Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Tasty Protein Shake Recipes For Bodybuilders And Athletes

By Mario T. Parks

Drinking protein shakes is an easy way for bodybuilders to meet their daily protein needs. Because of this, a lot of professional bodybuilders are already integrating protein shakes in their nutritional plan. However, drinking ready-to-drink protein shakes everyday can feel monotonous and dull. The solution is to mix your own shake recipes.

You can definitely create your own protein shake by mixing protein powder with other ingredients. The authors of the book "The L.A. Shape Diet", David Herber and Susan Bowerman, advise bodybuilders to create their own shake recipes to suit their unique nutritional needs. Below are some recipes that you can try:

Banana Protein Shake: Mix together 30 grams of vanilla protein powder, 1 medium banana, 1 cup soy milk, 1 teaspoon golden syrup and 3 to 4 ice cubes in a blender. Add 2 tablespoons of vanilla yogurt and blend until smooth. This shake can be enjoyed as a meal replacement or consumed after workout for muscle repair and recovery.

Strawberry Nut Shake: Mix together 2 scoops of vanilla protein powder, 1 cup of low fat strawberry yoghurt, 1/4 cup sliced strawberries and 5-6 shredded macadamia nuts or pine nuts. Blend until smooth and enjoy as a snack or after a workout.

Chocolate Coffee Shake: This recipe requires 2 scoops of chocolate powder, 1 cup soy milk, 1 cup water, 5-6 ice cubes and 1 spoon of instant coffee. This recipe tastes like frozen frappuccinos available in coffee shops. You can drink this as a substitute for your coffee.

Wild Berry Smoothie: You'll need two scoops of vanilla powder, 1 cup of soy milk and one and a half cup each of three wild berries: raspberries, strawberries and blueberries. Place all ingredients in a blender and drop in some ice cubes for a cold drink.

Peanut Butter Shake: Prepare 2 scoops of vanilla protein, 1/2 cup each of raspberries strawberries, and blueberries and 1 cup of soy milk and three to five ice cubes. Place all ingredients in a blender and mix until smooth. This recipe is great for desserts or as a stand-alone snack.

Oatmeal Cinnamon Protein Shake: Mix together 1 cup dry oatmeal, 2 scoops vanilla protein, 3 dashes of cinnamon, 12 oz. soy milk, 1 tablespoon chopped almonds and 2 tablespoons of sugar-free maple syrup in a blender until smooth. This thick shake is an excellent source of healthy carbohydrates, protein and healthy fats, and is best enjoyed as a meal replacement.

Pina Colada Protein Shake: Mix together 2 scoops vanilla protein powder, 1/2 cup pineapple juice, 1/4 cup orange juice, 1/4 teaspoon each of rum and coconut extracts, 1 packet of artificial sweetener and 1/4 cup soy milk in a blender. Add 4-6 ice cubes to thicken and blend until smooth; serve immediately. - 17269

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The Key to Youth is Found in Cellular Integrity

By Dr. Lorna Mistranski

The best way to fully comprehend what free radicals are is to look at them from a cellular level in that the human body is made up of all kinds of cells.

The chemical bond of a cell is comprised of various types of molecules that are held together with one or more atom.

Atoms are comprised of protons, neutrons, and electrons whereby the total amount of protons that are in the nucleus determine how many electrons will surround them.

The primary role of electrons is for chemical reactions that occur inside the atom and the substance that holds the atoms together to form molecules. Electrons revolve around the atom in one or more shells

When the innermost shell has two electrons, it is considered full. When the second shell is full with electrons the process starts all over again.

The most important thing in determining the structural characteristic of an atom is the number of electrons in the outermost shell.

Maximum stability is reached when the atom has a full outer shell. This is the ideal condition every atom seeks to attain and is achieved by the following conditions:

Adding or dropping electrons that will either fill or empty the atom's shell

Bonding together with other atoms and sharing electrons to complete the outer most shell

The typical way an atom achieves maximum stability is sharing electrons with other atoms. This allows the conditions to for the atoms sustain the molecules in the most efficient way.

Most of the time, these bonds do not tear apart in a way that leaves an atom with an odd, unpaired electron. When this does occur however, free radicals are formed; they are very unstable and react swiftly with other compounds in attempt to gain the needed electrons for stability.

Free radicals like to attack by locating the closest cell that has maximum stability and begins to steal electrons. Eventually these attacked molecules become free radicals themselves. The process will continue until eventually cellular damage occurs.

Common times when free radicals occur are during metabolism as well as when the body is fighting off bacteria or viruses. Pollution, cigarette smoke, radiation, and pesticides are other times when free radicals can occur.

The body is usually able to fight off free radicals unless it's empty of antioxidants or free radicals production accumulates too much, damage can occur. The older you get the more free radical damage occurs. - 17269

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How Can Cross Country Skiing Help You Prevent Bruising Easily?

By Carolyn Cooper

If you take a tumble down the hill, or if you whack yourself with your own skis as you try to put them away, you're probably going to end up with a bruise, but did you know that cross country skiing might otherwise be a great way for you to get rid of you easy bruising? Lots of people, particularly women, find that as they age, it feels like their skin gets less elastic, and when that happens, they are much more inclined to bruise at the least provocation. If you have ever lightly bumped yourself and then found yourself black and blue the next day, take a moment to figure out how cross country skiing may help you.

To begin with, you need to consider your aptitude for facing an endurance trial, because that is what cross country skiing is. Even though getting started with this sport should be a rather simple, uninvolved process, remember that cross country skiing requires dedication and concentration even from the very beginning. Cross country skiing will build stronger muscles and enhanced coordination, all the while it is strengthening your hips and joints as a bulwark from approaching old age. Mastering cross country skiing requires impressive grace and strength, but how is this going to help you control your easy bruising problem?

Remember the way that bruises form. First, your body is affected by some sort of trauma, and the result is often that the blood vessels near your skin break. When this happens, blood will leak into the traumatized area, but it is not shed because there is no break in the skin. Trauma that will not break the skin but that will break blood vessels is relatively common. One reason why we do end up getting more bruised as we get older is due to the fact that our skin loses a degree of its elasticity and is, therefore, going to be less protective. For this reason we are going to need to make sure that the walls of our blood vessels are properly strengthened, which we can do through paying close attention to our cardiovascular health.

Cross country skiing is an excellent way to enhance your cardiovascular health, and you won't be able to deny how much fun it can be as well. Not only does this give you a great reason to take a winter vacation, you will have plenty to do when you arrive at your snowy destination. You'll wonder why you waited so long to get started when you discover the many advantages gained by cross country skiing.

Taking up cross country skiing alone may not be the complete answer to overcoming your tendency to bruise easily. If not, it is probably time to consider adding a daily supplement program like Bruises Be Banned to your daily routine. This uniquely formulated, all natural supplement product can reduce bruising or prevent bruising altogether. - 17269

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Why Should You Protect Your Health?

By Vincent Roumou

If there is any one factor that can determine your future more than any other, it is your health. When health fails, we loose power and influence.

A healthy person can find new jobs and new opportunities. A sick person is limited in what he can do. If you missed too many days from work last year, some companies move your resume rapidly, right into the dumpster. If you have a job and begin to call in sick on a regular basis, even with a valid excuse, companies may decide that you will need to be the first to go during downsizing.

Here are some tips that may help you to keep your health.

Eat correctly. Every person needs a healthy diet. Choose a diet that is balanced in nutrients. Carbohydrates provide quick energy for the body. Protein supplies the building materials needed to heal tissue. Fruits and vegetables provide necessary minerals and vitamins for a healthy body.

Get some exercise. Even if you have to begin an exercise program while sitting in a chair, you need to move your body. Exercise adds tone to those muscles and helps you to feel better. It is vital to overcoming depression. Progress may be slow at first, but if you continue your exercise routine, you will develop a healthier body.

Spend time with friends. Everyone needs some time with other people. If we are only involved with ourselves, and spend all our time at the computer or watching television, we are not going to take care of ourselves. A friend can help us to see hope in the most desperate situations. Hope can lead us to have better health.

While health is not all that is needed to get ahead in life, a lack of health can cause great setbacks. - 17269

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Planning And Implementing A Good Gym Program

By Peter Mason

With growing awareness about fitness and the health advantages of staying lean, several people are going for a gym membership. However, if you have already burnt your body fat, you have to focus on developing muscles to achieve that ideal figure.

If bodybuilding is what you are aiming at, you should get a good gym membership. You will get enough assistance in a gym and also the essential exercise machines and these two things will help you to stay motivated and on track to achieve your fitness goals. After you have registered with a gym, you should follow an appropriate exercise plan so that you can reap good benefits out of your efforts.

Planning an exercise routine that you will be following is the first step in this regard. A gym trainer can help you set your fitness goals and tell you comprehensively as to what you need to do to realize your objectives. Your complete weekly routine should be in place well in advance, and this should include the amount of weight you will lift, the kind of exercises you will perform and the number of repetitions you plan to carry out for a particular exercise.

Mental preparation before you start your every day exercise is a must to set you in the correct mindset. Any amount of laziness or relaxation must be first overcome, because these might interfere with your regimen and may also be detrimental to your health. Total alertness and a strong spirit of competition are needed in order to stick to your regime without breaking it.

Keep a track of the progress you have made from the time you began your gym program. This will keep you on the correct path and give you a sense of direction and control. Besides, when you have your progress recorded on paper, your motivation levels will increase and also your wish to reach your target.

Trainers in a good gym will be qualified enough to recommend you the right method for performing a specific workout in your gym program. But if your instructor is new to the profession, then you must check out bodybuilding websites on the internet or consult a good book on the topic to figure out if the technique you are using is recommended by expert trainers in the field and is safe enough.

Lastly, one should concentrate on his diet, which forms an important aspect of any gym programme. All good gyms have in-house dieticians, who can advise you on what and how much to eat so that you get sufficient quantity of carbohydrates and proteins to support your exercise regime. - 17269

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The Exceedingly Valuable Benefits Of The Brazilian Acai Berry

By Michelle R Clark

Deep in the rainforests of Brazil you can come across an enormously healthful berry that can greatly benefit your wellbeing. For centuries the natives of the area have benefited from the acai berry that is found on the acai palm tree. It has only been offered in other parts of the planet in the past few years because of sophisticated processing choices.

The acai berry is unusually nutritious. It is wealthy with a abundance of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, fiber and healthy fat. It is this nourishing fat that makes it so perishable that it must be processed within 24 hours of leaving the tree and that is why it has just in the past few years become presented for the globe outside of Brazil.

Supplementing acai to your each day eating habits can be particularly constructive for many ailments including obesity, problems typically associated with aging, and even for the prevention of grave illness like diabetes, heart disease and cancer. This is because of the exceptional sustenance that is enclosed in this berry.

The acai berry has one of the record ORAC levels, or Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacities of any fare ever located in nature. The acai berry ranks higher than all other foodstuff and it is only eclipsed by a few things, namely the spices of cinnamon, oregano and cloves and the bran from sorghum and sumac.

Antioxidants are important to our fitness because they protect against free radical damage. Free radicals are unstable molecules that are created when our bodies make use of oxygen. They are volatile because they are lacking an electron. Antioxidants come in and give the lacking electron, which in that way stabilizes the molecule.

At any time free radicals are abundant and out of control in our bodies, they produce inflammation, which is enormously chaotic for our bodies. Unrestrained inflammation causes horrendous stress on our bodies and that can lead to many troubles including the establishment of solemn illness like diabetes, cancer, heart disease and Alzheimer's disease.

When you supplement acai berry products to your already healthful diet the additional antioxidants help your bodily systems to function at their maximum capacities and it helps to thwart the troubles of aging, overweight and obesity problems and even disease prevention.

The acai berry is a naturally occurring fruit that is exceptionally healthful and nutritious and supplementing it in any of its countless of forms to your way of life can only benefit you and your body. - 17269

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Bodybuilding Tips, Protein And The Muscle Building Process

By Ricardo d Argence

Proteins are essential for anyone who hopes to build a strong body and increase their muscle power. There are many varieties of proteins. There are many benefits to taking them as well as many benefits for each and every type of protein. Protein consumption can enhance body building results.

Solid food is a great readily available body building food. If you add this in with your diet you will have wonderful results. The natural foods which contain proteins include whey, egg white and soya beans. These three build your muscles and make you fit.

Make sure that you include proteins into your diet they are crucial to the growth of muscle in your body. Those who are active as sportsmen, athletes, and people who are into exercising a great deal will need to use body building foods in order to improve muscle strength and maintain physical strength.

Bodybuilding foods eaten after a workout help repair muscles and make them stronger. Proteins are not only needed for sportsmen and athletes, people of all age groups need body building foods. An essential part of our daily diet should be body building proteins.

Natural form of protein varies. Many use whey protein, derived from milk, to build muscle. It has a lot of amino acids and potassium. It can be had as a supplement because it is very useful as a body builder. If you want the greatest form of protein available this is it.

Egg white is also a good source of natural protein. This helps in body building and is easily available and everyone can have it. Soya beans is also said to be a good source of protein. It is used by vegetarians as a substitute for meat.

Most of the protein supplements found today are found in powder form. One can either obtain them in the drink form or even pill form. It is easy to use and the benefits are many. A work out can drain your system of its nutritional needs, therefore a supplement is the perfect solution.

When such people take protein supplements it helps in the growth and repair of muscles. It helps the athlete to recover fast and resume their training faster after strenuous exercise.

The affected muscles can be helped through the healing process by proteins. If you need supplements then protein drinks or powders can be a great idea. This will definitely make a person stronger and healthy. Protein rich diets have many benefits, you will see. - 17269

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4 Arm Toning Mistakes

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

There are lots of women who have it all wrong when it comes to nutrition for getting toned arms. Maybe you are one of them

If this is the case, you're not to blame. You see, all the marketers and product pushers have created a giant ball of flabby arm confusion.

I was once a victim of said confusion.

The good news is that I've spent a large portion of my professional career figuring all of this out.

Thus, here are 4 arm toning mistakes that I discovered along the way:

1. Having large amounts of protein. There is a lot of good about protein, but when consumed in excess there is also a lot of bad. Make sure that no more than 30% of calories come from protein.

2. Viewing whole grains as healthy. Whole grains are definitely better than Twinkies, but they're not the holy grail of arm fat loss. If you lead a highly sedentary lifestyle, whole grains should NOT be a big part of your diet.

3. Assuming supplementation is fine. I have some shocking news: supplements are not regulated in the U.S. There could be anything in that bottle. Just because there is some certification on the label doesn't mean it's healthy.

4. Leaving large gaps of time between meals. How much is large? More than five hours. Once you go past five hours, expect a significant decrease in metabolism. Not good for maximum arm toning. And if possible, try to eat every 3 hours. This type of eating schedule will give you the fastest results.

Your quest to get toned arms should be as short as possible. The longer you have to plug away the higher the chances of abandonment. And if you avoid the above mistakes, you can save yourself a lot of time and headache. After all, getting sexy arms should be relatively fun, not a pain in the butt. Good luck! - 17269

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How to Start Muscle Building at Home

By Mark Wilson

Are you tired of driving to the gym? Well with the right advice, working out and building muscle at home can be convenient and produce great results. In fact, home workouts can be just as beneficial as a gym membership as long as you take the right steps to ensure success.

Muscle building at home can and should be easy as long as you have motivation and dedication, and put in the hard work needed for the results youre looking for.

Although most people think exercise comes first when building muscle, the truth is you need to start eating healthy before you begin working out. When you have a good diet plan in place and youre eating only healthy foods, its time to start focusing on finding the right exercises for your plan to build muscle at home.

Buy the right equipment for your home before you start working out. The right weights, and the equipment that comes with them, makes muscle building at home much safer and more effective. If you dont have the right amount of weights for the exercises you want to perform, the risk of injury increase.

As with most health related issues, consult your physician before starting a home work out program. You can learn what is needed to shed excess body fat and the proper use of the weights in your first visit with your physician. Your physician will be able to let you know what lifts to you should be avoiding as well as diagnosing any potential health conditions that would inhibit in your muscle building program.

Weigh the pros and cons of free weight against a weight machines when purchasing equipment. Free weights consume much less space and do not restrict movement like some weight machines. The durability and quality of the weights should be considered before any purchase is made.

Try to imagine what the weights will look like in the space youve dedicated to working out. Do you have somewhere to store them when youre not working out? If your home is already short on space, avoid buying a large set of weights or machines and instead look for more economical choices. Free weights will usually require less space than machines, and can often be purchased in weight combinations ready to use with several exercises. Buying the right weights will make muscle building at home easier and more efficient from the start. - 17269

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4 Arm Toning Mistakes

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

Are you confused about proper nutrition for getting rid of flabby arms? Do you get a massive headache when thinking about getting toned arms?

If so, it's not your fault. The media combined with savvy marketers have created a whirlwind of confusion surrounding proper nutrition for arm fat loss.

I know because I used to be completely lost.

But I fought back and learned how to separate the wheat from the chaff.

Thus, here are 4 arm toning mistakes that I discovered along the way:

1. Going overboard with protein. Protein has a lot of benefits, but if you have too much the benefits quickly vanish. How much is too much? More than 30% of your total caloric intake.

2. Assuming whole grains are key to arm fat loss. Whole grains are healthier than most processed alternatives. However, whole grains are not optimal for someone that is very sedentary. If you're just starting out with losing arm fat, then whole grains are ok. But eventually you'll want to transition into legumes.

3. Thinking dietary supplements are 100% safe. Unfortunately, the supplement industry is not regulated. Anybody can put anything in a bottle and put on a store shelf for sale. It's on the FDA to prove that said supplement is harmful before it's taken off the shelves. Not good.

4. Allowing more than 5 hours pass between meals. Optimally, you want to eat every 3 hours for a wide variety of physiological reasons. 5 hours, however, is the absolute limit. Once you go past this time frame, arm-fat burning muscle gets wasted away.

Your quest to get toned arms should be as short as possible. The longer you have to plug away the higher the chances of abandonment. And if you avoid the above mistakes, you can save yourself a lot of time and headache. After all, getting sexy arms should be relatively fun, not a pain in the butt. Good luck! - 17269

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What Is A Mini Stroke?

By Barb Hicks

The temporary blockage of blood flow to the brain as a result of a thrombus is referred to as a TIA or Mini Stroke. In this instance, the body will react by quickly releasing tPA to dissolve the clot on its own. This body function results in symptoms, however does not result in any damage to brain tissue. This TIA is a warning sign from your body that an impending stroke will occur and medical help should be sought immediately. These mini warning signs happen in ischemic episodes and although ischemic and hemorrhagic are completely opposite situations, they both carry the same symptoms and inclinations.

The complete blockage of an artery resulting in restricted blood flow is an ischemic episode. When ischemia occurs, the result is cell death and loss of functionality in the extremities including the face.

The formation of these blood clots can also be caused by atrial fibrillation, previous heart attack, heart valve diseases, some STDs, cardiovascular disease and Cerebrovascular disease.

Plaque buildup in the arteries resulting in narrowing of the arteries is a common factor in ischemic episodes. In this case, cells and other debris stick to the cracks in the plaque.

The body protects itself from injury by forming clots. A clot is formed in order to stop constant bleeding. If the bleeding is not stopped a whole host of other, more serious complications can occur.

In order to dissolve a clot, the body will release an enzyme called plasmin to dissolve it. After this, phagocytes or white cells will come along and engulf the remaining debris, carrying it away.

Decreased blood flow to the brain leads to signs and symptoms of confusion, sudden headache, loss of balance, and difficulty speaking. The symptoms appear for only minutes then soon disappear, and the victim suffers no brain damage. It is still advisable to get emergency help as a TIA is a warning that a major stoke is on the way. The goal of treatment at this point is to restore blood flow to the brain and prevent further damage.

In order for certain medications to work properly, they must be administered within three hours of the onset of symptoms. Hence, time is of the essence. If more time has elapsed before treatment can be given, the patient is likely to experience severe, irreversible damage. This is why it is crucial for everyone to know and recognize the signs and symptoms of a stroke.

Mini strokes are sudden and carry no warning signs as they are warning signs within themselves for an ischemic episode. It is highly common for someone who has experienced a mini stroke to undergo a major stroke the following year. Visiting your medical professional will allow them to weigh your risk factors and perform tests to ensure a proper course of treatment for your situation. - 17269

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4 Benefits Of High Protein Diets For Toned Arms

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

With all the savvy marketing out there it can be virtually impossible to find the right diet for getting toned arms. Unless you have a degree in exercise science, making the right decisions can be extremely hard.

I know because I used to be in this situation.

Even worse, the experts can't even agree on which diet is best. And if they can't agree, how are you supposed to make a choice???

Well, luckily for you, I've already navigated these waters many times over. And I've also looked at the research again and again, and again.

So without further delay, here are 4 key things to consider about high protein diets:

1. Ease of implementation: Merely cutting out carbohydrates from your diet is extremely simple. The elimination of a single food group does not take much work. And if it doesn't take much work, you are more likely to stick with it.

2. Lightening fast weight changes: Of all the diets out there, high protein diets produce the fastest weight loss. However, the majority of weight loss comes from water. So don't get too excited

3. Massive hunger reductions: Once you go into ketosis from the high protein intake, your appetite will virtually disappear. Seriously.

4. Reduced insulin: Carbohydrates have the biggest impact on insulin. So if you cut them out, insulin will be extremely low. And insulin controls arm fat burning.

Is it time to throw out the carbs and buy a bunch of meat? Probably not. You see, high protein diets come with a lot of negatives. And I believe the negatives outweigh the positives. Unfortunately, I can't cover everything in a single article, so keep your eyes peeled. And always remember to do solid research before going on an extreme diet. Good luck! - 17269

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