Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Simple Secrets To Your Weight Loss

By April Kerr

There are many fad diets around these days, which promise quick weight loss. Most include testimonials, and even photos, claiming results that would be tempting to anyone who has a few pounds to lose. An individual who has a large amount of weight to lose may feel desperate, depressed, and overwhelmed. As a result, this group will shell out an astronomical amount of money, chasing this promised miracle. More often than not, the diet fails, the overweight person starts to believe that weight loss is impossible for them, and the diet industry becomes more wealthy.

Understanding that the "diet industry" is in business to make money is important here. Unfortunately, it is very much reliant upon these individual's failure, in order to ensure their purchase of the next fad diet program. Let's face it, there are very few programs that offer a one-time membership fee for life. Programs that do offer this, as well as quite low fees, are generally the real deal. Beware of any program which is selling a specific food item, designed to create weight loss, but is only available through this program. These fad diets are not designed with healthy weight loss in mind, but rather to make money.

Now, the truth of the matter is that lasting weight loss requires very little financial obligation. Most of what is needed in order to become strong, slim, and fit is available to everyone. The ability to change, the desire to succeed, and the determination to stick with a healthy plan is what is most needed. Most overweight individuals have been taught that this is what they lack, and therefore why they have "failed". The truth is that if these individuals did not posses these important qualities, the "diet industry" would not be generating the amount of wealth that they have. There is no magic cure, and no easy solution. Fad diets are a sham. Overweight individuals have made this industry quite wealthy. This has shown their determination and desire to change.

It is very important to forget just about everything that has been learned about weight loss through the "diet industry". It is time to except the truth, which has existed all along. Just about all individuals possess the ability to achieve healthy weight loss, with very little, and usually no assistance. Stop blaming yourself, and lay the blame where it belongs. Now it is time to move forward to success.

Here is the truth of successful weight loss, and here is what you will need. Get a comfortable pair of sneakers. They do not have to be special or expensive, just comfortable, and well fitted. You will also need loose fitting, comfortable clothing. A sweat suit, or shorts and a tee-shirt are fine. You will also need a water bottle with a cover. Follow a healthy meal plan, which includes mostly fresh vegetables and fruit, and eliminates most sugar.

Permanent weight loss will be achieved through healthy eating, regular exercise, and good habits.

Eat foods that are good for you, and taste good. Find ways to have fun with exercise. Drink plenty of water, and be good to yourself. You will eventually find that you are achieving your weight loss goals. - 17269

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What Cholesterol Really Is

By Kim Bailey

There are many experts discussing cholesterol today however something not always mentioned is that out bodies need cholesterol to function properly. Cholesterol help our bodies build the cell walls that in return help with hormone and bile production. The amount you need however is not much and when the excess starts to build up it causes a great deal of problems for the cardiovascular system in particular.

A Good Thing In Small Amounts

High cholesterol becomes a problem when our bodies are unable to get rid of the excess cholesterol from our body. These excesses of cholesterol stays in our bloodstream and begin to form plaque in our arteries, clogging it and hindering blood flow.

When blood cannot flow as easily, the heart must work that much harder to keep the blood moving through the body. This puts a strain on the heart, and places the person at much higher risk for cardiovascular disease and a heart attack.

This is the reason why keeping an eye on cholesterol levels is so important. If you find you are diagnosed with high cholesterol, you and your doctor can work together to lower it to a healthy level, by using a combination of diet, exercise and medication. The heart will then return to normal function. It is important to check your cholesterol levels on a regular basis in order to act on a high cholesterol diagnosis as soon as possible.

What Types Are There

In our bodies we have LDL and HDL cholesterol. LDL or low density lipoproteins delivers cholesterol to the body, this is why low levels of LDL cholesterol is good. HDL or high density lipoproteins helps to remove cholesterol from the bloodstream.

A higher HDL generally means a healthier cardiovascular system. The numbers are figured individually and then factored together for a complete cholesterol level that provides a good indication of the overall health of the cardiovascular system.

Understanding what cholesterol is and how it can both benefit and negatively influence the cardiovascular system is an important step towards heart health. Regular monitoring of your cholesterol levels is an important step towards making the necessary changes for a healthier heart.

Discuss good cholesterol levels or ways to maintain or achieve them with your doctor. - 17269

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Organic Gardening - How to Start a Successful Home Garden

By Rhonda Abrons

To ensure your success at having an organic home garden it is very important to start small. This will allow you to learn and become comfortable without being overwhelming.

Begin Small

Use Your Existing Landscape - Placing starter plants in your existing landscaping is an optimum option for beginning enthusiasts.

Use a Small Bed - For beginners, a bed no larger than 10 x 10 feet is simple to care for and easy to manage.

Use Containers - This method allows your starter plants to be close by and easy to manage. They can be on a porch, balcony or even near some bushes.

Plan Your Home Garden Location

Water " A nearby water source is imperative. Struggling to get water to your plants when you are new to organic home gardening will make you want to quit fast.

Close to Your Kitchen - While this is not necessary, it sure is nice to step out of your kitchen to grab your own freshly grown produce.

Compost " Having a compost pile at hand or at least a good wheel barrel will cut down on your labor.

Grow What You Love to Eat

Take Note of What You Buy - When you shop for produce, make a mental note of what you buy. This will give you a list of what your personal garden should contain.

Grow Your Expensive Favorites - If some of your favorite veggies are just too expensive at the store try growing them yourself. Just remember to research if they thrive in your climate zone first.

Play with variety " With home gardening, you have the freedom to experiment with diverse types of your favorites.

Make It Easy for a Start

Plants are Easier than Seeds - Seeds require a lot more work. As a beginner, the easiest way to get your feet wet without frustration is to use starter plants from a trusted local nursery.

Amend the Soil - Drainage is imperative for a successful organic garden. Using a mixture of peat moss, compost or other amendable products will ensure your soil is optimum for growing hardy plants. Soggy, clay will result in root rot and dry soil should be covered in at least two to four inches of mulch. The mulch promotes conserving moisture for your plants while defending against pesky weeds that steal water and nutrients from your precious plants. In addition, compacted soil deters plants from receiving the nutrients they need.

Mulch - This promotes moisture retention as mentioned earlier. It also keeps those pesky weeds at bay. - 17269

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What Happens During a Heart Attack?

By Barb Hicks

The heart is the primary muscle the cardiovascular system. Its job is to pump blood throughout the entire body. This blood supply is carried by the coronary arteries, delivering oxygen and nutrients the body needs to function properly. Red blood cells or RBC's carry oxygen while White blood cells or WBC's fight off infections.

If someone is healthy, their artery walls are smooth and uniform in thickness. However, as the body ages, high levels of cholesterol can circulate resulting in the buildup of plaque deposits or fatty deposits on the interior of the artery walls.

This plaque buildup begins to accumulate and eventually hardens, narrowing the artery and causing it to be less flexible than it once was. This condition is known as atherosclerosis and is the main cause of CAD or Coronary Artery Disease.

Due to the hardened plaque, blood flow can be blocked to the heart, resulting in a heart attack. If the blockage to the coronary artery is more than 90%, the risk for experiencing a heart attack is greater. Furthermore, if the coronary artery is completely blocked by plaque, a heart attack is eminent.

The development of a blood clot can also increase the risk for a heart attack. It is common for a crack to develop at the site of the plaque buildup. Blood can coagulate, or clump, at the site of the crack forming a blood clot. This blood clot, or thrombus, can grow to totally block blood flow and cause a myocardial infarction.

The damage the heart will endure during a heart attack event is based largely on the location of the blockage as well as how long it takes to receive proper medical treatment. The longer the wait for assistance, the more extensive the damage to the heart. Luckily, atherosclerosis can be prevented and this in turn lowers the risk for a heart attack.

It is important to slow the progression of the disease process. This can be accomplished by medications, and reducing your risk factors. You can reduce risk factors by losing excess weight, starting a low fat " low cholesterol " low saturated fat diet, quitting smoking, control of diabetes and hypertension if present, and regular exercise.

Shorter hospital stays and declining medical insurance along with sky rocketing medical costs don't make it easy to educate ourselves about the risk factors and methods of prevention for heart disease. However, we must take charge and learn these tools. They will benefit everyone. - 17269

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Pain and Herniated Discs

By Dr. Jason Fowler

A 30-year-old mom bends over to pick up her four-year-old and feels a sharp stabbing pain in her lower back. A 60-year-old man bends over to pick up his five-year-old grandchild and he feels an electrical shooting pain in his lower back. For both, the pain is so severe they need to sit down.

The next day, both the mom and the grandfather notice they now have pain and numbness radiating down one leg. In addition, they are having trouble walking.

What's going on, how did it happen, and what can be done about it? First of all, a little basic anatomy is useful. Spinal discs are weight-bearing shock absorbers. They contain a gel-like ball-bearing center, which is surrounded by tough fibrous cartilage, arranged in concentric, criss-crossing circles.

As a person gets older, the discs naturally lose some of their water content, and cracks and fissures naturally develop in the fibrous cartilage. If a weight-bearing stress is unusual and unexpected, the gel-like material in the center of the disc can push through one of the fissures and possibly irritate a spinal nerve.

If enough of this material pushes through, the nerve can become inflamed and cause symptoms. Radiating pain and/or numbness, and possibly weakness, in one leg can occur.

Such pain and/or numbness radiates down the leg, traveling below the knee and possibly into the foot.

Such symptoms, with or without back pain, are highly suggestive of an inflamed spinal nerve. The person will usually say the leg symptoms are much worse and of greater concern than any back pain that may be present.

If the MRI confirms the disc herniation and suggests an inflamed nerve, the diagnosis is complete. What's next?

In the best scenario, conservative treatment may be sufficient and the nerve inflammation improves with time.2,3 Anti-inflammatory medication may be helpful. Chiropractic conservative therapy may include physical therapeutic modalities and gentle trigger point therapy to relieve associated muscle spasms.

A spinal surgeon should be consulted to provide an additional opinion and input. If pain is severe and there is neurologic loss, surgery may be the best option.

Of course, the best management, as always, is prevention. Pay attention to safe lifting procedures. Exercise regularly and get sufficient rest. Your chiropractor will be able to provide guidance and recommend effective protocols to help you achieve and maintain good health and wellness.

1Postacchini F: Lumbar Disc Herniation. Springer, 2004, Chapter 2. 2Rothoerl RD, et al: When should conservative treatment for lumbar disc herniation be ceased and surgery considered? Neurosurg Rev 25(3):162-165, 2002. 3Lumbar Disc Herniation. New Engl J Med 347(21):1728-1729, 2002. - 17269

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Can Acid Reflux Really Cause a Sore Throat?

By Bob Cox

Many people are surprised to learn that acid reflux is a relatively common cause of a persistent sore throat. However as you'll see, it's probably more surprising that it doesn't happen more often

To begin with a definition, acid reflux means that acid from the stomach is backing up into the esophagus. The actual acid is HCl and as you might imagine is quite irritating to tissues that were meant to handle it such as the lining of the esophagus.

The most common symptom associated with acid reflux is a burning sensation in the chest. this is what most people mean when they say they have heartburn.

But if the reflux is bad enough, the acid can back up even farther. In many people it reaches the mid-and upper portion of the esophagus, and in quite a few it even gets to the back of the throat.

I think is pretty easy for you to imagine that if you swallowed acid you might get a sore throat as a result. The acid backing up from the stomach does the same thing. Even worse, it can spill over into your windpipe and really cause problems.

Sometimes people with acid reflux sore throat will notice a metallic taste in their mouth. This is a clue that the sore throat may be secondary to acid from the stomach.

If you have acid reflux and a sore throat that never seems to go away it may well be that the two are related. That makes it all the more important that you address the acid reflux and get proper treatment. In some people this can be very difficult to diagnose because they have a sore throat but no heartburn so they don't suspect reflux as a cause. - 17269

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6 Facts About Human Growth Hormone (HGH) Sprays

By Alexander Malroy

Everywhere we turn these days we are bombarded by images of youth and vitality. Who wouldn't want to feel young and energetic rather than old and tired? Fear of aging has created a huge market for cosmetic surgeons and supplements. The Human Growth Hormone (HGH) is believed by some to be the fountain of youth to help slow and even reverse the signs of aging.

HGH is a hormone produced by the pituitary gland. The production of this hormone peaks during puberty which is why growth spurts frequently occur during this time period. As we age, our bodies produce less of this important hormone.

Studies have shown that HGH may be linked to lowering cholesterol, reduce body fat and helps stimulate the cellular growth and repair. Furthermore, HGH can help strengthen bones and boost mood.

HGH can be delivered in three ways, injections, supplements and sprays with sprays appearing to be the most cost effective way and easiest way to self administer. Human Growth Hormone sprays are considered a drug and therefore are regulated by the FDA. It is extremely important that you make sure the spray you use is FDA regulated.

Almost all HGH sprays are administered orally. There are naysayers that claim that the HGH molecules are far to large to be absorbed through oral sprays, but all HGH sprays are homeopathic. Homeopathy means that the product helps the body heal itself with the overall goal of having no adverse effects. With Human Growth Hormone sprays, the properties are transferred to the spray, thereby making it able to be absorbed.

HGH sprays are administered twice a day and are low dose. This decrease the chance of overdosing and therefore lessens the side effects. Possible side effects of Human Growth Hormone include high blood pressure, fluid retention, carpal tunnel syndrome, joint paint and diabetes.

Spray pumps deliver HGH directly into the body. Since it is in a liquid form there are no fillers, of unnecessary products that are found in pills. The HGH spray is absorbed directly and thereby bypasses the digestive system for a more efficient delivery system.

To effectively slow the aging process you need to not only use an HGH spray, but also eat healthy and workout. Doing each of these key things will help you feel and look younger for years to come. - 17269

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Pancake Recipe

By Mikey Buttars

You do not have to go to a grocery store and buy a prepackaged pancake mix; you can mix a mix of your own right at home. If you ever cook in your own home it is not hard to do with some simple ingredients from your pantry.

The ingredients that you will need for you're at home pancake mix are: flour, sugar, eggs, vanilla, salt, baking powder, baking soda, milk and vegetable oil. Depending on how many pancakes you want is depending on how much you mix.

More flower will create thicker pancakes, more milk will create thinner pancakes. You will have to play around with the ingredients to get the right texture you desire.

After you have a tester pancake you will be able to play around with your recipe. Add a1/4 cup of batter on a skillet, this should make a good size pancake. You can add a little bit more if you so desire.

Once on the skillet, after a little bit of time, the pancake will start to bubble. This means its ready to be flipped over.

You can also add some fresh fruit or chocolate chips into the batter to make it a little thicker. Only do this if you have found the right consistency of your batter.

The new ingredients will mix completely when you flip the pancake over.

So next time you go to the pantry to get your pancake mix and to you dismay, you find you don't have any, don't fret. You can make you own pancakes from scratch. - 17269

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Weight Loss Is A Problem For Everyone

By Roland Shannon

It is hard to not come across someone that has not experienced a problem with weight loss. Everyone is on this live healthier and stay healthy track, therefore weight loss is brought up a lot more now then ever before. It seems that many people are being told the only way to live healthier is to inadvertently be healthier.

You can obtain diet pills as an avenue to allow you to lose the weight that ails you. The pills seem like they are all backed by a promise that they will be able to allow you the opportunity to reach the body stature that you deem necessary to be at.

The downside to a lot of these pills is people inadvertently take them for granted. They feel that since they are consuming these pills on a daily basis that they should expect to shed pounds without ailments, however weight loss is not as easy as so many people perceive it to be.

If there were some kind of miracle diet that everyone could try that would completely abolish the extra weight that ails them there is no doubt that millions of people wouldn't have already caught onto this trend. But, the sad part is there is no miracle diet, and as the obesity rate continues to climb many people are adamant that they may never be able to lose weight quickly.

The problem with a lot of people is they don't completely understand how to lose weight. Everyone will make their snide remarks that it is incredibly simple, however different people have different things that may hinder them from being able to have the body that they desire.

In order for you to lose weight, you have to be able to change your life completely. The things that you eat as well as the things that you once did will be converted to encompass a new life path for you to follow.

The old adage of being what you eat is actually true in a lot of references. You need to be able to replace foods that have been causing you to stay in your present state with foods that are healthy for you and are going to basically help you re-invent yourself.

A lot of people make the mistake of utilizing food as their crutch. You simply can not do this if you are serious about losing weight. Turn to healthier things for comfort like a nice walk around the block or things of that nature.

You need to be able to make enough time for a little bit of exercise and physical activity every single day. It would behoove you to concentrate your efforts on working our for one hour a day for 6 days a week for the rest of your life. You will not only feel better by engaging in physical activities, but you will inadvertently begin to look amazing.

There is not one person that walks the face of this earth that has not had to deal with some case of weight gain that has ailed them. All you need is to be able to apply some strength as well as an extra amount of determination into your regiment and you will be able to obtain the body that you desire.

It is imperative that you set up an action plan in a means to allow you to lose weight quickly and by all means stick to it. - 17269

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Tips On Grilling Filet Mignon

By Ferdinand Emy

Numerous people think that grilling filet mignon is difficult and complicated but that's not the case. Grilling filet mignon can in fact be quite simple when you have a few crucial steps to follow.

The main problem that most individuals run into with grilling filet mignon is that while this cut of meat is tender, it is likewise mild. This means that it will not have a lot of flavor unless you know how to season it. In order to get the best outcomes when grilling filet mignon you must know how to sear it correctly in order to concentrate the flavors within the steak along with the seasonings that are added.

One of the most common slip-up that numerous people run into with grilling filet mignon is that they tend to employ a meat fork rather than pair of tongs. When you utilize a meat fork it pierces the skin of the meat and causes the juices to escape. This method end results in a piece of meat that is dried out and that is something that you wish to avoid when grilling filet mignon. Instead, Regularly make certain you use meat tongs to turn the steak while grilling.

Plus, when grilling filet mignon, you want to ensure that you don't close the lid of the grill. There're times when closing the lid of the grill may be appropriate but when grilling filet mignon is not one of them. When grilling filet mignon, you require to utilize a heat that's direct and high. This'll nip in the bud the steaks from becoming dried out. Moreover, make certain that you do not turn the steaks too constantly. You should only turn the steaks once during the entire cooking time.

Plus, you need to ensure you never cook the steak overly long. Do not forget that you can Regularly grill the steak a bit loner if its not done to your liking, but once its overcooked there is nothing that may be done.

When it comes to seasoning filet mignon, bear in mind that simplicity is optimal. Avoid over seasoning the steak. Filet mignon is mild but simplicity is optimal. Use a bit of freshly ground pepper. Avoid salt at this point as it may draw out the steak's natural juices. You may Regularly add salt when the steak is done cooking if you prefer more seasoning on your steak. - 17269

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Living With Pain

By Dr. Jason Fowler

Chronic disease is a major problem in U.S. health care. More than one-third of Americans have one or more chronic diseases, including heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. The personal costs to patients and families are often severe, daily, and ongoing. The economic costs to society are almost $1 trillion annually.

Heart disease includes high blood pressure, arteriosclerosis, coronary artery obstruction, angina, and heart attacks. Most of these conditions represent a chain of events. If left untreated, of course, high blood pressure is a leading cause of heart attack and stroke.

Most cases of diabetes develop from a pre-diabetic state which is also known as insulin resistance. Insulin - a hormone produced by the pancreas is necessary for cells to be able to absorb glucose from the bloodstream and use the glucose for energy. If cells become insulin resistant, glucose stays in the bloodstream, leading to a pre-diabetic condition.

If left untreated, pre-diabetes likely advances to diabetes, in which insulin resistance is combined with insulin depletion, as the pancreas loses its ability to produce this important hormone. Diabetes may lead to many severe problems, including kidney failure, and is a leading cause of death from heart failure.

Cancer is now being recognized as a chronic disease. Rather than being a mysterious disorder that occurs randomly, many cancers have many elements in common with other chronic diseases such as diabetes and heart disease.

Pain is a common element to chronic disease. Affected persons often take daily pain medications. Most people become tolerant to their medication and require increasingly stronger doses. The pain of chronic disease is notoriously difficult to treat.

In recent years a holistic approach has been successfully applied in the treatment of heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. Chiropractic care is an important component of the holistic approach.

Chiropractic care helps restore more normal biomechanical function to the spine, which in turn improves the ability of the nerve system to effectively communicate with the rest of the body. Important benefits of this restored function may be an improvement in the body's ability to repair damaged tissues, a strengthened immune system, and reduced levels of musculoskeletal pain. Such improvements may help lead to improved daily functioning. As levels of pain decrease, a person may be able to engage in more physical activity. Multiple benefits follow.

Chiropractic care is a key part of an integrative approach to the management of the pain of chronic disease. Your local chiropractor will be glad to help you determine whether chiropractic care is right for you.

1An Unhealthy America: The Economic Burden of Chronic Disease. Santa Monica, CA, Milken Institute, 2007 2Eddy DM, et al- The metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular risk: implications for clinical practice. Int J Obes 32(Suppl 2):S5-S10, 2008 3"Food, Nutrition, Physical Activity, and the Prevention of Cancer". Washington, DC, American Institute for Cancer Research, 2007 - 17269

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Build Muscles with Proper Protein

By Nathaniel Millsby PHD

If you want to get big and strong, don't forget to take your protein powder. Bodybuilders have long relied upon protein powder to make sure they get the high level of protein needed to beef up their bodies through lifting weights and exercise.

Dairy products as well as eggs, cottage cheese, soy and vegetable protein also contain good amounts of protein. Nevertheless, none of these sources compares in quality or ease of use like whey protein. Whey protein has the highest value in providing branched-chain amino acids, which result in building and retaining muscle tissue.

When you use that protein powder, though, can really help you. So you want to strategically place when you are adding the protein powder in. It's a great tool also, because it's digested easily, it's easily absorbed. So it makes a great post-workout recovery drink.

A human body needs daily protein because that is what muscles and tissues are built from, and there is no place where the body can store extra protein. The need for adequate protein in the human body is second only to the need for water.

Luckily, it has been found that most varied diets - including vegan get plenty of protein through daily intake of various food combinations. However, some people like to supplement their protein intake, or occasionally substitute a fast, easy protein shake for a meal.

Protein powders are made from four basic sources: whey (from milk), egg, soy and rice.

Protein powders can also be a combination of one or more ingredients.

These concentrated sources of protein are processed into the powdered form, to be reconstituted into liquid form as a protein shake, or mixed with fruit juice or milk. Additionally, protein powders can be sprinkled on cereal, stirred into soups or stews, and cooked into baked goods.

Protein powder is designed to be taken everyday as a dietary supplement. Even if you aren't a bodybuilder, starting your day with a protein powder shake can provide nutritional benefits. While many nutritionists advise consuming protein throughout the day, a healthy boost of protein first thing in the morning can stabilize your blood sugar levels throughout the rest of the day. - 17269

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