Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Advance Wellness Research Special Deals

By Linda Kemp

Are acai berries really as good at helping people lose weight as they are made out to be? Considering the number of people testifying how great these supplements are, the answer seems to be yes. There are so many people who are claiming that they were finally able to lose weight just by adding Pure Acai Berry to their diet that it definitely seemed like a worthwhile quest in order to try this idea out.

To determine for myself whether acai berry is worth taking as a weight loss supplement, I decided to add Pure Acai Berry to my diet for a month. I choose this particular supplement because it seemed to be the most pure and the most concentrated. Having a free trial offer of it also helped because I knew that I would not be wasting money if I didn't like the results! Not knowing what I would experience, I was definitely not very certain at first if this would be worthwhile. However, I was exceptionally pleased with the results of supplementing my diet with this berry.

Before starting my acai berry supplement routine, I was carrying a modest amount of extra weight- just like most people in this country. I knew that summer was coming up and I was really hoping to find a way to get rid of the extra weight so that I would look good in the summer clothing that I wanted to wear. However, all of the diets I had tried left me hungry and cranky and never helped me lose weight because I would go off of them too quickly once I got tired of them. And other diet supplements I tried were horrible too, because they left me jittery and feeling strange. But this berry was not at all like any of those other weight loss experiences. I felt no ill effects while taking it and I started noticing results right away.

Basically, after a month of taking Pure Acai Berry, I was feeling and looking noticeably slimmer and I also felt very energetic. This was sure a different feeling than I've had on other diets! I am actually looking forward to summer this year and to trying on bathing suits, especially after continuing the supplement routine for another couple of months! Plus, because I've had more energy ever since taking this supplement, I've also found the energy to exercise. This has really made a difference since I look more toned and fit and the weight is coming off even easier than ever before.

What has really surprised me about acai berry is that weight loss is not the only benefit I've felt. I've just felt overall healthier since starting to take it and my improved body image is really starting to show in my confidence in myself. I am also very impressed with the amount of nutrients that this berry contains and know that getting plenty of antioxidants, fiber, omega fatty acids, and other nutrients will really help me stay healthy over my lifetime.

After my trial period of taking Pure Acai Berry, I am definitely sold on the effects of this superfood. I will continue to take it in order to keep my weight under control and for all of the other great health effects and I sincerely urge everyone else to do the same. Do your own trial of this supplement and you are sure to find out, like I did, that it really is a miracle food. - 17269

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When it comes to building muscle, junk food isn't good enough

By Jon Cardozo

I'm sure you've heard it many times before: if you want to build muscle you must increase your calories. This is because the body needs to get materials to build muscle from your diet.

It's actually pretty simple when you think about it. If you want to remain at your current weight, then you simply need to try to eat the same number of calories that you burn on any given day. There are many great calculators on the Internet that can help you determine how many calories you need.

Having said that, not just any calories will do. Don't think you can eat whatever you want and still gain large amounts of muscle. Unfortunately, you'll have to be more selective in your nutritional choices and may even have to give up some of your favorite foods.

You can't expect to build muscle if your diet consists primarily of fast foods like chips, French fries, and cookies. Remember that you need a significant amount of protein to build your muscle, as well as carbohydrates and healthy fats.

You have probably heard of the dangers of hydrogenated oils, or Trans fats. Well, these won't help you build muscle at all, and over time they actually increase your chances of heart disease. Sure, you can probably get away with a little bit, but you want to be careful. You want to be healthy and you're also trying to build muscle, so treat yourself like a world class athlete.

Foods high in refined sugar will also hamper your muscle building efforts. Excess sugar only has three possible outcomes in your body: it is burned immediately as fuel, it is stored as glycogen in the liver and the muscles, or it is converted to fat.

When you eat large amounts of sugar, the third outcome is inevitable. This is because your body cannot store very much glucose at one time, and you're unlikely to burn it all off if you are using high amounts of sugar.

If you want to maximize your muscle gaining efforts, stick to whole nutritious foods like lean protein, whole grains, fruits, and vegetables. Stay away from the junk food, and you'll be doing your muscles a favor. - 17269

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Slim Fast Diet: Pros and Cons

By Kim Archer

If you'd like to lose a few pounds, hopefully you're only considering healthy weight loss programs and not fad diets. Perhaps you've been considering the Slim Fast program, but don't know if it's healthy or not. Here's a look at the features of this diet plan that might help you make a decision.

The original Slim Fast diet was pretty basic. You replaced two meals a day with a special shake that you made up by adding the Slim Fast powder to some low-fat milk. It came in three flavors: strawberry, vanilla and chocolate. You would have one of these shakes at breakfast and another at lunch, and then have a "sensible" dinner of about 600 calories.

Today, there are several more products in the Slim Fast line-up. You can get pre-mixed canned shakes, snack bars in a variety of flavors, and soup mixes. You are allowed these products about three times a day. And a recommendation was added that you drink eight glasses of water every day.

That's the Slim Fast diet in a nutshell. Now let's look at the pros and cons.

Pros: First and foremost, you can lose a lot of weight on the Slim Fast program if you combine it with exercise. The plan is easy to follow. You can take the shakes with you to work, to the gym, on the road, and just about anywhere else. There's no calorie counting or public weigh-ins.

Cons: The Slim Fast shakes don't fill you up, and you might find yourself craving some actual food at mealtimes. For this reason, it's hard to stick with this diet. Vegetables and fruits aren't plentiful on this plan, so you'll be missing fiber and some important nutrients (although the shakes contain vitamins and minerals).

It's certainly possible to lose weight on this plan, but given the disadvantages, it might be easier to use the Slim Fast products for snacks instead of meals, and enjoy healthy foods at mealtimes. The shakes are tasty, but you won't experience the enjoyment you get from eating actual food.

As a final comment, regaining the lost pounds is not unusual for people who follow the Slim Fast plan. One woman lost 60 pounds in a year on the Slim Fast program, combined with moderate exercise. The next year, she gained it all back. The key to weight maintenance is to change your eating habits for the better. If you've been relying on the shakes for your meals, and then you stop taking them, you'll be back to your old unhealthy habits in no time.

Recommendation: Since it's so difficult to stay with this plan indefinitely, the Slim Fast diet is best for people who only need to lose a few pounds. If you have a lot of weight to lose, you could use this diet as a starting point for some quick weight loss, then move on to food-based plan to help you continue to shed a pound or two a week.

Every time you turn around, there's a new diet book on the market. It can be hard to choose the one that's best for you. While you're checking out the latest weight loss miracle, remember that long-term weight loss requires a change in your eating habits that you can live with for life. - 17269

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Feed Your Muscles and Starve Your Fat

By Victoria Jamison

When it comes to fitness and weight loss, one of the most difficult things to do is eat so you lose fat without shedding muscle. There are a few things you can do to help make this possible.

Eat More Than You Think You Should

I know, you think I'm crazy. How can you lose weight by adding more food. I should be more specific. Eat more often, not necessarily more food. It's very important to give your body protein periodically throughout the day.

When you go for a long period of time, your body kind of freaks out. The next time you eat, your body will think that meals are going to come few and far between, so it will store whatever it can from that meal as fat.

It's extremely important to keep your blood sugar levels .. well, level. When they fluctuate up and down, it's nearly impossible to lose fat. When you go for an extended amount of time without food, your blood sugar level drops dramatically.

Eating a giant meal (even a healthy one) will put a huge strain on your body and cause it to rush through the digestion process. When your body isn't running as efficiently, it isn't going to get everything it should out of each meal. This will cause your body to crave more food sooner than you should. I suggest you eat every 2 to 4 hours.

Clean and Lean Food

When you eat processed simple carbohydrates you cause a huge jump in your bodies insulin levels. Try to avoid foods made with white flour and sugar. Instead eat proteins that are very lean and complex carbohydrates from fresh fruits and vegetables.

Break Off the Love Affair with Sugar.

If you're not care, you'll consume more sugar than you thought you were. Why? It's hidden with all these fancy names. The next time you're doing an ingredient check, look for things like glucose, sorbitol and even lactose. They're all types of sugar.

Water, Water and more Water

You're probably sick of hearing about water, but it really is God's perfect thirst quencher. I know the people at Gatorade don't like to hear that, but water does a great job. It will also help build muscle and burn fat. If you're drinking at least 8 glasses of water per day, you're doing a lot to help your body run more efficiently. This will result in better health and a leaner body.

Be Pro Protein

Get plenty of lean protein from chicken, fish, and lean beef every day. It can be hard to eat enough through out the day so you can add peanut butter, and use protein supplements if needed. By adding plenty of protein, you are keeping your body from using its own muscle for energy and allowing you metabolism to burn at a higher rate.

Rotate Carb Amounts

You can control and adjust your insulin levels by keeping your carb content low for a couple of days at a time. Then boost them back up again to keep your body from going too far in the opposite direction. This will help accelerate your fat loss and not cause you to go carb crazy. If you're going just 2 days without, you can push through and make it. It's not like when you go on an extremely low carb diet for weeks on end.

If you have been struggling with weight loss and desire to lose fat fast then look at your carb intake and consider using "carb rotation". Soon, you'll see the results you've been seeking. - 17269

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Losing Weight After Pregnancy, How to Do it

By Ricardo d Argence

If you have just given birth and you want to lose the weight you gained while pregnant, there are a myriad of ways in which to accomplish your goal. There are untruths regarding how to drop your baby weight gain that you need to understand.

A lot of women could not deal with the cravings; this is why they put on so much weight while pregnant. You'll have to practice a lot of things to shed baby weight if you've put on an excessive number of pounds while pregnant. The only weight you are going to lose is the fluids and the baby, when you have a baby. This can be up to 15 to 20 pounds but the rest is up to you.

One of the biggest myths is that you will lose your baby weight faster if you breast feed. The truth about breast feeding is that it works in one way. Breast feeding is important because the baby needs the colostrum that you will produce the first ten days after you have the baby. After that, the milk is just milk.

The nutrients and vitamins that you consume is expressed in breast milk to your child. The baby will not be getting healthy milk, in case if you are not a healthy eater. Breast feeding will result in you being hungrier as your body will need more food to supply the breast milk to the child, resulting in you not losing weight faster.

The milk on the shelves is better for a baby after it gets the colostrum because it is packed with all of the essential vitamins and minerals a baby needs. It is rare a mother's breast milk is that healthy.

Your weightloss after a pregnancy should be regarded the same as you would if you were pregnant. You need to eat a healthy diet. You will find it hard to lose weight if you are not consuming a healthy diet. In order to regain strength you should avoid all fatty foods, sweets and sugars and instead increase your intake of fruits and vegetables majorly. Because you lose fluids when you are pregnant you should consume a lot of water.

After a pregnancy the body is working to get back to normal. Your hormones will be all out of whack and you may be extremely emotional. It is the best time to lose your baby weight. The next six weeks is the most important and the best time to lose the weight quickly.

During pregnancy walking is great exercise, but once the baby is born you should move up to an aerobic exercise routine. This will help you to produce sweat and start shedding off your weight.

The best thing that you can do is aerobic exercise and run. Running is the one exercise that will help you lose the baby weight quickly and restore your body back to normal. Also, exercise works well to help your hormones remain normal and not send you into a depression. That is because getting plenty of exercise stimulates the hormones in your brain that make you happy. - 17269

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Ab Machines Don't Burn Belly Fat

By Ricardo d Argence

Have you ever seen an infomercial for an ab machine? They will always have a guy with 6 pack abs, or a woman with a model figure demonstrating the machine. They won't show a full figured person working the machine, because the infomercial is psychologically placing the idea in your head that if you buy the machine and use it, you will look like the people demonstrating the machine. They will always end the infomercial with testimonials from people who have lost weight, and swear by the product.

I do not doubt that these persons lose weight with ab machines. Even though an ab machine will burn up some calories, I would be they were doing more than just using an ab machine. Those people were active and most likely ran and did cardio. Most likely the have changed their eating habits too.

Ab machines will build muscle in the abdominal area, and they are great for burning calories. But this doesn't mean that you can eat anything you want, as much as you want, anytime you want.

It's true that ab equipment can cause muscle to amass in the midsection, yet a poor diet will lead to fat deposits over these muscles! Think of a Sumo wrestler: great muscles, completely covered with fat. They adhere to disciplined workout and diet habits to burn off the fat deposits on the muscle.

Exercise and mental attitude are one part of the equation to losing belly fat. Another part that is just as important is proper diet.

Avoid eating food just prior to sleeping because fat accumulates in the body, while you are dozing. It's a proven fact that eating a big breakfast and a reasonable lunch and supper will help keep your waistline slender. Mostly because after they are finished eating in the morning they will burn more calories throughout the day.

Food items that contain a lot of calories and that you should avoid include anything fried, along with carbonated drinks, and sweets. You can replace lots of unhealthy snacks with vegetables. Simultaneously you will be having more energy and consuming less calories.

I want to stress that it is perfectly okay to work the abdominal muscles with the ab machines. I just want people to also have realistic expectations. You should know that ab machines alone cannot and will not trim your waistline, but all the major muscles of the body should be given a work out every now and then. You need a good balance of proper exercise and diet to burn belly fat. - 17269

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Which Vitamin Store To Shop

By Jerry Turley

Vitamins played a vital role in making people healthy. Unless the body have definite amount of vitamins in a human body, it starts weakening and results in many diseases. As a remedial measure, just consume vitamin tablets. Different varieties of vitamin tablets are available in the real and virtual markets these days. No need to intake all types of vitamin tablets by an individual, just find out the deficiency and start using it. The high cost of the vitamin tablets can be reduced to a large extend while buying vitamins online. Along with vitamin tablets different types of apparels and appliances are available for men, women, kids and even babies from online vitamin shops.

Nutritious food and brew played a vital role in the health and beauty of individuals. All individuals must have a definite level of vitamin, minerals and proteins in their body. Deficiencies in the food level can be controlled largely with vitamin tablets and their supplements. In normal circumstances you have to pay huge amount for the vitamin tablets. While purchasing vitamin tablets from online stores, one can save lots of bucks. Vitamin coupon codes is one of the best ways of reducing cost of vitamin tablets.

Use vitamin Shoppe coupons for online discounts. Just enter the Vitamin Shoppe coupon code in different online vitamins shops. The discount amount offered, expiring date and coupon code are available in the website. Mostly the vitamin shopped coupon codes will decrease the price of first time customers only. Before buying products from online vitamin shops make sure you know all the terms and conditions.

You can know more about the healthy tips, compare price and gain wellness by reading different articles and comparing prices of different tablets available in the online shops. Almost all types of capsules and detailed description are included in the websites for the people who are interested in buying vitamins online. Customers from any corner of the world can buy vitamins from the online shops.

A well-established vitamin site offers you more than 20,000 varieties of vitamin tablets. All the world class brands of vitamin tablets are available in these online shops. Before buying the vitamin tablet everyone must consult their physicians. They will give you more details and good instructions regarding the purchase of vitamin tablets. Burt's Bees, Twinlab, Jason, Nature's Way, Met-Rx, Cytosport, Source Naturals, Natrol, Solaray, etc. are some of the well known brands of vitamin tablets and other supplements.

Sports personalities include lots of nutrition like vitamins and protein in their food. Best solutions for them are included in the online shops. Different types of vitamin tablets for them are available with them. - 17269

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Ways To Lose Baby Weight And Keep It Off

By Christine G. Shannon

Most new mothers are interested in post-pregnancy diets and this applies whether they had a normal birth or a cesarean and whether or not they are breastfeeding. Perhaps you are concerned about the weight gain you experienced during pregnancy. You might wonder what happened to the shape you used to be but not know what diet to follow or which exercises to do in order to get it back.

Everyone is full of advice on the subject. However, you will find out, most physicians want you to consult them first for your health, as well as your baby's. Weight loss after having a baby is going to be based on your specific needs, offering you a variety of choices and scheduled throughout the day. A new mother may be too stressed out to listen, but if they need to take off excess weight, the best advice is to relax and follow advice given to you.

After pregnancy weight loss diets should always consider the hormones that are involved with pregnancy and postpartum to work effectively. This is true of any worthwhile weight loss program. You want a program that will help you learn how to burn fat while keeping your energy. All mothers know that trying to keep up with children can be taxing as well as enjoyable. To do this properly you must gain and maintain good health and wellbeing.

A great baby fat loss program involves following a sensible, no nonsense diet that takes your needs and personal preferences into account. This will help you shed those pounds reasonably. For the best long term results, you want to diet in a healthy manner. Besides, it is rare to keep weight off once it is lost when it is shed to fast. Very often it can also lead to other types of problems.

You cannot simply starve yourself to lose pregnancy weight as this is unhealthy and leads to malnutrition. It also leaves you feeling miserably stressed and edgy. Not something a nurturing mother needs. Proper dieting takes time and patience. You must commit yourself to losing weight properly after having your baby.

Since your body has undergone such a change in the past months, your joints have had to adjust to the extra pregnancy weight. It takes time for everything to get back to its natural state. In order to lose that weight you will need to know what to eat and when to eat it. You want to activate your metabolism in order to burn and reduce fat. When you find the diet that offers you the healthiest result you will know that you have found the best.

Every new mother is different so a diet might work very well for one but not at all for another. If you are a new mother and you want to lose your baby fat, you are not alone. Almost all new mothers feel this way and are looking for the best pregnancy diet advice.

It is possible to get your pre-pregnancy body back as long as you allow time and find a good diet. Losing baby fat is something that you can do and the Fat Loss 4 Idiots diet has worked for many new mothers. Check out at the link below! - 17269

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Cilantro A Tonic With Many Benefits

By George B. Siba

Cilantro is a popular Mediterranean herb used in cooking and an effective tonic with many benefits. Cilantro is a leafy green herb is used in many of the worlds cuisines, the seeds are known as coriander. Cilantro leaves are similar to parsley leaves, but lighter green and more aromatic.

Cilantro is a perennial herb with tender green fruits, which have a sweet-smelling aroma. They turn a brownish yellow when ripe. Cilantro flourishes in black soil and arid regions like the Mediterranean.

You can find cilantro in Indian, Mexican, Chinese and even your local grocery stores. Cilantro leaves contain protein, fat, minerals, fiber, carbohydrates, and water. The juice is rich with vitamin A, B1, B2, C, calcium, phosphorus, iron, carotene, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, sodium, potassium, and oxalic acid.

The leaves work as stimulants and tonics. They are often used to strengthen the stomach and support digestion, boost secretion and discharge of urine and help in the removal of phlegm. Cilantro leaves act as an aphrodisiac, the seeds decrease fever, and give a feeling of coolness.

Dry Cilantro is used to treat diarrhea. The seeds are acknowledged to ease excessive menstrual flow. An effective remedy for pimples is to mix a teaspoon of coriander juice with a pinch of turmeric powder. The blend should be applied to the face after washing every night before going to bed.

Cilantro water is used to help lower blood cholesterol. Boil the dry coriander seeds and strain them after cooling. It makes a descent tasting tea. Traditionally, freshly dried cilantro has been made into an eye-wash, and used in treating the burning and pain of conjunctivitis.

The leaves and soft stems of coriander plants are used in chutneys, sauces, curries and soups. The oil is used for flavoring and in medicine. Dried coriander is an important ingredient of curry powder and is also used in pickling spices, seasoning, and for flavoring spirits, for the most part, gin. Dry coriander should be used in moderation by people with bronchial asthma and chronic bronchitis.

Chutney is a variety of sweet and spicy condiments, usually involving a fresh, chopped primary vegetable or fruit with added seasonings.

To make a cilantro chutney, start with a bunch of fresh cilantro leaves, wash well and cut off any hard stems, keep the soft ones. Puree with 1-2 cloves of peeled garlic, and 1 green chilli or de-seeded jalopeno. Puree until smooth. Add salt and the juice of half a lemon. Serve immediately or refrigerate until needed. This recipe has many variations; this is one of the simplest.

Taking into account its healing properties, its no surprise coriander is frequently used both internally and externally. - 17269

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Should you take probiotics.

By Collin James

If you know what probiotics are all about and understand the benefits behind them, you might be more inclined to take advantage of the free sample offered to new customers of Probiotics Complete.

The bases of a probiotics diet.

Probiotics are small organisms that help maintain the natural balance of other organisms in the intestines. Probiotics may be a safe and natural approach that helps curb the population of unwanted bacteria that cause microbial infections. The largest group of probiotic bacteria in the intestine is lactic acid bacteria. Research indicates probiotics will help reduce:

* Bloating and diarrhea cause by lactose intolerance.

* helps to eliminate symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome

Using probiotics can increase the beneficial bacteria that will help stop you from getting urinary tract infections, yeast infections and other infections as well.

The average person who eats average meals can carry up to 20 pounds of extra weight just in there colons alone. Using Probiotics Complete can remove all that build up in just a few short weeks. - 17269

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Product Review of Sanyo DR6700 Massage Chair Recliner

By Steve Esquire

There are many massage chairs on the market today and you have more choices on the types of features and functions. We will provide a product review of the Sanyo DR 6700K massage chair. This is a higher end massage chair from Sanyo. Our product review will cover the more important features of the massage recliner. We will also touch on the warranty included with the Sanyo DR 6700 massage recliner.

Warranty is the first thing we want to cover and get out of the way. We are amazed at the pace in which features and functions are being added to massage chair. On the flip side of this we also advise our customers to make sure they get sufficient warranty coverage for their long term protection.

The warranty coverage of the Sanyo DR 6700K is 3 years on the roller mechanism. The roller mechanism is contained in the chair back and is responsible for providing the massage therapy for your back, neck and shoulders. Parts and Labor are both covered for 1 year for the rest of the massage chair. Sanyo also gives you 1 year of in home technician service. That means a qualified technician will come to your house and repair the massage chair.

The Sanyo 6700 is equipped with automatic programs that run the entire massage functions of the chair. These start at the touch of a button. There are 4 of these programs. Each of them targets certain situations of which they are named. The categories they have labeled are Stiffness, Fine, Relax and Recovery.

Manual massage techniques are also available in the DR6700. These manual treatments use one particular technique like kneading which can then be used to cover a particular spot or region of the body. These techniques are great where you want a specific type of relief. The other manual massage techniques include Shiatsu, Grip, Kneading, Tapping and Combination Kneading/Tapping.

When in manual mode, you can select many different options to suit your needs at that moment. You can adjust the intensity of the massage to be more or less penetrating. You can adjust the width of the rollers for certain manual massages. This lets you get more around the spine or you can get a wider coverage to get the shoulders.

Another great set of functions has to do where you can select the area of the back to be massaged. This is known as manual massage courses. These courses focus on a particular region of the back, like the lower back. Just select the manual massage technique and then the area you want it to focus. The massage then will use that technique in the area selected for the amount of time shown on the timer.

One of the interesting electronic features put into the Sanyo Dr-6700 is called the Stiffness Detector. The Stiffness Detector measures your perspiration level and monitors your pulse rate, but it doesn't check if you are lying! The information is then read by the on-board computer and the massage program will target areas of higher tension.

Need a good lower body massage? This Sanyo model comes equipped with an air compression massage system for the lower body. A compression massage uses a squeezing action to relieve tired, aching muscles. The air compression massage targets the legs, calves and feet. They have also integrated a heater to warm the bottoms of your feet.

The Sanyo DR6700K is a luxury massage chair. It has many of the same features as the highest model the DR7700K. The specialized GK rollers provide an excellent over the shoulder massage which is unique to the Sanyo line. There are also interesting features like the stiffness detector to automatically locate and target areas of tension in your body. The warranty coverage is good for this model. This is a solid massage chair recliner and definitely worthy of your consideration for your massage therapy needs. - 17269

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A Guide To Banana Calories

By Rachel Greene

Bananas are one of the most popular foods all over the world. They are also one of the easiest to eat, especially if you are watching your diet, as you can carry them around with you until you want to eat them quite easily.

As with all fruits, bananas are good for you on a general health basis. The actual calories in a banana can vary widely as this fruit can range from the tiny to the outsized. But, in very general terms you can expect anything between 70 calories for a small banana through to +/-140 for a particularly large specimen.

Calorie counting your banana can be an important thing to do if you are watching your overall health or if you are on a diet. As a particularly popular fruit many people want to know the impact that eating bananas will have on their diet. So, what can a banana give you apart from 70-140 calories?

Bananas are actually a very rich source of vitamins and minerals. They are, for example, great at boosting your potassium levels and are a good source of calcium, magnesium, fiber, protein and healthy carbohydrates. One of the great things about eating a banana as a snack is that it can take a while for the body to absorb its nutrients which simply means, if you are on a diet, that it can leave you feeling fuller for longer.

In vitamin terms the average banana also gives you plenty of vitamins A, B and C in various forms. They are also low in sodium which is, once again, great news in healthy eating terms. You could almost say that eating one banana gives you access to as many good things as a meal!

The fact that bananas are absorbed relatively slowly also means that they can give you a steady and consistent release of energy after you have eaten them. For this reason they are often the favored fruit of athletes looking for a quick energy surge followed by a long lasting energy boost.

You may also find that bananas also have other health benefits as well as healthy eating ones. Their high potassium content, for example, can be beneficial to your blood pressure and to your overall cardio vascular health. Their fiber content is also thought to work against heart diseases. And, many sufferers from ulcers and related stomach disorders find that they can tolerate bananas over most any other fruits.

So, this fruit could be the ideal health solution for people of all ages. Bananas are also great for children (and adults) as their calcium content helps promote the growth of healthy bones.

And, in the general scheme of things we should all be looking to eat at least five portions of fruit and vegetables a day to stay healthy. Bananas are often the easiest option for us here and they also go great with breakfast cereals and other meals so can be relatively versatile. So, next time you need to reach for an energy snack reach for a banana! - 17269

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