Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Friday, July 3, 2009

Methods For Burning Off The Belly Fat

By Jason Penn

If you are paying attention, we are bombarded with all types of diet offers promising massive, natural weight loss. You can find diets such as the south beach diet, atkins diet, juice diet, maple syrup diet, low carb diet and many more being advertised all over the internet and on television. Because of all the plethora of diets out there, it can be quite hard determining which diet program works best for your particular weight loss goal. One goal that a lot of overweight people have in common is the goal of losing that large belly. Listed below are a few tips that will help you shed fat around the stomach area.

The first thing that you must do is control your calorie intake. Putting thought into what you choose to eat is not fun for anyone. However, keeping a food journal and recording the calories you eat during each meal and snack time is rewarding. You may even find that writing this information down regularly helps motivate you to continue your efforts to lose weight.

But diet alone will rarely be a successful strategy in your attempt to lose your mid-section fat. Exercise is needed as well. Regular activity " preferably aerobic " will not only help you lose tummy fat, but will lead to better overall health as well. One key to losing fat is to change your rate of metabolism. Metabolism is your body's tendency to use energy. Frequent aerobic exercise, or low-impact, fast-paced activities like race-walking and swimming, is the key to boosting your metabolic rate. When you condition your body to increase metabolism you also make future weight loss more likely.

In addition to generalized aerobic activity, you also need to exercise the particular part of your body you hope to shape. In the case of tummy fat, some good exercises are sit-ups and abdominal crunches. Such exercises focus on strengthening the muscle in the targeted area. Care needs to be taken that in working the abs other areas of the body are not harmed. Sit-ups, done incorrectly, present the danger of damaging back muscles because many people inadvertently stress the back. One solution is the use of an ab machine. The Ab Rocket Training machine is one of the best. It offers support for those back muscles that are put at risk. You can use the Ab Rocket to do both sit-ups and crunches with the machine and perfectly isolate those stomach muscles.

Lastly, make sure that you keep your stress level down while you are trying to lose weight. Reducing stress is very important because it plays a factor on your weight gain around the belly area. Whenever you are stressed, your body increases cortisol, which will produce cravings in your body for more sugary and fatty foods. Also, the increase in cortisol will also slow down your metabolism making it much harder to burn off that excess tummy fat.

I hope these tips help you control your chubby tummy. Remember to be patient. Despite all the miracle diets and promises of instantaneous weight loss, a sound program of healthy eating and exercise will work best. - 17269

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Choosing The Right Sit Up Machine

By Frank Powell

The market is full of machines guaranteed to help you with sit-ups, but finding the one that is right for you can be a taxing ordeal. Different machines work in different ways, all with varying levels of effectiveness at strengthening abdominal muscles. A sit-up routine must be performed on a regular basis to produce results, so you will need to pick a machine that is both comfortable and easy to use.

One of the biggest factors you need to take into account with your new machine is how much space you have in your home and how much space the new machine will require. In some cases, ab machines can easily fit under the bed or behind a couch. In other cases, ab machines are bigger and more difficult to move, so they take up a large amount of your living space in one of your rooms. If you have a gym in your home, you may be able to more easily accommodate a larger sit up machine. It is up to you how much space in your home you are comfortable devoting to your new piece of fitness equipment.

In fact, most people forget to think about how a machine is used before purchasing. It's very important to know if the machine you're thinking about is appropriate for your body type and fitness level. It's like buying a car without a test drive. You're going to be using this machine nearly every day, hopefully consistently, so the machine has to be comfortable to use, and work with your body. Ease of use, and difficulty of the workout are very important to know when thinking about buying a sit up machine.

Functionality is very important. I cannot reiterate this enough. Each brand and model forces the body to move in different ways, thus forcing the muscles to develop in different ways. Make sure the ab machine you chose works best with your body and fitness. You won't want to work out if the machine is difficult to use, painful, boring, or overly complex. Again, this will deter you from actually using the machine, and that would go against the very reason you're buying the thing!

Of course, we can't all afford the most expensive model, so think about your pocket book while shopping. The basic machines are very cheap and easy to get. Most ab machines should fit very well within your budget. The more elaborate and complicated machines are much more expensive, and probably won't make sense to buy if you're an average family. Make sure to check the price of the machine. It should be an important factor in your decision.

Some machines are more effective than others. Most claim that you'll loose dress and pants sizes, and quickly and magically trim your waist. Be careful, because not all these claims are true, and not all machines produce amazing results. It might be hard for you to weed out the ones that aren't what they're cracked up to be, but you want the best, right? You might not be able to personally test each and every single device, but you can easily read consumer reviews of the product online, through popular search and shopping sites like amazon and google. Carefully reading reviews will prove to be very insightful and help you make a better decision. Pay attention to the claims they make, what the customers are saying, and you're own goals. Are you looking for a ripped 6 pack set of abs, or simply to shed a few inches and become more toned? Different machines are designed with different goals in mind. It's all about how a machine will fit you.

With these guidelines in mind, choosing a sit-up machine that suits your needs can be an easy and enjoyable process. Everybody is different, so finding a machine that you are comfortable with is extremely important. The wide array of sit-up machines out there can seem daunting, but once you narrow down the field to the machine that meets your needs, the results will speak for themselves. - 17269

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Are You Considering Breast Enhancement Surgery?

By Vanessa Santos

After a breast enlargement operation, a great number of women inquire if it's alright to breast feed. The reply to that is yes, they can breastfeed. According to a great number of women who went all through breast augmentation, breast feeding is no more difficult with or without implants. Some women even said that breast feeding with implants is easier than with no implants.

Now, more and more women who are still single and who have not started yet their childbearing stage are getting breast enhancement surgery. By way of this occurrence many now are concerned to know if breast implants can affect breast feeding. In earlier days, mostly women who undertake breast procedure are married and over their childbearing years already so the fear for breast feeding is not given much importance.

The first silicone sickness hit the media in 1992, thus the apprehension of risking the infant on breast feeding with silicone implants became a growing concern. However studies conducted has shown that this is not the justification. The reason was that, the silicon molecule is too large to pass by in the milk ducts through breast feeding.

A few years after that, silicone was removed and replaced with saline implants. Even if saline can trickle into the milk, it has no dangerous effects to the mother or child as it is an inert substance.

The apprehension of most people at present are on implant position and opening site. Quite a few suppose that it is more optimal to have the implants situated under the muscle. It will also avoid the peri-areolar opening. The justification for this is that with this method, there is fewer intrusion with the milk ducts which exist directly below the skin and in the tissue on top of the breast muscle. Nevertheless, this is yet not definite. There are a large deal of women who go through implants on sub-optimal locations and yet are doing well in breastfeeding.

To attain the most excellent possible results, it is best to consult about your plans with your doctor through consultation. With this, your doctor can support you and work with you based on your plans. Even if you are not planning to have children yet anytime soon, discussing this with your medical doctor is very crucial. - 17269

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Losing Weight With Acai

By Laura Lane

Many weight loss products are out in the market right now. These seems to be giving people with wait loss issues some hope that they would lose those pounds they have been trying to lose for sometime. However, people also need to beware about some of the negative effects that weight loss products could do to their body. It is always important that before anyone takes on any of these products, they review all the positive and negative effects of using such.

A wonderful product from acai palm trees commence in many parts of Central and South America is becoming very popular right now as a weight loss and health supplement. The acai berries, a fruit, is not virgin to many people. In detail, it has been used in chow and as a medicinal response in countries like Brazil, Peru and Belize. They are often used in recipes for cake, yogurt and many other kinds of desert.

The incredible health benefits of the acai berries are now opportune increasingly popular as many companies coeval selling these products in many parts of the world. It used to be sold on it's orginal form as a supplementary or dried berry but with today's technology it has been purified for longer storage. Acai berries are now available in various forms like tablets, juice and powder.

Many researcher conducted studies to inculcate the health benefits that the acai berries provide. Aside from the weight loss, effect that it is identical popular for, it is also believed to be friendly in the great performance of the body's digestive, cardiovascular and proof systems. Many people who have used the product also claims that it provides healthier bill, better sleep and larger energy.

The acai berries have high rise fiber up. This is excellent in detoxifying the body and flusing out the toxins that thrives in the stomach. With these bad things out of the body, it blame drink more nutrients from the store we eat and improve our digestive process.

There are also some Omega - 9 and Omega - 6 that are present in the acai berries. These nutrients are proclaimed to lower the titian cholesterol in the body. And of run, the resisting - oxidants that are found in the fruit is very beneficial for our heart.

Many magazines, radio and TV shows popularized the acai berries for its admirable benefits. In fact, many professionals in the medical and health field are now field the acai berry the SUPER Menu. This just shows that the product without reservation alertness for many people.

If you are one of the people who want to lose or continue weight, you might be impressed on how the acai berries would work for you. The shipshape thing about it is it's organic and very minimal preservatives are added to the products marketed. In fact, you can even method acai berries in its natural form and include it in your recipes for a healthier meal.

Anyone could buy acai berries in many health stores all over the world. If you find it strenuous to find one in your area or don't want the hassle of dash out of the way, there are also many companies selling them through the Internet. People who have pre - existing health conditions or compelling women must consult their doctor's first before taking acai berries or any incomparable dietary supplements for that matter. - 17269

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How Much Protein Should We Be Eating

By Pierra Kierra

Recently with the advent of whey protein, taking extra protein has become something of a fad. Its fine for bodybuilders and those who work out regularly. But this does lead to the question of how much protein should be consumed each day. The actual figure varies from person to person since factors such as individual body weight and actual diet can change the required intake.

Be aware of the fact that too many proteins can disrupt your digestion and can even cause aversion towards meat or other protein food or even provoke a lack of appetite. Too many proteins can lead to dehydration and also damage the kidneys. If you decide to eat a lot of proteins, make sure you drink a lot of water.

For a person who works out, how much protein should i consume?

In order to find out how much protein you need, just calculate it based on your recommended calorie intake for the day. The story is different if you workout at least three times a week and are trying to build muscle mass. In that case just simply consume 1g of protein for 1lb of your body mass. So a person who is 135lb should consume about 135g of protein each day.

How much protein should I eat if I am on a diet?

This also depends on the amount of calories you have each day. If you are not working out and also not trying to have a muscle mass and you just want to lose some weight, you need to have at least 35% of your daily calorie intake from protein. - 17269

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Why People Prefer Using The Kinesio Tape

By Bart Icles

Sore muscles and sore joints are normal complaints of people from all walks of life. This is because at one point or another, we do activities that strain our muscles, causing them to over-extend and to over-contract. This happens when we lift an excessive amount of weight, especially if we are usually frequenting gyms and other forms of workout areas. Laborers who are constantly exposed to lifting heavy objects and to doing routinary tasks are also prone to constant muscle and joint pains.

Relieving muscle pains is all that he had in mind when Dr. Kenzo Kase of Japan developed the kinesio tape in Japan in 1973. He has been trying to find a new treatment to assist healing traumatized tissues, but he dismally found that the existing taping techniques, although they provide muscle support, greatly reduces the range of motion of athletes and in many cases, inhibits the healing process of the injured tissues. He deemed it a need to develop a new approach to the matter, and so he developed the kinesion tape.

The kinesio (short for kinesiology, meaning the science of human movement) tape is developed to ensure that the injured tissues are not inhibited in their healing process and, at the same time, provide all the benefits that standard taping procedure does. Here are the qualities of the kinesio tape that aids in the speedy healing of muscle pains:

1. It is made of 100% cotton and is latex free.

2. It is elastic, expanding to about 30-40 percent of its actual size.

3. It is heat sensitive and acrylic adhesive.

4. It is medical grade.

5. Its thickness and weight is almost the same as the normal human skin.

6. It does not prohibit or restrict movement unlike the conventional tapes.

7. Its elastic nature reduces muscular fatigue.

8. It improves lymphatic flow which, in turn, reduces the pain and the swelling of the affected tissues.

9. It can be worn for days (around 3-5 days) without changing it.

10. It is very cost-effective since a standard roll of it can last until about 6-10 applications depending on the extent of the injury.

The kinesio tape has been proven to treat a wide variety of muscular illnesses relating to pain. It reduces inflammation of the affected tissues, relaxes the muscles and the joints, and makes the healing process faster. Having the kinesio tape is like an assurance to all athletes and other people who are constantly experiencing muscle and joint pains all around the globe. - 17269

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You Can Lose 20 Pounds In A Month With A Malibu Pilates Chair

By Steve Estes

As the Malibu Pilates Chair is clearly one of the more popular (and one of the newest) Pilates machines, one question should be obvious-can you actually lose 20 pounds in a month with it?

The majority of people reading this will have already heard of Pilates so it should come as no surprise to read of its popularity. And while it is a complete exercise system in and of itself, there have been a number of popular Pilates machines introduced.

The best known of these is the Pilates Reformer. While this might sound more like a medieval torture device, it is actually a world class state of the art piece of exercise machinery. Although it is a big machine, it can be perfect for anyone looking to purchase the perfect home gym device.

Next up is the Pilates Power Gym. Coming in at just under three hundred bucks, it is affordable and quite portable. It gives you almost all the features of a Reformer but at a fraction of the cost. This little baby will fit into any home gym. And since youll often see a version at many Pilates studios you can be guaranteed to get a serious work out in.

Finally we have the "as seen on T.V." Malibu Pilates chair. This is causing quite a stir in the exercise world. You might have seen Susan Lucci's infomercial where she endorses it. It is certainly the most portable of these three. Since you can probably pick one up online for just under two hundred bucks it might be the most affordable as well. That's not that bad a price for such high quality.

Whichever one of these devices you should happen to choose, don't go whole hog your first week on them. Go slowly, and work your way up the intensity ladder. There's nothing worse that the aches and pains of the weekend warrior when you trying to lose 20 pounds in a month.

Because losing weight isn't just about exercise. It's also very important that you eat correctly. What I was successful with was food combining. This method, when added to your use of the Malibu Pilates Chair allowed me to easily lose 20 pounds in a month. - 17269

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Buzzing about the Acai Berry Diet

By Dana Hawkes

One of the newest diets that have recently hit the diet circuit is the Acai berry diet, which is pronounced as ah-sigh-ee. The Acai berry diet is famous because the Acai berry, a unique berry from the Amazon rainforest has higher antioxidant content than pomegranates, blueberries, and every other fruit or vegetable under the sun.

Here is the buzz about the Acai berry diet: The Acai berry diet is being touted as the newest super food by many people, and it is bringing numerous benefits to its users in all areas of health and wellness.

The Acai berry reviews are good, as people have reported experiencing an increase in their levels of energy, improvements in stamina, better overall sleeping patterns and so much more. One of the most popular benefits of the Acai berry super food is the Acai berry diet is capable of creating healthy and natural weight loss.

So how will including the Acai berry diet into your life produce healthy and natural weight loss? The berry's natural content includes amino acids, fiber, fatty acids and antioxidants which add together in order to increase your metabolism so that you can burn calories and fat much more effectively.

As with anything that has a relation to weight loss, pairing the Acai berry diet with a regular program for exercise is the best way to make sure that Acai berries work for you. You want to change your entire lifestyle for the best. If you add a healthy Acai berry diet with everyday exercise, then you will have the greatest benefit. Talk with your physician and start on a healthy diet plan today with the Acai berry diet. - 17269

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Facts You Need to Know About Teen Weight Loss

By Patsie Adams

More and more teens are becoming obese. It's a growing epidemic that burdens health care costs. More significantly, it is causing unhappiness among teens who already face the difficulty navigating the tricky path of adolescence.

But given the state of the average teenagers diet this really comes as no surprise. Fast meals and junk food are really to blame.

So every year, millions are on the mission to find a free weight loss program for teens. It is possible to lose weight without paying a steep price, but there are a few things to remember.

With this in mind, it is important that any weight loss program should not exploit an overweight teenagers desperation or offer unrealistic goals. Instead, go for a weight loss program that takes into account the growing and changing body and mind of the teenager.

Teenagers are still developing so they should not do any drastic dieting with overly restricted calorie intake. This can negatively affect their growth and development.

Without a doubt, any free weight loss program for teens should start with the basics. A close look should be taken at what the teenager is eating on a regular basis and also, how much physical activity the teenager is involved in.

Again, many teenagers just don't eat and live healthy. If junk food is what comprises most of their daily food intake, then that is the first to go. Healthy substitutes should come in.

Opt for a balanced diet made up of vegetables, lean protein, whole grains and fruit. This might not sound as interesting as a diet of pizza, fries and hamburgers, but the more fruit and vegetables that are eaten, the better all around weight management and health.

In fact, this does not mean no burgers or pizza ever. If these are prepared using healthy ingredients - lean beef burger patty, whole grain bread buns with light cheese - anyone could lose weight. Another important thing though is moderating portion size.

The next step towards finding a free weight loss program for teens, is to make sure that there is plenty of regular exercise that goes along with it. That means getting the heart and lungs pumping and working at least three or four times per week for at least twenty minutes at a time.

However, this should not mean that the teen who doesn't like going to the gym or running for exercise should be forced to do them. Just look for any other activity that will get them moving.

Daily activities should not be discounted. A brisk walk done a few times a week can be good enough exercise. Something as simple as waking to school everyday could make a big difference. The key to doing exercise regularly is finding something they actually like doing.

Finally, do not set your teen up for failure. Look for a program that sets doable, realistic goals. Take things a step at a time. Encourage them to stick to the plan. Failing too many times may get demoralized and making it harder to lose those extra pounds. - 17269

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