Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Gaining Muscle Mass Without Gaining Excess Weight

By Greg Correll

Most people have 2 goals when it comes to fitness, they are-

1) Build extra muscle mass

2) Burning fats

If you think that focusing on 2 goals together would speed up things and get you that perfect body that you want, think again! Both the goals will require you to do exactly the opposite of each other, therefore you should never concentrate on achieving both at the same time, doing so will only lengthen the process.

If you're worry of gaining too much excess weight in the process of getting muscle weight, you're most likely right. This is because we have to take in more on our daily calories requirement than we normally do, this is a must for you to build muscles.

Just before you make up your mind to binge eat all day long, understand this. Your body can only absorb the nutrients goodness so much, up to a point where your body can no longer assimilate the food intake, it will be turned into stored fats for further use. Therefore nobody gets ripped by eating too much, the key is simply to eat enough for muscle growth.

Just aim to eat higher than your required daily calories, let your body decide instead. Your objective is to gain lean tissues, and not fast. Generally, eating 300-500 above your normal calorie intake coupled with training should get you there easier.

But, be realistic, naturally youre going to add half a pound or a pound a week, if youre doing everything right. Dont aim too add anything beyond that too soon because then youll probably have no control of the extra fats. Always keep an eye on your body fat level and tweak it as you go, if you see youre gaining undesirable fats, start lowering your calorie intake slightly.

Therefore, the best way to gain those extra muscle mass is not to get yourself into eating constantly and aggressively. A slower approach and better understanding of how your calorie intake interacts with your very own metabolism will make the whole process easier. Further more, your very goal is to get ripped, and not gain fats! - 17269

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Facts You Should Know About Bodybuilding Supplements, Creatine

By Ricardo d Argence

Creatine is pretty far from being a drug or steroid of any type. As a matter of fact it's actually made by our own bodies in the course of nature. This is really a conglomeration of three different amino acids known as glycine, arginine, and methionine. Normally we get creatine from our diets, and the creatine that we store is kept within our muscles.

Using creatine, your body will be able to handle high intensity workouts with relative ease. You will be able to perform a great workout, and your muscles will not be quite as sore when you are done. They will recover and regenerate quickly, and it will lower the volume of lactic acids which end up being accumulated throughout exercise.

While it is quite possible to derive creatine from your diet, that doesn't mean it's a bad idea to take creatine supplements to get more of it. You have to remember to do that within reason, and if you do it right you will not get quite as sore and you will recover faster. This means that you will be able to exercise quite a bit more. Those who seek to build up their bodies will find this to be especially helpful.

How does it do this? A substance called adenosine triphosphate, or ATP for short, simply sits in your muscles waiting for you to need it. When you need it, it is provided quickly and instantaneously, which accounts for the "explosive" benefit it gives muscles, in that you can do very intense workouts almost instantaneously.

After ingestion creatine is transformed into creatine phosphate, which replenishes ATP in muscles. Throughout exercise routines and workouts, ATP is turned into adenosine diphosphate which is also known as ADP.

That is how creatine functions in your favor. What it does is replenish the phosphate molecule that you've lost so that your reserves of ATP are full and ready to be used whenever you need them. Creatine will help lengthen your workout times and provide you greater results.

As with anything though, there are some disadvantages to using creatine, one of which is that water will be retained in your muscles. This means that if you want to keep your body hydrated and get water to other organs in your body, you will have to drink more water than usual when you are using a creatine supplement.

Creatine will give you the ability to exercise to your full potential and will help you to develop your muscles at an increased rate. You won't be as sore after your workouts, and this means that you can get back to is sooner than normal.

However, it has some drawbacks. You will gain weight because you will be retaining water in your muscles. It's not really a bad thing, just be prepared for higher numbers on the scale. In addition, if you're not careful, you can experience dehydration and related side effects like nausea, vomiting or even seizures. Also, if you have kidney problems, you shouldn't take creatine; it can place greater stress on your kidneys.

And, how important is a good diet? Simply put, no matter the supplements you take, your body's not going to function right and your workouts aren't going to be as effective or as efficient if you don't eat right.

Regardless of how much creatine that you take, it won't make any difference at all if your diet is just junk food. Make sure that your diet is made up of complex caps, lean proteins, and fruits and vegetables. This will help you to maximize your workout and make sure that you are getting everything that you need.

Muscles need a place to start, and that's why diet is so important. Make sure that your diet consists of adequate lean proteins like lean meats, fish, complex carbs, and lots of other things.

Using these guidelines, creatine will help raise the efficiency of your workouts, and your muscle mass will increase so long as you do it right. - 17269

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Pregnant Women and Acne Treatment

By Gail Jones

Treatment acne is normally the right move, if you have it, but not always. There are times in a person's life when you should not try to cure acne just because you would like to. Unfortunately, during pregnancy is one of those times. Everyone knows, that this is a delicate period in a woman's life and that it is that phase of a woman's life when she must show extra care of herself. If a pregnant woman feels the need to try to cure her acne, she must ensure that she arms herself with the right information.

This must also be borne in mind by those women who might get pregnant. The following are some remedies for acne that are not recommended for use during pregnancy since they could be harmful for the fetus:

Hormonal treatment which could contain estrogen, flutamide, and spirolactone. They are definitely ruled out, because they are harmful and may lead to some issues for both the mother and the child. It is better see it as a danger.

Isotretinoin is another one that would put a pregnant woman's life in danger. It has negative effects as well especially for pregnant women and those that are breast-feeding. It could cause severe health issues in both the mother and her fetus inside her womb. It is advisable that a woman in the process of taking Isotretinoin should be monitored by an expert. Those who are trying to become pregnant must avoid the use of Isotretinoin, since it may just trigger negative issues not only for mother but most especially for her child.

Oral tetracyclines, which could be made up of|of] doxycycline, tetracycline or minocycline, must not be a choice on any account, because it is harmful. It has been shown that pregnant women or those who are breast-feeding must refuse the use of this drug at all costs, because it may have side effects that are nothing short of a danger to the life of you and your baby. However, the most common side effect is the permanent discoloration of your teeth or / and bone disorders.

Topical retinoids, like as tazarotene, adapalene and tretinoin, is another group that should be stringently avoided. Just like the afore-mentioned treatments, topical retinoids could be a hazard to you and your foetus. No matter whether you are pregnant or not, it is just not a good idea to use any of the therapies mentioned above.

For those women, who are pregnant and have acne, it really is best to stay away from the heavy treatments mentioned here. Instead, why not settle for traditional remedies, like keeping your hair off your face, washing your face three-four times a day, changing your pillow cases every day and eating more fruit and avoiding fatty, oily and spicy food. - 17269

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Perfect Acai - Do They Live Up to Their Name?

By Travis Van Slooten

After reading this Perfect Acai review, you will see why this is a supplement that should be on your short list of acai supplements. When you step into the acai berry supplement market, you are wading into a cesspool of scams and inferior products. One way to avoid falling for one of the frauds is to go with an established brand like Perfect Acai. So what makes this supplement better than most?

The Acai Berry

First and foremost, you have to understand a few basic facts about acai berry so that you know what to look for. The science behind acai berry is simple. It is considered a "super fruit" akin to cranberries and avocados. The berry is packed full of nutritional value and antioxidants. The berry is almost disproportionally healthy. It's a small fruit roughly the size of a grape, but with many times the beneficial properties. But this does come with some drawbacks. In order to maintain its healthy properties, the berry must be consumed or freeze-dried within about 24 hours of being picked. Because of this, many Americans will never get fresh acai berries without booking a flight to Brazil. But you can get the next closest thing if you know what to look out for.

What to Avoid

In the acai supplements market, scams can be found everywhere. Smart consumers can spot one a mile away but those who are just trying out health supplements should be more careful. By all means, avoid free trials. Another thing you should also look closely into is the quality. The acai may be very promising, but you may not realize these potential health benefits if you get a supplement that's just full of additives like sugars and caffeine. Always check the label for the list of ingredients. You'll find that Perfect Acai only has 100% pure acai in it.

Another product to avoid is an extract. The acai berry is healthy in its entirety, so why would you want to take an extract of only part of the fruit? Perfect Acai offers the entire fruit of the acai berry and all of its benefits. Well, they don't process the entire berry, but that is a good thing. Some companies will include the seed in their acai supplement. While the seed is harmless, it composes a majority of the acai berry and has no nutritional value. This means you are getting half the benefit for the full price. Perfect Acai gives you only pure acai berry fruit, so you get the most bang for your buck.

The Product You Want to Buy

Acai distributors and users who are in the know are well aware that the only acceptable method of processing acai that retains the nutrients while at the same time making the products travel-worthy is freeze drying. Studies show that freeze dried acai supplements have 50 times more antioxidants than those which have undergone spray drying.

And what is spray drying? It is another process that may be used to preserve acai. Unlike freeze drying that uses low temperatures however, spray drying uses heat to remove the moisture from the fruit, thereby removing its nutrients in the process. The product is also sprayed with the polysaccharide maltodextrin which is taken in the body as glucose. What companies with substandard products typically do is to keep silent on their manufacturing method. To be sure that the acai brand you are getting is using the freeze drying technique, check to see it says so in the label. From harvesting to processing, Perfect Acai uses only the freshest berries and the methods to ensure the highest standard of their supplements. And all this information is contained in Perfect Acai's product package. No need to hide anything.

Perfect Acai doesn't stop at making their supplement top quality. The devil is in the details, after all. Most companies package their supplements in gelatin capsules which are often made from cowhide! Not only is this unacceptable to vegetarians, but many people can have allergies to these capsules. Perfect Acai uses capsules made from an easily-digestible vegetable cellulose.

When you are deciding which acai berry supplement company to go with, you need to take many things into consideration. You first have to know what to avoid so you don't get scammed. Then, you need to know the details so you can buy the acai supplement which is best for you. When all things are considered, Perfect Acai stands at the top by offering a superior product for a competitive price. - 17269

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3 Tips on How to Build Muscle Fast

By Arnold Stevens

Are you concerned on how to build muscle fast? Here are three good tips to help you save time at the gym and still get those super results.

I guess you have a gym membership or getting a set of weights is no big deal. It is my hope you also have some basic nutritional knowledge and you are eating five to six small meals a day.

Based upon these assumptions I am going to focus on the three keys that are going to help with the question, how to build muscle fast.

Use Progressive Overload

This is the main key to how to build muscle fast. Progressive overload is when you workout and either: use heavier weight than you did the last time or you do more sets than you did before or that or you are resting less between the sets.

In order for you to push the body to its limit and to stimulate new muscle growth you must be consistently pushing yourself to the limit but do it safely of course. Each time you are at the gym you really should be breaking your earlier workout in some way or another. This is going to help you make consistent progress and build muscle fast. And we all want to know how to build muscle fast.

Post Workout Nutrition

I'm sure you know already that post workout is the most critical for your body to receive the nutrients it badly needs to grow. But, did you know that you need the most after your workout? You are probably assuming protein and you'd be right however you also need to have simple carbohydrates. These are very important as they help you replenish the glycogen stores and they spike insulin that helps drive the protein to the damaged muscles.

Think about enough rest days

If you really love weight training and working out then you are going to find it difficult to spend a day away from the gym. This, of course, is common but it must be done if you want to really maximize your gains. Like you know, your muscles build while you sleep and rest, not when your pumping it up at the gym, so be sure to take at minimum 2 days off each week to help the body, nervous system and immune system to recover from the workouts.

Do these three key things and that is how to build muscle fast! - 17269

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The One Supplement You Need To Build A Lot Of Muscle

By Danny Gutierrez

Nutritional supplement manufacturers want you to think and believe that every supplement they manufacture is necessary for muscle growth but the absolute truth is that the only two things you need to do to build muscle is train hard in the gym and consume plenty of protein.

Protein is the building block of muscle. Your muscles are made up of protein and water so you can see why protein would be necessary to building muscle. And yet there are still thousands of supplements available that claim they will help you to build muscle when protein is really the only substance on Earth that can actually help you rebuild your muscle.

Most people that train in the gym don't realize it but when you go to the gym and you engage in resistance training or weight training you're actually breaking down your muscle tissue to the point of tearing it. Breaking down your muscles isn't a bad thing... it's necessary for you to break down your muscle tissue before you can rebuild it into the bigger, fuller muscles you want them to grow into.

There are basically to key components to building muscles and they are #1 working out in the gym and #2 consuming enough protein to sustain growth. The first is obvious, the second not so much.

If you want to grow and build muscle you're going to need to consume about one to two grams of protein per pound of body weight. Basically consume one gram of protein for every one pound you weigh so if you weigh 150 lbs. then consume 150 grams of protein. This is where protein supplements come into play because obviously eating 150 grams of protein would be pretty difficult.

It's not enough to just take protein though you also have to know when to take it. Protein is absolutely critical immediately following your workout and just about as important first thing in the morning and a few hours before you go to bed. Space your meals and protein shakes about three hours apart from each other so your muscles are getting a steady stream of protein throughout the day.

In addition to ingesting some protein right after your workout you also want to make sure you're taking some protein first thing in the morning and a few hours before you go to bed. Going to sleep means your body is going without food for 6-8 hours so it makes sense to take in some protein before you go to bed and first thing in the morning.

When you're just getting started with working out it can be really confusing to know what works and what doesn't becasue of all the mis-information out there. Keep it simple and rely on core strategies to build the foundation of your physique and worry about experimentation later when you know your body a little better and will know when something works and when it doesn't. - 17269

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Bruising Easily and Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome: What Do I Need to Know?

By Carolyn Cooper

When you realize that you seem to have a fresh bruise on a daily basis, and the bruises seem to be very dark even when you have no memory of getting them, you'll come to the conclusion that it is the proper time for to evaluate what could be causing the bruising. Naturally, you or your friends may assume that you're afflicted with one of the most serious conditions for which bruising easily is a symptom, but you're most likely just suffering from bruising that is the result of growing older. A common disorder that has been linked to easy bruising is Ehlers- Danlos syndrome, so you should learn everything you can about this disorder.

We may have some knowledge of blood clotting disorders and diseases that can cause bruising easily, but we probably don't know that certain connective tissue disorders could also be a bruising cause? By examining the Ehlers-Danlos Syndromes, we will learn about a set of connective tissue diseases that are discovered in places like the joints and ligaments, blood vessels, and certain internal organs. Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome is usually considered to be an inheritable disorder, and most of these disorders are focused on fibrillar collagens which have been caused by gene mutation.

When looking at the Ehlers-Danlos Syndromes, it is important to recognize that they have many symptoms that can point to them, including things like skin that is easily stretched, hyper mobility, and fragile tissues. When looking at the range of different issues that will fall under the blanket term of Ehlers-Danlos, you will find that there are six types altogether. They include classical, vascular, kyphoscoliosis, hyper mobility, arthrochalasia and dermatosparaxis.

Easy Bruising can be a warning sign or each of these varieties, due to the existence of the increased frailness of the tissues which causes more damage to occur. To treat this syndrome will require the use of strengthening exercises, skin protection, joint protection, and wound care. In most cases, approximately 90% of people who have this disorder first discover it only when an emergency situation occurred, and they require emergency, medical attention.

While trying to determine the reasons why you continually suffer from easy bruising, it is essential to consider the signs that your body keeps giving you. There are lots of reasons why you should consider consulting with a doctor about this disorder, especially if you are concerned that one of your parents might have contracted it.

Take enough time to really think about what your options are going to be, but if you realize that you just want your easy bruising to go away, take a thorough look at Bruises Be Banned, which is a uniquely formulated, all natural treatment program to help reduce bruising or prevent bruising altogether. - 17269

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How Vitamin C Can Improve Your Muscle Building Results

By Ricardo d Argence

Good nutrition is crucial for healthy living. Above all staying healthy requires a balanced diet and proper exercise. People who practice good eating patterns develop habits that help to keep them healthy for many years.

The problem is that with our lives getting busier every day and with lots of bad eating habits out there, vitamin deficiencies can become a real problem. Happily enough, though, you will find that there are supplements that can take care of this problem for you, if only you know what to look for.

One such vitamin that is essential for good health is Vitamin C also known as �Ascorbic acid�. It helps in reducing oxidative stress that is caused by rigorous training during body building sessions and workout routines.

There are animals out there that produce their own vitamin C, but we have to make sure that we eat foods that are rich in it. Unless you are ready to put vitamin C into your diet, you will start to have serious problems

It has a number of benefits; for instance, it can help protect cells and can aid the body to absorb iron from food. It is also considered capable of fighting common cold. It even helps in the formation of collagen, which is a key factor in almost everything including muscles, veins, teeth, bones, cartilage, and capillaries.

Remember that when you are looking at vitamin C, you are looking at a substance that will help you support and maintain every aspect of your body. You will also find that it can play an important role when you are thinking about body building as it will keep your bones in good shape and your muscle strong.

There are plenty of ways to get some vitamin C into your diet. Start by throwing in some citrus fruits like oranges and grapefruits. Similarly, also make sure that you include things like peppers, kiwi fruit, sweet potatoes, broccoli and Brussels sprouts. Remember that you should put these items into your regular diet.

Also make sure that you you use it to improve your exercise regimen. If you have a good dosage of vitamin C, you'll find that it can greatly strengthen your immune system while letting you recover much faster. It will suppress cortisol, which keeps your muscles from growing and it will keep down fat.

If you want best results, it is advisable to consume 1000 mg an hour before you begin your workout session. This would help reduce the muscle soreness and you would be able to recover faster at the end of the workout.

Remember that vitamin Ci is perhaps the best vitamin that you an consume. There are lots of ways to get in into your system, and if you are someone who loves the idea of bodybuilding and of doing it efficiently and effectively, vitamin C supplements are very important! - 17269

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Acai Berries Provide Very Important Nutrients Our Bodies Require To Lose Weight

By Danny F Ford

Our bodies flourish on excellent nourishment and the fact is that the foods that are the supreme in the crucially critical nutrition that we must have are grown in nature. Whole, plant-based foods offer the maximum nourishment to assist our bodies living functions.

For many years it has been recommended that we eat 5 or more fruits and vegetables each day. There are even some nutritionists that have boosted that number up to 10. One benefit that can be found with fruits and vegetables is that they give a substantial total of nutrition and fiber yet they are still very low calorie.

Including a array of wholesome fruits and vegetables to your on a daily basis diet also provides an array of very important antioxidants and phytonutrients. Phytonutrients (the word "phyto" is Greek for plant) are nutrients found in plant matter that are non-vitamin, non-mineral, and non-caloric elements of plants that supply considerable advantages for your fitness.

You may or may not be amazed to realize that most people who are obese or overweight are in fact suffering from undernourishment. Nutrient-poor food does not impart our bodies with the things it requires and many times cravings are the body's way of telling us that it needs better nourishment.

By including nutrient rich foods in your every day food intake, you can prevail over any dietary deficiencies. What is even more remarkable is that you may also be able to set off your own body's mechanisms for burning fat and calories. Nature will automatically kick in and the nutrients from natural whole foods will merge with your body's own innate wisdom and intelligence and the excessive weight will come off.

You will also be strengthening your immune system and you will be able to stop the usual declines that come with aging and avoid disease. Many of the supreme nutrition foods work together in synergy to help all of the systems of your body such as the heart and circulatory systems, the immune system and your brain.

Green vegetables like spinach and broccoli, orange vegetables like sweet potatoes and pumpkin, beans and legumes, nuts and seeds and all types of berries are just a couple of the foods that supply the important nutrition that your body craves. The acai berry that is grown only in Brazil provides some of the highest antioxidant capacities of any food found in the world.

The acai berry as well contains essential fatty acids and 19 amino acids along with a nourishing dose of fiber. The addition of stellar sustenance from superfoods including the acai berry can help you return to your naturally healthful weight. - 17269

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4 Ways To Overcome Sugar Addiction-For Maximum Arm Toning

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

Unlike the tooth fairy, sugar addiction is real. Very real. And if you want the fastest arm toning possible, you need to overcome it. Now I'll be honest, overcoming any addiction is not easy, but there is hope.

How do we know that sugar addiction exists? First, sugar acts as a powerful painkiller in newborns. Second, rodents demonstrate alterations in dopamine receptors when given high intakes of sugar. The same type of alterations you see with drugs. Third, naxolone-a drug used to combat drug addictions-temporarily mitigates sugar addictions.

Now you need to be brutally honest, are you suffering from a sugar addiction? Ask yourself the following questions: Do my moods fluctuate with sugar intake? Am I coming up with very detailed reasons as to why I am not addicted as I read this? If so, you are probably addicted.

The main issue with sugar, is that it prevents your body from secreting arm fat burning hormones. And without said hormones, your arms will never get toned. Period. So without further ado, here are 4 things you can start doing today to kick that addiction out the window:

1. Start using sugar substitutes. Although they won't give you an energy high, sugar substitutes will definitely appease your sweet tooth. And they don't taste like they used to. Remember that strange aftertaste diet sodas used to have? Stevia, an all natural herbal substitute, is my top choice.

2. Yerba mate loose leaf tea. This is the most powerful all-natural appetite suppressant I have ever found. The key is to make sure you experiment with small doses first and then gradually increase. And be patient because unlike coffee, it takes about an hour to take effect. Yerba mate is a powerful tool for cancelling out your sugar cravings. As an added bonus, it will increase your metabolism which will accelerate arm toning.

3. Lifting weights. How is lifting weights related to sugar cravings? Because it increases your hunger a lot. How does increased hunger help fight a sugar addiction? The type of increased hunger you get from intense weight lifting readjusts your palate and makes average-tasting foods much more palatable.

4. Psychological treatment. This is the most important one of them all because once you reach the addicted level, your emotional state is intimately tied to your sugar intake. The best form of treatment I have found is cognitive therapy. The most economical source of cognitive therapy I have found is a book called Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapy by David Burns M.D. Read this book before making any appointments. Millions of copies have been sold, it's the number one recommended book by therapists and it's brutally effective.

We enter this world with a sweet tooth for sugar. And live in this world with the food industry trying to push sugar onto us from every angle. Thus, our environment is a breeding ground for sugar addictions. And if arm toning is your goal, sugar is enemy number 1. So don't wait until tomorrow to implement these tactics. Start using them now! - 17269

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Facts About Whey, Soy, Egg And Casein Protein

By Henrick Scofers

Protein is an essential nutrient for the body, especially for the muscles. The general recommendation is an intake of around .3 grams of protein for each pound a person weighs. For athletes and bodybuilders, though, the requirement is higher because the body is working harder and demands more protein. The recommendation jumps from .3 to 1.25 grams for this group of people.

Not only is the amount of protein important, but the source of the protein also matters. For the average person, diet alone is sufficient to get the needed amount of protein, but for those who need more than the average amount of protein, there are protein supplements that are necessary. There are 4 different types of protein that can be used. Each reacts differently and so the type of protein used should be chosen carefully.

The four protein sources common in protein supplements are whey, soy, casein and egg. While some protein supplements are made from just one source, most often there will be protein from two of these sources in a given protein supplement.

Whey protein is derived from milk and is the protein source used in the majority of protein supplements. Whey protein contains both essential and nonessential amino acids. The essential amino acids are those which must be obtained through the diet since our bodies cannot produce them " and as you may have guessed, nonessential amino acids are those which we can produce, but may want more of through dietary sources. Whey protein is easily digested and used by the human body, the exception being those who have allergies to milk, who should avoid concentrated whey protein. As it happens, the concentrated form is preferred for protein supplements, being inexpensive to produce and containing between 30% and 85% protein by weight. There are also whey protein isolates, with a protein content of around 90%, which are more expensive. Whey protein is not only an excellent protein source, but also boosts immune function, contains amino acids and is helpful in speeding along muscle recovery after a workout.

Soy protein comes from soy flour. It is the most complete vegetable protein. It comes in concentrate and isolate and like whey, the isolate form is higher in protein content and more expensive. Soy protein is easy to digest and the perfect option for people who have milk allergies or are lactose intolerant. However, people with soy allergies can not tolerate soy protein. Soy protein can be added easily to food to increase the nutritional value and can help to lower cholesterol.

Egg protein is an excellent protein source. Derived from egg whites, egg protein contains all of the essential amino acids and is easily digestible. It's generally considered to be the best source of protein for supplements, but as with other proteins, there are some people who are allergic and should not use it.

Casein protein comes from milk, but unlike whey it is slow to digest. It is slow acting and therefore often used in combination with faster acting proteins. It works well meals prior to workouts. It also is a great choice to take just before bed.

Choosing the right protein is about choosing what your body will tolerate the best and what protein will work for your exercise habits the best. You should consider all pros and cons of each type before you make your final decision about protein supplements. - 17269

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