Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Benefits Of Whey Protein Shakes In Bodybuilding

By Ray T. Hardy

A growing body of research shows that bodybuilders and athletes can improve performance and muscle gains when consuming whey protein shakes and products. Whey protein is a derivative of real milk and not only supplies the body with protein, but also contains high concentrations of calcium, magnesium and other minerals that are absorbed readily in liquid form. Whether you're on a muscle gaining diet or want to lose body fat, consuming whey protein shakes before and after your workout can power up your fitness routine and give you better results overall.

Author Gregg Avedon, of the book "Men's Health Muscle Chow", emphasizes the need for bodybuilders to have a diet of lean protein supplemented by at least one whey protein drink every day. Outlined below are the top benefits a training athlete or bodybuilder can gain from whey protein drinks.

1. Convenient source of nutrients. Whey protein drinks are easily digested and its nutrients are easily absorbed by the body. This makes it ideal for athletes and bodybuilders who lead a fast-paced lifestyle.

2. Does not contain lactose. Athletes and bodybuilders who are allergic to lactose can drink whey protein as an alternative to milk. Whey protein shakes have the same vitamins and minerals as real milk does less the lactose.

3. A great source of amino acids. Amino acids are essential to our bodily functions. It specifically plays a critical role in our metabolism and is actually the building blocks of protein.

4. Easy to use. Whey protein powders and shakes can be mixed into other foods and drinks for variety. Bodybuilders can mix whey protein powder into oatmeal and yogurt for breakfast; enjoy a fresh fruit smoothie made with a base of their favorite whey protein shake mix; or mix protein powder into soups and broths for a nourishing meal. There are countless ways to consume whey protein and enjoy a varied diet.

5. Aids in muscular development. Bodybuilders can benefit well from taking in whey protein immediately after a workout. Our muscles are in need of nutrition to repair itself after being pushed to its limit because of an intensive workout. Drinking whey protein right after a workout promotes faster muscular development.

6. Regulates appetite. Whey protein drinks can be consumed as a meal replacement or a supplemental snack. Protein gives off energy to our bodies slowly and for a longer period. This results in a reduced appetite thus helps bodybuilders get the timing of their diet right.

7. Boosts the metabolism. Consuming high quality protein at regular intervals throughout the day can serve as a vital source of energy and keeps the metabolism running at peak efficiency. This ensures optimal calorie burning and can also reduce feelings of hunger. It also prevents overeating at the next meal, since the bodybuilder or athlete feels more satisfied with less food. - 17269

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Homeopathic HCG Weight Loss Formula in Utah

By Amelia Handley

Homeopathic HCG weight loss formula is apparently THE way to lose weight in Utah. It's recent popularity has left many with the impression that it's a new method, but this is not true. Dr. Simeons actually introduced the basic concept half a century ago. He called it a cure for obesity. Since then it's been around, but only to very exclusive groups in very exclusive settings. It's also carried a hefty price tag that kept it exclusive. Those who could afford it were very few. Rather than recent discovery...the recent popularity of this weight loss formula is actually due to its introduction to the masses through online availability in affordable packages. And Utah is apparently one of the most adept at recognizing a good thing when they see it because they are definitely embracing this as the most effective form of weight loss on the market.

And not only are the residents of Utah one of the top users of one of the most effective weight loss methods available, but they didn't start out in a bad place to begin with. Utah is actually ranked quite low in obesity statistics in comparison to other states in the nation. They're at #42 at 18% obesity. So we can only assume that they're pretty on top things there in Utah. They either have a fabulous sense of the worth of a dollar and make sure to get their money's worth by purchasing only the most effective weight loss formula or they are just luckier in health than the rest of us.

The homeopathic HCG weight loss formula comes with average weight loss of one to two pounds per day. And it is a homeopathic method. This makes the weight loss results particularly amazing. Its affordable price in comparison to other methods with similar results also set it apart in a flooded market. This formula has been embraced not only by those struggling with obesity, but by those who are overweight and those who are attempting to avoid negative health risks that run in their family, etc. Regardless of the amount of weight loss desired the formula adequately fills the needs of the dieter.

Utah is among many states that have experienced an increase in homeopathic HCG popularity, but in comparison to its obesity rates and its population it is definitely seeing above average use of the formula. Some are obtaining information and treatment through traditional weight loss medical centers, but the majority of dieters are accessing the formula conveniently, easily and affordably through online portals like HCG Diet Direct. This isn't a shock considering that online availability has been deemed one of the main reasons for the recent weight loss trends.

In Utah...most people have heard of HCG. They know what it is even if they haven't benefited from the formula. They often know someone who has benefited from homeopathic HCG weight loss formula. And they've heard the basic info. This is word of mouth advertising and its rampant in Utah. It's one of the best advertising methods known to man and one of the oldest. HCG Diet Direct loves word of mouth advertising because in the weight loss industry there isn't any better kind of advertising than seeing someone who looks happy and fabulous and is dropping recommendations for how they were able to do it. HCG Diet Direct encourages their dieters to discuss the formula, their progress and their goals online. It's a perfect way to keep track of progress, receive encouragement and announce your success.

Obesity and overall lack of a healthy weight both contribute to the negative general health of society. Utah has picked up the ball and run with it when it comes to discovering the best solution and using it to stop the problem from escalating. Hopefully...the states a little (or a lot) higher up on the list when it comes to ranking obesity rates will discover that the effects can be had by all. And it's not even difficult...they can be had online without any hassle just by visiting www.HCGDietDirect.com. - 17269

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Diets That Work: Breaking It Down

By Amy Bernstein

If you believe you are gaining too much recently, or could not bear anymore your own weight, one logical thing you would look for is diets that work. While some go for drinking slimming teas and tablets, these only help to give them fake hopes. Correct diet and enough physical exercise remain as the simplest way to shed pounds.

However, too many diets are now coming out and most people end up confused on what truly works. Most diets focus on just clearly taking in veggies or fruits. While some have a tendency to reduce the consumption of certain food items like those rich in carbs and calories.

If you're planning to lose pounds in a safe and acceptable way, you can try following diets that work.

One is known as the Sonoma diet. Sonoma diet focuses on vegetables and fruit that basically contain antioxidants that will help in losing additional pounds. Some of the food items that may be eaten are spinach, blueberries, a small amount of almond oil and whole grains. You are also allowed to drink red wine but limit it to only 1 glass. Sonoma diet is regarded by many health professionals as an effective diet that does not give fake hopes.

Another is named the negative calorie diet. It is really like a diet helper. The net calorie count of each food item to be taken should be less than the total calories taken for you to digest them. Included in the list of food items are fruits, veggies, and fat-free food items. Since the calorie output would be negative, there's a good probability of losing pounds.

The cabbage soup diet is another popular diet that you can try. It has been established effective for a few years already. You just have to eat cabbage soup if you are hungry. The cabbage soup would typically fill you up. The soup is reputedly terribly low in calories and would help you lose enough weight. This is just one of the long tallies of diets that work.

If you're still not convinced if any of the first three is indeed working, then you can try another one. This is named the Zone Diet. Under this diet, you simply need to make certain that you are taking the right ratio of carbs to protein and fats. This typically lets you have command over the insulin concentration on your blood.

Having too much insulin and fats could cause soreness of your body. Zone Diet provides help in optimizing your metabolic rate, helping you to shed pounds faster and more effective. Followers of this diet plan are not really prohibited to eat certain food items, but it is recommended to just avoid pastas and grains.

These are some of the proved effective diets that work. In trying any ane of these , however , physical exercises should always be accompanied. That will help you lose weight in a shorter period, while making you healthier. - 17269

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Increase Your Muscle Mass fast

By Kent Rogerson

Almost everybody wants to have some muscles, except sumo wrestlers. If you want to gain muscles the fastest way, then you must design a very effective muscle building routine and stick to it. You must set your goals and really dedicate yourself in achieving them.

In addition to the usual fitness equipment, there are some products that have surfaced that claim to help you increase your muscle mass in less time. But you need to be wary with these products if you so decide to include them in your routine. Bear in mind that not all you hear and see are true, especially if they promise quick results.

Have you heard of protein bars and shakes that are purportedly created to assist you gain muscle mass in less time? Well, some of them do bring the anticipated results. A whole lot of them do not. When you want to test out any product that swears to give you muscles, it is sensible that you ask for an expert judgment first.

Having said that, building muscles the traditional way remains to be the best option for anyone. Raise some weights, do exercise routines, and really look at what your dietary intake. It may be a pain in the butt but as the old saying goes, no pain, no gain.

In terms of diet, you can increase you muscle mass by eliminating saturated fats from your diet. Instead, increase your intake of essential fats since they are really good for your body. Also, avoid eating too much fatty foods such as French fries, burgers, and hotdogs.

Another thing you can do if you want to amplify your muscle mass is to partake essential vitamins and minerals. Your body needs them to provide you with an energy boost once you start your workout routines. Rest is also an important factor in muscle building. Letting your muscles rest is a smart move, since overworked muscles tend to have less energy and are more prone to fatigue. Get some sleep at six to eight hours every day.

Building your body up requires hard work. There is neither a magic product nor a quick fix that can help you achieve the kind of body you want. You have to work hard for it, earn it. It might take some time, but with true effort, you'll see that the results are all worth it. - 17269

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Discover Nutritional Supplementation For Good Health Today

By Heather E Morris

You can find shelves full of dietary supplements like multivitamins, single vitamins, minerals and even herbs at every grocery store, nationwide shopping chain and even thousands of online stores. Folks take supplements because they believe that they are not getting the adequate sustenance from their day by day diet and dietary supplements can fill in the gaps.

There is great consideration about which dietary supplements if any are advantageous for human health because of concern over the body's aptitude to absorb fundamental nutrients from a pill or capsule form. However, there have been some noteworthy findings that regular and repeated use of multivitamins and other supplements can add to good health and put a stop to illness and disease.

Continuous use of dietary supplements like multivitamins and other specific supplements like folic acid and calcium displayed a encouraging result in a number of responses in the human body like improved immunity and major decline of neural tube birth defects in newborn babies.

In a review of over 10 years of different studies on the health benefits of multivitamins and other nutritional supplements including Vitamin D, Omega-3 fatty acids, Calcium, Vitamin B-12, Vitamin B-6 Calcium, antioxidants, and folic acid the Council for Responsible Nutrition released a report called The Benefits of Nutritional Supplements which established that the comprehensive use of different nutritional supplements and multivitamins provides a solid health benefit for.

Other impressive findings from this report showed that if all females of childbearing age took a multivitamin or even just a folic acid supplement, it might be promising to decrease the occurrence of neural tube birth defects by as much as 70%. And mature patients who took supplements improved their immune systems and reduced the possibility of hip fractures. Superior health from taking nutritional supplements could produce major health savings by preventing or postponing illnesses and diseases by a matter of years.

Nevertheless, not all of the information on supplements is good. Beta-carotene is an antioxidant that is found in many orange foods. It is really a precursor to vitamin A as it converts to vitamin A in the body. It has been found that beta-carotene from the diet reduces the risks of cancer and heart disease along with boosting immunity and sustaining good vision. Because of these notable findings, a number of experts started recommending beta-carotene supplementation.

But shortly after that, two exceptional studies showed that beta-carotene supplements in fact did more destruction than good in particular in smokers. The studies took persons who were at a elevated peril for lung cancer-smokers, former smokers and people exposed to asbestos and gave them either the beta-carotene supplements or a placebo. The study was discontinued when it found that the people who were given the beta-carotene supplements actually had a advanced proportion of lung cancer and a elevated death rate than the placebo group.

Beta-carotene has been demonstrated harmless and beneficial when received from foods and this specific antioxidant is ample in fruits and vegetables. However, supplementation of many nutrients can be a good resolution because the bulk of today's diets do not supply ample nutrition to maintain good wellbeing. - 17269

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Steer Clear Of These Food Bombs

By Johncoc Hermsin

Americans diets seriously lack healthy ingredients like fresh fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Americans struggle with obesity, heart disease and diabetes and it is no wonder. Our fast paced society values instant gratification, so we crave fast food and our bodies suffer as a result. A healthy diet is one that is balanced and has variety. Sneaking a quick snack from time to time will not wreck your health, but making life-long smart food choices will improve your overall nutrition. If your looking to lose weight or just need to start eating healthier, start by cutting these nutrition nightmares from your diet. In order to lose fat and build muscle you must stay away from these 12 foods and remove them completely from your diet.

Deep fried fats and oils: Deep fried greasy food will wreak havoc on your cholesterol levels. Plus, foods deep fried in fats and oils have been linked to cancer.

White flour: Wheat is a nutritious food until the bran and germ is removed, leaving behind a product that lacks essential nutrients. Refined flour products are also linked to an increased risk of heart disease.

Sugar: Calories aside, most people do not know that the fructose in refined sugar also raises your cholesterol levels.

Canned soups: Canned soups are flavorful, plentiful and affordable, but many are also loaded down with salt, fat and calories, especially the cream varieties.

Donuts: There is nothing nutritionally virtuous about a deep fried refined white flour blob dipped in sugar.

Energy drinks: If you need a quick pick-up from one of the many popular energy drinks, be aware that you are also getting high amounts of sugar, caffeine and carbohydrates.

French fries: Extremely high in trans fat, calories, salt and the carcinogen acrylamide, French fires are also responsible for rapidly raising your insulin levels due to the simple sugars found in potatoes.

Granola Bars: Granola may have started out as a health food, but it has evolved into something much worse. The granola bars you find in the supermarket rival candy bars in respect to fat, calorie, and sugar content.

Dried Fruit: Just eat the real thing. Most dried fruit products are coated in sugar and contain a boatload of preservatives to prevent spoilage and to preserve color.

Margarine: Previously considered a safe alternative to butter, the dangerous trans fat in margarine will put you at higher risk for heart disease.

Sodas: Sodas and colas are packed with tons of sugar and caffeine. Even diet sodas contain artificial sweeteners that may lead to long-term, unpleasant side effects.

Hot Dogs: Hot dogs are essentially highly processed meat byproducts loaded with unhealthy additives, sodium, fat and calories. - 17269

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The Quest for Reliable Online Alternative Medicine Information

By Richard Ealom

Even though the Web is abundant with information as regards every possible topic, its often tough to make a distinction between valid information and that which will lead you off course. In addition, its not always obvious when a website is truly providing information as a public service, and when there is a revenue reason behind the information offered. In other words, sometimes you can be sure about what you read and sometimes the information is slanted in order to cause you to buy something.

In nearly all cases, this challenge is fairly inconsequential; when it comes to your physical condition, though, you want to make sure that the information you are getting is both exact and unbiased. This is especially true in the sphere of alternative medicine, when separating out the snake oil salespeople from the straight shooters can make a substantial difference in your fitness and well-being.

What are some of the hallmarks of a trustworthy alternative medicine site?

FIRST of all, it should be a true informational site. This means that the site should not push specific products or services. In other words, you should not be able to pay out a dime on the website.

SECOND, the site should be continuously developing. Alternative medicine or complementary medicine continues to be an emerging field in the US, so new information is forever coming to the surface. The site you rely upon ought to be updated to reflect new information as it becomes available.

THIRD, the site should present in-depth information about a realm of conditions and treatments. For example, you should be able to discover effective resources on the subject of everything from heart disease and malignancy to skin care and fitness.

FOURTH, there should be a method for you to play a part. For example, you should be able to post comments, questions, or concerns on the subject of a specific form of treatment or condition.

FIFTH, the site should treasure quality over quantity. For example, instead of having hundreds of reviews of commonplace books, an alternative medicine website should weed out the wheat from the chaff and only post reviews of books that meet a dependable standard of excellence.

SIXTH, the site should stress the perception of complementary medicine. This addresses an enduring dispute about the job of alternative remedies, that is, whether they are to be used as a replacement for traditional medicine or as an extra to it. A site that encourages you to incorporate both traditional and alternative medicine is likely to be more detached than a website that promotes one over the other.

SEVENTH, if you are looking for a referral, the site should be able to provide you with free referrals to alternative providers for treating specific conditions like psoriasis, heart disease, cancer, and osteoporosis - with one caution . The caution is that the site should not accept any reward from the providers in exchange for the referrals.

The main thing is that an alternative medicine website should provide you with the unbiased information you call for to take charge of your own wellbeing. It should accept that you know your body better than any health practitioner does, and that you can take steps to enhance your own health and well-being. But most of all, it should offer straightforward information free. - 17269

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BSN's NO Explode Muscle Builder of the Year

By Joey Marshall

NO Xplode is an energy and performance booster developed by the company, BSN. There are six major flavors of NO Explode the consumer can choose from; blue raspberry, fruit punch, grape, lemon lime, lemonade, and orange. The base ingredients among these six flavors are very similar. With the average rating of 8.2 out of 10, one must wonder what ingredients make it so effective.

N.O.-Xplode contains several amino acids, herbs, creatine components, and vitamins. Let's analyze the 2 major components.

According to the label, you will notice the vitamins B6, B9, and B12. These three water soluble vitamins are very important for the human body's cell metabolism or growth, and increasing the rate of metabolism therefore aiding in increased protein synthesis and recovery. Because these vitamins are water soluble, the human body spreads them out over the body and uses it very quickly, mainly pre workout for an additional boost. One recommended serving contains a surplus of these vitamins, which is extremely important for men and women trying to gain muscle. It allows the person to have more energy, maintain low blood pressure, as well as maintaining a positive attitude. Vitamin B-6 contains components that when neglected can cause depression, so having the daily dose can promote a positive outlook.

Magnesium is also a key ingredient in N.O.-Xplode. Magnesium is one of the most abundant minerals found and utilized in the human body. N.O.-Xplode contains 90% of the RDA of magnesium. Magnesium's key purposes are maintaining proper muscle function, as well as promoting higher energy metabolism and protein synthesis which means increased recovery. Maintaining muscle through increased recovery may arguably be the most important aspect in bodybuilding because without that capability, recovery and subsequent performance are lacking.

The B Vitamins and Magnesium minerals are proven to be the most effective ingredients in No-Xplode. N.O.-Xplode is a highly rated product. As BSN reports, "Once you train with N.O.-XPLODE, you will never train without it! - 17269

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Several Helpful Weight Loss Tips

By Rebecca Nolans

This has been a really interesting year for me. I've lost my job and I've had some great weight fluctuations. What started out on a bad note has ended on a positive one.

Unfortunately, the company I work for went out of business last year. I was left in a situation where I couldn't find a job, so I spent most of my time online, pursuing some hobbies and looking for jobs. Unfortunately, I gained a lot of weight during this time.

From there, I tried to figure out what was going on. I wasn't really eating any differently, and I guess it was just the gradual buildup of burning a few less calories every day.

Lucky for me, I've disciplined myself and find myself much lighter than I was just a few short months ago? You may be wondering how I've done it, and it isn't nearly as hard as you might think.

First, I cut out all soft drinks from my diet. I no longer drink sodas, whether they're diet sodas or regular sodas. I believe that both are bad for your health in their own ways.

I think that sugar is what led to my weight gain more than anything else, so I decided to nip that in the bud. It was hard to do at first, but finding replacements for sugar like fruit makes the job a lot easier. After a few weeks, you simply won't crave sugar like you used to.

Exercise is the other part of the plan, and I've been getting a lot of it. Running at the gym nearly every day of the week, I'm more physically fit than I've ever been. I also love the rush I experience after a nice, long run.

The last thing I decided to do was replace all fried and sauteed foods with grilled and baked ones. This was difficult, but like any habit, I became used to it after a few weeks. I have a great body to show for it now, and I never plan to go back to the dark side. - 17269

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Best Hair Loss Products That Are effective

By Jeffery Smith

Hair loss is a naturally happening affair in the lives of a good number of guys. They remain nonchalantly by while their hairlines travel further and further away from their foreheads, threatening to link up with the balding spot that has started to develop at the crown.

In many cases, people will link the process to genetics and decide that there is nothing to be done. However, that's far from the truth!

Ready to find out about one of the safest and most effective hair loss products? That shall avert hair loss, help hair growth and thus postpone the baldness in men?

This product, Provillus, is not made from harmful chemicals and inconsistent formulas like the majority of treatments on the market. Instead, Provillus is produced from a variety of natural substances that are essential for a healthy scalp and hair growth.

Using a natural hair restoration product eliminates all the potential side effects that come with chemically derived treatments, including sexual side effects. It also ensures that your hair, scalp, and overall health will not be adversely affected.

One of the best hair loss products in the market that has achieved dramatic effect with ingredients that have been utilized by people all over the world for centuries is rated to be Provillus. They offer a money-back guarantee, because they are so sure that Provillus is effective.

The company is so confident in the value of the pill that if it doesn't work out for you they will reimburse your cash in full. Buy now and you will get two free bottles to get you started. You can even send them back for up to three months if you don't like the product.

What is the use of giving in to your losing hair and becoming bald? Out of the various hair loss products in the market these days, the one to try for recovering hair to full well-being is Provillus. I did, and I'm especially delighted with the outcome I noticed. - 17269

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Five Bodybuilding Tips To Maximize Your Muscle Gain

By Ricardo d Argence

The following five weight training tips are critical if you want to learn and understand how to lift weights correctly. When you choose a weight training program, stay with it for at least four months and make a serious commitment to that particular program. Take a seat, and note down your weight gain goals.

Before you start down your muscle building journey get some education, this will be a advantage as you will be stepping in to the ring, at least knowing how to throw a punch. Ask a staff member at your gym to help you if you are not sure how to do an exercise, and show they should you the correct technique.

Keep records of your progress.It will let you identify exactly where you are when trying to reach your weight gain and strength gain goals.

1. Set Your Goals: Having goals keeps you focused and helps you stay motivated. Be realistic in your goals so they are achievable. Set several short-term goals that you can easily achieve on your path to your end goal of maxed out muscles.

When you achieve a short-term goal, have a celebration, then head back to the gym and keep plugging away towards your end goal. Having many easily achievable short phase goals along the way will motivate you to train hard.

Work backwards from your end goal to help you determine your mini-goals. For example, if you hope to gain 50 pounds in a year from weight training, then set a goal to gain five pounds in your first month.

2. Vow To Succeed: Failure is often the result of lack of commitment. It is hard to be enthused and committed to a weight training program if you are not sure you are on the right track. Pick out a weight training program that lays out everything for you systematically and follow it faithfully until you arrive at your goal.

Be sure that your goals align with the plans set up by digging deep into your potential program. Once a muscle add program has been chosen. Stick by it and follow through to the full.

3. Learning: Can you change your body into a ripped machine in the next 6 months with the knowledge you have right now. Like many out there i'm guessing the response is no.So the answer is to educate yourself. Buy a good book , scroll the internet or join a reputable muscle building program.As knowledge is power, becoming more knowledgeable what you will have to do.

4. Correct Technique: Because it's no fun tearing a muscle or crunching cartilage, correct method is very important. The main advantage to proper technique is more muscle gain other than safety. To have the most benefit to your muscle growth carry out an exercise the correct way and that's what we are after, right?

It is not as simple as lifting as much weight as you can bear, because too much weight causes you to lose proper form. Only use the max amount of weight you can handle while still maintaining proper technique and you will have optimal results.

5. Development: Take things a step at a time. You will not gain 50 pounds of muscle overnight. Thinking that far into the future can even be daunting. Cut it into smaller chunks. Develop your muscles to the point where you gain five pounds over the next four weeks. Give your muscles time to develop equally in a logical fashion so your whole body benefits from your weight training efforts. Think about these five weight training tips before you begin your next workout and maybe they will help you get better results. - 17269

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Popular NO2 Supplements and What They Do

By Aaron Wilding

If you've been to a supplement store in the last couple of years, chances are that you've seen NO2 supplements on the shelves. These products have been gaining in popularity mainly because a lot of people are having great results with them.

Even though NO2 supplements are pretty new in the supplement industry, they have definitely left a mark. But, as with most supplements, you might say there are too many to choose from. So, let's take a look at some of the more popular ones and their differences.

First we'll take a look at NO2 Black by MRI. This product claims to increase nitric oxide levels in your body by as much as 950% because it has the purest arginine. It also has alpha-lipoic acid which boosts your nutrition uptake. Simply put, NO2 Black claims to be the NO2 supplement that is the most potent in nitric oxide.

Another product to consider from MRI is NO2 Platinum. This NO2 supplement has been clinically tested by Baylor University and is an extended release nitric oxide generator. This is how it helps to maintain levels of nitric oxide in your body which enhances and prolongs the effects of the product on your body.

On very popular product is NO-Xplode by BSN Nutrition. This product not only contains nitric oxide boosters, but also creatine to help in building muscle and increasing available energy. Many people have said that they could feel NO-Xplode working even within minutes of taking it. NO-Xplode claims to help increase size, strength, performance, energy, and mental focus.

Finally, there is SuperPump250 by Gaspari Nutrition. This product has been independently tested by two different organizations. It has been shown to cause significant increases in not only lean mass but also strength. SuperPump250 is another product that has been gaining in popularity recently.

Whichever NO2 supplement suites you best is entirely up to you, however, either way you will have wonderful results. Using a BSN Nutrition, MRI, or Gaspari supplement will help you stay confident in your workouts because you will see results faster versus getting discouraged because it is taking so long for you to see results in your body without the supplement. - 17269

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