Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Tips to Help Your Child Loose Weight

By Mae Summerville

All of us should eat a balanced diet. This is especially true for children who's bodies are still growing. For a child who has become obese, they face a whole host of physical and emotional problems. I will suggest a few things that can be done to help prevent your child from becoming an obese teenager.

Obviously physical problems pose an immediate threat to a childs health and should be addressed immediately. These include diabetes, heart problems, asthma, and even cancer. Note that many of these ailments are chronic in nature and will follow the child through the remainder of his/her life. Therefore treatment of obesity needs to occur as soon as it is evident that a child is unable to control their eating successfully.

Besides physical problems they are a host of emotional problems that accompany obesity in children. These include mental abuse in the form of taunting and teasing, or bullying as well as other emotional conditions such as depression. Children especially teens are cruel and so a child in their teens with a weight problem can expect an inordinate amount of emotional abuse. This will many times cause a child to withdraw which furthers damages their ability to develop proper social skills. It also causes anger and resentment to build up in a child and can stay with the child through the remainder of their lives.

There are things you can do to help a child lose and maintain their proper weight:

1. Plan a healthy diet for you family. Eliminate things such as fried foods from the family dinner menu. Try and grill meats so that you eliminate as much fat as possible. Use resources such as the net and nutrition books to come up with healthy, balanced meals for your family.

2. Do not overcook your meals. Use portion control to limit the amount you cook. Do not cook enough for everyone to have seconds. Be sure to incorporate plenty of vegetables in your meals. They are low in calories and many are packed with nutrition. Also be sure you look up the calories in the foods you plan to prepare prior to cooking. Over time you will become able to shop at the store and configure meals in your head that meet your calorie goals.

3. Get rid of the junk food in your house. Keep fresh fruits out for everyone to snack on. If other family members want junk food make them buy it and store it out of sight of others.

4. If needed, encourage your child to join a weight loss group tailored for children or teenagers. This will help with social development as well as helping them to loose weight. Teenagers are heavily influenced by their peer group.

5. Educate yourself in proper health and nutrition. Encourage your child to learn and be sure that you also learn everything you can in regards to dieting and weight loss.

6. Always encourage your child to exercise. Their bodies are still developing and so they need to get up and be active. Limit the amount of time they can play videos or watch TV. Try and make it a family activity to exercise daily. Be sure and tell the child that exercise will increase their metabolism and will help increase their endurance and help them lose weight.

Always use positive reinforcement to help your child lose weight. Teenagers are very impressionable and so you can and should assist them in forming a well rounded sense of themselves. Knowing that you care and are willing to actively participate in helping them loose weight will go a long way to easing or eliminating the emotional impact of being obese. - 17269

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7 Quick Tips to Kick Start Your Fat Loss Efforts

By Thong M. Dao

Do you want to lose fat? Have you tried different diets and failed consistently? If you answered yes to these questions, you are in good company. There are a lot of people who have been trying fat loss diets over the years and have failed. The reason they have not succeeded is that they used gimmicks and lose-weight-fast diets that do more damage than good. Here are some sensible things to keep in mind when you try to lose weight.

1. Nothing more than an egg yolk a day. Yolks are not such a bright idea. It would be best to reduce your intake of egg yolks to maybe three in a week. But for those of you die hard egg fans, you may have up to one a day but nothing more than that.

2. Chocolates should be treated as luxury items. Buy the good stuff and only eat them every once in a while. If you really savor each morsel, you'll experience that much more joy in eating them and they will taste even better.

3. Eat foods from all of the food groups each day. This is a great way to ensure you are getting all the nutrients your body needs and it helps to ward off any diet deficiencies. Also, don't eat the same foods all the time. Experiment so that you don't get bored with same old diet.

4. If you are able to say no to alcohol, so that's best. Alcohol beverages are not wholesome. Though a glass of red wine does give heart benefits, most are merely fattening. Beer is particularly fattening. In addition, after some drinks most folks get the munchies and whenever you are feeling a bit drunk and hungry you will not be able to make reasonable decisions considering your dieting and it is generally late at night, only before you faint from a night of drinking, that you binge. The total combination is simply not a good one.

5. Try to have breakfast within one hour of waking. It's always best to have breakfast within an hour of waking so that your body can charge itself with the energy it needs for the day. The idea is not to wait for yourself to get really hungry. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.

6. 50 to 55% of your caloric intake should be carbohydrates. It is a myth that you should try and avoid carbohydrates when you are on a diet. Rather the other way round I should say. Carbohydrates are a ready source of energy and so 50 to 55% of your diet should be carbohydrates.

7. 25 to 30% of your diet should be proteins. Various processes and activities are going on in our bodies. Things are broken down and being built up again. Resistance has to be built up, recovery from disease too is needed and for all this the body needs plenty of proteins so see to it that 25 to 30% of your diet consists of proteins. - 17269

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What Are The Benefits To Quick Weight Loss

By Ron C George

The quickest way to lose weight is through diet and exercise, period. How do you burn more calories than you take in? Starving yourself is silly because it sends your body into a low calorie burning mode, and it could cause serious health conditions.

Patience is a virtue when trying to lose weight, as with many endeavors. In the long run a smart every day diet combined with good exercise is the fastest way to lose weight. That's without the up and down effects you can experience from many fad diets.

Diet means the everyday way you eat, not a short term solution for losing weight. Foods from each food group are part of a healthy, balanced diet. From there adjust down calories at times when some weight loss is needed.

If it sounds like a daunting task consider that you likely already eat the foods necessary, just in too large quantities. For many people it's a simple matter of cutting down portion sizes to move from bad eating to good eating. Even the chocolate cake or cookies can fit into a well balanced diet, if eaten in small quantities.

The three bad white foods listed are white bread, white rice, and sugar can easily be replaced in your diet. Eating whole grain bread instead of white bread, brown rice instead of white rice, and fruits instead of sugary foods are simple changes that don't require eating much less.

The fundamentals to maintaining a healthy diet is planning. When you fail to plan you miss meals, that leads to you over indulge sort of like binge eating. So if you haven't planned you can at times find yourself at the mercy of a fast food outlet or a good friend whose cooking leaves a lot to be desired when it comes to nutritious foods. Its a good idea to plan your meals in advance, including for such occasions like parties and social gatherings after all you don't need to e locked away just because you start eating right.

It only takes a few questions to find out what's being served and plan the days other meals accordingly to not break the bank for calories. Don't let a failure bother you. Sometimes you'll eat the wrong things. But when you get bucked off get right back on. Get back to the diet.

As for exercise perform 30 minutes of aerobic exercise seven days a week. That's the goal, don't worry if you miss a day here or there. Consider adding additional exercise to your daily routine such as parking your vehicle further from the office or store so you can have a little walk, or taking stairs to the office inplace of the elevator.

Simple math is good diet plus exercise equals the quickest way to lose weight. - 17269

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Cellulite and Salt Intake

By El Bilson

Many of us resort to dieting as a way to improve our skin, including the appearance of cellulite. However many diet foods are heavy in sodium. This can have an impact on the appearance of your skin. By reducing fat and salt in your diet you may find a way to reduce cellulite.

While the causes of cellulite are affected by a genetic predisposition, they can also be affected a great deal by lifestyle. Cellulite can start to appear when the skin starts to lose its elasticity. For permanent reduction of cellulite symptoms, there needs to be a lifestyle change. Dietary changes can help improve the appearance of the skin and give you more energy as well.

Most people know that salt causes fluid retention. However you may not have realized that fluid retention can increase the appearance of cellulite. When your salt intake is high, the areas of cellulite will swell and be more noticeable because of the retention of fluid. Some foods that have high sodium/salt content are easy to identify. These include processed and packaged foods such as potato chips, pickles, soy sauce, and processed meats such as cold cuts.

It's usually a good idea to check the Nutritional Information box on any food product you buy. This way you can check the amount of sodium in the food you are eating. Salt will be listed as sodium and will be measured by portion size. By becoming more aware of the salt contained in the foods you eat, you can reduce your salt intake on a daily basis.

A reduction of cellulite in the body can be obtained over time with a low sodium, low fat diet, exercise and a healthy lifestyle. It is important to make sure you are not adding additional salt to the foods you eat. When cooking, it is helpful to reduce the amount of salt that a recipe calls for. If the recipe calls for a teaspoon of salt, reduce that to one half teaspoon. Most of the time you won't notice the difference!

Invest in a book that lists the sodium count of most common foods. You will eventually get used to food being less salty. Most foods in nature are low in sodium to begin with. Fresh or frozen fruits and vegetables have very little sodium. But those two slices of sausage pizza you had at lunch used up about 88% of your recommended daily allowance of salt.

The recommended daily allowance for sodium is around 2,400 milligrams. While this sounds like a lot, it can be easy to exceed this limit within one meal. If you are serious about reducing the appearance of cellulite on your skin, then a change in diet can be a great start. There is no need to starve yourself. Just make an attempt to pick healthier foods. Lower salt intake and increase consumption of water. Dont forget to reduce fat intake as well.

Beautiful skin starts on the inside. And the changes you make will not only reduce the help get rid of cellulite, but will improve your overall health in many ways! - 17269

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Is The Wu Yi Tea a Scam?

By Jared Rothe

There are a lot of different answers your going to get about that question. Some have purchased from reputable suppliers and had great results while others haven't done this and have gotten poor products.

Post-treatment, some claim that they could have achieved the same results with diet and exercise alone, but if that were the case, why were they unable to achieve the same results prior to the introduction of the tea?

The Wuyi Shan and Taiwanese produce the best tea because of their extreme and quality control the tea undergoes there. The reason wu yi tea is more expensive is because it is from this region. The tea has to be taken care of with a lot of difficulty and shipped from this location.

The Shan Mountain leaves produce the most quality tea. Make sure you check where they are getting their oolong tea from. Pay particular attention to how they say it is harvested as well as the dissolution process, harvesting, mechanizing, and processing.

Many are saying the Wu yi tea weight loss program doesn't work. But it is just a facilitator to weight loss with consistency and commitment. As explained earlier, wu yi tea only helps to increase your resting metabolism which in turn helps you burn more calories and lose weight.

So is Wu yi tea a scam? Go to a reputable source for your oolong tea and it is not, otherwise you are putting yourself in a situation where you don't know for sure if product is high quality. - 17269

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Fast Weight Loss For Your Fat Belly

By Robert Hudak

I am sure that you heard once you reach the age of 40, you are over the hill. Then you develop the middle age spread. The idea of stopping eating for several days for fast weight loss has gone away, unheard of, out of the question. Did you happen to notice that even kids and teenagers seem to have developed the spread as well?

You will now hear the secrets to fast weight loss and belly be gone. Hypnosis has been very effective in helping people lose weight and reduce the belly with proper suggestions and programming. While in hypnosis the person is given suggestions to leave food on their plate or that they will feel satisfied with less eating and feel disinterested in food.

The second secret to shrinking the mid section experience fast weight loss, drink lots of water all day long. Drinking 12 OZ of water 15 minutes before each meal will help reduce the amount of food you are consuming. Most often people eat " of what they normally would.

So many people are struggling with weight gain and belly fat due to the enormous amounts of chemicals that are put into our food supply. Avoiding High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) is a major way you can achieve fast weight loss. Although HFCS is in almost all foods, there are still plenty foods without it. Most excess weight gain is caused by HFCS.

In 1970 HFCS was added to our food supply. Every generation of Americans are heavier without any relief in sight since that time. Can you believe that just stopping the consumption of HFCS will cause you to experience fast weight loss and reduce your belly size?

If you want to experience fast weight loss then stop ingesting HFCS. It has a negative affect on your body. IT dramatically increases your appetite and causes you to be addicted to whatever you are eating. Also, it has a negative affect on your metabolism and insulin levels.

Here is the next secret to watching your stomach shrink in size, stop the soft drinks. Regular soft drinks have thirteen teaspoons of sugar. Now if you like the diet version, they are full of artificial sweeteners, which by the way make your stomach bigger. Want to have fast weight loss? Say goodbye to soft drinks and watch your body and belly shrink in size.

Becoming more physically active is another key secret. It does not have to be strenuous exercise. Go for a jog or even a walk. Just start moving. Start with walking 20 minutes per day. Combining hypnosis with your walking adds discipline; will power and self-control, helping you attain fast weight loss.

Do you know anyone who walks 45 minutes or longer but still does not experience fast weight loss? That is due to the body becoming accustomed to the routine and adapting quickly. Unless you are huffing and puffing, it has very little affect on your body. Here is the last and final secret; to speed up your metabolism and burn belly fat, you need to burn that belly fat and turn that 20 minute walk into an interval workout. This will cause your cardiovascular system to become stronger and you will lose your weight quicker. - 17269

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Have You Heard About These False Claims for Healing Bruises?

By Carolyn Cooper

When you're ready to get rid of bruising, you may not know which way to turn. There are lots of people around who are constantly dealing with easy bruising on a continual basis, and if you determine that you are bruising with no seeming provocation or for no apparent reason, you absolutely want an answer to what will make the bruises fade and vanish. The fact is that there are certainly some treatments that work superbly and can make your splotches disappear as if by magic, but there are also a multitude of so-called cures that seem to begin from old wives tales and poor advice. To say it another way, there are a lot of falsely recommended treatments available.

In the first place, you should know that you should not apply heat to the bruised area. Cold may help, but heat is surely going to inflame the area, and sometimes, make it worse. It is a fact that applied heat aids circulation, and even though circulation is definitely important, this is not the type of action you should take when dealing with a new bruise. Keep in mind that a bruise is about broken tiny blood vessels just below the skin, and the last thing that you would need to do is to encourage enhanced blood flow to the area. The application of heat can really get you a bruise that is much more pronounced.

Never rub an onion on the bruise. This is another of those old folks stories that gets told a great deal. Someone's grandmother or someone's great aunt might have told you that cold slices of onion placed on your skin will help reduce the bruise, but in actuality, all that all that is going to happen is that you'll end up smelling like an onion. The cold might feel nice, but as ice pack, if the bruise is causing you pain, is going to be a much preferred choice. Don't buy into this supposed cure, it actually won't do you any good.

Another myth that has been pretty persistent is the idea that dairy products can help bring down a bruise. Well, milk does do a body good, but for the most part, this happens when applied to the inside, not the outside. Bathing in milk can be good for your skin, but not enough lactic acid is going to soak into your skin to make a difference to your bruise. Keep the milk, cottage cheese, and butter away from that bruising.

Avoid using Orajel (the teething pain medicine) or any similar type of product on your bruise. Check out the ingredients. Essentially, products like these are meant to take down swelling, and they may give you a pleasant cool tingle where they are applied, but the truth of the matter is that they are not meant for this purpose, and while they might help relieve some pain, they are not going to do anything for the bruise itself.

For all of the people dealing with bruising issues, it seems that each person has their own favorite way to heal their bruising. Their individual remedy may work very well for them individually, but keep in mind that we all bruise uniquely, and that our bodies are all react differently. In the course of determining a cure that is best for you, always make certain that you are aware of why the cure should work, and what the thought process behind it is. - 17269

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Tinnitus Remedies

By Matt Hellstrom

Tinnitus is when you have a disorder that causes you to have a constant ringing in your ear. Many people may experience some loss of hearing due to tinnitus. Most of the time it is found in the elderly and continues to worsen as the person gets older. People who experience this problem usually report hearing a humming, buzzing and most commonly a ringing in the ears.

One of the major problems with Tinnitus is the inability to get a good night sleep; the constant ringing sound is known to keep many people awake. The frustration most people report is finding some way to stop the ringing in their ears. They are usually in search of something that will solve this problem.

While Tinnitus has no known cure, there are some pretty good alternatives that may help someone with this disorder. Some people will use the method where they will find other sounds to drown out the annoying ringing, such as leaving the television or the radio playing.

There is also a tool that can be used as a remedy for tinnitus called the "Tinnitus Masker", this tool is used much like a hearing aid, and with it you will hear the sounds of the wind going through trees or you may hear the hum or your fan. This is important because one of the complaints of people with Tinnitus is that they cannot control the sound of ringing. With the masker they are able to control the sounds that they here.

One remedy for tinnitus is to avoid alcoholic beverages, smoking nicotine, and drinking coffee or caffeine product, as they will slow down the flow of blood and cause the Tinnitus to get worse. Tinnitus is also affected by stress as well. If you experience a great deal of stress, it is a good idea to try acupuncture or yoga, these will help you relieve the stress you feel and help stop the ringing in your ear.

A consideration will be that you keep away from loud noises, this is important or this may make Tinnitus worse. You will want to check in with your doctor if you are having any of the symptoms of tinnitus. With these alternatives, you will be able to lessen the effects of Tinnitus and be able to live a normal life without the ringing in your ears.

Remember before you get into any treatment or consider any remedies for tinnitus, always consult your physician so that he will be able to give you the information regarding whether the treatment is right for you. - 17269

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Diabetes Prevention Information

By Jake Ryan

It is possible to reverse or prevent the development of type two diabetes. You should be aware that there are many diabetes preventions that you can avail yourself of. If you think that you may be at risk, the first thing you will want to do is do a pre diabetes screening. You can do this online, however the best option is to speak with your family physician.

High blood sugar levels is a serious symptom of diabetes. If you find out you have high blood sugar levels you should consult your doctor immediately, change your diet, exercise more, and try relaxation methods. Pre-diabetes symptoms such as this can be caught before full on diabetes so pay close attention to your body and warning signs.

Obesity has started to overcome americas youth because of poor eating habits. Many of Americans diets are filled with carbohydrates and starches which turn into sugar. Sugar makes the pancreas work a lot harder to create insulin to deal with the extra sugar. Obesity is a leading factor in getting diabetes.

A study at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine has also linked obesity with type two diabetes. Research performed on mice in a laboratory found that when mice were obese it interfered with their ability to transport glucose.

When you exercise the body actively works to use more glucose, this means that while exercising your blood sugar levels will drop, which is a good thing. In addition, by adding just thirty minutes of walking a day you can burn more calories and begin losing weight. Both of which are great diabetes preventions.

If your condition is extreme, what doctors call boarder line diabetic, your physician may want to start you on medications that will reduce your insulin resistance. These are prescribed on a case-by-case basis and what is prescribed will depend on your symptoms. If you are not producing insulin, you may need to take an oral medication. If the problem is in your sugar production, other medications address the issue. Talk with your doctor about all the options. - 17269

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The best body building supplement

By Andy

The athletics of physical structure building has developed steadily in popularity over the ages. From its peak in the 1970's to now, technical advances and also nutritionary improvements have taken body building a sport that focusing on the art of the man physical structure and what is achievable when it is promoted. physical structure building is more than simply raising weights, all the same. To hold an efficient body building program, you need to focusing on many various affairs - peculiarly if you are serious about your ends. In Point Of Fact, determining goals can be one of the most important components of an effective body making programme. What do you desire to attain when you begin physical structure building? Proceed your goal constantly at the cutting edge of your mind so you do not escape path.

While artificial wares will grow your physical structure very quickly, they can have terrible side effects. The movement toward Typical body building is about growing your physical structure, maximizing your nutritional inlet, also staying healthy while you are developing your muscularities. When you make up one's mind that Natural body constructing is the route you wish to go, it's all-important that you get the adequate measure of foods and vitamins that will maximise your workout sessions. That means consuming a multi-vitamin and eating the right way which will send out muscle making proteins to the right parts of your physical structure.

You must have a stable physical structure constructing physical exercise procedure to focus on particular muscle groups and grow your entire physical structure. You will require to include not simply burden raising, but a cardio physical exertion is also important. The entire body needs to be sound and it takes on your heart. Whenever you have a strong heart muscle, you will be capable to exercise more effectively.

Taking the best body building supplement has to be a private decision. Remember your goals and then pick the supplement which will assist you attain those destinations. Each specific add-on provides for certain results, therefore picking the right one will make the difference of opinion between experiencing an capable exercise as opposed to an inefficient workout.

Research different brands and select a party that has tested outcomes. There are many parties who ask to have effective wares when they are truly only allowing add-on that don't do anything at all. - 17269

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Regular physical structure making - Best way To Get Your Dream body

By Rita

In a play like body building, there will be numerous supplements which are applied to develop the muscles very quickly, merely almost all the are human-made steroids substances. The regular physical structure building done is without the use of artificial stuffs being put within the body. but that does not mean that not utilising affixes as numerous like the useable regular products. What it ways is that staying away from such man built hormones and internal secretions just to serve making the body mass.

Medical pros have incorporate that the foundation for good wellness lies in the ability to have a adequate mix of particular genetic science, eating a healthy diet, and participating in a right practice plan. Unluckily, for those who are seeking to form and tone their body so that it exhibits a higher stage of effectiveness, there must be some form of body constructing and still some employment of body making supplements just to accomplish the destinations that are wanted. Accumulating musculus volume is something that is comparatively tough to accomplish. It takes a lot of work and dedication. physical structure building supplements can be extremely good when it follows to strengthening the body and building musculus mass rapidly.

Later On you have decided that natural making is how you wish to perform it, then it is all-important you take the right measure of all the vitamins and nutrients that will enhance your exercises. This means popping a multi vitamin and too taking right will place all the muscularity constructing protein to the proper parts of the physical structure. It's by all odds possible to enhance the physical structure naturally by way of an effective training plan along with adequate nutrition. There is absolutely no intellect for sex hormones or emergence hormones to be placed in your physical structure for building many muscle mass.

People who are seeking to heighten their general health, and optimise their gross physical fitness level assure that they can well attain their destinations by implementing the use of body constructing add-on. Not only do these affixes assist in building muscle mass, just they as well benefit in eliminating body fat and burning small calories quickly and expeditiously.

Numerous of these add-on as well aid the mortal in holding water that is needed for checking the special hydration during a material exercise. Those that take these wares as well find that they can figure out for longer time periods due to their survival degrees are drastically elevated. - 17269

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A Comparison of Treadmills and Elliptical Machines

By John Andrews

Elliptical machines are slowly but surely becoming the new treadmill. These machines give a person a complete workout, using multiple muscles. They are sold worldwide; some are as low as 400 dollars and some as high as 4 thousand.

Elliptical machines combine walking, skiing, and bicycling in one machine. They usually have devices attached to them that calculate a person's heart rate while exercising. Depending on the machine, it can also calculate the calories burned.

The best factor about an elliptical machine versus a treadmill is that they do not put pressure on the joints while exercising. When a person walks or runs it is constant pressure on the ankles and feet. With an elliptical machine this impact on the feet does not exist.

Elliptical machines can be used by seniors, or by injured people. People who have had feet or ankle injuries may find it difficult to run or put too much pressure on there feet. These people may find it hard to use a treadmill, but they could use an elliptical because it will not strain them.

Some seniors find it difficult to walk on the treadmill due to a fear of falling or rolling off of it. On an elliptical machine their feet are set in one place and rolling off or falling in unlikely. Most elliptical machines have different programs that a person can choose from.

Some ellipticals have up to 20 programs to choose from, these are usually the more expensive ones; the cheaper ones have fewer than 10 programs. Elliptical machines have resistance levels that can be changed; this way more than one person can use the same elliptical machine. Ellipticals provide a person a more better workout then a treadmill, because they workout more muscles.

The word elliptical means oval, this is due to the motion that the legs form when using the machine. The bigger the strides, the more room a person will have to move around when using the machine. Most elliptical machines normally are designed with 10 to 20 inch strides.

Elliptical machines come in many different forms. Some can fold up to give ma person more space, but most should be put together in the spot, which they are supposed to stay. When a person purchases an elliptical machine, they should ask themselves three questions, will it fit my budget, my house, and me?

Elliptical machines are found in most gyms nowadays and are popular with gym guests. Elliptical machines focus more on a cardio workout, and will help a person get rid of those unwanted pounds by burning fat. Although ellipticals help to burn fat, they can be programmed to help build muscle if that is what the person wishes to do.

Another wonderful factor about elliptical machines is that they can be used without electricity. A person may not be able to see how many calories that they burned, but they could still use the machine and get a good workout. A treadmill can only work if it is plugged in to the wall.

Elliptical machines provide a person with a better workout than treadmills do. They will run with out power, work more muscles, and they do not affect the joints of the feet and ankles like treadmills do. All in all they are a better way of exercising than the use of a treadmill. - 17269

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