Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

How To Stay The Arm Toning Course With Power Foods

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

How is increasing your mood related to arm toning? Well, I have some surprising news, most women fail to get toned arms because they are unable to maintain motivation for prolonged periods of time. Most of us can start strong, but very few of us can finish strong.

One of the main issues, however, is that we live in a society that is so focused on the next best thing. In this case, the next best pill that will solve all your arm toning problems. The key, however, is to focus on the mind.

Figuring out how to optimize the mind with standard psychology can be tough. And let's face it, life will throw curve balls at us that are simply unpredictable. As a result, I am going to reveal 5 motivation-boosting nootropics (nootropic means mind enhancing) that will provide an instant increase in motivation:

1. Loose leaf green tea. Consumed by emperors for centuries, dragon well loose leaf green tea is far superior to any other green tea for mental enhancement. You will get an immediate surge in mental focus and overall mood. And the best part is that you don't get a crash.

2. Organic cocoa. If you like chocolate, you will love cocoa powder. You see, cocoa powder is chocolate on steroids but without the added sugars or fats. You can expect an immediate flood of feel good feelings and an increase in circulation (as demonstrated by Harvard researchers) when taking cocoa.

3. Ceylon cinnamon. Also known as true cinnamon, it's far superior to the cinnamon you are used to consuming. Ceylon can be identified by its cigar look since its rolls are not hollow. Combining a stick of Ceylon with loose leaf green tea will pack a powerful punch. It will also increase insulin sensitivity which translates into more energy going to your brain.

4. Organic yerba mate. You have to be careful with this one because it's very potent, but safe nonetheless. Another loose leaf tea, yerba mate has the potential to keep you alert and happy for up to 8 hours. Let me repeat that, yerba mate can give you a mental boost for up to 8 hours. But you have to start with low doses and asses tolerance.

5. Refreshing water. I know you've heard this one before, so get ready to here it again! Here's the issue, most women are unknowingly suffering from dehydration because of caffeine. Even though you may not feel the caffeine in your system because of tolerance, its diuretic potency doesn't diminish. And dehydration causes mental laggardness and deteriorates mood.

If more women started focusing on their minds instead of the next wonder pill, more women would achieve successful arm toning. So make sure you take the above nootropics any time you feel the motivation beginning to flag. Stick with it, and you will get sexy arms.

Finally, I would like to point out that if you let this information sit in your head, it will be rendered useless. You have to act on it so that you don't forget it. - 17269

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Nitric Oxide Supplements For Bodybuilding

By Tom Cruz

A number of studies have been done that show the effects of nitric oxide supplements. They have been shown to have several benefits for bodybuilders. Still, you should be aware of some things before you begin taking them.

Over the years nitric oxide supplements have become popular with bodybuilders. They help increase the flow of blood in the body, sending essential nutrients to the muscles a lot faster. Nitric oxide supplements also reduce inflammation and pain in the muscles when they get placed under pressure and stress.

When taking any kind of nitric oxide supplement a person should follow the dosage instructions provided by the manufacturer for the simple reason that these contain amino acids. Therefore the chances of a person actually overdosing on these supplements can actually occur. Also if too much of these supplements are taken it can lead to various side effects including diarrhea, nausea and weakness in some people. Therefore when first taking such products including Niox which although states a preferred amount that a person should be taking instead each person should carry out tolerance mapping instead. What this then means is that they take a small dose of the supplement for a week and note down any side effects as well as benefits that they feel it has provided to them. Then you should slowly increase the amount you are taking until you get to a stage where the benefits outweigh side effects completely.

It may well take time but soon you will meet a plateau where the two (side effects and benefits) meet and this will then be optimum dose you can take at any one time. Also if you are someone who is also using protein powders to help build up lean muscle mass it is essential that you watch how much of these you are using as well as they also contain amino acids. So it may be wise for short period to either cut back or eliminate all protein powders from your dietary requirements as you may find yourself ingesting far too much amino acids.

When thinking of taking any supplement, it is always best to discuss it with your doctor first. He will be able to give you advice on precautions and dosage and tell you what effects a particular product really has. A lot will also depend on your personal health history. - 17269

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It's my 23rd HCG Day!

By Amelia Handley

I've been on the homeopathic HCG diet program for 23 days. Since I'm only doing a 25 day program that means I'm almost done! When I discovered where to buy oral HCG online without a prescription I had no idea that the program would be this successful or seem this short.

I got up this morning and weighed myself. I'm at 152; down two pounds from yesterday. That's good; especially since yesterday I went up a pound. I'm trying to decide if the getting up and weighing myself has now become a permanent habit. I think maybe it is going to be a new daily activity. I still keep the scale under the foot of my bed. I just pull it out and weigh myself each morning. If I keep it up I can be sure to always be aware if my weight starts to increase for whatever reason. It would make it easier to maintain.

I took my B-Total drops immediately after I weighed myself. (This is my favorite tool that I found when I found where to buy oral HCG online without a prescription). I went to take my HCG after I took the B-Total, but then I remembered that you don't take the HCG drops during the last three days of the low calorie diet. For lunch I made asparagus and filet mignon. I also had grapefruit and Melba Toasts.

At dinner I put together the Buffalo Chicken salad. I overdid the sauce and it was REALLY strong, but I still really liked it. With my salad I had strawberries and Melba Toasts.

I tried to think about drinking plenty of water throughout the day. I've actually always thought of myself as a big water drinker. But being on the HCG diet has definitely left me doubting that opinion. So now I see it as me having adopted another good habit by doing the HCG diet; I drink a lot more water now. I've probably doubled the water I drink in a day.

Throughout the last 23 days I've lost 19 pounds. I'm really happy with that. The average weight loss is 1 to 2 pounds per day, but men lose more weight on average so I think that being 4 pounds short of the low end of the average is pretty good! 19 pounds is a definite difference! - 17269

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Losing Weight Fast By Trying A Fad Diet!

By Lee Reid

A fad diet is a type of diet that becomes extremely famous and popular very quickly and then falls out of favor, sometimes just as fast.Although fad diets are generally considered to be ineffective or just as some latest trend by some people, certain fad diets are actually popular due to their effectiveness.

Nevertheless if you decide to follow a fad diet, it is imperative that you consider the results you would expect from the diet and also the effects of the fad diet on your eating habits.Generally, fad diets are formulated to encourage a significant amount of weight loss in a relatively short amount of time.

Hence when following a fad diet you have to make sure that you don't gain all the weight you lost during the diet the moment you stop. Even though the more conventional diets take time for you to lose the weight, they are better in the long run as you are able to keep away the weight you lose and also maintain healthy eating habits.

Having said that, fad diets are a great way for quick significant weight loss. Fad diets would be the best method if you want to lose weight rapidly for a special occasion or a day.

Presently, there are number of fad diets available. A fad diet that soared into popularity was the grapefruit diet. During this fad diet you were only allowed to eat nothing but grapefruit for twelve days,occasionally along with egg and coffee. Basically the main aim of this diet was to ensure that you consumed less than 600 calories per day. This fad diet was proved to be highly effective for rapid weight loss. Nevertheless people found that the moment they stopped they gained back all the weight they had lost.

Although fad diets are highly effective for rapid short term weight loss, they are generally not healthy and therefore not suitable for long term use. It is more effective for you to follow a diet which ensures that you lose weight slowly and also does not deprive you of all the nutrients you body needs. Hence fad diets are great for quick weight loss, but at the end of the day it is better to stick to something that will ensure that not only do you lose the weight you want but also that you can keep it from coming back to you. - 17269

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The Role Of A Good Nutrition Plan In Muscle Gain

By Ricardo d Argence

Whether you are new to the world of bodybuilding or you have simply decided to take a look and find out why you are told the things that you are, you will find that one of the most important things that you need to think about is protein.

You might find that you are told about protein enough that you start rolling your eyes. Yes, you know it is the building block of your muscles, but the issue is that so few articles will tell you why. It can be hard to take something seriously unless you know what it does and if you are looking to really make sure that your bodybuilding is effective, you need to consider how bodybuilding can work for you.

First, let's start by thinking about what proteins are and why your body needs it to build muscle. Proteins are essential organic compounds that are made of amino acids and they add to the bulk of your muscle. They are the material that take care of the growth of the muscle cells and you'll find that they are going to make your body grow as well as making it much tougher as it does so. This is why the ingestion of protein is so important when you want to see more muscle development.

When you are thinking about making sure that you are getting foods that will keep you strong and healthy, consider starting with good proteins. Any active person can benefit from the reasonable consumption of proteins if they live an active life. Martial artists, sportsmen and athletes can all benefit from good protein in their diet.

If you are a bodybuilder, on the other hand, remember that part of the process to grow your muscles involves damaging them very slightly on a regular basis. Proteins help you repair your muscles.

When you eat protein that is right for you, your muscles will repair themselves much more quickly and you'll discover that you are on a path that will take you towards a much healthier way of life.

If you want to make sure that you are on the right path to building muscle, you'll find that it is important to find good sources of protein. For instance, lean meat is a great way to get started. It is going to help you build up your muscles and repair, them, as will egg whites. If you want to build up your muscles, a good breakfast of lean meat and and egg white omelet can be a delicious way to start your day.

Remember that soya beans are also a great source of protein and that they have less calories in fat to be concerned about.

If you want some protein but cooking feels like too much work, look for protein supplements and protein shakes. These foods can get you the calories that you need without needing to pause at all, and you'll discover that you can just mix one up quickly and take it with you if you are on the go.

How are you going to make protein the cornerstone of your bodybuilding endeavors? There are many things that protein can help you with, so make sure that you know what it does and how it helps you. - 17269

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6 Effective and Proven Diets

By Jane Robinson

The list of 6 effective diets will introduce you to the most talked about and the most effective diets available today. Brief description will help you understand if you want to start particular diet and look for additional information or try something else.

South Beach Diet

This diet is quite popular because it do not require cutting down carbohydrates or fats but it focuses on the consumption of both in correct amounts. The diet is based on glycemic index. Basically, you have to eat three healthy meals a day, accompanied with some healthy snacks.

Atkins Diet

Being one of the most popular amongst diets, Atkins diet is considered to be one of the most effective as well. Make sure that you check that your body is prepared for this diet by reading some guides or talking with your doctor. The main purpose of this diet is to take out carbohydrates from your diet at all. Proteins and fats can still be consumed though.

Grapefruit Diet

This diet is perfect for obese individuals. Its effectiveness is in combination of grapefruit and low calorie and low fat diets.

Cabbage Soup Diet

Cabbage soup diet is a bit extreme but still a very popular diet and many dieters will recommend this diet to you. The main principle is - the more cabbage soup you eat, the more weight you lose. You can see almost instant results with this diet, just stick to it for a week.

Negative Calorie Diet

This diet is not that popular but still can deliver some amazing results. During the diet you will have to eat as much vegetables as you can. If you love vegetables and can't wait to get slimmer then this diet should be perfect for you.

The Beverly Hills Diet

The diet is very restrictive and tough but very rewarding same time. If you are prepared to stick to it for 100% then weight will come off rapidly. This diet reaps the benefits of the natural chemical reaction of foods when consumed to lose weight. Protein has to go with proteins and carbs with other carbs only. If you're interested and looking for a challenge then find out more about it on the Internet.

Brief introduction to 6 popular diets above should give you an idea if particular diet fits your routine and your body. More detailed information can be found on the Internet. - 17269

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How Does The Human Body Process Sugar?

By Cliff Pape

It seems that sugar is everywhere and honestly, unless you are eating a low carb or sugar busters type diet you will not be able to eliminate your body's ingestion of sugar. It is not really a bad thing, because the body can utilize sugar in an effective manner that contributes not to weight gain. However, too much sugar can lead to the means of packing on excess fat. Why? Much of it has to do with the way the body processes sugar.

Simple sugars are one of the two forms of carbohydrates. (The other sphere of carbohydrates would be starches) Simple sugars come in the form of processed/refined sugars which would be found in junk food or in a natural form which would be found in fruits. Clearly, junk food sugars are more problematic than natural sugars although both are essentially processed the same way. Actually, the same could be said of starches since the body will break them down into simple sugars in the bloodstream.

Ultimately, when sugars are released into your bloodstream, there will be an effect on the system. Specifically, the pancreas, which will react to the presence of sugar by releasing insulin. It is insulin that moves the sugar through the bloodstream and to the cellular level.

Why is the sugar that is needed by the cells so important? Pretty much, sugar is a source of energy. When the body needs to use energy, it uses the sugars in the cells to deliver such a response. This is the reason why a low carb diet yield such an effective weight loss impact. With little sugar in the system, the body will have to burn protein and stored fat for energy. Hence, fat cells are metabolized.

This brings up another point, when you ingest a diet that is very high in sugar and you don't burn it, the excess sugar turns to fat and it can turn rapidly. This is the reason why refined sugars are so guilty of causing obesity. These types of sugars are loaded with calories which mean they require a whole lot more energy to burn off. Because it is so difficult to burn them, excess will always remain, as a result there will be a lot of calories that turn into stored fat.

Natural carbs and sugars are much lower in calories and they don't break down and flood the bloodstream as quickly. Which means they are not as bad as other sugars when it comes to promoting excess weight gain.

Regardless of which types of sugars you ingest, it is for the best not to overdo it. The reason being, a diet with lots of sugar will mean the bloodstream will be flooded with insulin, which can lead to terrible problems such as heart disease and diabetes over time. This is a very serious issue, which is why people need to understand the effects of sugar on the body and how much they ingest. - 17269

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Isometric Exercise : Rock Hard Abs In 7 Seconds

By Raphael Freeman

Isometric strain was once very popular in the 1960s and 1970s but has been pretty much overlooked ever since then.

When done correctly , isometrics can reshape a persons physique and add tremendous strength without the person ever moving a muscle. During isometric contraction, the muscle is turned on and held at a continuous length instead of being allowed to lengthen or shorten. In other words you are tensing a muscle and holding it in the same position while holding the strain constant.

Isometric exercises are useful to people who had wounds that limit their range of motion and for rehabilitating muscle around damaged joints. Isometric exercises are also those in which a force is applied to a resistant object like pushing against a brick wall, there's a increase of stress in the muscles, however there is no actual movement of the muscles.

To increase strength, you must maintain the position in any isometric exercise for at least six to eight seconds. Isometric coaching causes your body to hire more muscle fiber every movement, so the increased strength comes not simply from more muscle, but also from increased muscle efficiency.

Isometric coaching plays a significant part in soviet strength training programs. Regular training stimulates growth of new muscle tissue.


Muscle activation is the main isometric effect, some of the resting fibers are being pulled from both ends by the muscles that are contracting. The key to the usefulness of Isometric exercise is to focus on reaching top contraction of the muscles and holding it for a time period.

Isometric exercises will reinforce and sculpt every muscle in the entire body without risking injury due to joints and lower backbone or muscle tears possible with weightlifting.


Isometric stretching is a type of static stretching, involving the tensing of the stretched muscles.

A full session of isometric stretching should not be performed several times per day for each group of muscles. Isometric contraction of stretched muscles accomplishes a couple of things.

Isometric exercises train the stretch receptors of the muscle spindle to right away make allowance for greater muscle length. The utilization of isometric stretching is more effective than either passive stretching or active stretching by themselves. - 17269

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Crash Diets That Work: Things To Keep In Mind

By Amy Bernstein

Crash diets are sometimes outlined as these sorts of diets prescribing low cal intake on meals. Since calorie intake is limited, there's a high likelihood for a quick weight loss thing often preferred by ladies. These are intended to be kicked off for a brief period only as doing this in long-term might lead to malnutrition.

If you need to try this diet, it's important to take vitamin tablets in the period of a crash diet. One example of crash diets that work are celebrity diets, frequently comprised of vitamin pills, four cups of skimmed milk, and others.

Other crash diets that work quickly are cabbage diet and grape fruit diet. Both of them can work even at long term. To fight hunger while in the stage of fast diets, you need to work hard for you to beat it. Changing your way of life is extremely important during this phase.

If you want, you can try solid foods after a week of a liquid regime. This is done every other week. You can try vegetable salads. But make sure not to eat chocolates. Many diet pros have identified juice and cabbage soups as factors for a successful diet plan.

Some professionals suggest trying some easy exercise like walking while under a crash diet. There are a number of crash diets that work. However, as the name implies, it should only be done for a short time. Doing this for several months would result to health concerns. You could also feel dizzy often .

This is meant for people who require or need to lose pounds in a span of a month, or maybe in a span of one or two days. When you have achieved your desired weight, all you've got to do is to maintain it. But you can now eat a more diverse set of foods when you already did it.

Fast diets are frequently attacked by some groups announcing it would just lead to serious health issues. That would occur if you would do it the wrong way. Fast diets that work are possible. You just have to solidly remind yourself of the reminders once under the segment of a crash diet.

If you're determined to lose weight under a particularly short period of time, you can try certain fast diets. In doing so, however, do not exaggerate and deprive yourself of everything. You should also work to break the monotony as you can eat the 'normal' food items every fortnight. Don't forget also to take supplements to give your body the nutrients and vitamins you need.

These are some of the reminders you must remember when you have decided to try a crash diet. These are guides that would help you successfully overcome your purpose of shedding weight.

After you have realized your chosen weight, see to it to regularly do physical exercises and eat decent meals only . You can treat yourself of a sumptuous meal from time to time but make efforts to burn the calories immediately. - 17269

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Trampolines And Gymnastics Provide An Excellent Work-out

By Dave Vower

Trampolines and gymnastics are excellent for helping young and old people develop suppleness, agility and balance. Young children who are interested in gymnastics will learn many helpful skills such as control, focus and discipline. It's never too late to start gymnastic classes. You will also learn some beneficial exercises on the trampoline.

Most beginners start training on gym mats and sprung floors. You will first learn simple somersaults, tucks and cartwheels. As you progress you will move on to parallel bars and rings. The classes help you to develop the muscles needed for gymnastics, and how to master balancing. The ideal age for a child to start gymnastics is 3 or 4. Their bodies are very conducive to learning suppleness.

Beginner students are introduced to the trampoline by doing basic moves. They will also learn the basics of tumbling. Trampolines come in a variety of sizes. There are small, softer ones perfect for the beginner, and larger ones with a vaulting board which allow low-impact training.

A more experienced gymnast will do a lot of practice on a larger trampoline. This sets the pace for complex movements such as back flips and aerial somersaults. The more air-time one gets, the sooner you can start learning new skills.

Very few stress injuries occur on a trampoline. You are more likely to suffer injury if you land on the floor because it does not have any give. Repetitions are accomplished faster on a trampoline as opposed to a sprung floor. The prevention of injuries and safety during gymnastic classes is very important.

A trampoline at home is great not only for the aspiring gymnast, but for every member of the family. The gymnast can have practice sessions while mom, dad, brothers and sisters can get fit. A 14 foot built-in trampoline is ideal, but there are other sizes that are free standing. Even a mini trampoline is excellent for training and exercising. - 17269

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The Importance of Weight Lifting Exercises

By Mick Milligan

The secret to a great workout is knowing which weight lifting exercises are right for you. There are literally hundreds out there, all with their own unique stamp providing benefits in different ways, but it's important you know which ones will work for you.

You need to be clear what you want out of this. Do you desire a ripped physique, or a big chest and upper body or perhaps just to look healthy and be fit. The weight lifting exercises you do will determine the results you see. Some are suited only for certain muscle groups such as the arms, legs or upper body. It is therefore best to do a varied workout and choose weight lifting exercises that will build your body evenly and proportionally to give an all round better look.

The internet is an amazing resource, with thousands of pages and sites that can help you. They are all pack with weight lifting experts and people willing to give advice on techniques and the best weight lifting exercise to perform to see the best results. Its always a good idea to have a read at the posts and maybe ask questions so you can see if you are heading in the right direction with the routine you are doing or about to do. Regular posters or moderators are always good to hear back from as they are clearly well known on the site.

Any good workout should be partnered with an equally good diet. Ensure you have a wide and varied diet, and ensure you're taking in enough proteins each day to support the hard work you do in the gym! This can be a subject for an article in itself and should be approached completely separately and does depend on the type of weight lifting exercises you are going to do and the type of body you are trying to achieve.

Some types of routines will be suited to protein diets while others more suited to have more carbohydrates so make sure you do your home work or you could set yourself back. Read more info on diet and make sure it is right for you. - 17269

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Using Natural Gout Treatments

By Lindsay Barnes

When it comes to illnesses or any other type of condition, people like to turn to natural remedies when the scientific medications they have been prescribed have failed them--or are sapping their pockets of their savings. Some people tend to turn up their noses at natural remedies and think that these are only used by those who are desperate and gullible enough to buy products made and distributed by the many unscrupulous traders out there. But in fact, one can't deny that natural remedies--the RIGHT ones--do have great benefits as well, which can all be attributed to their natural properties.

Take for example some herbs. There are many herbs that you can use to help nourish your hair, your skin, and help ease your digestive problems. There are also other herbs and even vegetables that provide benefits for your circulatory system. So why won't natural remedies work when it comes to treating gout?

Gout is a problem that affects many people, mainly elderly ones, but it can also strike people who are in their twenties and thirties. This illness is an indication that your body is carrying around too much untreated or unprocessed uric acid which is then unable to exit your body, and as a result, the uric acid crystallized, hardened, and settled onto your joints, either your knees, elbows, toes, or feet. The end result: Painful joints that are swollen and red, and a lot of suffering doing simple things like walking, kneeling, or putting on shoes.

An often-recommended natural gout treatment is eating cherries or drinking pure cherry juice. This is because cherries have been found to have properties that can draw out uric acid from the body and even reduce the amount of swelling caused by gout. You might also want to consume more foods that contain vitamin C, as vitamin C is also very effective in flushing out uric acid.

Of course, a natural gout treatment doesn't just simply involve using herbs, plant-based products, and other organic remedies. Natural gout treatment can just mean addressing the condition in a way that allows you to do so from home. A good way to start is by cutting back on foods that contain a lot of purine, like meats and certain types of seafoods, in order to keep the uric acid in your body from accumulating further and worsening your gout. Your best defense is always to eat properly in order to avoid any health problems that could arise as a result of doing otherwise. - 17269

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