Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Acai - What You Should Find Out About Acai Berries Before You Buy

By Xylene Belita

Acai Berries are small berries that appear similar to purple grapes. And like grapes they have certain nutritional qualities and health benefits, but at remarkably elevated levels that has gotten it hailed as the perfect fruit for mankind.

Acai Berries are actually from Acai Berry Palms (Euterpe oleracea) which are endemic to the Amazon Rainforests of Brazil. They have long been staple to the inhabitants of the region. The Acai Berry itself is what is called among botanists as a drupe. The seed makes up 80-90% of the fruit. The juice and pulp of the Acai Berry derived from separating the pulp from the seed is popular in Brazil for use in juice blends, smoothies, and even ice cream and liqueur.

Lately, Acai Berries have quickly gained popularity internationally. Acai Berries are filled with an awesome amount of antioxidants. Yes, ten times that of grapes and about two to four times that of blueberries. Additionally, it is believed to have the best overall nutritional worth of any fruit on Earth.

Acai Berries are exceptionally plentiful in vegetable protein, which not like animal protein, do not result in cholesterol and are easier to take in by the body. They are also full in carbohydrates which fuel your body during actions like working out. They also have very high amounts of essential fatty acids and omegas that lower harmful cholesterol levels. The purple color itself is not accidental. These are from anthocyanins, a kind of antioxidant that lends it its violet hue. Acai Berries actually have 10 to 30 times more anthocyanins than Red Wine in terms of volume! The amazingly high levels of antioxidants help fight free radicals and prevent premature aging.

To summarize its healthy benefits, Acai Berries can help improve digestion; lose weight; promote better sleep; reduce muscle fatigue and pain, increase energy and libido, fight cancer and illnesses, lower blood pressure, strengthen the immune and cardiovascular system, and fight aging and inflammation.

Through all those benefits, you might expect Acai Berries to taste like medicine, huh? Actually no. Acai Berries have a distinctly tropical taste that has been described as something between a balance of berries and chocolate. It truly is the number one super food of the world. - 17269

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The Fat Smash Diet Could Be The Weight Loss Answer!

By Lee Reid

Have you been on the look out for a diet that would provide actual visible results within a matter of weeks? Maybe you need to lose all that fat to look good on your big day or perhaps you are just sick and tired of being overweight. Don't give up! Not until you've tried the fat smash diet Every woman would love to look slim and maintain a good body. The fat smash diet is assured to make you shed those extra pounds without having to starve, so you can put all those worries to rest and allow us to tell you about this world-renowned diet!

Dr Iam Smiths' fat smash diet is different from other diets because it looks to provide a long term plan. It not only helps you lose those pounds, but also assists you in keeping them away! The fat smash diet generally consists of four phases, firstly the detox phase, which last for 9 days and you are expected to eat only fruits, vegetables and sometimes egg whites.

Secondly, the foundation phase which lasts 3 weeks allowing you to eat a variety of other foods. Thirdly, the construction phase which goes on for 14 days and allows small portions of desserts and other good food, and lastly, the temple phase where you are expected to carry on with healthy eating habits and nutritious food. All 4 phases also consists of vigorous exercises.

Most recipes that are available for the fat smash diet are ones that are easy to make and usually come with a list of calories that it contains so that you can keep a watch on your food intake. Most of the wonderful recipes available for the fat smash diet are low fat recipes and are very nutritious. If you think your diet is going to merely consist of salad, soup or sandwiches, stop your thoughts right there! You can have various other kinds of food such as grilled chicken and pizza, provided you ve got yourself a good fat smash diet recipe.

Keep in mind however that in addition to a controlled diet, there are other things that need to change as well. Stress is known to cause you to want to eat more, therefore it's essential that you steer away from stressful situations. In order to increase your metabolism you would need to keep yourself physically active and try out various exercises. Keep drinking lots of water throughout your fat smash diet so as to flush your body. - 17269

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Juicing Benefits And Living Healthy

By Jane Winters

Maybe recently, you have thought about starting a new beginning and want to live a better healthy life. If you're not sure about the steps you need to accomplish this, then here is a simple step you can do, to begin living healthy. Your first step on being healthy, is by using a juice maker. Using a juice maker is very easy and its a great way to get all your nutrients and vitamins in one whole glass. The great thing about this, is that you aren't drinking juices made from the store, which have way to much sugar, highly concentrated, and has to many additives. Those types of drinks are actually bad for the body and making juices from home is way better.

There are many choices when it comes to juicing and finding the appropriate one will help you on your way to a better life. Juicing can help you bring back strengths you thought you never even had. Besides restoring your energy, it's also a great feeling when your not feeling tired all the time.

When it comes down to selecting the right juicer for your home, you need to understand what is available in the market today. First you want to look at juicers that can handle most vegetables and fruits whole. It's better this way because you don't have to chop everything up and it's much more simple to throw everything inside the juicer at one time.

If you never juiced before, most products will have some kind of recipes to get you started. Also, you want to see if the product will be able to handle harder materials such as pineapples, apples and carrots. To know if it can, you will have to check the specs and see if the rpms are high enough and also looking at the watts. The more it has, the more power it has.

When you choose a juicer, you should look at the blade and find out if it is made from stainless steel. Also, look at the chute and see if it's wide enough to handle the products you put through it.

Well, it's really that simple to make tasty fresh drinks and it's a great way to save lots of money too. Plus, the great thing about juicing, is that they will taste much better than most products you buy from the store. Soon, you will finally be able to get back that energy you have always dreamed of. - 17269

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The Convenience of Adjustable Weights

By Michael Waxman

Fitness and personal training have been a part of my life for over 15 years. As a personal trainer, I now do a lot of personal training at my clients' homes. A huge part of being able to train at my clients' homes is due to the quality of adjustable weights on the market today. Adjustable weights have allowed us to train without a full home gym. This article will share some of the things I love about adjustable weights and more.

Adjustable weights allow you to save a ton of space in your home. A full set of dumbbells or a bunch of machines take up a ton of space. With a quality set of adjustable weights there's no reason you can't have a great full body workout.

Storing adjustable dumbbells are very simple. They can go anywhere! I usually have mine in my car, under my bed or in a closet. Since I travel to see different clients on a regular basis, chances are I have them with me.

I wasn't sold on adjustable weights when I first came across them. At first, no company was making them with enough weight. Now you can find a good set that weight above 150 lbs. The other issue was adjusting the weight on the dumbbells, but it's incredibly easy and quick now. Most adjustable weights just require you to adjust a pin.

There are many different companies that are making quality adjustable weights these days. I personally chose to go with Ironmaster, who in my opinion make the best available. Each dumbbell weights up to 75 lbs and they have an option of purchasing another 45 lbs for each dumbbell. It's very rare I use the 120 lbs for myself or for my clients.

I purchased the Quick Lock adjustable weights by Ironmaster. The total cost of this investment was $688.00. That price included the additional weight to add on. Without the additional weights, it's $489.00 for the dumbbells and a nice rack.

I've seen high end dumbbells (up to 75 lbs) cost up to $5,000. Considering the amount of weight you're getting, adjustable dumbbells are a great deal. I always recommend buying an adjustable bench as well, since the bench is important for many exercises.

There are so many different options available and everybody has different needs. Shop around online before purchasing your set of adjustable weights and you'll be sure to find a great set! - 17269

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Traditions In Hanukkah Cooking

By Owen Jones

Whether you are genuinely looking for chances to explore new cultures or you are Jewish looking for great recipes and cooking tips, you have come to the right place to get some of the basics. For as long as there have been family customs, eating good food at special events and during holy times has been a part of the merriment.

Unfortunately, that appetizing food cannot be enjoyed unless someone goes to the trouble of actually preparing it. If you are looking for some tasty treats to do with the Hanukkah celebrations or just want to get a taste of what other cultures do during their religious or cultural celebrations there are lots of great foodstuffs you could be cooking for this particular holiday.

Oil is important in the celebration of Hanukkah and, as a consequence, many of the foodstuffs that are to do with Hanukkah traditions are cooked in oil. One well-liked favorite is Latkes, which are a kind of potato pancake that is deep-fried. Another popular favorite is fried lamb chops. The lamb is breaded and then fried much the same as many Americans fry chicken. Once again oil is used in the preparation of the meal.

If you are thinking about something more like finger food or a snack, you could consider deep-fried ricotta balls, fried zucchini, fried onion rings and fried mozzarella are appetizing savory fried delights for the season of light. Of course, fried food is not the only thing that is eaten during this 8-day celebration, but it does play a vital part in the menu and in the festivities.

Even the sweet treats for this celebration include a few fried goodies. There are apple fritters and raspberry dough nuts and plenty of other scrumptious fried foods for you to snack on. If you like something a little wicked to enjoy during this delightful celebration you might like to try blintzes in your favorite flavor. There are many to choose from and their recipes can be found easily online.

If you would like to include something a little healthier in your cuisine, then you might like to include an Israeli salad, stewed white beans, and baked eggplant and peppers. These dishes provide the opportunity to have something that is not either fried or sweet to help weight watchers, who always have a problem during holiday seasons no matter which religion they observe.

Other Hanukkah favorites include delectable dishes like cheese gelt coins, loukoumades, vegetable kugel, and brisket. Once again the recipes for these dishes are very extensively accessible online and in books on Jewish cooking and traditions.

To make things go a little more smoothly prepare as much food as you can well in advance and store items away quickly in order to stop them going off. Enlist the help of children and other family members when needed to move things along by taking turns preparing food.

You should also make an effort to keep the preparations as simple as possible to avoid delays and stress. This is a time of the year that is supposed to be dedicated to celebration not to trying to cook tons of food. The good news is that with all that deep fried food, it is doubtful that you will find these dishes too difficult to prepare. Good luck and have fun exploring the world of cooking for Hanukkah. - 17269

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Why Lifting Weights Is So Important?

By Benedict Perez

The other name for weight lifting is strength training. Some people do weight lifting for becoming slim trim, toning muscle and shaping your body but some people do it just for passion and it is a good thing. One of the reasons a lot of people do not lift weights is because they are intimidated by the word weight lifting.

People do not lift weights due to one reason or other. But believe me it is a very important thing and will keep you healthy for your whole life. It is the best thing that you can do to fight off osteoporosis, lowering of blood pressure, etc.

In weight lifting what you basically do is lifting heavy weights. Definition is totally simple. But people always avoid it. There are two reasons for it. One is that they do not know what to do and from where to start and the second probable reason is that they have not yet realized the important of weight lifting in life.

There are many different myths developed about weight lifting. One of the most common myths is some people think that weight lifting give you big and bulky body especially muscles which they do not want. But all this is wrong. Bodies become bulky if you spend 4 to 5 hours for lifting weights. It is very difficult to build large muscles. Some people who want big muscles also take different type of medicines.

Basic fact is that when you lift weights, muscles are built. Weight lifting will burn calories and will make you slim and trim. It will help you burn calories even at the time of rest. This is only because of toned body. Let us take an example. There are two individuals that are you and your friend. You go to gym regularly and do weight lifting and your friend do not do any exercise. Now you both are watching T.V. After one hour what do you think who will have burned more calories?

Normally you will think that the answer is that both have not lost any calories. But it is wrong. You have burned more calories. This is because your body is toned with muscles and not with fats. And more muscles mean more calorie burn. Do not afraid of big and bulky body. If you will dedicate just around 30 minutes for weight lifting your body will get toned and will not become bulky and big. It happens to very less men and women.

If you want to buy weights then the best place is internet. Just search on Google for the sites that are working in this field. Choose the trusted site and order the weights you like. There are large numbers of websites working in this field. In just 48 hours you will get the weights at your home.

Make a commitment and do weight lifting two to three days a week. It will tone your body and make you look good and slim trim. It will also help you in old age. - 17269

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Sleep and How It's Affected by the Food You Eat

By Jeremy Jackson

Your general health and body weight not just depend on what you eat but also on how much you sleep and how good your sleep is. Things that you eat can affect your sleep and its quality seriously. Some can improve it but some can make your sleep difficult.

Products that help you with you sleep include green leafy vegetables, fruits, cereals and whole grain breads, mushrooms. Also spices you add to your food can improve your sleep; dill, sage and basil for example.

Probably you remember the days when your parents put you to bed with a glass of warm milk. It was done with a reason. Milk can help you sleep better because it's rich in tryptophan that helps in creating serotonin, a hormone that controls sleep.

Apart from milk tryptophan can be found in products such as honey, turkey, egg whites and tuna, which are considered to be the sleep improving snacks.

Caffeine is what you should avoid before your bedtime. This stimulant can help you in the morning to wake up quicker but it's not good if you're trying to fall asleep. Chocolate, coffee, tea, soft drinks, cocoa all contain caffeine so these products better leave for the next day.

Also you should avoid tyramine rich foods such as bacon, cheese, sugar, ham or tomatoes. Tyramine helps in release of a substance that helps you to stay awake.

Try to avoid spicy foods soon before you go to bed. They can cause indigestion and heartburn that can affect the quality of your sleep. You might think that alcohol help you to fall asleep but it also have negative effect by making you thirsty during the night and causing waking in the night to urinate.

Remember that the amount of food before you go to sleep also has an effect on your sleep. Keep your last meal light to avoid indigestion, heartburn and general discomfort which all can make your sleep disturbed.

To improve your sleep you could also consider taking some supplements or vitamins. Magnesium, calcium, vitamins B6 and B12, valerian all help with sleep.

To have a good sleep you should really look after what you eat, when you eat and how much you eat. If you feel that your sleep is affected by the food you eat, try changing it to much lighter and healthier. - 17269

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Drop Inches Off Your Waist Using This Easy Philosophy

By Larry Donald

It's a funny thing about weight loss. You see all of these new gurus proclaiming new strategies and systems every year. Some of them are based on new theories about how the body works.

Some of these diets even go so far as telling you that you can eat bad foods while losing weight at the same time. Naturally, the people looking to shed fat will always be attracted to plans like these.

What's funny about these plans isn't the fact that I think they're bogus, because I do happen to believe that many of them can and will in fact work. This isn't the issue here.

Why does everyone feel the need to work around the proven means of losing weight? It genuinely shouldn't have to be so complicated, as the guaranteed answer is right in front of our eyes.

At the end of the day, there's on guaranteed way to lose weight and I can't believe that there's a multibillion dollar industry of weight loss programs trying to find their own unique spin on this one simple concept. Let your calories out be more than your calories in, and you'll lose weight. It's as simple as that.

Such a simple notion often goes ignored, and maybe it's because it involves a bit of dedication and consistency. Still, anyone who wants to achieve results is guaranteed to get what they want as long as they adhere to this principle.

Count the calories that you eat, and try to keep them healthy while you're at it. Low in sugar and low in fat will ensure that you're eating foods that are better for the body, boosting your immune system and your overall health.

The second key to the equation here is exercising as much as possible. Work your body out, as this burns even more calories in the process.

The key to this all is doing it on a daily basis without fail. Live by these rules and you'll be thrilled with your results. - 17269

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Growing Your Own Vegetables Is Better

By Susanne Marra

During the last decade there has been a change towards mechanization and homogenization of farming, which uses pesticides, additives, herbicides, synthetic fertilizers and mass-production techniques. All this is clearly affecting mankind's health, and new diseases are spreading rapidly amongst humans and animals (bird's flu being the most recent one).

The World Health Organization generates reports showing that the use of chemicals and other substances in food, combined with the manufacturing systems used, can actually be a threat for our well being.

If you can manage the room for a few pots or even a small outdoor garden, it is a great idea to grow your own organic vegetable garden. Today I'm explaining seven reasons for doing this:

1. You will not find any additives in your organic vegetables. Through research by organic food associations we are shown how these things added to our foods can cause mi grains, heart diseases, osteoporosis, and hyperactivity.

2. There will be no pesticides or synthetic fertilizers used. These chemical products are applied to obtain crops all the time regardless plagues or weather conditions, and affect the quality of the vegetables. Pesticides are poisonous to humans.

3. There will be no genetic modification. Farmers also use drugs such as antibiotics and hormones to grow larger plants and vegetables.The problem with this practice is you end up up with identical vegetables that have virtually no taste. The hormones that have been used end up being ingested by us further affecting our health.

4. By eating organic vegetables you have grow yourself you will be sure they are healthy for you. You will not need to worry about the addatives named above, and they will be more natural than anythign you can get at the supermarket. Your health will not bein jeappardy and you will know that nothing has been added to your produce.

5. Your organic produce will taste amazing. When they use pesticides, hormones, synthetic fertilizers and antibiotics , produce do not grow naturally and the taste can be very bland. By cooking with your own organic produce you will enjoy much better flavor in your meals.

6. Organic farming is friendly to the environment. Because you won't use pesticides or other equally harming products on your vegetables, you will not damage the soil or the air with the chemical components.

7. By growing your own organic produce you contribute to your own self-sustainability and that of the planet. Small groups have been formed whose members exchange the produce they grow. This helps to create a friendly environment and makes it a better place for everyone.

Eating organic products just means that you don't add anything to them that they would not naturally have. As you can guess, additives, fertilizers, pesticides or hormones are not ingredients of naturally grown food. To enjoy better health, try growing your own organic vegetables in some small pots on your patio. - 17269

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Soups Made Simple

By Kristen Thorpe

There's a lot to love about a cup of delcious soup. Some people love the many flavors and textures, others the warmth and comfort. Lots of soups are so hearty they actually make a complete meal. Of course, in the summer heat, there is always the option of choosing from the cold soup favorites. Here are just a few of the basic types of soups you can create yourself.

It's interesting that most soups can be broken down into a few categories, basically that there are soups that begin with or without a stock base. Then there are also the fruit soups. Some examples of soups requiring stock include your broths, bouillon, and consomm. Soups without stock would be bisque, chowders, creams, and purees.

If you're making your own stock, you can choose to make it meat or vegetable based. Meats often used are beef, lamb, turkey, chicken, veal, and fish. If you use dark color meat such as beef you will end up with the darker, brown color stock while your lighter meats such as fish and poultry will result in a white, clearer soup stock. Vegetables favored for flavoring stock are typically celery, onion, and carrots. These based are most commonly used for soups like tomato, cabbage, chicken, beef, vegetable soup, and broth's.

Being much thicker and richer, and generally quite nutritional, a puree or a cream soup can often be served as a main course, especially for a luncheon or a light dinner. These soups include varieties such as split pea, bean or potato puree, cream soups such as corn, broccoli or mushroom, bisque of oyster or lobster, and clam chowder.

Then there are the fruit soups - these are delicious chilled soups that are perfect on a hot summer day. Refreshing varieties include cherry, honeydew melon, strawberry, peach, and cantaloupe. Some cold soup recipes will list fruit juices as a mixer while others use a vegetable-based soup stock in the recipe.

Nothing really compares to a delicious, well-made soup. Be sure to put the right finishing touch on your creamy soups with a simple garnish and serve it the appropriate dish, such as a nice covered soup dish for your bean or onion soup, or a nice flat round bowl for your cream soup. And be prepared for requests for second helpings. - 17269

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Warning! Do Not Sign Up For Any Acai Free Trial Before Reading This

By Amy Bram

We've all felt the lure of 'free trials'. The marketers always offer the purchasers what appears to be a month's free supply of product X. You may only need to pay for the shipping charges. If this deal looks too good to be true, it usually is. Even the most cautious among the customers to not trust to any free acai berry trials now. You virtually have to read the details which are printed in very small letters. It is not surprising as many thousands have already being falsely charged for products they do not want in the first place.

Central Coast Nutraceuticals Inc or CNN is a perfect illustration. CNN case was when as lot of consumers found out that their credit card was billed every month. As they have become mad at the company, they made a complaint to the solicitor General Terry Goddard's office. There are a lot of bogus marketing being practiced at CNN. The most notorious ones are making references of their re-billing and 'bonus products' terms and conditions in the fine prints. You have to read the terms and conditions in find comb to uncover their fraud.

What makes the consumers very angry is the difficult cancellation process. When they called the merchant's customer service department, there is no reply. When there is a reply, the consumers are made to wait on the phone. This delay tactic is meant to make as much as possible from the consumers. Obviously, there are other tactics involved but this is one of the most well known.

Free trail dilemma The case of CNN is just one of hundreds to have occurred as a result of free trails. Across numerous brands, Hoodia, Acai Berry as well as fat binders. You can find numerous instances of 'free trail offers' that have been designed to dupe consumers out of their money. Despite this, the use of 'free' or 'reduced' trails (which are subject to price increases) have been around for a long time. And if approached legally and correctly, for example by providing clear documentation of their rebilling system, are in fact not considered wrong. The only problem with such an offering occurs when a corporation actively seeks to mislead their consumers and does not inform them of the consequences of their order or the problems of canceling it.

Have you been influenced by a cost-free trial offer? In the case of CNN, about $350,000 was won and then reimbursed to their buyers. So, has confidence in the legal system that you are a victim of such scheme; you can still receive your share you did not ask to be billed for. - 17269

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Do Supplements Really Help Your Workout And Make For More Powerful Muscles?

By Vari Hemluisha

Do supplements really help your workout? Many are manufactured specifically to boost the results you get at the gym. Whether or not they will work will depend on several factors but many can make quite a difference.

Of course it partially depends on the brand of the supplement. For example, a poor quality brand may not be absorbed properly into the body. Obviously, if it is just passing through you, you are not getting any benefit. It can also depend on the type of workout you are doing.

For example, creatine supplements are very effective for anaerobic exercise like bodybuilding but not for aerobics. In weight lifting, they have been shown to increase muscle strength, allowing for heavier weight to be lifted, as well as increasing the number of reps that can be done. Lifting more for longer leads to better results. Muscles become bigger in size and mass with creatine supplements.

Everyone can benefit from taking minerals and vitamins. But in the case of workouts, having your body functioning as best as possible will help you get the most from your exercise routine. High quality supplements are extremely important because these products often are hard to digest with the result that they pass through the body without absorption.

Protein supplements have been popular for years and are sold as a way to build up more muscle. Whether this will help you or not will really depend on how much protein intake you have from your diet. You absolutely need the nutrition from protein to feed your muscles. If you are not getting enough from your meals then taking a supplement will help, ideally after your workouts.

The amino acid glutamine is another common supplement and this is meant to help muscles recover from exercise. It helps the muscles repair and also protects them from being broken down for energy. It also is an important nutrient for immunity so it can help you from getting run down from hard workouts.

Products that are thermogenic speed up the metabolic rate. These are substances such as guarana, caffeine, ephedra and kola nut. Ephedra, however, is no longer available. A number of people use these to boost energy for working out as well as to help burn more fat. One should exercise caution with these types of products, however, as they also speed up the sympathetic nervous system. If you have a heart condition, it is a good idea to check with your doctor before using them.

Any number of supplements will enhance the results of your workouts. Most important is to ensure that you are eating well and supplementing with vitamins and minerals. After that, try whatever supplements appeal to you and see which fits your body and workout style. - 17269

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