Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Learn to burn body fat. Take this advice to supercharge your body's fat burning capability.

By Mike Mardtelling

Eat more often but smaller meals. Eating smaller meals causes a lower insulin response. The smaller insulin response means the calories will be less likely to become body fat.

Quench your thirst on more purified H2O. Replacing other liquids you would normally consume with purified water is a perfect way to help push toxins out of your body that could be reducing some of your fat metabolizing.

Switch from eating processed supermarket boxed foods to more traditional high protein foods. The protein is normally digested at a slower pace than the processed carbohydrates in most boxed foods. It also tends to trigger less of an insulin response than those foods typically do.

Go out of your way. Stop taking elevators and escalators. Start parking near the rear of the parking lot when you go shopping. The little things really begin to add up. Burning an extra hundred plus calories per day could add up to one pound of extra fat in a month.

Keep a protein snack on hand for when you sense hunger coming on. It will be much easier staying on a fat burning diet if you make your ideal snack foods readily available. You dont want the mental pressure of having to make an impulsive decision about what to snack on. Plan ahead for consistent results.

Ban fast food restaurants from your diet completely. Even though some of them now offer much better food, it will be mentally challenging to resist the temptation to order the greasy stuff. Its probably best if you just avoid them all together. You should always have alternative snack plan.

If you have a choice of steamed or raw vegetables, choose the raw ones. There are numerous benefits to eating raw vegetables. These vegetables help with just about every major organ's function. They will certainly help keep your body repaired and ready to work efficiently.

Think about arranging your favorite healthy recipes into a book or series of books. Then, instead of dwelling on what to eat, you can simply look in the book that has a ton of healthy foods that you know you already like.

Tomorrow morning as soon as you get out of bed, make it a point to do some really basic stretching and breathing. It will help wake you up as well as get your blood flowing. Getting your blood moving as early as possible should assist in the fat burning process.

See if there are any little improvements you can make to your sleeping routine to get a better night's rest. Growth hormones are release while you are asleep. Researchers believe that more growth hormone is produced by people who sleep deeper.

If you work out regularly, try taking your routine up a notch. If you increasecrank up the intensity of your workouts, your fat burning results will rise accordingly. Focus more on the intensity rather than on the longevity of your workouts.

Take a couple minutes every morning to check yourself in the mirror. Imagine how much better you are going to look when you lose that extra fat. Imagine how much better you will feel. Keeping a positive attitude will help keep you motivated to reach your ultimate fat burning goals.

Spice up your free time activities by regaining a little of your youth. Think of fun things you could do to pass the time that require some level of physical activity. There are probably a number of things you did as a kid that you could still do today if you chose to. - 17269

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Choosing the Right Dog for Your Children

By sapibontv

When choosing the right dog to add to the family, it is wise to consider several things. You should think about how much space you have available for the new pet, how much time and attention can be devoted to him, and the age and personality of your children. Often, the first dogs to be considered are larger breed dogs, such as a Golden or Labrador retriever because of their reputation for being gentle and protective. But, a large breed dog is not necessarily the best pet for you or your children. If you live in a small space and you have children who want to take part in caring for the new pet, a wonderful choice is the Teacup Chihuahua. This tiny puppy will only grow to about six pounds, making it an excellent choice for a dog to be kept indoors. Below is some information about the Teacup Chihuahua to help you make an informed decision when adding a new pet to the family.

Size: 6-10 inches is height, not weighing more than 6 lbs. (the smallest dog breed in the world!)

Life Expectancy: Up to 18 Years

Temperament: Spirited, alert, and active, the tiny Teacup enjoys play and walks. Though very small, he is protective and eager to please. Teacup Chihuahuas make excellent lap dogs because they love their owners, and enjoy attention.

Grooming: Teacup Chihuahuas need very little grooming. All they need is regular brushing, nail trimming and baths.

Exercise: The perfect companion for even the busiest of households, this little dog will get plenty of exercise just playing in the house. They do enjoy walks though.

Health Concerns: Because of their small size, Teacup Chihuahuas are more susceptible to health issues, such as hypoglycemia and dehydration. They are also affected greatly by weather, and should not be allowed to get too cold.

Overall, the little Teacup Chihuahua is an excellent pet to add to your family. However, they are so tiny and fragile that they can be accidentally injured by very young children. Preferably, a Teacup should be considered for a household with older children of at least age eight. - 17269

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Keep Belly Fat at Bay

By Jane Wilcock

I have good news for you if youve been trying to find a way to lose belly fat and keep it off once and for all. You can do this; in fact, its really not that hard! All you need to do is to make a few changes to your lifestyle. By adding a regular exercise routine and making healthy choices about your diet, youll see that spare tire disappear. Theres really no difference between belly fat and fat which might accumulate elsewhere on your body. The cause of belly fat is getting more calories than you use up with physical activity " remedy this and your belly fat will soon be history!

Even those of us who are predisposed to carrying extra pounds in the midsection can lose the belly fat and get the attractive flat abs theyve always wanted. Theres no silver bullet which lets you instantly lose this ab flab, but by eating less and getting more exercise, youll make it happen.

A healthy diet is the best weapon you have to combat belly fat. Eating a healthy, nutritionally balanced diet will have you well on your way to a new slim and sexy you! The first thing to do is to look at your diet and reduce your caloric intake " empty calories are your worst enemy.

Did you know that fresh berries like blueberries are full of antioxidants and can help boost your bodys fat burning metabolism? Eating a handful of these twice a day can help you start peeling off some pounds fast.

Low carb diets can help you lose weight, but any diet that cuts calories will have the same effect.You can not target belly fat by just cutting back on what you eat. In order to lose weight and excess blubber you have to include cardio activities and weight training in your new healthy lifestyle program.

One diet tip which can help you to burn fat more quickly is eating lean proteins. Eating these proteins causes you to burn off calories as much as five times faster than does eating carbohydrates and fats! Make sure to make protein sources like egg whites, protein supplements and lean meats to your diet and youll be able to lose belly fat even faster!

Try mixing up the amount of carbs you eat every day so that your body does not figure out the routine. People who include frequent changes in their daily intake of carbs and calories see greater weight loss than those who stay on the same boring diet plan every day of the week.

Keep in mind that getting fit is not something that happens overnight. If you want to lose belly fat, its best to look at this as one of the many benefits of living a healthy lifestyle. With a good diet, regular cardio exercise to burn fat and weight training to tone your body, youll soon have a slim and healthy new you which youll love. - 17269

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Top 6 Tips to Burn Fat as Fast as You Possibly Can

By Thong M. Dao

Do you want to lose fat? Have you tried different diets and failed consistently? If you answered yes to these questions, you are in good company. There are a lot of people who have been trying fat loss diets over the years and have failed. The reason they have not succeeded is that they used gimmicks and lose-weight-fast diets that do more damage than good. Here are some sensible things to keep in mind when you try to lose weight.

1. Fresh vegetables are better than cooked or canned vegetables. Try to eat your vegetables raw. When you cook them, you are in fact taking away nearly half the vitamins in them. And canned vegetables too are processed and are not nearly half as good as fresh vegetables. When you buy your vegetables it would be a good thing to see if the label says that it is pesticide free.

2. Chocolates should be treated as luxury items. Buy the good stuff and only eat them every once in a while. If you really savor each morsel, you'll experience that much more joy in eating them and they will taste even better.

3. If you are able to say no to alcohol, so that's best. Alcohol beverages are not wholesome. Though a glass of red wine does give heart benefits, most are merely fattening. Beer is particularly fattening. In addition, after some drinks most folks get the munchies and whenever you are feeling a bit drunk and hungry you will not be able to make reasonable decisions considering your dieting and it is generally late at night, only before you faint from a night of drinking, that you binge. The total combination is simply not a good one.

4. 50 to 55% of your caloric intake should be carbohydrates. It is a myth that you should try and avoid carbohydrates when you are on a diet. Rather the other way round I should say. Carbohydrates are a ready source of energy and so 50 to 55% of your diet should be carbohydrates.

5. Fats should only be 15 to 20 %. You need only this much of fat in your diet so keep it at that.

6. Choose white meat rather than red. White meat, which includes fish and fowl, is miles better than red meat, which includes beef and pork for those trying to lose weight. - 17269

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Another Fad Diet Called The Subway Diet

By Ron George

Ask anyone about the Subway Diet and they'll tell you about Jared who dropped 245 pounds in a single year just by eating Subway. If you ever wanted to know how this whole thing got started, keep reading.

Jared Fogle worked his way through college by working at an adult book store. He sat for long hours in a class room, then went to work and sat long hours behind the counter at the video store while eating snacks, and as a result ended up weighing 425 pounds. Needless to say his weight and health situation had become dangerous to his health. Jared desperately needed to find a way to lose weight.

He tried various diets, but they didn't work because he still had all those hours behind a counter during which to cheat. But then he found a Subway shop near his dorm. The seed of the Subway diet was planted. Jared decided to skip breakfast every day, walk the mile and a half there and back to Subway for both lunch and dinner during which he consumed only a sandwich, a bag of baked chips and a diet soft drink. Now instead of a 10,000 calorie per day with no exercise lifestyle, he was eating only about 900 calories while walking 6 miles every day. For Jared the yet named Subway diet made 245 pounds disappear in the span of a single year.

How did this Subway diet become a national ad campaign for the Subway sandwiches chain? After losing the weight Jared ran into a friend who worked with the school paper. This buddy barely recognized Jared, so he decided to write an article about his amazing weight loss. Someone at Men's Health magazine read about Jared and decided to include his diet in a feature about crazy diets that work.

A subway franchisee in Chicago brought the story to the attention of his advertising people who talked to Jared to make certain it was legit. They took the ad idea to Subway's national ad agency who disliked the idea, so they created a local campaign for Chicago featuring the Subway diet.

Soon the Subway diet was a success. It was a natural for Chicago based Oprah to feature Jared and his Subway diet on her popular national show. Subway's national ad people contacted the Chicago ad people about airing the ad nationally.

Many people have had success with the Subway diet. However, be aware that Jared was an exception and not a rule for being able to lose that much weight in so short a time. A little more moderation is needed, but exercise and cutting calories are a proven one two punch combination in the fight against obesity. - 17269

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Different Gouty Arthritis Treatment Options

By P Easton

Gouty arthritis is also known as gout. This article is going to detail the top gouty arthritis treatment methods, as well as some of the causes. First, however, an overview of gout is necessary. Many people do not realize what it is and thus may not even be sure that they have it. It is a classically misunderstood problem.

Gout is actually when you get a burning sensation paired with pain, stiffness and even some swelling of a few joints. Usually, with gout, the attacks of this will continue until you find the proper treatment for this and if you leave gout untreated, it can honestly cause a whole slew of problems. Most often, men are the ones that end up with gout but there have been cases of women having it too.

People who are overweight have a higher chance of getting gout. The same goes if you tend to drink a lot of alcohol, or eat high quantities of fish and meat which have a high purine content. There are even certain medications, like diuretics, which can cause gout in some people.

Typically, gout will begin to occur in the big toe. It can start feeling very tender to the touch, it can turn red and start to swell, and it may experience sharp pains. At other times, the pains associated with gout will take place elsewhere in the foot, in the ankles, or in the knees. Attacks can go on for days or weeks.

A physical exam will be done to diagnose gout. Sometimes, fluids from the joints are taken and checked for uric acid crystals. An abundance of uric acid within the blood is the primary cause for gout. As such, blood tests are also done to diagnose the problem.

Quite often, the treatment of gout can consist of a shot of a medicine called corticosteroid. Sometimes, one or more different medications are prescribed. As the symptoms begin to lessen, the dose will gradually decrease as well. If the treatment begins quickly, the gout patient will begin to feel relief within twenty four hours.

Other treatment options are easier. You can rest the joints which are most affected. There are also anti inflammatory medicines you can get right over the counter. You do not want to take aspirin, though. It can raise the levels of uric acid within your blood stream. Managing your diet is a good idea as well.

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