Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

5 Weight Loss Tips

By Dr. Bill

Well,the President made an appearance on Jay Leno, where he was trying to be your everyday hardworking executive, and he did okay, if you like your President on late night television.

Except for the gaffe about bowling like a Special Olympian. That's one of the reasons you don't do late night TV--the temptation to be an actor, or comedian is just too great, and Obama really wanted to bring down the house.

If Sarah Palin said something like that, we would never hear the end of it. She is perceived by the liberal media as being stupid and incompetent, and that type of comment would give the pundits something to talk about for a long time to come. I guess Obama got off easy.

And then there is Speaker of the House Pelosi, meeting with illegal immigrants, and telling them what patriots they are"like she would know. Pelosi comes from a bankrupt state, and one of the things that put the state in the drink was the cost of free health care for illegals. And with Obama we get more of the same. Not only will these people not pay any taxes, they'll get benefits denied to those who work hard and play by the rules. Change you can believe in, right?

Okay, let's change the subject.

Here are a few simple fat loss tips. To lose weight you have to lose fat. The way to lose fat is to rev up your metabolism.

1. Consume as much water as you can. That means plain water, not soda, or energy drinks, or so-called fitness drinks. Each day, while you are awake, your body requires 16 ounces of water every two hours. If you are exercising at a vigorous pace you need to increase that amount by quite a bit. Especially if you are exercising in the heat -- you might need up to a gallon of water per hour.

2. It's important to eat six to eight times per day. Try to eat a little something when you wake up, even if you are heading out to exercise. It's a good way to get your system in gear. You can break down your six to eight eating times in whatever way works best for you -- it can be 2 meals and 5 snacks, or 3 meals and 3 snacks -- just so you are not going hungry or skipping meals. Skipping meals is a sure way to self-destruct your weight loss plan -- it just creates hunger and you are likely to binge later.

3. Focus on high quality foods. This doesnt include Taco Bell, and Pizza Hut. Make sure you get high quality protein, and stay away from all low fat and no fat products, which are loaded with sugar. Consume the rainbow, as far as fruits and vegetables are concerned, and make sure that includes at least one green item at every meal.

4. Take supplements. The most important are fish oil softgels. Look for a product that is mined from deep water -- ultra pure and pharmaceutical grade. This type of fish oil will increase your fat-burning ability by revving up your metabolism.

5. Increase your fiber intake and decrease your sugar. Get a list of high fiber fruits and vegetables, and make sure you are getting a good share of them in your diet.

I have a friend who has recently had some great success in losing weight. He attributes much of his success to drinking lots of water. He told me he started off drinking a gallon a day, and he felt like the first 15 pounds of weight just dropped off. He also said that after he lost that initial 15, he was sleeping much better and as a result, had more energy. He has lost 25 pounds so far and wants to make it 40. I am completely confident he will make it, especially if he follows the five simple concepts. - 17269

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GreenTeaRx Skin Care

By Jake Wakefield

Growing older means getting skin that grows older, as well.

However, there is a way to combat these difficulties and return to a state closer to our youthful, smooth, healthy skin.

Often times years of exposure to the sun, buildup of skin cells and use of mass-produced soaps and skin care products loaded with harsh chempicals can cause damage to your skin or at least have it in a non-pristine state.

For these reasons, you should try GreenTeaRx. This unique formula uses the all natural green tea extract which is known to be bursting with anti-oxidants and anti-carcinogens.

Using these two substances, GreenTeaRx is able to add together a double effect to nourish your skin better than before.

Much scientific research reveals how effective GreenTeaRx is. The anti-carcinogenic properties of green tea extract is very beneficial in neutralizing free radicals. These unwanted cancer-causing agents bombard our bodies daily making it difficult to keep our skin from not showing the signs of aging. By reducing these free radicals, cancerous cell mutation is not as likely to happen. GreenTeaRx insures that you can fight back against these factors and make sure they do not effect your skin.

Anti-oxidants also are in GreenTeaRx and they fight even stronger against the spread of cancer. GreenTeaRx is able to fight in these two ways so that your skin can stay naturally young.

Additionally, GreenTeaRx encourages the production of elastin and collagen, two very important substances that naturally diminish as we grow older. By increasing the production of these two substances, your skin's appearance will improve making wrinkles and fine lines look not as bad.

At the time of this writing, GreenTeaRx is offering a free trial so even if you are not sure whether or not it will work for you, you have nothing to lose by trying a free trial that could help your skin greatly! - 17269

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Making Your Life Better Choosing a Good Detox Diet

By Chris Marex

Tips for choosing a good detox diet can benefit a person who's finally made the choice to attempt to clean his or her body of accumulated potentially-harmful toxins and impurities. The name given to the procedure which has as its aim the excision of all these toxins, chemicals, heavy metals and other substances from the body is "detox," or more formally; detoxification.

Unfortunately, people can sometimes become confused when it comes to a detox diet. This is mainly in the area of thinking a single detox will permanently repair all of the damage done over a lifetime. They're only partially correct, however, because no single treatment can return a person to a feeling of once-lost vigor. A partial restoration is possible, of course, but it'll take a while and maybe a consistent and regular schedule of detox before full cleansing will take place. Still, a little bit is better than nothing at all.

Occasional detox, though helpful, can only be a partially-serious effort when it comes to removing accumulated toxins and the like from the body. Rather - in order for detox to be fully effective - a regular and thoughtful regime of detoxification should be considered. And remember that a good diet and a healthy lifestyle can go hand-in-hand with detox. Together both sides can combine to produce very nice results.

As it pertains to detoxification, what kinds of foods and juices (blends, usually) should be counted in? Understand that most of the best detox diets incorporate two phases into the effort to rid the body of all those built-up substances. The first phase also counts on an effort to reconfigure diet and also an effort to change lifestyle. If these don't become permanent parts of the detox effort, most results will only be temporary.

In the first phase - referred to as "flushing" - a serious blend of juices (some including peppers and other substances) is taken in orally in order to begin the process of detox. There are other ways in which juices can be introduced. Think of colonics, for instance. In any case, it's hoped these juices will force excision of all those old toxins and other substances.

Some of these flushes and the juices they use are designed specifically for certain components of the body. A common component of the body that's detoxified is the bloodstream. Detox adherents refer to the actions surrounding this particular component as a "blood cleanse." Most enthusiasts believe this cleanse helps the body excise harmful toxins deposited in the blood from meals taken in the recent past.

Most blood cleansings are not comprehensive detoxification, though. They do nothing to help remove heavy metals like mercury which can end up in the tissues and organs of the body. For this, what's called a "chelating" diet is undertaken, which is a second phase. People who undergo chelating, though, should understand that they may initially feel a little worse than they did prior to beginning it. This is because the chemicals drawn from the tissues must still be processed through the kidneys and liver before they're excreted naturally.

Effective detoxification aims to help a person deal with all of the problems created by poor diet and the introduction of others substances into the body which have occurred over a lifetime. To obtain the most effective results, it's always a smart thing to change diet permanently, and well as certain other lifestyle choices, like putting down cigarettes for good. - 17269

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Does Drinking Oolong Tea Cause Headaches?

By Jared Rothe

Oolong tea has been around for quite a long time. It is a mixture of both green and black teas. May wonder if it causes headaches. In truth oolong tea is used to cure headaches. We'll take a look at why you may experience headaches after drinking oolong tea and find the underlying cause of the aches.

All teas go throught a fermentation process. Black tea goes through the process and through that black tea contains about 40mg of caffeine per cup. So this type of tea should be drank in limited quantities. It so happens that oolong tea is made up of some black tea. So if you drink a lot of oolong tea headaches can occur.

Green tea is the second ingredient in oolong tea. It is processed to contain about 20mg of caffeine per cup. Green tea contains many antioxidants that fight of free radicals and help to protect against cancer and heart disease.

Researches have indicated that when you have a headache, you can actually take caffeine through tea, to help reduce the headache. Most of the people take tea to reduce their headache, and it actually works for them. How much caffeine you need is dependent on your body weight and of course genetics. Oolong tea has been used in China for curing digestive problems and even headaches as a part of traditional medicine.

Oolong tea can cause dependence to caffeine if it is drank too often. Withdrawals occur when caffeine is decreased and this is the cause of some headaches. Likewise, if you don't drink anything containing caffeine and then drink a lot of tea you can experience headaches from the extra caffeine.

One of the many benefits of Oolong tea is that it has many antioxidant properties as mentioned above and has been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) for years. When a person drinks Oolong tea their body begins to flush out toxins and free radicals that cause damage to the body. This process of cleansing and flushing these harmful agents from your body can actually cause a headache. So it is not actually the Oolong tea that is causing the headaches it is your body's defense mechanism as harmful toxins are flushed out.

So does oolong tea cause headaches? Yes, if you over consume the tea or if you do not drink products with caffeine in them regularly. - 17269

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Choosing the Right Dog for Your Children

By sapibontv

When choosing the right dog to add to the family, it is wise to consider several things. You should think about how much space you have available for the new pet, how much time and attention can be devoted to him, and the age and personality of your children. Often, the first dogs to be considered are larger breed dogs, such as a Golden or Labrador retriever because of their reputation for being gentle and protective. But, a large breed dog is not necessarily the best pet for you or your children. If you live in a small space and you have children who want to take part in caring for the new pet, a wonderful choice is the Teacup Chihuahua. This tiny puppy will only grow to about six pounds, making it an excellent choice for a dog to be kept indoors. Below is some information about the Teacup Chihuahua to help you make an informed decision when adding a new pet to the family.

Size: 6-10 inches is height, not weighing more than 6 lbs. (the smallest dog breed in the world!)

Life Expectancy: Up to 18 Years

Temperament: Spirited, alert, and active, the tiny Teacup enjoys play and walks. Though very small, he is protective and eager to please. Teacup Chihuahuas make excellent lap dogs because they love their owners, and enjoy attention.

Grooming: Teacup Chihuahuas need very little grooming. All they need is regular brushing, nail trimming and baths.

Exercise: The perfect companion for even the busiest of households, this little dog will get plenty of exercise just playing in the house. They do enjoy walks though.

Health Concerns: Because of their small size, Teacup Chihuahuas are more susceptible to health issues, such as hypoglycemia and dehydration. They are also affected greatly by weather, and should not be allowed to get too cold.

Overall, the little Teacup Chihuahua is an excellent pet to add to your family. However, they are so tiny and fragile that they can be accidentally injured by very young children. Preferably, a Teacup should be considered for a household with older children of at least age eight. - 17269

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Do Healthier Diets Make A Difference In Weight Loss Program?

By Amanda Gibb

A healthy diet is the best way to lose weight and attain significant weight loss not only in the short term but in the long run as well. Losing weight through healthy eating is definitely not starving yourself, eating lots of diet pills or becoming anorexic thin.

For a healthy diet, you have to eat sensibly with healthy recipes.The great thing about eating right is that not only will a healthy diet help you lose weight, it will provide you with lots of energy to zip about your daily activities. This is why the right diet meal plan is very important to losing weight in a healthy and natural manner.

To minimise the risk of diabetes, cancer, heart disease and other such types of illness, get on a healthy diet because it will help to do exactly just that.

If you want to choose a Healthy Diet, here are some weight loss tips. While you need a sufficient amount of calories in your diet, make sure you dont end up overeating. Set your calorie intake limits where you expend as many calories as you consume.If youre wondering how much calories you should take, it depends on your physical activity, weight, height, sex and age.

In a Healthy Diet, you should consume a wide variety of foods and concentrate especially on green and leafy and colored veggies, fruits, whole grains, lean meat and protein, legumes etc. Always stick to moderate portions or servings especially when you consume food rich in calories. Pay attention to your stomach, dont keep on eating even after you feel full.

Always make it a point to consume local, fresh produce from the market and food items free of cholesterol, low in fat, and high in minerals, vitamins, fiber and complex carbohydrates.

During breakfast or in between meals, if you feel hungry, you can munch on fruits or healthy snacks like granola bars made of cereals, seeds, flax, dry fruits, honey, brown sugar, jaggery, oats and other such fibrous and mineral rich substances.

Drink enough water day in and day out to keep the body hydrated as well as to flush out the toxins. If you cant drink so much water, then consider green tea or fruit juices to supplement your water intake.

Several types of diets can help you to lose weight by increasing your metabolic rate while keeping your diet as healthy as possible. While the above diet is good to help you maintain your desired weight, finding the right diet to help you burn fat and drop to your desired weight isnt easy with so many different types of nutrition methods available.

For your benefit, weve reviewed several of the top diet meal plans like Fat Loss 4 Idiots, Master Cleanse Secrets, Top Secret Fat Loss Secrets and others to help you make better choices in purchasing diet meal plans to aid you in your health and fitness journey. - 17269

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Massage Chairs Standard Treatment in a Chiropractor Office

By Steve Esquire

Chiropractors are certified professionals in holistic health of the spine and back. By utilizing natural treatments, they help induce the spine to restore it back to health. This requires an understanding of the spine, the nervous system and the musculoskeletal system. A variety of therapies are used depending on the patient's situation. As massage therapy is being used extensively, massage chairs have automated some aspects of patient care in chiropractor's offices around the country.

Chiropractors are in high demand as they specialize in areas like pediatrics, sports injuries, neurology and orthopedics. The origin of chiropractic medicine dates back to the times of ancient Egypt. The origin of the word chiropractic comes from the Greeks. It uses the Greek words cheir and praxis which combined mean a treatment done by hand. Hands-on therapy is central to chiropractic care.

Chiropractors specialize in areas like pediatrics, sports injuries, neurology and orthopedics. They have to know how to find the root causes of many conditions and also how to restore their health. In the long tradition of chiropractic medicine, they use only natural methods and do not prescribe pharmaceuticals. A chiropractor is licensed by the state and must have earned a D.C. (Doctor of Chiropractic) degree.

Even though chiropractic medicine has been around since Egyptian times, it has not been covered by major health insurance plans. Big Medicine is covering more chiropractic treatments as now many state workers compensation systems are covering chiropractic treatment. This has forced Big Medicine to ante up and now many HMO's and private plans have included chiropractic coverage.

Chiropractors are trained to understand a patient's symptoms. They then test theories and validate them to find the root causes. They may take x-rays, perform certain tests or touch and feel what is going on. The spine is a complex arrangement of bones, muscles, tendons, nerves, ligaments, etc. that must be looked at in unison.

Chiropractic doctors are most famous for making adjustments to the spine. Most people are familiar with the popping or cracking sound as the doctor adjusts the spine. Adjustments are one in a series of potential treatments to help to align the spine and entice it back to restored health.

Massage therapy is being more commonly employed at chiropractor offices. Massage chairs have found a niche in providing a number of possible therapies in a convenient form. Massage chairs are programmed to deliver a targeted massage for a specific duration based on the patients needs.

Our spine is very unique in that it enables us to stand upright. When the spine is healthy, then this process is uninhibited. However, slight problems can shift the body weight around. These small shifts can cause an enormous amount of weight and stress to be concentrated in certain areas. This can happen by poor posture or lifting with your back, instead of your knees.

When the spine is out of balance, the chiropractor wants to redistribute the weight that is put on the spine. If you have a sore muscle, your other muscles will compensate for it and pick up the slack. The doctor needs to get the weight back to how it was distributed before when the spine was healthy.

Massage chairs provide an effective means to help the soft tissues to become more flexible and elastic. They help to elongate the muscles with soothing massage techniques. As the muscles relax, then elasticity is restored allowing a greater range of motion. Regular massage chair therapy helps to reduce built up tension and stiffness in these critical areas. Massage chairs are available for home use as well as professional health care use. Massage chairs may be the perfect complement to your back care. - 17269

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