Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Thursday, April 9, 2009

The Firm Wave A Great New Piece Of Workout Equipment

By Carol J Bartram

The Firm Wave is a new piece of exercise equipment which is equally at home in the user's front room or in the aerobics studio of a gym. The design of the Firm Wave is straightforward and well-thought-out, as it can be used both sides up; one side being firm and the other side rocking w

The Firm Wave comes with some bands which you can attach to either side to allow yourself to do lots of different exercises for toning your arms, legs, chest and shoulders. Using the Wave without the bands gives good fat-burning cardio exercise to work your lungs and heart. The Wave is also great doing stability and balancing exercises on; you can even do Pilates on the Wave.

In the gym, several machines that would be required to achieve this level of workout as the best functional workouts are made up of a mixture of cardiovascular exercise, muscle toning exercise and stretching and core strengthening exercises. The Firm Wave can do all this in just one small package! Whether you're a seasoned exerciser or just beginning; whether you are young or more senior, the Firm Wave has a level of exercise that is suitable for you.

The curved side of the Firm Wave is stable and does not move when you stand on it. This means that you can do lots of exercises just by stepping onto it and stepping back down again, if you're a beginner. This in itself is good exercise for raising your heart rate and working your hips and legs; as you progress you can step and kick, or lift your knees, or step from side to side over the Wave, which uses your inside and outside leg muscles as well.

And that's just the stable side of the Firm Wave; turn your Wave over and it rocks, giving a whole new meaning to Riding the Wave! To balance while this side rocks you will use lots of muscles deep within your body that you never knew you had. This makes your workout challenging, fun, burns lots more calories and is very good for improving your balance in the everyday world. Whether you are young or old you will notice the difference that the Firm Wave can make for you! - 17269

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Advanced Wellness Research Trial

By Linda Kemp

If you suffer from chronic health problems then you might be wondering if there's a natural supplement that you can take in order to make yourself more comfortable, better able to take advantage of the opportunities that your life provides, and possibly even put those health issues behind you. The good news is that there is a new super food that can improve your chronic health condition no matter what it is! This food comes from the acai palm of Brazil and it's a fruit that looks a lot like a normal blueberry. The fact of the matter though is that the acai berry packs in a lot more minerals, antioxidants, and other beneficial substances than any berry that you're likely to find growing in the United States! The acai berry is special because it has the ideal combination of the essential things that the human body needs, not only to survive, but also to perform at its bests! This miracle food essentially lets the body work like it's supposed to so that you can enjoy the life that you're supposed to live!

Of course the acai berry isn't really a new discovery. In fact, the natives of the Amazon river basin of Brazil have been enjoying the benefits of this fruit for thousands of years! What is new about the acai berry though is that it's now available in this country in the form of a nutritional supplement that concentrates all of its positive benefits into a single easy and convenient dose called Pure Acai Berry! With Pure Acai Berry, you can get all of the advantages of the fruit of the acai palm without having to worry about the details of shipping, storage, spoilage, and all of the other issues that come from dealing with fresh fruit. Especially fresh fruit that's shipped all the way from South America!

So what kinds of health problems can the acai berry help with? The answer is that no matter what health problem you have, there's a good chance that adding Pure Acai Berry to your diet will provide you with an improved quality of life! For example, the powerful antioxidants and nutrients of this supplement will help your skin look better, your heart to function better, your blood pressure to go down, and your brain to function better. You'll even find that you have improved memory and concentration thanks to this product! Plus you'll have improved quality of sleep. You'll have fewer aches and pains which is a real relief for anyone who suffers from arthritis. You'll also find that you have more energy and will be able to regulate your weight more effectively! Even your liver and kidneys will do a better job of flushing all of the toxins out of your body!

The great thing about using the acai berry is that it allows you to do so much more with your life! For example, if you have more energy, get better sleep, and have a clearer mind then you can jump into life with more passion, attention, and dedication! More energy will also mean that getting the lean, athletic look that you've always wanted will be easier and more gratifying. Fewer aches and pains- as well as quicker recovery from injuries- will translate into a greater passion for getting out into the world as well. Even your libido will improve with the help of the acai berry!

With all of these health benefits, you'll definitely find relief from your health problems with the help of the acai berry! - 17269

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Ab Workouts - Changing Your Body In 30 Days

By Jose Loni

Are ab workouts essential to a 30-day transformation of our abs? No, ab workouts don't play an important role in this 30-day transformation, but fat loss does and proper nutrition and exercise are the major players in removing the unwanted extra fats covering up our abdominals.

Proper nutrition means eating the right foods at the right times. Having 5-6 small meals a day help our metabolism stay revved up because of the need to constantly digest food. The frequency of food intake will also mean less hunger and, therefore, less bingeing especially on unnecessary calories.

The next thing to do is eat better foods. Avoiding fast food, sweet desserts, soda, pasta, white bread, fructose, corn syrup and hydrogenated oils is key to this diet. When you are not adding to your fat stores, which these foods will do, you will be on your way to successful fat loss.

Filling up with good foods instead, like whole grain breads, proteins like fish, lean meats, chicken, peanut butter, eggs, nuts, veggies, olive oils and fruits don't add to your fat stores and help you feel full longer, which lessens your cravings for junky snack foods.

Now that you know which foods add to your fat stores and which don't, you can start burning off whatever excess fat is in your body at the moment through exercise. Achieving this balance is important to fat loss and the revelation of six pack abs.

Putting together a program that mixes resistance and high intensity training along with cardio sessions is the ultimate ab workout routine. Training in cardio and high intensity bursts is a sure way to jumpstart our metabolism, which is the main factor in maximized fat burning.

Training muscles to be more active leads to more calories burned not just during the resistance training session, but also even when our body isn't being active. That's why having more muscles is such a great way to get to our goal - we get double the value for doing a single type of exercise.

To sum it up, a 30-day transformation is very attainable without doing the isolated ab workouts. Just remember that fat loss is the most important factor to this 30-day transformation. With proper nutrition and smart exercise guidelines, we can discipline ourselves to a 30-day transformation that will reveal those impressive-looking six pack abs! - 17269

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Fitness Infos - Weight Loss: Why Exercise Is Important

By Marius Hagen

If you are, you may be in the process of developing a weight loss plan for yourself. For many individuals, a weight loss plan is a guide that they can follow and one that may help to give them motivation. If this is your first time developing a weight loss plan for yourself, it is important that you place a focus on exercise, as exercise is important component of weight loss.

Although it is nice to hear that exercise is an important part of a weight loss plan, you may be wondering exactly why that is. For your body to lose weight, you must see a reduction in your calorie intake. The amount of calories that you need to reduce, in order to lose weight, will all depend on your current weight and your hopeful weight loss goal. Unfortunately, this is where many individuals automatically adopt that they can?t take three meals a day and many actually just stop eating. This is not only chanceful to your health, but it can be deadly.

Instead of reducing your calorie intake by solely limiting the amount of foods that you eat, you can use exercise to your advantage. By exercising, you burn off calories. These are calories in which your body can use to help you lose weight. If you have a specific weight loss goal, like one that involves losing at least twenty pounds, you may want to focus on fun exercises or workouts, but also ones that burn the most calories. Adding exercise to your weight loss plan is a natural and a healthy way to lose weight.

Since it is important to incorporate to exercise into your weight loss plan, you may be wondering how you can go about doing so. In all honestly, there are an unlimited number of ways that you can go about using exercise to help you lose weight. For starters, you can buy a collection, even just a small collection, of exercise equipment. Exercise equipment can include items such as exercise balls, weights, a treadmill, a stair climber, and so forth. Even if you have limited financial resources, you should be healthy to find a number of exercise equipment pieces that are within your budget.

Although you should be healthy to find a number of exercise equipment pieces, including instructional workout DVDs, for inexpensive prices, you may be looking to limit your weight loss plan investments. If that is the case, you may want to take the time to examine your local gyms or fitness clubs. While some fitness clubs and gyms have relatively high membership fees, you can also find a number of them with inexpensive membership rates. It is also important to mention that many fitness clubs and gyms are open accommodating hours, often making it cushy to exercise before work, after work, or even during a lunch break of yours.

Despite the fact that exercise is often associated with exercise equipment, like a treadmill, that is not all that exercise is about. Exercise can also involve something simple like going for a achievement or taking the stairs instead of the elevator at work. If you would prefer to exercise, for free, in your spare time, you may want to consider finding an exercise buddy. This is a mortal who can workout with you, even if it just involves travel around your local shopping mall. Not only can you make a new friend or strengthen your relationship with one of your current friends, having an exercise buddy or an exercise partners often means that you are more likely to stick with your weight loss plan and achieve your weight loss goals.

As outlined above, it is extremely important that you incorporate exercise into your weight loss plan, especially if you are serious about losing weight and wish to do so in a healthy matter. With multiple ways to go about incorporating exercise into your weight loss plan, there really isn?t any excuse for not doing so. - 17269

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What Are The Benefits of Bananas?

By Rachel Greene

To put it quite simply, bananas, like any fruit, are good for you. Fruits and vegetables should play a daily part of your everyday healthy eating routine as a whole as they are a good source of vitamins, minerals and a load of other good stuff that can help keep you fit and healthy.

Bananas, however, stand head and shoulders above many other fruits when it comes to nutritional value. The benefits of eating a banana when you need a snack are therefore varied. So what kind of benefits will a banana give you?

#1 Vitamins and minerals -- bananas are a good source of vitamins A, B and C as well as potassium and magnesium.

#2 Fiber -- bananas are also rich in fiber and as such can help boost your overall general health. They are also easily digested which can help if you are trying to start eating again after a stomach upset or if you have ulcer problems.

#3 Health benefits -- bananas are incredibly high in potassium content which is held to help with problems with blood pressure and heart disease, for example. Potassium can also help alleviate the symptoms of exercise such as muscle spasms and cramps which is one reason why many athletes choose this fruit as a snack before or after training.

#4 Calcium -- the calcium content in bananas can help to increase the chances of healthy bone growth which makes them a good choice for children which is useful given how popular they are as a fruit with most kids. #5 Sodium content -- bananas have a relatively low sodium content so cannot cause any problems here.

#6 Sugar/energy -- bananas are packed full of natural sugars and energy which is another one of the reasons why they are so popular as a snack with professional athletes. A quick snack of a banana can give you an immediate sugar rush/energy boost that is healthy. Then as the banana is absorbed by your body you will be given a slow release of energy over a consistent period of time.

#7 Diet benefits -- bananas are quite filling and, if taken with a small glass of water, can actually leave you feeling quite full for a relatively long period of time making them the ideal diet snack. The slow release of energy here can also help you avoid having sugar cravings into the bargain.

Some people prefer to eat their bananas when they are quite ripe as this is supposed to be the point when a banana gives the best health benefits however this fruit will always be a good option for you.

Some people also think that bananas can have specific positive effects on your mental health as well as the physical benefits already discussed here. These claims are based on the fact that bananas are also a source of substances such as serotonin. These substances can help reduce the symptoms of depression and can simply make you feel better. - 17269

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Know The Origin Of Acai Berry And Its Uses

By Terry Rossi

Obtained from an Amazon rainforest tree, acai berries have been considered recently as the most nutritious foods existing. The berries have numerous benefits to the human body including aiding in clearing the digestive system, providing immense energy to the body as well as removing toxins that might be harmful to the body. Acai berries are also believed to relive pain from joints, protect the body against infections, protect the body against heart diseases and also act wonderfully in weight loss. The berries contain some vital minerals for the body; for instance proteins, oils, Omega 3, 6, and 9. Although it may not taste great, it has wonderful effects in your body.

Acai products have since gained popularity among people wishing to shed down some pounds of weight. The products provide you with an easy way of losing weight without much trouble, not to mention that the results are after a very short time. According to a recent research, acai berries contain very essential components such as minerals, vitamins, fibers as well as acids. It works efficient to weight losing individuals since it has a way of increasing the rate of metabolism in your body. The products do not usually have any negative effects to the body. Besides aiding in weight loss, acai has an added benefit in the body; in that it provides the body with necessary minerals.

The Acai berry also acts as an antioxidant. These antioxidant properties cleanse the body by removing toxins that have accumulated in the body over time mostly due to unhealthy eating habits. Products to clean the colon are nowadays also being made from the Acai berry. When on the Acai berry diet, one is advised to embrace healthy eating habits and combine this with regular exercise for optimum results.

The acai berry has been used to make many products that are used as a source of energy i.e. energy giving food and as part of a weight loss diet. The acai berry pills are regularly used as a diet supplement. The acai berry is an excellent replacement to red wine because it contains high concentrations of the anthocyanin component that makes drinking a glass of red wine daily healthy without the alcohol. Products made from the acai berry include the acai burn, the acai berry detox, UltraPrime acai, white tea acai among others. Resources and details of how you can gain access to these products are available online. - 17269

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Benefits of Organic Foods

By Amy White

This article has been written due to comprehensive case study. Hopefully it will help you a lot.

Anyone aware of the of chemicals included in exceedingly processed food is aware of the importance and the benefits of organic foods in the first place. By the difference between conventional and organic food, we don't necessarily imply the one between an apple grown organically and another regular one. We must actually stress out the health benefits of organic foods first and foremost.

Organic food represents part of the recommended diet for people who suffer from various chronic conditions like cancer for instance. Even if the nutritional value is not that different between the two trends, the use of chemicals, hormones and pesticides in the production of non-organic foods has an impact on the positive qualities of the product in the first place. Lots of consumer analyses do not insist on the difference in nutrients value, although there are studies that indicate superior characteristics and more benefits of organic foods in the first place.

It seems that among the benefits of organic foods we ought to let in more vitamin C, higher levels of trace minerals and plenty of anti-oxidant nutrients. A made by the US Department of Agriculture shows that a significant decline has been registered in the level of minerals of the non-organic crops since 1940. The fact that nowadays we store food extensively and we treat and process the products so much contributes to an alteration of the nutritional value.

The higher content of dry matter is one other of the benefits of organic foods. To make this clear, we have to look at the fact that the use of the artificial fertilizers causes the fruits or vegetables to retain more water and thus swell. Thus, a non-organic apple gives less food than an organic one. Nevertheless, besides the different amounts of nutrients, more advantages of organic food can be identified.

First of all, virtually no pesticide residues can be traced in organic products. Even if conventional food producers claim that pesticides are no threat to human health, one doesn't have to be an expert to know that the consumption of anything chemical cannot help or be 100% safe for the system. The benefits of organic foods are over-emphasized at present, with more and more consumers choosing them instead of conventional foods. In time this preference will definitely trigger a reorientation of the market and even a reformulation of the standards that define organic food in the first place.

Find what you were looking for? I hope this article provided good information. - 17269

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Flatter Abs - Eat Wisely

By Dan Solaris

A huge portion of the populations in the U.S. and the rest of the western world are suffering from obesity and oversized bellies. We can all point accusing fingers at the hectic and unhealthy lifestyles we have. Technology has allowed the food industries to efficiently flood the market with calorie-rich delicious food that's available to us in a snap.

The most common mistake dieters make is to try to lose weight and get flatter abs by drastically changing their eating habits, trying to cut down calorie intake. Although this method will initially result in weight-loss, not all of it can be attributed to lost body fat.

The human body has an energy conservation feature that actually works against fat-loss when we cut back on food intake by skipping meals. Out metabolism slows down considerably when our body senses there's no food coming in and this means lesser calories burned from fat. Worse, glycogen stores are used-up in place of body fat for energy resulting in lost muscle tissue.

Loss of muscle tissue will inhibit the body's calorie-burning capabilities and this will deter efforts at fat-loss and flatter abs, of course. Muscles actually burn calories just being there unlike fat which only serves to cover-up the contours of the abdominal muscle.

Muscle tissue is also denser than fat- this means it's heavier per volume. Losing muscle as a result of cutting back on food intake can be deceiving because it will seem like you've lost weight from body fat.

Choosing the foods where your calorie intake comes from will yield better results than trying to lose weight by letting going hungry. A diet rich in fiber and folic acid from fruits and vegetables as well as the right amounts of protein and even fat is effective in maintaining a proper metabolism and flatter abs.

Replacing candy and chips with healthier nuts and fruit will let you lose weight without having to eat less. Exercises geared towards fast body fat burn can help even more in paving the way for overweight people to get flatter abs.

Augmenting aerobic workouts with resistance training can also develop skeletal muscle as well as help burn fat faster. Aside from giving you a sexier physique, building muscles will heighten the body's metabolic rate- making it easier to fry calories, fight flab and get flatter abs. - 17269

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Tips On How To Gain Muscle Mass

By James Sloan

If you are in search for effective methods to gain weight build muscle then you are in the right place. As I continue with an explanation of these methods, be sure to keep in mind that the goal here is to build lean muscles.

To start off, you should get used to working out your legs if you're one who dislikes them in the first place. Many athletic researches proves that full body workouts presents MORE effective results than split body workouts. For those unfamiliar with it, split body workouts are where you just work one part of your body during a workout.

Higher testosterone levels are proven to have been stimulated by full body workouts. And we all know how much we need that testosterone for building muscle!

The reason behind working out is to break down our muscle fibers. The more we break down the better they will rebuild themselves stronger and larger. With that, you need to use a 4 second cadence when lifting weights. A cadence is the amount of time it takes you to lift and lower the weight during a single repetition.

It should take you both 4 seconds to lift the weight and another 4 seconds to lower it back to the starting position. In here there is maximum tearing of muscle. Now, the whole muscle rebuilding process begins by breaking down your muscles by lifting weights. With that, make the most of out of your efforts. And keep in mind to get yourself lots of protein after your workouts.

Protein is necessary to gain weight, build muscle. Easy as that. To have a burning passion to achieve your ideal body type is a must. If you are without passion, might as well start nurturing it. What would it be like to have the exact body that you long for? Visualize it. Take the time to feel that passion and emotion in your gut. Feed that passion as it grows.

Feels good, doesn't it? That kind of passion brings your dreams into a reality. You must learn to take care of yourself first before giving more attention to other things in your life. With that desire, you will have that ripped, toned, body that you've always wanted. It takes lesser time as you might think. Once you are committed into doing the work, you will get such outcomes. - 17269

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ApplyTony Horton's "muscle confusion" Concept to Stay in Shape

By Jaylen Derell

There are more than enough infomercials out on the television that try and advertise their home fitness program. Yet, you won't find one like P90 X. In 90 days, your body will have transformed in something more than you ever expected. This program contains 12 home workout DVDs that will challenge you intensely within those 90 days. The best thing about P90 X is it's concept of muscle confusion.

Have you ever started one exercise and got a quick result at first, but then after a while it just stopped? Your body was working any harder after a while. Your body was no longer being challenged by the exercise you were performing.

When you use P90 X your body is being constantly challenged to push harder which is called Tony Horton's "muscle confusion" concept. The first DVD may have you doing one thing while the second disk may be something completely different. P90 x doesn't want your body to get so familiar with the exercise that it'll result in a plateau effect.

This home fitness workout program is also more affordable than its competitors in some perspectives. The reason is because you have less equipment needed to buy with it. Other programs have you buying tons of equipment to go with their videos just to get the full result.

You wouldn't believe all the things you could find out about this program. The information on P90 X can be found right here! Do you have some concerns about this new product? That's okay! We make it a priority to make sure you get all the necessary information you may need by also having reviews available for you to read. Now, you can discover all of the different opinions of various people to help you decide whether you want to invest your money or not into this program.

You finally decide that you are going to invest you money into this program. You save tons of money just by using the site where you'll discover all the amazing sales that we present to you. Save even more money when you see the sales on the workout equipment.

There's also a ton of different articles that concern the P90 X workout program that you can read about. You always want to be informed about something before putting in time and money right? This site can make it happen for you. It's our goal to keep you more informed. - 17269

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How Super Foods Can Kick Start Healthy Eating

By Pat Johnson

As you begin your journey to eat more healthily, a great first step is to make things simple. You can do this by eating fruits and vegetables for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Eating fruits and vegetables is a nice way to begin to be a raw foodie because eating them is already in a normal diet, you simply increase your consumption of fruits and vegetables to really make things raw . Also drink plenty of water before and especially between meals. Drink water as much as possible, it is not only good for you, but it will make you feel less hungry.

One of my super food favorites is Raw Cacao Nibs. Raw Cacao Nibs in chocolate form are loaded with a large number of super-nutrients. These include magnesium, MAO inhibitors, anandamine and phenylethylamine,

Eating foods low in calories for maximum nutrition is a must for any weight loss program. A delicious blueberry super food smoothie can be added to your breakfast. Its sweet, spicy blueberries contain anti-inflammatory ingredients, plus folic acid and vitamin K, vitamin C, vitamin A, potassium, calcium and magnesium.

Another popular choice is to increase your amount of citrus. These foods include limes, lemons, grapefruit, tangerines and oranges. To get the most benefit from them, you need to eat them all by themselves. Do not try to cut them and use them for a marinade because you will lose the benefits of burning calories. In addition, do not take mistake that their juice form will work as well. Most juices bought at the store are filled with preservatives that negate the calorie burning benefits.

The acai is a member of the genus "Euterpe". This is a small tropical fruit from Central and South America. Growing mainly in floodplains and wetlands, it was not until around a decade ago that people became aware of the long-kept secret lands of Brazil, which has been proven to fight against diseases and illness. While much of the examples are mostly anecdotal it is still exciting to thing about. Many swear by its ability to heal and make you healthy and strong once again.

Some time ago, few people know about the wonders of these super foods, but now they are easily accessible. You can get them in various forms such as fruit juices, pasta, smoothies, and even dried powder and tablets. Choose how you want to eat them and get one for you. You will not regret it. - 17269

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Fat Loss Exercise - Program Design

By Jose Loni

The program design of a fat loss exercise program need to be considered. Not all exercise programs are the same; you need to find one that works for you. Weight training and interval training are great fat loss exercise techniques that will give you great results.

We need to have a schedule of exercise that will give us the results that we want. Sometimes we train and still don't have effective results. We need to look at what method works and it's not necessarily what you do, but rather how you do it, in order to get the results that you want.

Training with resistance will help increase muscle mass and boost metabolism. Weight training increases the body's post exercise metabolic rate and the body continues to burn calories even when you are not active and just resting.

Bicep curls, leg extensions, and hamstring curls are exercises that focus on a one joint motion. When you isolate the movements, you are not effectively burning much fat. Exercises that optimize more joint movements are better at burning more fat.

Using low repetitions in weight training helps increase the body's fat burning capability. Exercises that utilize multi-joint movements such as squats, split-squats, chin-ups, push ups, rows, step-ups, dead lifts and lunges work many muscles and end up burning more calories and increasing the body's post exercise metabolism.

Interval training has proven that high intensity exercise is more superior to slow, steady aerobic exercise. The quick burst of activity done at a high intensity is the best way to keep our body burning fat after the workout has ended.

During interval training, the body must quickly adapt to the decreased oxygen levels in the muscles. When the body is able, it quickly brings oxygen to the muscles, to replenish, repair and remove waste products. As a result, the muscles must increase its activity and ends up using more energy and burn more body fat.

Exercise programs need to be analyzed, so that they are giving you the fat loss results that you want. We need to find the perfect exercise program that will give you a flat stomach. Weight training and interval training are effective ways to get fat loss results fast. - 17269

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