Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Friday, December 25, 2009

Can My Easy Bruising Be Caused By My Taking Aspirin On A Daily Basis?

By Carolyn Cooper

Whether you are someone who gets a headache any time that the weather shifts, or you take aspirin to relieve the pain after a vigorous workout, you probably don't realize that taking aspirin can directly affect the way that you may bruise. It's a matter of fact that if you glance down and find bruises more often, aspirin could well be part of the reason.

Why would aspirin cause you to bruise more easily? The reason that aspirin might be the culprit for your easy bruising is that it is an anti-platelet aggregate. This means that it stops your platelets from clumping together or clotting. While it does not work like a normal "blood thinner", it can end up having much the same effect.

Most doctors will suggest that you use a pain killer other than aspirin if you have fallen down and gotten a nasty scrap, even if you normally use aspirin as a pain killer. Aspirin acts to cause you to bleed more freely than you would otherwise, because your blood is not clotting as quickly as it would absent the influence of aspirin.

With this in mind, you will readily realize that it is very simple to see why aspirin can be a symptom of bruising easily. A bruise is essentially the result of a rupture in a blood vessel under the skin. When the skin is not pierced, the blood will pool next to the skin, creating those black and blue discolorations.

The more damaged the blood vessels become, the more blood pools below the skin, and the more dramatic the bruise's appearance. If you are taking aspirin regularly, you may experience small bumps becoming bruises that are much more dramatic than they otherwise would be.

If bruising easily seems to be a constant part of your life, you will try almost anything to minimize that bruising as much as you possibly can. Wearing long sleeves and long pants to hide bruises is not a preferred solution, but unless you throw out the aspirin in your medicine cabinet, what can you be expected to do?

You can find the answer relatively easily. Your doctor can provide you alternatives for aspirin for you to use as a pain killer. If taking aspirin causes you bruise dramatically, there is no reason to feel that there isn't anything that you can do to alleviate this condition. To get rid of bruises after they have already formed, you will have to discover a way to dissipate the pooled blood below the skin while trying to heal the blood vessels.

You should evaluate the use of Bruises Be Banned, which is a unique formula of all natural, supplement products that can help heal your existing bruises quicker, but it's real benefit is to help you reduce bruising easily or to prevent your bruising altogether before the bruising occurs. By following the recommended daily program you can get great results to overcome your tendency to bruise easily. - 17269

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Why Stop at 6? Get 8 Pack Abs!

By Greg Holmes

8 pack abs are the Stanley Cup of fitness buffs. It takes a lot of hard work to get that super fit midsection but it can be done through a combination of diet and targeted abdominal exercises. The training to get an 8 pack of abs isn't for the weak of heart, so hang on as we show you how to fire up your metabolism and get a sexy stomach that everyone will envy.

Getting defined 8 pack abs requires lots of cardio to get as lean as you can. You should do aerobic and cardio exercises for at least 20 minutes, 3 to 5 times a week. Doing a number of different exercises like running, swimming and biking will prevent your body from hitting a plateau and it will keep you from getting bored. This is crucial to reducing your body fat, which has to be below 10% for your last 2 packs to show.

A healthy diet enables you to lose those added pounds on your frame, but every bit as important, it assists in boosting stamina and strength. Protein supplements could be included in your food plan for keeping up elevated energy levels. Lacking enough protein, your system will begin utilizing your muscles for energy and that's something you absolutely don't want. Usually, you ought to take in 2000 to 2500 calories every day while training your abdominal muscles. Those calories should come from high fiber foods such as fruits and veggies. Have 6 to 8 small meals rather than 3 or 4 big meals.

Focusing on your oblique muscles is like climbing the last mountain on your journey to getting an 8 pack of abs. However, most experts will inform you that love handles are hard to do away with. No abdominal routine will be complete without the reach and catch, cable crunches, twists, or comparable exercises that consist of sideways movements and rotations. Oblique crunches, hanging leg raises, and circling leg raises will tone your sides more effectively than regular crunches will. You also need to systematically exercise your lower abs to get your final 2 packs to show.

To get ripped 8 pack abs you have to exercise your whole body to burn fat. Cardiovascular exercises are a must for carving great abs. Besides increasing stamina and improving your heart condition, it helps your body burn fat more efficiently. Between 20 and 45 minutes of cardio activity like running, swimming or cycling will give you the best results. While you do have to work hard at training, you also need to rest your body. A minimum of 7 to 8 hours of sleep is a must at night. This will repair your muscular system and rejuvenate the body by decreasing the stress hormone levels. It's all about balance, so take care of your body and enjoy the benefits of being strong and healthy. - 17269

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2 Diet Strategies That Actually Work - Simple Secrets For Weight Loss

By Ali Bautista

The best diet strategies will always be those that are easily incorporated into your daily lifestyle. Complicated programs that are difficult to stick with long term will never get you where you want to go.

Yes, you have to make some lifestyle changes if you want to lose a considerable amount of weight, but you can do that without spending three hours a day in the gym. The following strategies can be adapted to virtually any lifestyle or time schedule without all the stress.

Timing: It's time to stop thinking of carbs as something evil that must be avoided and simply put them in their place. Your body needs carbohydrates every single day because they are your primary source of energy. When you go through an intense workout or just walk up three flights of steps at work, you are depending on carbs to fuel that motion.

Here's the secret to carbs: your body needs to use them for immediate energy or they will be stored for later use in your fat cells. That means if you eat a carb-rich meal and then sit on the couch all day they are likely to be stored rather than used. Similarly, if you eat more than your body needs for your current energy level they will go to your fat stores as well.

So, try to eat carbs before the most active parts of your day and don't go overboard. Small amounts of carbs in the morning and before workouts can deliver higher energy levels and a slimmer waistline.

Water: You have probably heard that drinking water helps with weight loss, but there is more to the story. Did you know that most people who completely give up soda will lose 30 pounds or more in a single year?

Drinks with a lot of sugar and high in calories do more than make you fat. They keep your body craving more sugar and more carbohydrates, and they actually make you feel thirstier so you drink even more.

If you can learn to drink water in an effective manner and cut out these high calorie drinks, your weight loss will speed up.

Water will actually quench your thirst without drying out your mouth like sodas and juice tend to do. Also, you can use it as a natural, calorie-free appetite suppressant.

Try drinking a glass or bottle of water about 10-15 minutes before you eat a meal. You will feel less hungry and therefore eat less at that meal.

Drinking more water all day long will decrease your hunger signals and lower your calorie intake overall.

These strategies do seem rather simple, but they actually work! Often, it is the small changes you make that add up over time and bring about real weight loss that stays off long term. - 17269

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Why Fruit Juices Can Help Prevent Disease

By Fran Rogers

Fruit juices have many nutritional health benefits. The drink provides health benefits for all ages. It is good in taste and simultaneously offers a way to boost your health. Fruits are packed with many different vitamins and nutrients. Therefore, mixing different fruits into one drink means you can get many of these different nutrients. A good juicer like the jack lalanne power juicers will help you get the best out of your fruit.

Different fruit juices contain different benefits but mixing then can have a synergistic effect, boosting their properties. People taking fruit juices have a lower risk of suffering from chronic diseases than their counterparts. Fruit juices can help people get more leaner. This occurs by making the body more sensitive to the hormone insulin. The risks of heart disease, stroke and diabetes can also be reduced by regularly drinking fruit juice. People who regularly drink fruit juices have lower wait circumferences and body mass indexes and the health benefits that come from this.

Blueberry juice is one that is very healthy and full of nutritional compounds. It has many health benefits and can help in preventing urinary tract infections. It has been demonstrated to kill many different viruses and helps prevent diarrhoea. They also play a part in helping patients suffering from heart diseases and strokes.

Apple juices are full vitamins and mineral nutrients like boron which helps in strengthening the bones. Age related diseases and the effects of ageing can be reduced by the many polyphenols found in this juice. It also affects the mental learning ability and sharpens memory. The progress of Alzheimer's disease may be reduced by regularly drinking this juice .

People suffering from kidney stones can be assisted by drinking orange juice. The reducing of blood cholesterol and overall regulation of the body's metabolism can be a beneficial effect. Orange juices are a source of vitamin C which is a particularly powerful agent in the fight against free radicals. Blood flow to the heart can be increased and the body's cholesterol may be reduced by pomegranate juice. Prostate cancer growth may also be reduced as well.

Not all juicing machines are the same however. Some juicing machines are designed for specific jobs like wheatgrass juicing or fruit juicing. The Jack Lalanne power juicer are perfect for juicing fruit.

Drinks like colas contain very little other than empty calories. Compare this to the benefits you get from fruit juice. Just consuming one glass of fruit juice a day can boost your body in a positive way and make you feel fresh. Obesity is a worldwide epidemic, largely caused by the consumption of junk food and colas. Drinking fruit juices regularly may help reduce this. Regularly consuming fruit juice daily can help in maintaining a healthy diet, which should be our main concern. - 17269

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Top Ten Super Diet Staples For Great Health

By Susanne Marra

Physical fitness and good eating go hand and hand, but no one food is going to have magical effects on your health by itself. Eating a variety of foods from these food groups is the best route. To avoid overeating you should pay attention to the portion size. If you create a relaxing environment for your meals these healthy foods will along with healthy emotions will contribute to a healthy body for you. Add these to your diet to improve your health.

Berries - Perhaps you have a favorite berry or, you may love them all,either way you can't go wrong grabbing some berries as a snack. Try a smoothie made from mixed berries as a luscious dessert. Most berries have a high vitamin C content and some have other beneficial nutrients as well. Great for the circulatory system are blueberries which are loaded with vitamin C and antioxidant. Less known Gogi berries are loaded with nutrients that will keep your body fit.

Citrus - The foods of the citrus family are widely recognized as a valuable source of vitamin C. Choose fully ripe citrus fruits for the best nutritional value and choose citrus as near to the tree as possible. Tree ripened fruits picked at the peak of perfection and consumed with hours of picking give you the top nutritional rating. Try grapefruit for breakfast. Add a dash of fresh squeezed lime to your salad as a dressing and enjoy slices of orange with coconut in a light honey dressing for dessert.

Vegetables - Vegetable is a group with so many choices. Choosing vegetable for a nutritionally sound diet is a way of life for vegans and vegetarians. You can get many of the minerals need by the body from the vegetable group. Some people do not realize that the body needs potassium for good health. Some people believe that one bananas the only place to get your potassium requirement. here is something you may not know, eating a stalk of broccoli can give you the potassium you need also.Another good choice can be pasta mixed with pine nuts and green leafy vegetables. Spruce this up with feta cheese and a light vinaigrette dressing for an interesting lunch.

Whole Grains - Like many of these food groups choosing only one type of grain will not cut it to be nutritionally of the maximum benefit, variety is key. Mixing two or more grains will many times give you a complete protein. One example of this is by mixing together some brown rice with some heat kernels is an excellent choice Adding some nice seasoning to this and you get a dish that is popular in a vast number of countries.

Salmon - Salmon is lean fish and nutritionally one of the best fish choices. It is rich in Omega-3 oils that are noted as helping improve the functioning of the brain. Salmon baked whole with just lemon or lime as a seasoning makes a fantastic main dish or a hearty luncheon featured menu item. Salmon is also commonly found in chilled seafood dishes.

Legumes - A legume is the name for a variety of fruits with a single dry seed. Legumes are sometimes called pods. Examples of edible legumes are soybeans, peas, dried beans and peanuts, among others. Legumes are rich in iron and high in fiber, making them excellent nutritional choices. Peanuts are a type of legume that have been used to make hundreds of different products some edible and others with various types of helpful uses.

Nuts and seeds - Nature has packed a lot of goodness into small packages. Most everyone has heard of walnuts and pecans which are very good nutritional products, but did you realize that flax seeds are brain food--containing critical non-meat sources of the Omega-3 oil.

Lean proteins - You do want to keep these as lean as possible.As a whole , Americans tend to consume far too much protein in comparison to other countries. Try aiming for a small 3 ounce serving of protein. For most people this size is perfect for daily requirements. To keep it lean be sure to trim off all visible fat. Instead of meant you can substitute a vegetable dish made from rice and beans.

Tea - Depending on the type of tea you prefer, you can get an energy boost from a cup of green tea, or the calming effect of chamomile tea. Get going with mint teas or start your day with Earl Grey Breakfast Tea. Herbal teas are soothing, tasty and good for you. Non herbal teas will help you to stay alert when you need help to function.

Olive oil - Most people are aware of the benefits of olive oil at this point. This is the healthy fat. Using it can be as easy as mixing with vinegar for a quick dressing. It can also be used as a healthier choice for frying foods. One tip is to keep the heat low so you do not break down the oil.

No magic here, but by making these small additions you will be on your way to better health. - 17269

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How Losing Pounds Decreases Medical Illnesses?

By Squadoo Fatarie

There's convincing clinical proof that individuals who are chunky or obese benefit significantly from shedding pounds. An individual with a normal sized body is far less likely to have sicknesses that have become express markers for those who are oversized or obese. The large are much more sure to have medical issues like high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, coronaries, strokes and assorted other conditions.

If you're overweight or obese you know how hard it is to get through a day. You are typically exhausted by simple normal activities like walking to catch a bus or climbing a short length of steps. Your additional weight is putting a tremendous burden on your heart and cardiovascular system to simply stay abreast of what other ordinary sized bodies find as straightforward activities.

Also, a large body is extraordinarily ineffectual at dealing with blood glucose levels, which is why type 2 diabetes has become pandemic among those who are overweight. It is also estimated that those that are morbidly obese will probably live 20 years less than those that aren't obese. Again, this makes sense thanks to the strain that is put on all the internal organs as a consequence of obesity.

The good news about being overweight is that in all probability if you were to lose significant amounts of weight plenty of the health Problems that are common in the fat have a tendency to reverse themselves. Check out this turbulence training review for the best turbulence training exercises. People who once relied on hypertension medication, cholesterol medication and oral insulin regularly may be able to give up these drugs when they return to a normal sized body.

this could be electrifying information for you to know that if you put your intelligence to it by improving your diet and beginning to exercise you can lose the extra weight which will shorten your life by 20 years. It might not be straightforward to turn your life around but with education and a plan it is surely worth the effort to be on this earth long enough to see your children and grandchildren grow up. - 17269

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A Quick Intro To A Healthy Vegan Diet

By Ben Pate

Many people do not know what the difference is between a vegetarian diet and a healthy vegan diet. They assume both types of diet do not include meat, which is correct. However, the vegan diet is more restrictive in the types of foods that may be included in a diet. A vegan does not eat any type of food that contains animal or animal products. For many vegans, this means exclusion of products such as honey, whey, lanolin, and gelatin.

The impetus for becoming vegan is diverse. An individual who has strong feelings about animal rights and welfare may become a vegan. People who have moral and ethical convictions that pertain to the environment and our carbon footprint may become vegan. Or, individuals who have severe or chronic health conditions may find that choosing a vegan diet provides them with a healthy life alternative.

Taking supplements will help to maintain the level of vitamins and nutrients that are crucial for the body to maintain health. A person will want to include iodine, Vitamin B12, Vitamin D, and calcium in supplemental form to have a fully nutritious diet. Knowing the different vitamins, minerals, and nutrients that are found in the many types of plants you will be eating is also important in planning healthy meals for your diet.

Removing foods from the diet that contain animal products will eliminate many of the compounds that cause chronic illnesses and disorders. A person who experiences high blood pressure, hypertension, type 2 diabetes, or high cholesterol will find that switching to a vegan diet will significantly reduce these conditions. In addition, the elimination of carbohydrates and animal fats from the diet will help with losing weight and increasing overall health.

When a person is eating a purely healthy vegan diet, they are able to lose and keep weight and inches off. A person will begin to feel healthier as the body expels the toxins that have accumulated from the ingestion of animal products. Many of the chronic conditions that are made worse by the constant use of animal products will be reduced or eliminated.

There are many sources of protein that will provide the same nutrients that meat provides. A person substituting meat, poultry, or fish with legumes, lentils, or peanut butter will find that they are able to exceed the amount of protein they would receive after consuming large amount of meat. There are also many other sources of meat that, when used as a substitute in recipes, provide the same flavors and taste.

Knowing substitutions for meat and dairy when cooking will give you the opportunity to continue to use many of your favorite recipes. When a recipe calls for butter, there are many brands of dairy-free margarine available that will provide the same consistency as regular butter. Replacing eggs with applesauce in recipes provides the same benefits for cooking as animal-based egg substitutes. - 17269

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HCG Diet, Day 12

By Amelia Handley

Alright...in a lot of the diet reviews I read about the HCG diet it would mention that you just need to stay home. This part of the diet reviews is absolutely true. You'll know why by the end of today's article. It's day 12 for me on my HCG diet. Just as a recap in case you're just joining in...I chose to do the 25 day homeopathic HCG diet. I'm doing it through HCG Diet Direct. I bullied a friend into being my HCG diet buddy. Her name's Lisa. And we've got a side bet to see who can lose the most weight. I want to win.

But I might not! Dang it! I'm doing great. And I'm happy with my weight loss so far. But I've hit a few road blocks.

The day started off the same as usual. I got up and weighed myself. I've done pretty well so far remembering to note down my weight daily. I went down one pound. And I'm always good with one pound down. I'm officially at 160. That means I've lost a total of 11 pounds in 12 days. I'm liking the sound of that.

I thought when I started that the weight coming off would be inspirational and make it easy for me to stick to the diet; even though I read several diet reviews that said they loved the weight loss, but still had a hard time sticking to the strict guidelines. And it's true. It's still not easy. But I'm just going to keep a running list of the places and activities that I just have GOT to avoid while I'm on the low calorie diet. One for sure "no admittance while on 500 calorie diet" area is the Mall's food court. I was absurd to imagine that would work out. It didn't. And it won't; ever.

Today I identified another problem location: family parties. I went to my niece's birthday party. I took my HCG in the morning. I took my B-Total. I took my HCG again before I left for the party. It was supposed to be a barbeque lunch. So we didn't eat before we left. But as sometimes happens at family parties there were delays; barbeque lunch because barbeque dinner and I was STARVING!

Waiting too long to eat is a definite problem. I've already noticed that. But this day was way worse than the sitting at home and didn't make lunch until I was actually hungry day. I think my stomach was actually starting to eat itself. And then they served up barbequed sausage and turkey legs; which is absolutely fabulously yummy, but WHAT? Where was all the grilled chicken? Along with that I had the choice of Caesar salad or potato salad. I'll cut the long story short and say...well, I did avoid the cake. That's saying something, right? I should have paid more attention to those diet reviews before I put myself in the midst of a family party. I should have put some grilled chicken in a baggie in my purse or something. (Although that sounds really gross...) - 17269

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Yeast-Free Living - What Are the Bread Options?

By Matt Bournston

Starting on a yeast free diet isn't easy. Yeast is in a lot of common foods, and avoiding yeast can sometimes be difficult. The main problem is with bread, as normal bread contains yeast to make it rise. However, there are a lot of yeast free breads available in health food shops. You can also make your own yeast free bread.

Most people who have a yeast intolerance are actually intolerant to manufactured yeast, but are okay with natural yeast. A person with that kind of intolerance can usually eat sourdough bread. The key to good sourdough bread is to use a good sourdough starter, one which doesn't contain any added yeast.

But What's a Starter?

A starter is also known as a "levain", and is basically an ancestral form of pre-ferment which you use to make the sourdough bread. Sourdough is the method of trapping natural yeast. Once you have your starter, you can actually make most types of bread. The only difference is there will be a different taste to the bread. This is due to the lactic acid which is produced by the lactobacilli, which gives it its sour flavour, which is where the name comes from.

However, there is another type of bread you can make, and that is Soda Bread. Check out this great soda bread recipe

What You Will Need:

* 6 cups of flour

* One tablespoon of baking soda

* 1 tsp of salt

* Two eggs

* Three cups of yoghurt


1. Mix the flour, the baking soda and salt.

2. Add in the eggs and the yoghurt. Mix well.

3. Thoroughly kneed it for approximately 5 minutes.

4. Place into 2 bread tins and bake for approximately thirty minutes.

By following a recipe like this and making your own bread, not only will you be able to control what ingredients are used, but you will also be able to enjoy it fresh, straight from the oven, nice and warm, the way bread should be. - 17269

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