Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

How To Stop Tinnitus

By Matt Hellstrom

Many people, especially the elderly may experience the affects of a disorder that is called Tinnitus where they may experience an annoying ringing in their ears. Also you may find that a person suffering from this problem may experience symptoms of sleeplessness and anxiety. These people will then look for the best alternatives to get rid of the problems they have with Tinnitus.

A person with Tinnitus may try to stop the ringing by drowning it out; they may use a more acceptable sound such as television or radio to make the ringing go away. Because Tinnitus is a disorder that is partly caused by constant loud noises, it is important to keep away from them.

Due to the Tinnitus, you may experience mental and physical problems, so changing your lifestyle is important. You may want to get rid of stress and make some changes to your diet. You will want to change the way you eat by staying away from dairy, stop drinking coffee and soda, no alcohol and laying off foods that are high is sugar, salt and fat.

Supplementing your diet with foods such as Ginkgo Biloba and taking Vitamins such as B and A, will help with the affects of Tinnitus. These products help to stop any problem with your circulation and may help with neurotransmitter problems in addition to relieving the ringing in your ears. In order to purchase any of these by visiting your local pharmacy or grocery store.

One way to get rid of the ringing in your ears and stop tinnitus, are ear plugs aids and Tinnitus Maskers. The ear plugs cut down on the unwelcome ringing or other sounds that you hear. Tinnitus maskers will allow you to listen to other sounds such as the soft hum of a fan or the blowing of wind through the trees, which will allow you to have more control over the sounds that affect you.

It is important that when you want to stop the affects of Tinnitus, that you know all the remedies that are available to you. Remember to see your physician, he may have some ideas or be able to prescribe to you a hearing aid. Watch your diet and cut down on stress, in addition, add natural supplements, as all of these things may lessen the affects of Tinnitus.

Most importantly, stay away from loud noises (such as loud music, construction sounds and any others) and you will be able to keep the ringing out of your ears. Keep in mind that even if you eventually become used to these types of loud noises, they do have a detrimental effect on your hearing with long-term exposure. - 17269

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Usana BiOmega - High Quality Ultra-pure Fish-Oil Supplement

By Angela Giles

Usana BiOmega is a fish oil supplement produced from the laboratories of Usana Health Sciences, a company engaged in providing high quality nutritional care since 1992. Usana BiOmega supplements the body's requirements of omega-3 fatty acids which are important for general health.

Omega-3 is a family of fatty acids, both unsaturated and polyunsaturated, that promote good health in general. Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) are two such fatty acids that have been clinically proven to prevent the occurrence of heart attacks and other cardiovascular diseases. They also help in artery strengthening and cholesterol control.

In addition to the positive effect on the heart function, omega-3 fatty acids also play an important role in improving immune function, optimal neural development and maintaining good bone health. Other studies have shown their positive influence in reducing mental disorders and the risk of cancer.

DHA is one among the dominant fats in the nerve cells of fetal and infant brains, and research shows that omega-3 fatty acids are critical to the development of the brain before birth and during early childhood. Some studies have shown the beneficial effect of EPA and DHA on children with identified learning and development deficiencies.

Omega-3 fatty acids are naturally found in cold water oily fish like salmon, mackerel and sardines. However, the refining processes for today's commercial oils remove nearly all essential omega-3 fatty acids. There is also a likelihood of heavy metal poisoning from consuming such fish due to presence of trace quantities of mercury, lead, arsenic, nickel and other contaminants.

Usana BiOmega is produced in a state-of-the-art facility employing processes like double molecular distillation which removes all presence of contaminants and heavy metals while retaining the fatty acid content. It contains a concentrated dose of both EPA and DHA along with natural preservatives to keep the product fresh in storage.

Usana BiOmega also contains Vitamin D which is essential in maintaining bone health and lung function but is found to be lacking in our diet. The body's daily requirement of omega-3 fatty acids is conveniently packed in just two capsules. The capsules are available in a lemon flavoring to remove the typical fishy aftertaste of fish-oil products.

Usana BiOmega totally adheres to the norms of U.S.P for purity, uniformity and potency. They have been found to be most effective for maintaining adult health. Their formulations also serve to effectively supplement the nutritional requirements of pregnant women. - 17269

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The 5 Ways You Can Cut Your Workout Time

By John Foxtruff

Here is the 2 main reasons men and women stop working out/exercising

1) They dont have enough time 2) Not enough motivation

Here are a few things covering up some ways you can get your work outs finished faster. Most of all, no one should spend more than 60 minutes in the gym. Here are the 5 ways you could cut time from your workouts.

a) Do Supersets

Use super sets that are non-competing. This means that you will need to select two exercises for different muscle groups, preferably select completely opposite muscle movements. Heres an example to this, use a push and a pull movement. This way, the other muscle group rests while the other is getting worked out. Doing supersets also cuts the rest time you need between your sets.

b) Choose an efficient warm up strategy for yourself

Don't waste 10 minutes of walking on the treadmill. Instead of doing that use your time doing a total body circuit of body weight exercises as a regular warm up for yourself, finish that then move directly into a specific warm up set for your first two exercises.

c) Pair up some dumbbells and body weight exercises together in your supersets

This will save you time at home (you wont need to change the weights on the dumbbells between exercises) and in the gym (you don't need to fight for 2 sets of dumbbells).

d) Choose Intervals over slow cardio

The latest research shows more weight loss when people use intervals, and intervals take half as long to do.

e) Limit the use of isolation exercises

Pick multi muscle exercises, such as squats, pulls, pushes, and rows. If you have time, you can squeeze in some drop sets for arms and shoulders if you want. However, if you only have 3 sessions of 45 minutes per week, isolation exercises must be the first to go. Work out less, live life more.

In addition to ab workouts, don't spend more than 10 minutes a week working on direct abs training. It's not efficient and won't give you strong ripped abs alone. Workout less, live life more! It is all about short intense training. - 17269

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Jump higher and soar to the top

By Lynn Lopez

If you play sports, then you know how important it is to be physically fit, have a lot of muscle power that will help you play your chosen sports even better, and develop physical skills. As an athlete, you most likely want to learn how to jump higher. Jumping higher for certain sports like basketball and volleyball can give you a major edge, allowing you to reach places that other people who can't jump so high are unable to.

In order to learn how to jump higher, you have to improve your leg muscles' strength to start with. Your leg muscles act like your body's springs and they need to have sufficient force and energy to propel you upward as you jump. One way to develop leg strength is to do squats. Squats are a good way for your legs to be able to support your body weight; you will need this support whenever you jump and launch yourself upwards. Your legs have to have enough explosive power to perform the jump.

You can also try strapping ankle weights to your legs while you're doing jumping exercises. These weights can strengthen your legs, enabling them to exert more force in order to lift you and your additional weight upwards. Do several sets of jumps while wearing the ankle weights and you'll feel the difference a week later when you begin training without using the weights; you will feel lighter and be able to jump even higher than before. Ankle weights are available at any sporting goods store. Just make sure that you select a pair that you'll be comfortable with and won't be too heavy for you.

Plyometrics is also another option you should look into; one of the aims of this series of exercises work is to help you jump higher. The exercises basically consist of moves that enable your muscles to exert a large amount of force in the shortest period of time. Plyometrics is recommended for people whose bodies are well conditioned.

Remember that you shouldn't rush any of these exercises; you're not competing with anyone in learning how to jump higher. Some jumping programs claim to be able to help you learn how to jump higher in one week, some even as little as three days. Don't rush it. You should always perform the workouts under supervision by your coach or trainer to make sure that you're not injuring yourself. Just do the exercises at your own pace and soon you'll be able to see the fruits of all your hard work. - 17269

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The A, B, and Cs of Growing Taller

By Rodney Williams

To meet its full potential, you need to give your body nutrients. It is well known that people, like the Dutch, who practice good nutrition are consistently taller. Over 200 million children in the world are shorter than they should be because of poor nutrition. Good nutrition begins with getting the right vitamins in your diet.

Most of the foods we eat supply us with vitamins naturally. Vitamins are an essential fuel for life and increasing height. When there is a vitamin deficiency there is often stunted growth and the potential for serious illness.

Vitamins have a profound effect on your body in many ways. Vitamins keep you healthy and they help your body use minerals to increase bone structure. For example, bones cannot grow in length without the mineral Calcium. However, the body needs Vitamin D to absorb calcium and to prevent the deterioration. Vitamin C works to cement cells together and develop the bone matrix as it lengthens. Vitamin A assists in the differentiation of new cells as they are developed.

Not only do vitamins help you grow bones, they give you the health to support this height gain. If it were not for Vitamin B6, you would not be able to absorb the fat and protein you need to produce growth hormones. Also, it relieves stress in muscles so that workouts are more effective. Your body thrives on the energy from red blood cells and Vitamin B12 helps create those cells. Vitamins E and K regulate the oxygen in blood and clotting so that growth hormones can travel better in your bloodstream. Vitamin F strengthens your heart and circulatory system. Vitamin A gives your immune system the boost it needs to support height gain and fight infection.

There are some vitamins that have a more indirect, but still important, effect on increasing height. Vitamins A and B2 keeps your skin soft and healthy so that it can grow with your bones. Most vitamins are absorbed in the digestive track which needs Vitamin B1 to work. Vitamin B6 serves as a diuretic to cleanse your system of the toxins that may keep you from increasing your height.

Getting your vitamins through a well-balanced diet is always preferable to vitamin supplements. Most people already know that citrus and tomatoes are rich in Vitamin C. However, there are plenty of other vitamin-rich foods. Fish is an excellent source of the vitamins your body needs to increase your height. The B group of vitamins is common to livers, kidney, and green leafy vegetables. If you are a vegetarian, you may have to supplement your B vitamins. Cheese can give your body Vitamin B12. You can get Vitamin D from milk, fish oil, and plenty of sunshine. Whole wheat and broccoli can give you plenty of Vitamin E.

Timing is very important in vitamin absorption. Vitamin absorption can change based on your exercise, sleep habits, and the size meals you eat. Water thins out your blood, making easier for vitamins to reach all of your body. The most important thing you can do for your body is to not substitute vitamins for food, because it uses vitamins absorbed naturally the best.

You must track your vitamin consumption to maximize your benefits. Your age, size, and gender all effect how much your body needs to promote health and increase height. Consult your doctor to determine a vitamin regiment that will help you become taller.

A healthy body grows and an unhealthy body is stunted. Your body needs vitamins to stay healthy. Vitamins are best absorbed through the foods you eat. People who have diets that are filled with nutritious, vitamin-rich food tend to be taller than those who do not. If you make sure that you get your daily vitamins, you will find that you can grow. - 17269

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