Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Types of Foods to Help Build Muscle Quick

By Caleb Lee

Eating healthy is a basic concept known to weight lifting and weight loss, when you want to build muscle quick.

First, let's explore what eating healthy means.

You can basically stay eating the same way you are, but just upgraded a little. It won't cost any different. It's like you're just switching brands of soda. Same price for different flavors....

You don't have to give up many foods and stay eating green! You need multiple nutrients when you are trying to build muscle, and only eating green, like salads, won't help you in the long run. Yes, of course you will see some weight loss, but this will make you sick and weak, because you're not getting the nutrients you need to build muscle.

The 3 nutrients you need for building muscle quick and lose fat are proteins, carbohydrates, and home grown items.

To build muscle quick, you need protein. Protein is your muscles food and will help it recover fast and bigger. This will allow you to recover fast, after working out. You can get this protein from eggs, fish, chicken, and lean red meat. When it comes to eggs, eat the yolk, too, because it has good protein and vitamins. Salmon is a good fish for protein, also containing Omega-3 fatty acids and Vitamin D.

Carbohydrates are the fuel source of your body for energy. Your body will work off these until it needs more and moves to your body fat. The idea of eating less carbs to burn fat right away is bad news. Eating carbs will delay the pain until after you have a good full body workout in. Eating these will prevent the aches and burning until after the workout.

Bread is the most common carbohydrate, but there are many different others. Do not go for the sugary, high processed foods for your carb intake. Oats, cereal, pasta, and yogurt are all different types of foods that are good sources of carbohydrates. If you ate something for a carbohydrate boost, you would cut down on your recovery time.

Home grown vegetables and fruits contain vitamins, fiber, and minerals that all help in rebuilding and preventing sickness by building up your immune system.

Basically, you want to eat foods that are good sources of protein, carbohydrates, vitamins, fiber, and minerals to help your body recover, help build muscle quick, and also lose fat naturally. - 17269

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Increasing your Muscle Gain With Bodybuilding Supplements

By Ricardo d Argence

There is more involved in bodybuilding than just lifting weights. A bodybuilder needs to be aware of nuteitional needs also,as to achieve the best results. You will need plenty of protein and complex carbs,that you should have a well-rounded diet.

Your body must have protein to build muscle tissue. When you lift weights, you tear the muscle then as is is repaired, it grows larger,since proteins are directly responsibility for repairing muscle damage, and as because that is what you are doing to a muscle.

Complex carbohydrates. They are slow burning and provide lasting energy and are essential for stamina. They also maintain the enough amount of sugar while you are exercising.

It might seem counterproductive to add fat to your diet when you are trying to build muscle and lose fat, and however the right fats are crucial,surprisingly, fats are a much-needed nutrient as well. Essential fats are monounsaturated fats these aid in boosting the immune system and energy levels.

Choosing and eating the most nutritious food available is ideal. In order to keep yourself from overeating, it may be wise to go from eating three large meals to six small meals in a given day.

Supplements are helpful for bodybuilders because the extra strain of your workouts makes it difficult to extract all the vitamins and nutrients you need simply from eating alone.

Those searching for a way to reduce insulin resistance and increase overall healthiness should consume more omega three fatty acids.

Studies have proven that creatine can substantially boost mass for body builders.

Occasionally, obtaining sufficient amounts of protein is a problem, and then taking it as supplements is required. While you are sleeping, the slow acting formulations will enhance muscle repair.

Should you be categorized as underweight, you might have to take high-calorie supplements for the purpose of gaining pounds. Your endurance will be increased due to the extra caloric intake, while at the same time building muscle mass.

Many things go into making your body all that it can be and that will maximize your routine and help you build muscle, are the proper diet and exercise with the right supplements and adequate rest. It is centered good health of the key to any workout whether it is for muscle stamina or weight loss. Take the proper supplements to kick your routine into high gear,and eat a healthy diet high in calories, workout. - 17269

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The Truth About Building Muscle - An Honest Review

By Westy

This program will help you to gain the results that you are after in your muscle building program. You will learn some of the best information on nutrition that is available in a muscle building program. When you use the approaches to eating that are illustrated in this program, you will be able to reach your goals in a record amount of time. There is information on the most appropriate time to eat so that you achieve the best possible results. The program will not only tell you what you should eat, but when you should eat as well. The program goes on to give some valuable information about supplements and how to use them effectively in your program.

One area that is not typically given much attention is the importance of recovery and rest periods. You will learn with this program how to rest your body in the proper way to get great results. You learn how to recover from injury as well as how to get quality rest in between workouts.

The program is very well thought through and creator Sean has thought of every possible obstacle that you might have to overcome. The list of the questions that could be asked in the program are covered completely and there is no doubt an answer to many of the questions that you might have while you are working this program. You can find these answers to your questions contained in an extensive database that comes with the program.

The main program is contained within the "26-Week Workout plan". It consists of printable log pages from each training day of each of the cycles of the program. Further, included is a full-motion video called "an exercise database" covering the program's suggested exercises. You will see Sean himself demonstrating the best technique for each exercise along with tips to get the biggest results from each of them. To get your motivation going, included is a "3 Month MGT Progress Tracker 6000 Membership". This software helps you many issues including: The Truth About Building Muscle

(1) how to track your body composition

(2) meal planning information

(3) your shopping list

(4) tracking your workouts

(5) full tracking to help you keep the program going strong

That's not all... Sean gives you a fully completed diet plan. It is a total of 12 weeks of muscle growing food plans at nine levels of calorie intake ranging from 2,000 to 6,000. All you need to do is calculate your suggested calorie intake (chapter 3) and choose the plan that works best for you. Then, is Sean's "Muscle Building Video Lessons" comprising of six lessons each where he takes you through your every workout on building each muscle.

Sean's additional e-book guide Personalized Workout Plans is for those that have busy schedules. This e-book guide charts out routines and advice for persons working out at home without the ideal equipment. Next up is Sean's audio program, "The Top 12 Bodybuilding Mistakes Revealed". This lists reveal the most common mistakes that many commit without even realizing it- thus causing great harm not only to their body building goalThe Truth About Building Muscle but also to their bodies. So if you'd like to avoid making them, you absolutely need to have this. You can have easy access to this audio lesson on your mp3 player or on your laptop.

There is also a one hour video where you can view Sean going through a difficult workout. You will also have the ability to upgrade your program and get even more bonuses. Here are what you will receive with an upgraded program.

(1) You will have three months of personal training through email.

(2) A great cardio workout that will help you to burn fat quickly.

(3) An e-book that helps you to understand the psychology of bodybuilding that can be invaluable to reaching your goals.

(4) The entire program on Mp3 format so that you can take it with you when you are away from home.

(5) Extra meal plans for vegetarians and those who are looking for some low budget meal plans.

These extra plans come in different calorie ranges from 2,000 to 6,000 calories.

There is a very sincere approach to this program that comes through in all of the different aspects of the program. You will see that Sean has a very enthusiastic approach and will offer you the very best of his program. It is very well thought out and organized so that you will be able to understand everything easily and quickly. You will receive all of the information that you need to get started including nutrition, training and how to recover from any injuries. The plan is a complete workout and program to give you everything that you will need. The determination and willingness is all on you. If you can commit to the program and follow the advice that is contained, you will receive the results that you are after. The Truth About Building Muscle will take you as far as you want to go, whether you are just starting out or looking for an intermediate workout. - 17269

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Do You Know These 7 Reasons Why You Should Front Squat?

By Caleb Lee

I can nearly guarantee you're not front squatting enough or to some extent. For some reason, you don't see several gym goers (mostly bodybuilders) utilizing this time-tested training.

Crossfit has gone a long way towards bringing it back (much like Justin Timberlake brought sexy back), but if you're not doing crossfit - it's probably not even on your radar.

This is a shame because if you want to get full body strength build awesome quads sculpt rock-hard abs and save your "tweaked" lower back then you're going to enjoy the front squat.

Here's 2 reasons why you must front squat for a stronger, bigger, more powerful body that moves, looks, and feels better than ever:

1. Get Enhanced Quads - The front squat is an EXCELLENT movement to get bigger, stronger quads-most likely the greatest workout there is. Since you're position is more vertical, it highlights the quads more.

2. Get Stronger, More Cut Abs (Core) - Because you're holding the weight in front of your body, and you must remain upright your entire core gets a great workout trying to stabilize the weight and keep you upright. If you find you're leaning forward a lot when you back squat, you'll quickly get stronger and fix this problem if you switch to front squats for a while.

Front squats aren't just great for building a hard body with muscles of steel either! They're also really good at just making you more fit and keeping you more fit. What good is looking strong if you must sacrifice your health in the process?

Here's the five other reasons why you should Front Squat for better health:

1. Makes Your Other Lifts Better - Because the bar is placed in front of you, on your shoulders, the front squat is a lot like other exercises and strengthens the "base" of those lifts/presses. Power Cleans, Overhead Presses, Overhead Squats, etc all share the same "starting" position as the front squat. Getting stronger and more comfortable with Front Squats will help you in those exercises too.

2. Bad Form Gets Self-Corrected - If you're back squatting with bad form you can complete the exercise at the expense of causing injury to yourself. The good thing about front squats is the form is self correcting: If you're not straight enough you'll drop the bar if you're not holding the bar right you'll drop it if you don't keep your elbows up you'll drop it. It's an exercise that pretty much forces your form to be good.

3. Less Weight - All in all, if you can challenge your body with less weight (because you're doing a harder exercise) then it is safer. Because the Front Squat is harder than Back Squats you won't be able to lift as much weight. Which means less spinal compression.

4. More Natural Spine Position - You're more upright with the front squat your spine is in a more neutral "straight" position. This combined with the fact you're lifting less weight is healthier for your spine in the long run.

5. Lower Back Approved - Nearly everyone have lower back problems and back squats worsen these conditions. But because your upper body is normally straight (rather than leaning forward like in a back squat) there's a reduced amount of force on your lower back. I started front squatting when I hurt my lower back. - 17269

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How to Build Muscle - Body Building Tips You Can Use

By Quentin Sanderson

Building a great body is a pretty common goal. However, if you want to learn how to build muscle and avoid injury, you'll need to follow some basic rules. These body building tips will help.

Here are the top ten body building tips for your next workout.

1. Lift Heavier Weight lifting helps increase muscle mass, and heavier weights do more. Lifting weights that are overly light for your workout reduces its effectiveness and is better for people who want to stick to toning.

2. Good Technique Is Vital Working out and lifting weights isn't very useful if you're doing things incorrectly. You won't get a good workout, and you could injure yourself pretty seriously. Make sure you have correct technique and take your time to get the best results.

3. Take It Slow We all know repetitions can be boring. That makes it tempting to rush right through them. However, you shouldn't allow yourself to be tempted to go too fast. Take your time and perform each lift in the set slowly and steadily. Slow, forced control is one excellent way to build up mass quickly.

4. Do The Right Number Of Sets And Reps If you're working on your body building, you should never skip sets or cut your repetitions short. That'll reduce your workout's effectiveness. On the other hand, you should avoid doing too many sets to try to speed things up. Don't go overboard, or you'll get an injury.

5. Make Your Training Intense No matter how many sets you do or how many reps are in each set, you need to make sure all your sessions are intense. There's no need to stop at seven reps if you know you can do ten. Work hard on each set, and do as many reps as you can while still using good technique.

6. Limit Cardio Keep cardio sessions to a minimum, since they burn calories you'll need to build muscle. Too much cardio will cause you to lose weight, not gain muscle mass.

7. Keep Hydration Levels High Water is extremely important if you're body building, as well. Make sure to drink a lot of water daily to keep yourself hydrated and flush toxins out of your body. It'll also help you increase the body's circulation.

8. Build By Section Never try to complete a workout for the whole body on one day. Instead, focus on different areas on different days. Work your arms and shoulders one day, and your legs the next to allow muscles to recover and build faster and better.

9. What Should You Eat? Monitor food intake and make sure the food you're eating promotes muscle growth. Look for high carbohydrate foods like rice, oats, potatoes, bananas and apples on a daily basis. This will supply the energy you need to keep your body going through an intense workout.

Lean proteins, including fish and chicken, are also excellent for building muscle. One popular choice is tuna, since it's low in fat and carbs, costs very little, and has a lot of protein. It's great for any body building plan.

10. Get Enough Sleep Building muscle requires you to let your body recover after a workout. That means resting and getting plenty of sleep so you'll get your strength back before your next workout. - 17269

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Magnesium and Diabetes - Is There a Connection?

By Virginia Pipolini

There has been a serious rise in the number of diabetes cases over the past several years. This unfortunate increase affects not just our adult population. Many overweight children have developed type 2 diabetes. Is there a connection between diabetes and magnesium deficiency?

Research studies say yes, that magnesium deficiency is associated with insulin resistance. What exactly is insulin resistance? It is the blocking of the insulin protein, produced by the pancreas, in converting glucose into energy.

The number of diabetes cases keeps rising. Diabetes is prevalent in over weight children, and there is a demonstrated connection between excess weight and magnesium deficiency.

In 2005 a study was conducted at the University of Virginia. This study looked at the magnesium level in the body as well as insulin sensitivity in children. The magnesium intake through a dietary question was reviewed as well. This study showed a connection between magnesium deficiency and insulin resistance in children.

Our western diets are woefully lacking in nutrients such as magnesium, but magnesium is vital to our healthy body function and interaction with over 300 enzymes in the body. One method for introducing additional magnesium to the body is transdermally, or through the skin. The affect can be seen quickly, and many report feeling calmer and sleeping better after applying transdermal magnesium.

The conclusion was that improving the magnesium levels in children is important in preventing type 2 diabetes. Diabetes Care 28:1175-1181, 2005. Magnesium Deficiency is Associated with Insulin Resistance in Obese Children. - 17269

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Forget About Dieting To Lose Weight

By Melissa Moore

You need to set realistic goals if you want to lose weight permanently. Most people do not define there weight loss goals, rather they focus on losing weight quickly. The quicker they can lose weight, the better. Unfortunately, it takes time to lose weight healthily.

Quick weight loss people get attracted to fad diets and weight loss pills that promise outrageous results. A few pounds will be lost with these diets, but that is not fat loss. You will typically lose more water and muscles than fat with most of the fad diets. This is an unhealthy way of losing weight! Not to mention, such weight loss will not last. You will regain the weight as it is close to impossible to stay on fad diets for the rest of you life.

Another tip regarding you goals: your aim shouldn't be to have a body like Victoria Beckham. Your goals need to be realistic and ideally be focused on what is right for you. Models and movie stars can afford a lot of help to maintain their slim figures.

Besides, you should focus on what is right for you. You don't need to be like them. To become healthy, lose enough weight so that you can reach your ideal body weight! All you need to do is to eat right and exercise. What you don't need is fad diets or to starve yourself.

Don't worry about dieting so much and instead focus on eating more healthily. If you don't know where to start, begin by substituting water for soft drinks. You will be satisfying your thirst but will do so without the weight that goes with the soda. Some people think that soft drinks that come with the 'low-calorie' tag are okay. However, this is wrong! Low-calorie soft drinks are deprived of fructose. They make you want sugar.

You should consume whole grain wheat instead of white flour. Whole grain wheat contains little fat. Also, it is rich in protein and fiber which will help you to lose weight.

For exercises, I highly recommend weight training. Contrary to what women think, not only is this exercise not just for men, it also won't take away the femininity of women. Weight training is very effective and is one of the quickest exercise methods for quick weight loss.

If you are worried about getting too bulky, know that bodybuilders aren't able to build muscles just by doing exercises. Protein shakes, supplements and steroids are also used. Besides, the presence of a hormone called testosterone is important if one wants to build huge muscles like bodybuilders.

There are countless other benefits to exercise. You will get extra energy burning you fat deposits and will sleep much more soundly. You will find that you can do much more than you were used to!

Other benefits from exercises are improvement in skin tone and appearance, an improved immune system, greater stamina and strong lean muscles! - 17269

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No Pain While You Exercise to Build Muscle

By Caleb Lee

Ever wonder what to exercise to build muscle, but stay away from the pain in the following days?

How would you like to get a couple tips on eliminating the pain out of working out and recovering, while also building muscle faster and stronger? In this article I have listed a couple of things you can do to help with getting the pain out of work out.

These may be very basic ideas; however, in order to build muscle without pain, they must be followed, or the pain will still take over.

You really need to keep your workouts short. The first hour of your workout is the best to build muscle as you have fresh energy and oxygen in your blood. This means, try to get your workouts done within the first hour. Your workouts don't have to be long to be significant. After an hour, your body will start to develop lactic acid, which can be harmful to your muscle building and is known to produce the pain and soreness you feel later on.

With this in mind, you must be able to get more done, and faster, than usual. You need to make whatever you do, worth your time. Lifting 80-85% of your one rep max is crucial. This is a good weight for high resistance, which will cut back your exercise's total time.

Compound exercises, as you can tell from reading my other articles, are the best for building muscle and also losing weight. They work many muscles at once, giving you better flexibility and comfort with movements involving many muscles. They are highly recommended to exercise to build muscle, because compound exercises will benefit you the most when you are out of the weight room, doing daily activities like lifting objects, moving furniture, and any type of sport.

If you would like to do compound exercises, but you are nervous about going to the weight room, well you shouldn't be. However, if you still just don't want to go, you can do exercises to build muscle at home. Pull ups, pushups, and chin ups are some examples of compound exercises you can use at home, with little or no equipment.

If you choose to use these concepts in your workout, you will see a decrease in total time for your workout.

A shorter time while you exercise to build muscle will still be beneficial, as long as you are lifting a good amount of weight and performing exercises that work many muscles at once. - 17269

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Weight Lifting Exercises For Your Chest - Bench or Crossovers?

By Westy

Everyone who is looking to build their muscles and achieve a great look is wondering what the best exercise is to increase the size of the chest. When you take a look at all of the exercises that people are using in the local gym, you will notice that most of them are using the bench press. There is a very good reason for this. The bench press is a great way to work out the muscles of the chest and gain an increase in size. There are some other exercises that you can use to increase the muscles in this area as well.

Some of the other exercises that you can use for your chest muscles are:

Inlcine Bench Press

Flyes With An Inclined Bench

Incline Flyes

Cable Crossovers


I tend to think that most times the chest workout should start with focus on either the bench, or dips. The reason being that they are great comprehensive exercises, and if you're looking to gain mainly size and strength, there's no need to do focus exercises for any particular body part. And plus, why workout harder or longer than you need to!

What's the best way to perform the bench press?

1. Lie on the bench with the bar above your line of site

2. You should make sure that you have a spotter if you are going to be lifting heavy weight.

3. As you lower the bar slowly, keep breathing in.

4. As you push the bar up, breath out.

5. Repeat until muscular failure

This exercise will work on your chest and shoulder areas at the same time. Not only will you feel the weight in your triceps, but you will feel it in the lats as well. It is important that you use low weight to warm up the muscles before you begin using the bench press. You will feel it in the muscles if you take the time to do a warm up before you begin working with a bench press.

For example, if you lift a maximum weight of two hundred and twenty pounds, you should warm up with a weight of ninety pounds for fifteen repetitions. Increase the warm up to one hundred and forty pounds for eight repetitions, and then one hundred seventy pounds for four repetitions. Finally, increase to two hundred pounds for one repetition. This will make sure that your muscles are warmed up completely before you begin your bench presses. The bench presses will be done until your muscles fail, so keeping your muscles warmed before you workout is very important. - 17269

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Why You Should Do Spinal Decompressions

By Caleb Lee

Your backbone is perhaps the most essential structure in your body, hence it is critical to take care of it. Your vertebral column get loads of compression from everyday activities, gravity and general life. Plus the added compression you give it with strength training and you better start decompressing it.

Spine health is very important, and I'm willing to bet that the majority of you have backache at this time. I myself hurt my lower back roughly a year ago, and this is one of the methods I enjoyed to take it back to 99% (even at times becomes tight or aching). I'll do an extensive post on why you have backache and how to resolve it later on, however read this right now.

What you want to do is follow a trouble-free decompression technique that helps to keep your backbone strong and mobile by helping it decompress to its original length.

Here's all you need to know...

How To Do Spine Decompressions

You'll need a pull-up bar to do your decompressions. After you have that piece of equipment, there's two ways to go about this:

1. Get Gravity Boots: This is the method that I use. These are boots that you strap onto your ankles and have hooks on them so you can hang upside down from your pullup bar safely and allow your spine to decompress. I use Teeter Hang Ups Gravity Boots. An added bonus is that with these boots I can do inverted sit ups for my abs and other cool "upside down" exercises.

2. Hang With Your Hands: This is trouble-free. Just hang from your pull-up bar and ease all muscles-hold it for as long as possible. The longer you hang the better shoot for 5 minutes at best and build up from there. You probably can't hang that long, so here's

How To Hang Longer With Your Hands

The longer you hang the better, yet your grip will almost certainly give out. Even though I would never advise using lifting straps for your typical lifting, I recommend them for decompressions for it will allow you to hold longer. Go for nylon-type lifting straps or lifting hook straps as they're more durable.

How To Loosen Your Muscles So Your Spinal Column Decompresses

Your muscles need to be comfortable in order for your backbone to decompress (staying tight won't help). Here's what to do whether you're utilizing the gravity boots method or the hanging from your hands method:

* Hang off the pull-up bar

* Take a deep breath and hold it

* Stiffen your whole body (concentrate on abs, glutes and make fists)

* Keep your whole body tight for 5 secs

* Release it all, your breath and the entire tightness. Kick back

When you do this you'll have a feeling your whole body relaxing and you'll probably "drop" down a little. You'll most likely sense your back decompressing, remarkably the first few times.

How Frequent You Must Decompress

It is best to do it on a daily basis. But I should admit that I don't perform it constantly. But you actually should strive to do it as much as possible. If you get jaded hanging upside down you can read a book or something. It's best to do these right after your strength training sessions, right after your compose yourself-think of it as a part of your cooldown. - 17269

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