Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Fitness Regimens For Rapid Slimming Down

By Brad Morgan

For most beginners at exercise, its inspiring for them to notice that effects are swiftly seen whenever their activity levels are increased. This can be started just by making brisk walking several times a week.

Doing so ignites the process of eliminating fats from your body, trimming down and having a healthy body and mind. The concern now is maintaining the momentum of the weight reduction process.

Cardio Exercises are the best ones to lose fats because they burn fat in your body. For starters, it is enough to do the brisk walking to lose fats.

However, you may be looking to increase your activity level and incorporate even more fat dissipating activity into your life. In this case there is an innumerable variety of healthy cardio exercises.

A possible way to increase intensity would be including jogging intervals to your walking routine. This has the bonus benefit of increasing calorie dissipation rate as well as the amount of fat burned.

Biking, stair climbers, treadmills, elliptical trainers, running as well as kickboxing aid rapid weight loss effectively. The continuous challenges presented to your physique provide the keys to their effectiveness. Workouts that are too easy and routine may put a sudden brake to your weight reduction program.

Another thing you can do to attain fast weight reduction is to incorporate strength training into your exercise routine. Lifting dumb bells burns a lot of fat and calories and lets your body build lean muscle.

This is where the true benefits are got from because lean muscles actually help you to dissipate even more fat. They end up burning high levels of fat and calories.

Doing regular exercises and following a balanced diet, will surely make you achieve powerful muscle performance. You might even have to change your wardrobe!

You are feeling satisfied about yourself and excited to check on your pounds, but then you discover that you are still as heavy as before, or even heavier. Don't panic, it's just your muscles overpowering your fat.

Becoming lean and fit won't really mean having lighter weight. Building up muscle while burning fat can keep your measurement the same.

Never let despair pull you down: you are giving what's essential for your body. Soon you'll have a lighter weight when your new leaner muscles start its job of cutting all those fats.

When you begin an exercise plan, you are likely to see fast weight loss. The vital thing to keep in mind is that you need to keep your intensity amount up. Always include more and more challenging activities.

You must refrain from doing already done fitness routine otherwise your slimming down will cease. Once you discover that your program is not working anymore, try to be innovative to carry out an exciting and effective workout.

Combine jogging with your walking period. Make a kickboxing video, or you can do Pilates for a varied mode. This will mean that you keep your weight control at a high level. - 17269

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Get Your Water With A Bottled Water Dispenser

By Perry Thurston

If you are considering adding a bottled water dispenser to a home or office, there are a few features that you should consider before you make your decision. You may be familiar with the plastic dispenser withe colored knobs to dispense water. These dispensers have a five gallon jug turned upside down on top of them to provide the filtered water that has been delivered by truck.

Some water dispensers are designed so that the bottle does not show. Other dispensers do not even require a bottle. The dispensers that do not require a bottle often offer many features including cold, near boiling or room temperature water. These same features may also be found in bottled water dispensers also.

If you choose a dispenser with cold water, you may find that the feature is very useful. Cups or water bottles can be filled and do not need ice. Near boiling water works great for instant soup, hot tea or cocoa. It keeps users from having to heat water for these choices.

When water dispensers do not have a bottle, they generally offer filtered water. The filter is not needed for the actual water bottle dispenser as the water in the bottle has already been through a water filtering system. Bottled water generally has all of the contaminants removed before it is bottled.

Most offices choose a simple water cooler to be installed in or near the employee break room. Most employees are grateful that they no longer need to bring their own water to work. Sometimes there is little difference in cost to add the cold water feature and tea drinkers certainly will appreciate your providing a hot water on demand tap so that they do not have to spend their entire break heating water for their tea.

For dispensers in the home, there are also several features that will likely fit into your decor. You can get dispensers in pottery, stainless steel, wood or even custom built to fit into the home...apos;s decor. You can choose to rent a water dispenser or purchase one locally or online.

There are several things to consider as you choose between the bottle or bottleless dispenser.

Bottled water dispensers require that you know how much water you will need each week. Deliveries come weekly, and if you do not order enough water, you could run out before the next delivery. You have to have a place to store you full and empty water bottles. The only required maintenance is occasionally cleaning the dispenser base, and many water delivery companies offer to do this for free.

With bottleless dispensers, there is no delivery. Bottleless dispensers offer bottomless water service. They are plumbed into your water pipes as their supply and use the same filtration processes as the water bottling companies to produce clean pure water. They may require the work of a plumber for installation. Filters will need to be purchased and replaced on a regular basis and the reservoir will need to be cleaned on occasion. - 17269

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Bodybuilding Tips, How Can I Achieve A Huge Look

By Ricardo d Argence

It should be an important part of any person's healthy exercise routine, but a lot of people think that weight training is just for bodybuilders. No matter what is your reason for working out, maybe to improve your health or the definition of your muscles, the tips here will help you in reaching your goal.

Protein is necessary in order to build muscle, if you do not have enough protein you could go on lifting weights forever and still not build any new muscles. However, the question has always been how much is enough? Bad news are: protein sources like red meat and milk are high in fat. And fat is not desired in bodybuilding.

Those who are serious about building muscle eat one gram of protein per pound of body weight. That means if you weight 170 pounds you should be eating 170 grams of protein every day in order to build muscle mass. Foods containing low-fat protein such as skim milk, chicken and fish provide the protein you need without the high fat content of foods like red meat.

People who love to work out and lift weights can almost become addicted to exercising. You can see them in the gym almost daily doing their routines. They could be doing their bodies more harm than good, while that dedication may seem impressive. Exercise is an important part of muscle building, but medical research shows that it is not the only part.

Once you have strained a muscle in such a manner, it is extremely important to rest them as much as possible. Drinking water after exercising, eating healthy meals, and allowing for breaks between exercise sessions are all part of recovery.

While sleeping may seem like the antithesis to the weight lifting, you won't build muscle without it. That's because many of the bodily processes that go on do so while you are sleeping. The reason is simple, your body can redirect energy resources to these other tasks because it's not being used for anything else.

Muscle development depend on multiple processes, one of those is protein synthesis. Your body needs enough time to complete these processes, so you need to make sure to get the recommended amount every night. Make sure to sleep for at least eight hours every night.

Talking about your workout routine, compound movements are going to build muscle faster than other types of exercises such as squats, which target isolated muscle groups. If you do not lift properly then the muscle groups will not get the most benefit from the workout.

Basically, what you need to do is choose weights to lift that feel heavy for you. That doesn't necessarily mean you want to get the heaviest on the rack. It just means that you need to feel the muscles working when you lift that weight if you're going to really benefit from your efforts. If you're new to bodybuilding, lifting heavy might mean using a 20 pound weight. - 17269

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Useful Tips To Build Muscle And Burn Fat Fast

By Ricardo d Argence

Everyone wants to burn fat fast. If you have ever been on a diet or workout regimen, you know how hard that can be. There are two main areas that you have to pay attention to when you want to lose weight: diet and exercise. While this comes as no surprise to anyone, there are some things that you can do to increase the efficiency of your current routine.

The following tips will help you rev up your fat burning engine and get rid of those unwanted pounds more quickly.

1. Add plenty of fiber to your daily diet. The fat burning process is help with fiber and promotes general good health. A good 25 grams of fiber each day is what you should aim for. Ten grams of fiber is the average for Americans today. Fiber is obtained by adding whole wheat breads, cereals, pastas, fruit, vegetables and nuts.

2. Never go to bed hungry. Choose a snack that is good and a vegetable is a good choice. There are certain foods that prevent your body from metabolizing fat. They are simple carbs such as white breads and pastas, fruit juices among others. Simple carbs may actually cause increased fat storage while you are sleeping.

3. Eat less, eat more. Small meals spread throughout the day keeps hunger pangs at bay. Another simple change: eat your vegetables before your heavier main course. This can help fill you up so you are less tempted to eat too much of the less healthy foods.

4. Size of food portions does matter. And Americans have a poor senses in this area. This skill needs to be developed. Eat only until you are satisfied and not uncomfortable. Use a smaller plate and eat slowly. This help you to control overeating.

5. Eat before you workout. To help get the maximum benefits from each workout, have a snack that is low in carbs and high in protein. This may help you exercise longer and at a more intense pace, which means more calories are burned away! Eat your snack ninety minutes before your workout, any sooner and you'll get the reverse effect.

6. Practice breathing through your nose by exhaling and inhaling. Your stamina will be greater and your heart rate will stabilize. This results in being able to exercise more and this results in burning more calories.

7. Start interval training. An example - walking for two minutes at a very fast pace then slowing down for three minutes. Gradually you will increase the time you spend working fast. If you want to run - this is a great way to start. Again, you will burn lots more calories and fat faster.

8. First weights, second cardio. You need to give your body 15-20 minutes to warm up for your cardio. By doing weights first you are priming your body for your cardio exercises. This enables burning calories faster. Stretch before weight training.

9. What is the spice of life? Variety. The same goes for any weight or exercise program. Doing the same thing day after day dooms you to a plateau in weight loss. You must add variety. An exercise routine must add a mix of strength, flexibility and cardio workouts to be effective. Your body becomes accustomed to the same routing over and over again, therefore it becomes less effective and the results are fewer calories are burned.

10. Add weights to lose weight. Adding weights to your routine helps you burn more calories and build stronger muscles. Even adding some bicep curls while you're on your treadmill can help you see results sooner.

It takes both diet and exercise to burn fat fast. Simple changes as the examples given above can reap big benefits. - 17269

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No, It's Not Funny - Eating To Lose Fat is Easy

By Joen Devenport

The quickest and healthiest method to drop off fat is to stick to a smart feeding program. Many people disregard the dieting feature of fat loss as they're afraid to end taking their favourite foods and be required to consume things they dislike. A proper diet will let you to consume what you wish and still lose weight.

Almost everyone miscalculates the significance that diet represents in weight loss. The majority of people simply presume if they expend an adequate sum of time in the gym working out, the fat ought to go down appropriate off. This is a bad mentality to keep and will restrict how much weight you'll drop off.

If you just workout and don't pay a lot of consideration to your diet, there's a hypothesis you'll lose some weight. a couple of might lose a pound or two, several might drop off a little more. But Then, if you stick to a nutritious eating plan, there's a 100% guarantee in which you'll drop off fat, and a huge deal more weight than you would drop off just exercising.

A whole eating plan is one which's calculated just for you. It puts into relation the foods which you in reality do like as well as the ones you'd preferably not consume. It then creates an eating plan and diet according to your contribution. This manner, you have no reason to give up the diet or even chisel on it at all, because you're eating your preferred foods already.

The nutritional regime will modify your eating patterns more than what you eat. Eating the customary three big meals during the day has been proven unsound and not beneficial to fat loss. These large meals decelerate your metabolism as it forces your body to work extremely hard to stomach and break down the food. - 17269

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Let the Flu Pass You By

By Dr. Jason Fowler

Since mid-Fall TV commercials have been trumpeting the horrors of the "flu season". "It's never too soon to begin fighting this year's bug" they blare. Public health announcements urge us to get our "yearly flu shot", as if this is something we have got permanently scheduled in our Blackberries. All the leading over-the-counter pain medications offer special seasonal "flu" mixtures, and their ads deluge daytime and prime-time broadcasting.

For the health consumer, us, it seems as if this annual "war on the flu" is received wisdom. We're just defenseless human beings at the mercy of the all-powerful flu virus.

What's wrong with this picture?

What's never mentioned in the "flu warning" marketing is the versatility and adaptability of our remarkable immune system. We're the lucky owners of a built-in state-of-the-art biowarfare system, on-the-job 24/7 to combat microscopic foreign invaders of our health and well-being. Once our immune system has detected a foreign protein it mounts an immediate defense, attacking and destroying the alien molecules. And, the memory of that particular invader is permanent, enabling a future immune response to be swift and effective.1

The big issue with influenza is that new strains appear each year. We've never encountered these germs before. But, the whole basis and strength of our immune system is flexibility. It is specially designed to respond quickly to new attackers. And, for the most part, it does this very well.

Of course, no one wants their dinner companion to sneeze in their plate of pasta, as Elaine did on an infamous episode of "Seinfeld". Through a typical cascade of unfortunate events, Jerry's and George's comedy pilot was almost scuttled because the network executive was Elaine's date, and he got violently ill by being on the receiving end of her blast of micro-bugs.

In the real world, our immune systems can be weakened due to life habits, circumstances, and stress. Stress is a notorious compromiser of immune defenses.2 Of course, being human, there's plenty of stress from dawn to dusk. If worry and anxiety pile on top of not-enough-sleep or sub-optimal nutrition, getting sick is a pretty likely outcome. So, developing and maintaining healthy habits of living and successful strategies for managing stress is really the key.3

If you do the simple things that keep you healthy and well, in the winter months you can pretty much "let the flu go around you". You can be confident, knowing you have done the work to fight off the latest flu threat. Someone else's germs are their germs, not yours. If your immune system is on the job, you're far less likely to "catch" something.

And, even if you do succumb, you have got a much better chance of getting well again quickly.

1Sompayrac L: How the Immune System Works, 2nd ed. Blackwell, 2002. 2Wein H:Stress and disease - new perspectives. NIH Word on Health, October 2000. 3The Truth About Your Immune System - What You Need To Know. Harvard Health Publications, 2007. - 17269

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Digital Food Scale: An Overview

By David Staats

A digital food scale is the perfect tool for a person trying to lose weight. The scale helps a person to reach their desired weight with a scale that provides precise measurements of the amount of food that is being eaten. The scale serves as both a tool and motivator for most dieters. In some cases people who must maintain a specific weight, find the scale an invaluable asset in assuring that they are eating the proper amount of food to maintain a desired weight.

Many of the scales are programmed with several varieties of food and their proper portions so that a person gets a quick read-out when they weigh a certain food. For a person who much eat a certain amount of a specific food this proves an invaluable tool in maintaining good health.

The scales are accompanied by many educational materials to help the new user become familiar with the facts they need to become healthy. The materials contain nutritional information and key factors related to maintaining a healthy diet. When losing or maintaining weight is the objective, having a way to accurately measure one's food intake is critical to success.

The digital food scale is designed to fit the decor of any kitchen. They are sleek and fit into a small corner. Many of the scales have additional features that allow a user to customize certain features. Some of the scales have a display which shows calorie and nutritional information as well as the weight of the food. An individual can often program information regarding foods they eat often into the scale for easy reference.

The back-lit display on the digital food scale is easy to read and clear. In addition, the scales meet postal requirements for weight measurement. If an individual needs to mail a heavy letter, they can weigh it on their digital scale and avoid a trip to the post office. When a person needs to travel, many of the scales have battery adapters that make them functional on road trips.

Many people use their digital scales for other purposes than weighing food. When packages or heavy letters need specific amounts of postage, the digital scale is an excellent resource for getting an accurate weight for the item. The scales meet postal standards an eliminate the need for a person to weigh a package at the post office. Many people also use their scales to weight items that will be sold at craft fairs. When one is selling items by the weight, the digital scale can be relied on to give the accurate weight for any item.

Manufacturers have continued to develop the technology to improve the food scales throughout the years. The scales that are now sold on the market are also used in areas where accuracy and delicacy are key to the success of a project. Digital food scales are used to prepare mixtures, medications, and other items that must be measured with complete accuracy.

The scale provides an opportunity to maintain a healthy lifestyle without intrusion on one's enjoyment of food. In many cases a person can lose weight by cutting down on the portions they eat. With the digital food scale they are able to do this with ease. When a person wants to begin living a healthier lifestyle they will find that the investment in a scale will be one that serves them well. - 17269

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What Can No Nonsense Muscle Building Sort out For You?

By Tony Gates

It is common knowledge about how exercise plays an important role in our health. Gymnasiums are packed with folks who are attempting to better their physical condition, shed weight, or develop and tone their muscles. Some even visit the gymnasium continually, but find themselves lacking the results that they wish. While others may lack acceptable time to work out for the time period or as frequently as professionals endorse. With no regard for your situation, the No Nonsense Muscle Building system can help you develop and tone your muscles with minimal stress.

Vince Delmonte has himself become one of the world's premier body builders from his origins as a'0 pound scrawny kid, so he's uniquely qualified for this system. Vince Delmonte has his own book to tell you how it's possible to get the sort of results that have earned him awards.

His system attempts to contest so called "nonsense" legends and other perilous fitness ideas that often plague those making an attempt to build muscles. Similarly, he recommends strongly against nasty habits and additions like diet tablets or performance steroids, as well as expensively priced equipment that don't deliver. The book is comprised of nine chapters, each applying to a different idea that Vince Delmonte made use of to help develop and hone his body into the incredible form it is today.

The book begins by listing common mistakes people make when making an attempt to build muscles. This is helpful to anyone that is getting ready to begin a body-building program, as well as anyone that has started but is not seeing the results he or she searches for. This is followed by an exploration of diverse myths people believe about body-building.

As soon as you are educated on what you shouldn't do, Vince will start informing you what you need to do and the way to do it, describing in full detail how his program works. You may read about some H...S cares you need to take, like correct cool down activities, dieting correctly, and how hormones play their part.

The No Nonsense Muscle Building System is, hands down, the best way to become fit and gain that musculature you've always hankered after. Vince Delmonte has personal experience turning himself into a musclebound paragon of fitness, and he will pass this data on to you. - 17269

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How To Lose Arm Flab By Improving Circulation And Accelerating Results

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

Are you trying to learn how to lose arm flab? Well, one strategy for accelerating your progress is to increase blood flow.

You see, arm flab is not directly burned in your arms. It's disassembled in your arms and then transported elsewhere to be oxidized.

Thus, by extension, increasing blood flow lets your body get the flab to where it needs to be burned at a much faster rate. This accelerated transportation will translate in accelerated results.

So without further ado, here are some strategies to increase blood flow so that you can lose more arm flab:

1. Become and early bird. Exercising earlier in the day will do wonders for your arm flab. Not only will you burn more calories for the rest of the day, but you'll also increase blood flow for the rest of the day. You see, exercise releases certain hormones that will help get the blood moving.

2. Don't be so sedentary. When you sit for extended periods of time, blood flow gets interrupted because there is so much pressure on your ischial tuberosities. The best way to prevent this is to begin working from the standing position.

3. Stick to unsaturated fats. And stay away from trans fats and saturated fats. These two types of fat will make figuring out how to lose arm flab a nightmare. Unsaturated fats on the other hand, increase blood flow and increase the rate of arm fat burning.

4. Limit sugar. Not only does it have a lot of calories, but it also degrades the lining of your arteries. And less healthy arteries translate into less blood flow. Not good if you want to lose arm flab!

Discovering the ins and outs of how to lose arm flab doesn't have to be hard. And now you are one step closer to getting the sexy and slim arms of your dreams. You deserve results today, not tomorrow! - 17269

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Push Ups ... Pull Ups Still Rule

By Josh Spencer

Back when I was playing college baseball and going to the gym every day, I thought that I would be able to build my chest and back a lot more than I actually did. I figured that by going to the gym every day, I would at least see some improvement each week in these muscle groups, but it seemed that I fell into a plateau and could never really get beyond it. That was until I discovered a basic boot camp style program that incorporates many push-ups and pull-ups to develop the chest and back. These traditional exercises are what helped me get a ton of definition in my chest and back, something I have never experienced!

I hate to admit it, but I was one of those gym junkies who used only bench press to develop my chest and the lateral pull-down machine for my back. Of course I thought this was enough, until about a year into going to the gym ever day, and then I asked myself, "Why does it seem that I haven't seen any more definition in either my chest or back in about 8 months?" It was official, I had hit a plateau, and I'm sure many of you reading this have experienced the same thing. However, I didn't do anything about it until I reached a point after college when I wasn't happy with the way I looked. I really fell out of shape, and it wasn't until I discovered a basic workout program that relies mostly on push-ups and pull-ups to develop the chest and back muscle groups, and I was a skeptic until I tried it out myself. After 90 days, my chest and back had more definition than ever before!

Pull-ups and I have never really gotten along. I mean, I really hated doing them when I went to the gym, which is probably why I never did them anyways. If I would do them, I would do a set of 6 or 7 wide grip pull-ups and then quit because I hated doing them. So you might be asking, "So what did you do to develop the back?" Well, not much to be honest. Like I mentioned above, I would occasionally use the lateral pull-down machine, and would also do some lawn mowers, but they weren't effective because I didn't know how to use proper form.

Proper form is just as important for push-ups as it is pull-ups. I never believed that traditional push-ups would build my chest to where I wanted it to be. I guess you can say that I was a skeptic! That was until I did complete workouts that focused just on push-ups! You want soreness? Try doing 45 minutes of nothing but different push-up exercises! I could barely make it through the second half of the workout. As hard as it is to swallow my pride, I admit that I could only do 2-3 push-ups during the second half. Yeah, it's embarrassing, but oh well! Long story short, doing just these traditional push-ups built my chest more than ever before. I even have veins popping out of my chest now!

So for all you skeptics that believe that you can only develop your chest and back with heavy lifting, I beg to differ! From personal experience, pull-ups and push-ups have gotten me better results than going to the gym.

So for all of you that believe that you can only develop the chest and back muscles from going to the gym and lifting heavy weights, I have to disagree! I am living proof that push-ups and pull-ups work! - 17269

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Muscle Builders: NO2 Is Here to Help!

By Ruth Jackson

Every serious body builder wants to have the extra edge when in comes to building muscle. This is where Nitric Oxide can help. When you take nitric oxide, this will help you get more lean muscle mass so that your body is more chiseled and defined. What's surprising is that those who supplement with nitric oxide also attest to the fact that their libido and their ability to perform sexually has also dramatically improved.

What does nitric oxide or NO2 do to build lean muscle mass? During your exercise, nitric oxide is released into the body for a short time. As nitric acid is released, it causes the muscles to contract. Thus the "highway" by which the blood and the nutrients can pass to get to the muscles, particularly the skeletal muscle. This is known as hemodilation.

However, if you want to extend the time that the blood vessels are dilated, a supplement with NO2 will help. NO2 provides you with that extended release delivery. This means that muscles get more nutrients and oxygen, making these muscles grow stronger.

Now, please note that not everyone can take NO2 supplements. Nitric oxide is filled with the amino acid arginine, which could have adverse effects on people. The list of those who should avoid this include those who are suffering from herpes and other similar viral sicknesses (arginine may cause the virus to multiply) and those with asthma (arginine could cause the inflammation of the airways).

Of course, pregnant and lactating women are absolutely forbidden to take this, as well as those who are taking cyclosporine and those who cannot tolerate considerable amounts of L-arginine in their system. The best thing to do before taking NO2 is to consult the doctor about your taking it.

Side effects you can expect from taking NO2 include stomach disorders, diarrhea, stomach cramps, hot flashes (even in men) and fatigue. The extent of these side effects will vary from one individual to another. - 17269

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Mind-Body Infertility Solutions

By Karol Cardinson

Through your mind and body you can further add to your fertility solutions by embarking on a series of acupressure treatments that you can perform on yourself in your own home. Self-applied acupressure utilizes the same concept and principles as acupuncture. Its goal is to unblock the body's energy meridians. The difference is that you use your hands rather than needles to stimulate specific points on your body. You will be focusing on those that are tied to your reproductive health. What is good for your fertility is also good for your general health and well-being.

There are four points that you or someone else can massage. Press these points twice a day, in sequence, morning and night. It doesn't take that long-just about eight minutes a day. You'll be boosting your fertility even if you can't go to an acupuncturist.

The first point is on the sole of your foot. With your sole facing you, apply pressure with your thumbs (next to each other) right below the ball of your foot. Press hard because the soles of the feet are quite thick. Press...then release. Do this pattern for one minute on each foot.

The second point is slightly above the ankle bone. This powerful point stimulates your female energy and strengthens your reproductive organs. Lay fingers horizontally across your ankle area. At the edge of your forefinger, you should feel another bone, located behind your shinbone. Press the tissue area on either side of this bone with your fingers and thumb in the same press and release pattern already described. Switch legs and repeat.

The third point is on the lower part of your thigh. This point has to do with blood flow. Place the palm of your hand on your thigh so that your middle finger is at the edge of your knee. Where your thumb hits on the side of your kneecap is the point you are looking for. When your circulation is better, your health is better-and your fertility boosted.

This last point is located between your thumb and your index finger. Open your hand wide, do you see the V? Find the center of that V. Press gently. Press for a minute on each side. This point is good for the immune system and for good health in general.

As part of your mind-body solution, be sure to incorporate imagining. It's a stress release and can help to slow you down in your hectic daily routine. - 17269

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