triglycerides.

There is a lot you can learn about what types of foods are best to eat to have a normal level of cholesterol and triglycerides. Gathering the most knowledge you can find about the foods you consume is something you need to do before you try anything to lower your cholesterol levels through dieting.

You should plan a menu that includes meals that will keep your cholesterol levels within healthy ranges and this will promote better heart health. It is necessary that you know which kinds of food can keep you healthy and the foods that you eat that can cause problems or place you at risk of heart disease.

A lot of people don't know about the types of foods that can make their cholesterol levels higher. When you are educated about the types of foods that can cause trouble you can substitute these foods with more wholesome alternatives. You should seek out foods that you like to take the place of foods that are bad for you. It won't be long before you learn to eat and enjoy healthy foods more than unhealthy foods. The reason is that you will feel so much better when you are eating this way. In most cases you don't have to stop eating your favorite meals, simply substitute certain ingredients for others.

If you want your cholesterol and triglycerides levels to be reduced, thirty minutes of exercise for five days a week is a proven way that would help in this situation. Exercise can make you feel physically better, as you will feel energized and rejuvenated. If you feel consistently stressed out, you may find that by simply walking for thirty minutes, in addition to the regular time you spend in walking can be very helpful. Exercise is amazing restorative and relaxing.

Two ways of the best ways through which you can lower your cholesterol and triglycerides levels are diet and exercise. Medications prescribed by your doctor can also bring down the cholesterol levels. However, the best solution that you can attempt is to maintain your health through making better food choices and staying with a diet plan dedicated to promoting good heart health. Making these changes to your lifestyle is not hard. Make small changes and continually build on your healthy living plan. You will benefit for the years to come with these simple changes. - 17269

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Ginseng-For Pleasure And Healing

By Zul Rahman

Till this day many people believed that ginseng has the mystical and curing power.The ancient Chinese believed that a plant that look alike to human body parts would have a healing effect on that body part. For example if the plant resemble a hand, then it has the power to heal hands. Since Ginseng looks like the whole body then it is believed that it can bring balance and well being to the whole body.

Ginseng are acknowledged for creating vitality. Thats why most of the energy drinks contain ginseng. The Chinese are the one that discovered this.

Americans utilized ginseng to treat mental clarity and stress. Ginseng has always been associated with its power to tone up physical as well as mental therefore maintaining good body balance.

The Asians have discovered that Ginseng facilitates mental betterments, eradicates anemia and helps prevent diabetes, neurosis, coughs, asthma, and T.B. They also believed that it is good to the well being of liver and can significantly reduce the effects of hangover.

There are a lot of research done on Ginseng compared to other herbal supplements. One of the concern that people have nowadays is that they don't get the genuine Ginseng anymore because of the chemically factory processed..

The only way to be certain that you get the authentic Ginseng is to buy the Ginseng root. Regardless of all the research and studies conducted on Ginseng, it is still yet to be certified by the FDA.

Be warned that if you suffer from high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, clotting and bleeding disorder, do not use Ginseng unless with the approval of your health care professional or doctors.

Ginseng served both as medicinal herbs as well as goodies in cooking. This is pretty common in Asian cooking particularly in Korean and Chinese dishes. Ginseng are also put in tea for curing and pleasure purposes.

It is usually sliced, mashed and added into boiling soups. Sometimes it is also added to stir fry dishes and during the cooking of steam rice. Commonly Ginseng is used together with the preparation of chicken and mushroom dishes.

Apart from regular cooking, Ginseng is also used in the preparation of dessert, salads and even jellies. Usually people who love cooking with Ginseng are the vegetarians. Today as more and more people learn about the benefits of Ginseng. it is becoming more of a household kitchen ingredients. - 17269

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