Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Friday, July 10, 2009

Is the 6 Week Body Makeover a Scam?

By Rico Kidd

The 6 Week Body Makeover is not a diet, it's a program that re-teaches you how to eat so that you lose weight and stay thin for the rest of your life. Many people are too quick when judging a program and will shout out "scam!" if they do not lose weight (or lose weight at slower rate than what the plan states).

Just one un-happy consumer that cries "scam!" can deter thousands from buying a product. Negative reviews of a product are very powerful and can cause people to not buy the product, even if the product does in fact work. Most people are triggered to look for all the bad reviews and complaints about a product and ignore all the positive aspects. If you dig deep enough within any program, you will always have someone that finds something wrong.

I would like to give a fair review of the of the body makeover program as I am currently on this eating plan and have enough knowledge to give an un-biased review. I can say that my review is un-biased because I'm not trying to sell you anything. You will not see any affiliate links to a product within this article (this diet does not have an affiliate program). There is absolutely no benefit for me, except to share a rebuttal towards all of the negative complaints towards this program.

When one un-happy person writes that this product is a scam, it turns-off thousand customers from trying this product and potentially losing a lot of weight. Negative reviews are powerful ways to dissuade people from buying or trying any products or services. I've realized that in our society people are always going to find something to complain about, no matter how perfect or good a product or service is.

I have read a lot of complaints and the majority of them state that they in fact lost weight on the program. I am confused why they would complain when the program did its intended purpose. One of the major complaints was that the diet was too restrictive and that people left the diet because it was "too much, too fast". Yes, the diet is restrictive in the fact that you aren't allowed to eat sweets and junk-food. This program is intended for people who are willing and wanting to lose weight. You should try another diet if you want to diet slowly and lose a little weight over a long period of time.

The overall program is intended for you to lose weight by confusing your metabolism into thinking that food is abundant, therefore it should burn calories faster. The way to do this is by filling out the body blue print questionnaire, determining your body type and planning your meals according to your body's needs.

The most important question is: how bad do you want to lose weight? Losing weight is not fun and you will feel un-happy when you see your friends eating hamburgers and you are eating chicken. The great part is, they are getting fat and you are losing weight. You will feel amazing when you drop your first 10 pounds. After your first 10 pounds your metabolism has already been trained to burn fat at a rapid rate. Think of the long-term benefit of eating healthy and the day when you can put on that bikini or take off your shirt without feeling embarrassed. Remember, the 6 Week Body Makeover is not about fast results (although people have reported rapid weight loss), it's about learning how to eat healthy so that you can stay thin for the rest of your life. - 17269

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Michael Thurmond Six Week Body Makeover - Chemistry of Food

By Rico Kidd

Once you understand the basic chemistry of food, you will be able to understand what foods will help you lose weight. You will also be able to reprogram your metabolism to maintain your weight at the desired level. There are three main types of categories to foods as far as your body is concerned.

Carbohydrates are what your body uses to get energy. When you eat a piece of bread, it's broken down and turned into sugar (glucose). Glucose gives you energy and fuels your brain so that you can think and concentrate harder. There are two types of carbohydrates; simple and complex. Complex carbs are white rice, whole grains and potatoes. Simple carbs are found in refined sugars and sweet fruit.

Protein is the main building block for building and maintaining muscle tissue, hair and vital organs. Protein comes from animal sources such as meat, fish and poultry. There are non-animal sources of protein. You can consume soy, legumes, nuts and combinations of partial proteins to substitute for animal proteins. The easiest way to get protein is through animal sources. It is hard to get an adequate amount of protein from non-animal sources. Many people worry about the fat content in protein. This is why you should choose proteins that are low in fat. A great source of low-fat protein is egg whites, skinless turkey, skinless chicken breast and many types of fish.

You need to limit the amount of fat in your diet as this is not an essential building block for your body. Fat is used as reverse energy in times where food is limited. However, in our society food is not scarce and is easily attainable. Many people eat too much fat and gain weight. Fat takes a long time for your metabolism to break down and generally gets stored in your fat cells.

If you are not eating a variety of foods, it might be a good idea to supplement some foods with vitamins. However, on the Six Week Body Makeover, you shouldn't have to supplement your diet with vitamins as you will be getting all the nutrition you need from the meals that are planned according to your body type. - 17269

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Body Makeover

By Rico Kidd

Determining your body type is the first step in losing weight on the Michael Thurman 6 Week Body Makeover. Once you know the type of body you have, the foods you consume will assist you in your weight loss. The whole goal of this weight loss program is to make smart chooses when eating. Many people who diet give up as they feel like the amount of food that they eat is not enough. The people tend to cheat as they are not satisfied with the types of foods they eat and quantity of food that they get to eat.

The first step is to determine your body structure. Your body structure can be defined by using the body blue print, which is enclosed in your six week body makeover kit. According to the diet, there are four types of body types: A, B, C or D. Once filling out the blue print questionnaire, you will be placed within one of these four categories.

The type A body has a slow metabolism and these type of people have struggled with weight loss all of their lives. The reason for this is because these types of people are more sensitive to carbohydrates which are found in certain types of fruits and vegetables. Foods to avoid for type A bodies are fruits and starchy types of vegetables. Proteins should be limited to white fish and lean poultry.

Type B bodies are able to build lean muscle and consistently maintain it. Building lean muscle is important as this is the key to increasing your bodies metabolism. B bodies tend to burn calories at a slow rate. B people can eat lean proteins such as chicken, turkey and seafood. They should stay away from foods such as potatoes, yams and pasta. Type C bodies are like B bodies. The only difference between a B and a C is that complex carbohydrates are tolerated more in Type C bodies as their metabolism burns a bit faster than a B . An example meal for a C body type is chicken and shrimp stir fry with garden vegetables.

Body Type D people have slow metabolisms and do not have enough lean muscle to burn fat. D people should eat more proteins as they need to build lean muscle in order to increase their metabolism. A protein rich diet with red meat consumption is acceptable for the D body. However, just like type B's and A's, simple carbohydrates need to be avoided.

There is no magic bullet for weight loss. However, knowing your body type and choosing the right foods will increase your chance of losing weight. The first step in learning about your body is by taking the body blue print. - 17269

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Pain In The Lower Back: How To Handle It

By Dr. Stefan Tarlow

The lumbar region of the back consists of the lowermost five vertebrae. Vertebrae are cushioned and separated by cartilage-coated, spinal discs that consist of a gel-like substance.

The spinal canal surrounds the spinal cord and the nerves that branch away from it. It runs the length of the spinal column. It is common to experience pain in the lower back because the lower back bears most of the weight of the torso. For this reason the muscles, nerves and spine are under a great deal of stress and subject to pain.

As a matter of fact, the second most common complaint people bring to their doctor is low back pain. Only the flu brings people to the doctor more often. Back pain is caused by a variety of things. There is not even a single answer for an individual; however, trauma and injury often bring on back pain. Here are a few of the most often experienced causes of low back pain:

Strains are caused by muscle injury.

Sprains are caused by ligament injury.

A pinched nerve is called sciatica.

Sacroiliitis: Inflamed hip joint.

Disc degeneration is caused by disease (such as arthritis).

Herniated disc.

Strains and sprains may happen for a variety of reasons and may be caused by a combination of events. Poor posture, repeated improper lifting, and obesity damage the lower back a little bit at a time over time.

Click here for more on torn ACL reconstruction.

Following a sprain or a strain, it is a good idea to apply heat and cold packs alternately. You might also treat with ultrasound, massage therapy, or electrical stimulation. Tractions and reductions (physical maneuvering of the bones) may also be helpful. A doctor can provide local injections of anesthetics or corticosteroids for pain relief. It is important to ease back into regular activity after a couple of days rest.

One can avoid and treat back pain with strengthening and conditioning of the muscles of the lower back. General aerobic conditioning and specific strengthening exercises will help with this.

Back surgery knows as spinal fusion is a last resort when all non-surgical options have been tried. This surgery works by limiting the movement in the most painful part of the back.

Back surgery is deemed successful if the pain is reduced. However, it may take over a year to find this out, as recovery can be slow. Complete relief of pain is quite unusual. It is important to discuss all of the alternatives for treatment with your doctor. It may be that surgery is not the right choice for you.

Click here for more on knee surgeons and surgeries. - 17269

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Fast Food - Is it Healthy at All?

By Scott Tapp

I recommend that you never eat fast food unless you absolutely must. If you plan ahead, you will be able to make your very own fast food meals that are much healthier, cost less, and give you a much better looking body and better feeling body. But, if you find yourself at a fast food restaurant should you go ahead and eat or not eat?

It's actually much better to make a good choice at a fast food restaurant than not eat at all. But, you shouldn't have to make that choice most of the time!

You should always plan ahead. Take the time to think about the next day. Will you be away from home for extended periods of time? If so, prepare some quick and easy meals that you can eat while away from home. Eat a full meal once every 3 hours. Plan accordingly.

When I spend the day away from home, I might take a few plastic shaker bottles with me. I fill them with protein and ground oats (simply stick some quaker oats in a coffee grinder). I then fill a few baggies with walnuts, almonds, and/or peanuts.

You've got to add some veggies too! I like to cut up broccoli, cauliflower, all types of peppers, carrots, and cucumbers. I put them in a large baggie and they're ready to go. Combine them with the whey protein, oats, and walnuts and you have some perfect meals for building muscle and burning fat.

If, for some reason, you didn't plan ahead, you've got to make good choices when you find yourself ordering food at a fast food restaurant. What would you order if you were standing in a McDonald's right now? You wouldn't order french fries, a milk shake, an apple pie, a hamburger, or a fried chicken sandwich. So what would you order?

How about a GRILLED chicken salad, lots of veggies, and about a half a pack of ranch dressing? That's about the best meal you can get from McDonald's. Other fast food restaurants will have similar choices. Always drink water with your meals. You don't need anything else.

If you know you're going to be eating fast food and have no other choice, get nutrition facts for that restaurant and make a good choice before you go. Then, you won't be tempted to order anything else. It's actually better to check nutrition facts and make yourself a little list at what you can have from certain fast food restaurants. Make sure what you choose fits your meal plan.

Trust me, you DO NOT NEED fast food. Yes, it's quick and easy but so are some of the options I've already given you. You'll get faster results, better results, and you'll feel much better. I went without eating fast food for several years, and I felt much better without the fast food. Eating healthy tastes much better and feels great!

When you eat healthy foods, you WILL have higher energy levels for lifting weights. You'll create the OPTIMAL muscle building and fat burning environment. Your metabolism will be higher than ever. And your body will reward you with higher levels of muscle mass and lower levels of body fat.

Let's talk about Subway for a second. Most of the stuff you get in that place isn't good for you. The veggies are great, but that's about it! A grilled chicken salad packed with different veggies is a good choice. Stay away from most of the other stuff.

It's much easier and cheaper to prepare some quick meals at home. You can prepare most meals in much less time than it takes you to go through a drive through line or wait in a line inside a restaurant. With some planning, you can stop eating unhealthy foods, start eating healthy, and building more muscle and burning more fat. - 17269

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Resveratrol and Faster Weight Loss

By Laura Lane

Oprah Winfrey is known for providing her viewers with expertly researched advice concerning the latest advancements in medical advancements, particularly as they relate to the concerns of an aging American population. Recently, Oprah featured the Turkish-American cardiologist Dr. Mehmet Oz. According to Dr. Oz, the recently discovered antioxidant known as resveratrol may be the key to slowing or even-in some cases-reversing the aging process.

Toxin Eliminators

Your body's organs are under constant attack by toxins referred to as oxidants. Oxidants and the endless war against them engenders wrinkles on the surface of your skin, while beneath that surface organ damage and even cancer are products of these toxic invaders. There are, however, naturally occurring substances-antioxidants-that can and will preserve the body's cells, organs, and organ systems, especially the nervous system. Furthermore, these antioxidants are able to rejuvenate the body, both inside and out.

Resveratrol: Antioxidant par excellence

Resveratrol is perhaps one of the strongest antioxidants that modern-day researchers have discovered. Resveratrol is effective at slowing the aging process because, when taken in large quantities, it energizes genes that each of us possesses called "Sirtuins." A Sirtuin is able to halt the weakening of cells caused by aging and to rebuild injured cells. Consistently consuming resveratrol allows a person to be less fatigued, more energetic, and to see his or her wrinkles softened, the age lines smoothed.

Many observable advantages are generated by taking resveratrol. Resveratrol boosts the immune system, aiding both cancer patients and people who have suffered some kind of injurious exposure to radiation. It has helped many lose weight as well.

Nevertheless, we have only begun to skim the surface of the possibilities that resveratrol has to offer! The pharmaceutical company GlaxoSmithKline has funded analyses of the antioxidant with close to a billion dollars, and there are no signs to indicate that we have come close to comprehending all resveratrol's beneficial aspects.

A Naturally Occurring Substance

Chances are you have already consumed resveratrol at some point in your life, though you probably weren't aware of it! Utilized for ages in the East as a restorative cure found in Japanese Knotwood, resveratrol was given the name "ko-jo-kon" in 1963. Japanese Knotwood is not, however, as exotic as you might imagine. In more than thirteen states it has been designated as a hostile and overwhelming weed, with the capacity to overrun your backyard in no time. The power of this plant is generated by-you guessed it-the large amounts of resveratrol contained within it. Knotwood has so much resveratrol that companies have begun using it to create dietary supplements, although some people simply cultivate it and cook with it: Knotwood is a tasty replacement for rhubarb.

Another source of resveratrol is the peanut. Yes, the same peanut you can purchase at a supermarket has the capacity to improve your quality of life. Although peanuts have been traditionally considered to be very fatty and unhealthy, medical inquiries have demonstrated that those people who consume peanuts every day are healthier, with lower body fat than the majority of the population.

Do you drink red wine? If so, then you are drinking resveratrol. Back in 1992 scientists discovered that grapevines contained copious amounts of resveratrol. Thus drinking red wine is a heart-healthy choice for many of us. Even so, it's important-given all the benefits that resveratrol has to offer us-to remember that a single dose of a resveratrol supplement contains the equivalent of almost one thousand bottles of red wine! - 17269

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Why Your Diet is Making You Fat

By Rico Kidd

Diets do not work. Learning to eat right is the best way to lose weight. When you diet, your metabolism slows down as it thinks you are starving. When your metabolism decreases, every calorie you consume burns slower and turns into fat storage.

When you go on a diet and reduce your caloric intake, your body thinks that you are starving. Even though you know your intentionally not eating, your body thinks differently and thinks you are unable to find enough food. This triggers your body to slow down its metabolic rate and store fat for future "fuel".

Eating less actually does not help your body. Some people who diet might gain weight, rather than lose weight. The reason is that once your metabolism has established itself in "starvation mode", you will burn fewer calories and store more body fat.

Eating more meals (and smaller portions) will actually make you lose more weight. The reason is that when you eat more meals, your brain thinks that food is abundant and will not trigger the survival mode effect. If your body is not in survival mode, you will burn calories faster and this will lead to weight loss.

Once you've trained your metabolism to burn calories quickly, even eating fatty foods once in a while will not be a problem. Since your metabolism burns calories faster, it will burn heavy fattening foods at a faster rate than it would if your body was in survival mode. Unlike diets, once your body's metabolism has increase, even slipping up once in awhile will not be a problem. - 17269

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Eating Foods That Burn Fat From Your Body

By Xylene Belita

You can lose weight if you try to include some fat burning foods in your everyday diet. Reach your goal of losing that extra 8 lbs in just two weeks. So what are fat burning foods? These fat burning foods contain calorie levels that are low enough that it requires more energy from the body when you eat and digest them. They are also known as negative calorie foods or fat fighting foods.

For example, celery is a negative calorie food. It does not contain enough calories to be able to digest it, so it takes energy from the body in order for it to be fully digested. Cold water has a negative calorie, too. Although water is a drink, you can consider it as a kind of food. Water has no calories at all and when you drink cold water, the body would need much more energy to bring it up to body temperature. So each time we drink a glass of cold water we burn up a little more calories and lose a little weight. But foods like this should be taken in moderation, and should be used wisely.

People who are most attracted to negative calorie foods are anorexics. Negative calorie foods, if taken in excess would result in starvation and nutritional deficiencies. The calories used to burn negative calorie foods will be taken from the body's muscle mass, and this will be really dangerous to your health.

For a healthy way, you can take advantage of fat burning foods by fasting or detox. You should start a detox diet after big holidays such as Christmas, New Year or Thanksgiving when you have eaten so many rich and fatty foods. A negative calorie diet with fat burning foods is a great way to clean out your system. Do it for three days or so, but make sure that you have your doctor's approval.

Here are some important pointers to consider when on a negative calorie detox diet:

1. Never eat one type of food in huge amount, particularly fruits. Some fruits contain substances that are bad to your body if you eat too much of it. For example, grapefruit and pineapple can damage your stomach lining. Other foods can cause diarrhea or burden your liver. It is better to eat all the different foods in small quantities.

Some examples of fat burning fruits are: Apples, Blueberries, Cantaloupes, Cranberries, Grapefruit, Papayas, Pineapples, Prunes, Raspberries, Strawberries and Tangerines.

2. Do not spend all your day eating. You will become bloated and feel sick. Make at least four or five salad meals every day, and let your digestive system rest in between.

3. Try to eat slowly and chew your food thoroughly. You will use more calories that way. It is also better to eat the foods raw. Foods like carrots and beets will also be more satisfying if you grate them.

Some examples of negative calorie vegetables are: Asparagus, Beets, Broccoli, Carrot, Cauliflower, Celery stalk, Celery root, Cucumbers, Eggplant, Endives, Garden cress, Green beans, Green cabbage, Lamb's lettuce, Lettuce, Radishes, Spinach, Tomatoes, Turnips and Zucchini.

4. Any kind of detox diet and fasting can may cause some uncomfortable symptoms like headaches, tiredness, depression and irritability. If the symptoms become worse, stop the detox diet and see your doctor right away.

5. At the end of your negative calorie detox diet, you should gradually return to a normal diet and eat normal foods.

Garlic and onions are also examples of fat burning foods. If you want to lose 9 lbs in one week, then go here: Cheat Your Way Thin and you are guaranteed to melt your stubborn fat easily. - 17269

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How To Get Razor Sharp Six Pack Abs

By Robert Wilson

If you ever undertake to ask females what they believe to be the more attractive part within a man's body, it's most likely the response you will get is six pack abs, the ab muscular tissues with attractive, formed shape. A brilliant toned and sculpted abdomen is that sexy part that women simply cannot help but get naturally attracted to. Who wouldn't when it's a representation of the man holding a fit, wholesome, and a robust physical condition as well as an indicator that he's fit enough to defend her?

So, it isn't shocking to see each gym full of men doing each workout possible to get those much-prized killer abs. Crunches, leg elevations, sit-ups, along with different types of body straining routines, these are what keep these men busy but unfortunately, many of them are not successful in rendering their ab muscles displayable or beautiful.

Normal Exercise is still the Best

There are lots of promotions that present the adequacy of medicines as well as food supplements in giving shape to your abdominal muscles however the truth is they contain ingredients which might detrimental to your well being. Above all, going on with your normal exercise still ranks as the best method in enhancing and solidifying the abdominal muscles.

Good Nutrition Help

Combined with a frequent group of workout exercises, eating good and natural foods play a major role. You should avoid those foods from junk food outlets as well as processed foods because they will only fill your body with unneeded fats and therefore pave the way to an unfit state of being so it's clearly best to carefully choose the food which you eat.

If you truly wish to create that six-pack, you have to train your abdomen muscle groups using a better stimulus. Meaning, you need to seek a type of abs training with a high strength that would increase resistance to work especially within the muscles surrounding your abs. There are varied resistance abdominal workouts which will work for you to obtain your six-pack abs, so look at when it's time for you to work on the ab muscles. - 17269

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Acai Berries For Faster Weight Loss

By Laura Lane

Many weight loss products are out in the market right now. These seems to be giving people with wait loss issues some hope that they would lose those pounds they have been trying to lose for sometime. However, people also need to beware about some of the negative effects that weight loss products could do to their body. It is always important that before anyone takes on any of these products, they review all the positive and negative effects of using such.

At present, one of the most popular weight loss products out in the market is the acai berries. These are actually fruits from acai palm trees that often gain from the Central and South America. Many innate people have been using the berries for many years due to its purposes for cooking and as a medicinal product. In fact, in countries equaling Brazil, Belize and Peru, people use acai berries for desert products double yogurt or cakes.

The incredible health benefits of the acai berries are now opportune increasingly popular as many companies coeval selling these products in many parts of the world. It used to be sold on it's orginal form as a supplementary or dried berry but with today's technology it has been purified for longer storage. Acai berries are now available in various forms like tablets, juice and powder.

The purpose of the acai berry doesn't end in its weight loss effects. Studies about the end product revealed that I is also precious for human's cardiovascular, immune and digestive systems. Many claims that it can provide deeper in flurry, healthier and young looking bread and improved sleep. There are also many vitamins and minerals in this product that is gnarly for our health.

The acai berries have high rise fiber up. This is excellent in detoxifying the body and flusing out the toxins that thrives in the stomach. With these bad things out of the body, it blame drink more nutrients from the store we eat and improve our digestive process.

There are also anti - oxidants and omega nutrients present in the acai berries that are really good for the heart. The omega - 6 and omega - 9 present in the product help in baleful the copper cholesterol and there improves blood circulation in the body.

With the countless benefits that acai berries provide to our health, many people deemed it in that the Terrific Subsistence. Many health professionals are not endorsing this product not only for weight loss but also for overall health. In fact, many TV shows and magazines featured the acai berries.

Acai berries are still available in its natural arrangement. It answerability be consumed on its own or be a fraction of a instructions in a puce meal. Era other products are often chemical based, acai berry is highly integral and even some of its forms unaccompanied include sheer few chemical additives for longer shelf life. Then if you are looking for a product you guilt use for weight management, you should consider the acai berry.

Just remember that anyone with pre - original conditions, pregnant or have any health concerns must reason with their physicians leading before taking the product. It is currently sold universal in the universe in health stores or you can also rule it ended the Internet. - 17269

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What You Need To Know About Kinesio Taping

By Bart Icles

Injuries involving muscles and joints are unavoidable, especially if you are an athlete who is always undergoing some training of sorts and is always participating in different sporting events. No matter how rigid your training is, you will never really get used to it to the point that you are no longer prone to muscle and joint injuries. People from all walks of life experience muscle and joint soreness at one point or another, even athletes who are used to their overexertion. This is just simply how our body works.

Unlike other types of taping methods that help relieve the pain brought about by muscle and joint overexertion, kinesio taping is able to give support and stability without affecting the circulation as well as the range of motion of the injured area. Kinesio taping is most commonly used for maintenance and pain management.

The natural healing processes of the body was taken into account when the kinesio taping process was invented by Dr. Kenzo Kase of Japan in 1973. Kinesio taping is very efficient since it is able to activate the tissues and the nerved of the neurological and the circulatory system even during injuries. It is based on the concepts of Kinesiology, the discipline that deals with human movements, hence, it is body-friendly and is safe to use anytime. It reduces the manifestation of negative symptoms whenever a person gets injured.

The kinesio tape and the kinesio taping method is the preferred treatment for muscle and joint injuries due to lifting heavy objects or overexertion that leads to the injury of different muscular tissues of a lot of medical practitioners nowadays, like chiropractors, acupuncturists, orthopaedics, and therapists. This is because it can be used for around 3-5 days without having having to change it, it is cost effective, has the thickness and the weight similar to that of human skin, and can do the job better than any other tapes.

To date, kinesio taping is being widely used due to the myriad of benefits that it can offer as compared to standard taping methods. It enables the healing process to go about naturally, conforming to the needs of the human body without restricting any type of movement, hence, making it possible to still be able to become effective even during injured moments. It is a revolutionary approach to treating muscle and joint injuries that will surely stay on for a very long time. - 17269

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Choosing A Quality Juicer

By Mike Suno

When it you make that decision to enter the world of juicing, you will notice a wide selection of juicers varying in quality, price, and performance. Since price is the most easily distinguishable aspect of the different juicers, it's easy to fall into the trap of buying an inexpensive juicer that doesn't work so well.

The worst part is that someone who is just beginning to juice their own fruits and vegetables for the first time would not know if the juice is of inferior quality due to the poor performance of their juicer. The most important thing is the speed at which the blades operate. A good juicer runs at much lower speeds than a cheap machine. Too much speed means a lot more damage to the natural goodness of the juice.

The heat generated by fast blades will essentially cook your fruits and vegetable juice which alters the chemical structure of the nutrients. The purpose of juicing is to consume as much of the nutritional value the ingredients have to offer, and it is best when in its most natural state. A high quality juicer will operate under 100 RPM to minimize the heating of the elements in your juice.

High speed chopping blades in blenders can also cause impact shock which also damages nutrients. There is also oxidation when you juice, but slower blades will significantly reduce the degree of oxidation. You want your nutrients in its most natural state which is best for your body. Lower speeds also reduce the amount of foaming in your juice.

Noise is another factor in comparing the quality of juicers. While not always true, cheaper juicers of lesser quality well tend to make more noise than the rest of them. Better machines operate more quietly and the best juicers muffle the noise sufficiently.

When you pay a little extra for a better model, you are also getting the ingenuity of design. In general, juicers can be tough to clean but a well designed model takes the cleaning process into consideration and could make a big difference when you are deciding whether or not to juice today. Pulp collecting compartments that are easily removable makes cleaning breeze. Some brands are so well designed in this area it can be rinsed and cleaned in five minutes.

The final thing about juicers is their hardiness. Some juicers, such as centrifugals, are not designed for harder ingredients like leafy greens and wheat grass. They are built only for citrus fruits and other soft ingredients. Since everyone should juice vegetables as well as fruits, it best to go with one that can handle just about anything you throw into it. - 17269

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Learn To Stay Healthy With A Periodic Colon Cleanse

By Case Todd

Body detoxification is an important factor to living health. Keeping your system clean of toxins and poisons that build up over time is the key to maintaining optimal health. This all starts in the colon or digestive tract where most toxins build up and over time are released in the bloodstream to other parts of the body.

How can your body become contaminated with dangerous levels of toxins? There are a lot of environmental influences. Some stem from pollutants in the air caused by industrial plants and automobile pollutions while others originate from the food we consume.

Pesticides and other harmful chemicals used to treat bugs and rodents often find there way into our digestive tract through the foods we eat. When you combine that with the numerous additives and food preservers used in the process of food, it is easy to see how these poisons and chemicals enter the body.

When the body goes without a complete cleansing, these toxins eventually clog the intestinal wall with plaque and cause poison to enter the circulatory system where they can start damaging vital organs. The liver and kidneys are especially at risk.

When the body reaches a state of high toxicity, the immune system will become weakened making it easier for you to contract certain types of life-threatening diseases. Keeping your colon clean can prevent this from occurring.

Think of the colon as a waste processing plant. If the plant breaks, an entire city or county can be at risk of dangerous bacteria and chemicals entering and contaminating its drinking water supply. In like manner you want your colon processing optimally to keep the rest of your function system germ and toxin free.

How can you tell if you require a colon cleanse? There several signs to look for. The most common is feeling like you don't have any energy or strength. This is very typical of a toxic digestive tract. Stomach cramps accompanied with long term bloating can be another signal.

People suffering with high levels of toxicity often report felling low on energy all the time for no apparent reason. Some people become more susceptible to colds and flu or experience outbreaks of allergic reactions.

How do you safely clean your colon for maximum health? Colon health starts with maintenance and prevention. Detoxification is a process that eliminates undesired chemicals and toxins from the body, mainly the colon. There are a lot safe products on the market that can assist with the process of purging the intestinal wall.

Some detox products are all-natural with a rich blend of herbs and spices specially formulated to detoxify the body while other treatments may involve a more clinical approach such as colon hydrotherapy. Drinking plenty of water, eating foods high in fiber and consuming large amounts of fresh produce can eliminate poisons from the colon and detoxify the body. - 17269

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