Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Friday, June 19, 2009

Lower Back Pain: Definitions & Options

By Dr. Stefan Tarlow

The lower back has five vertebrae that make up the lumbar bones. These vertebrae are separated by spinal discs that are made of a gel-like substance. These discs are coated with cartilage.

The spinal canal surrounds the spinal cord and the nerves that branch away from it. It runs the length of the spinal column. It is common to experience pain in the lower back because the lower back bears most of the weight of the torso. For this reason the muscles, nerves and spine are under a great deal of stress and subject to pain.

As a matter of fact, the second most common complaint people bring to their doctor is low back pain. Only the flu brings people to the doctor more often. Back pain is caused by a variety of things. There is not even a single answer for an individual; however, trauma and injury often bring on back pain. Here are a few of the most often experienced causes of low back pain:

A muscle injury is a strain.

A ligament injury is a sprain.

Sciatica: Pinched nerve.

Sacroiliitis is caused by inflammation of the hip joint.

Disc degeneration is caused by disease (such as arthritis).

Herniated disc.

There are a number of reasons why sprains and strains happen. They could be the result of multiple events. For example, improper lifting, obesity, and poor posture each cause cumulative damage to the lower back as well as other body structures.

Click here for more on reconstruction for ACL tear.

There are a number of ways to treat a sprain or strain. They include: hot and/or cold packs, ultrasound, massage therapy, electrical stimulation, traction and reduction in which the bones are maneuvered physically, and/or anesthetic or corticosteroid injections. It is very important to gently resume normal activity after a couple of days rest to avoid stiffness.

One can avoid and treat back pain with strengthening and conditioning of the muscles of the lower back. General aerobic conditioning and specific strengthening exercises will help with this.

Spinal fusion is a back surgery that is used when all non-surgical options have been tried without success. Spinal fusion limits movement in the most painful area of the back.

If your pain is reduced, your surgery is successful. Keep in mind, however, that it may take more than a year to experience full recovery. Additionally, it is quite unusual for a person to truly have complete relief of pain. Discuss all of the options with your doctor. You may find that surgery is not the right treatment for your situation.

Click here for more on knee surgeons and surgeries. - 17269

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Acai Berry Diets can help build Those Muscles

By Dana Hawkes

A little-known benefit of the acai berry diet is its support in muscle building. Most of the acai berry diet reviews speak about how an acai berry diet can help in weight loss, anti-aging, good vision, cardiovascular health and so on. But a very few reviews speak about the bodybuilding benefits of the acai berries.

Acai berries are good for bodybuilding, but you cannot depend on them solely. Probably that's the reason why there is less information in this area. Acai is not as beneficial for building muscles as it is for some other things, but it does speed up the process all the same.

You need proteins in order to build muscles. That is the reason you see all professional bodybuilders consuming a diet that is rich in proteins. However, proteins are not introduced in the body directly. They are introduced in the form of amino acids. Amino acids are the building blocks for proteins. Now, acai berries have a very significant amount of amino acids. Hence, when consumed in the form of a diet, these simple-looking berries can actually produce chains of protein molecules in the muscles of the body.

There is more than 7.5% of amino acid content in acai berries. That's a significant amount. Also, since acai berry diet products are available in different concentrated forms, such as pulps, juices and powders, you can get a very good amount of protein through this food.

Also, the fact that acai berries remove bad cholesterol from your body helps. Acai berries are rich in antioxidants, which assist the digestive process and remove the harmful LDL cholesterols from the body. The result is a trimmer figure, and it is easier to work on building a trimmer body than a flabby body.

And it is not just about building your muscles. Check out the vast amount of acai berry diet information that is so freely available on the Internet. You will find out that this diet does not just pump up those muscles but ensures good overall health. A sound constitution in a great physique - that's what regular consumption of an acai berry diet can give you. - 17269

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Muscle Building for Women, How to Get the Body of Your Dreams

By Ricardo d Argence

Today more than ever before, women are diving into the world of fitness and bodybuilding. Women want to achieve their own ideals, show off their curves and have a beautiful, lean physique. Of course they also want to look younger, be healthier and feel better each and every day. Participating in female muscle building will not just improve your body but will improve your overall health.

Technically there is no strict distinction between body building workouts for men and women. Why should there be when they both have the same number and type of muscles and bones.

The main difference in our bodies is our natural hormones. Men have much more testosterone, and therefore have an easier time packing on new muscle mass. Women have much more estrogen, which can lead to naturally storing more fat. But despite this difference in our bodies, if a woman takes a smart approach to getting into shape and weightlifting, than she can still succeed at the highest levels.

One reason women don't participate in strength training is because they worry that as soon as they stop all of their muscle will turn into unsightly and unhealthy fat. This, however, is a common misconception.

Muscles and fat are different tissues. They cant be converted into one another. Fat is formed in the body when all the calories that you consume are not burnt properly. The most common cause behind this is reduction in physical activity and exercise. This happens in everybody, even people who exercise regularly.

When you stop working out your metabolism decreases and so you burn fewer calories, and of course you aren't participating in the physical exercise and stimulation that you were before.

Bodybuilding can be of great advantage to women. The important thing to remember is that if you want that perfect shape for your body you need to work with great focus, determination and patience. You will need to put in a while lot of handwork to get desired results.

1. First and foremost you have to make changes in your diet. You'll need to be eating more protein so that you can fuel muscle growth. You also want to boost your metabolism.

The easiest way to increase your metabolism is by eating 5-7 small meals and snacks every day instead of 3 large meals. This will keep your engine revving and it will also keep you feeling energetic at all points of the day.

2. The best way to build new muscle mass is by using the best possible exercises at your disposal. These are compound exercises, which target more than one group of muscles at one time, and stimulate a huge amount of muscle growth. The best compound exercises are the squat, the deadlift and the bench press. If you use these you'll be able to add a ton of new muscle mass to your frame.

3. But muscle building is not only about exercising. Its also about catching on your sleep on your regular basis. If you want to build your muscles you need to get at least 8 to 9 hours of sleep every night.

Your muscles grow while you are sleeping because your body's other processes are shut down. Therefore if you dont get enough rest, your muscles will never get the chance to repair themselves and grow bigger and stronger. - 17269

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Lose 6 Pounds in 7 Days

By Patsie Adams

Yes, losing 6 pounds in a week is possible. You will have to follow some guidelines and this article will explain in 6 doable steps.

First, let's make the calorie formula clear. To lose 6 pounds in a week you must burn 3000 more calories than you eat. The math says you have to burn about 475 extra calories a day to achieve this. You can burn the calories through diet or exercise. The best approach, of course is still a combination of both.

Heres how moving will get you burning those calories:

1. Get busy spring cleaning. You won't just get a clean house, you will burn some serious calories in the process. Clean the house intensely for some five hours and you can burn up to 575 calories . At this rate, a little over 5 hours of cleaning will allow you to burn all the calories needed - and some extra. But, beware that you dont want to compensate by eating more. Like we already said, the calories expended have to exceed the amount eaten.

2. Go skiing. Skiing is a fun activity to do in the winter. But, what is more, it burns a lot of calories. A 165 pound person will burn more than 12 calories a minute. Four hours of actual ski time (not including time spent on the lift or loafing in the ski lodge) will help you lose 6 pounds. Thats the best excuse Ive ever heard for a ski holiday!

3. Dont just sit the day away. Unfortunately, many of us sit in an office chair most of our work days, often in front of the computer. But realize we have options. Sit up or stand every 15 minutes to stretch. When you make a phone call, stand up and walk around. Not only will this make you more convincing over the phone, youll also be burning calories. And don't just send an email, walk over to your co workers cubicle if you have something to say. Fidgety at the desk? Don't let anyone stop you. This burns calories too. While these kind of strategies wont help you in one week, they will be effective over the long run.

The above examples cover activities, now let's go on to how you can effectively cut calories from food:

4. Try the Cabbage Soup Diet. On this diet, many people have lost up to at least 6 pounds in a week. You won't go hungry for it though. You can have all of the cabbage soup you want each day and a specified group of secondary foods. The cabbage soup staple is made of clear broth or V8 Juice, lots of cabbage, and your own choice of non-starchy vegetables.

5. Go on the Grapefruit Diet. This program completely bans carbohydrates. Each meal has to end with eating half a grapefruit - therefore its name.Breakfast consists of bacon, eggs and coffee. Lunch is a big salad and some meat. At dinner you can have more meat and non-starchy vegetables. Before retiring for the night, you have to drink 8 ounces of milk or tomato juice. Most people can lose up to 10 pounds on this program that can run to a maximum of 12 days. You should be able to lose 6 pounds, seven days into the diet.

6. Go vegetarian for a week.Removing meat and animal fats from your daily intake will really make you drop the pounds off quickly. Beans and legumes can stand in as your protein foods. Fruits and vegetables you can have plenty and often. Carbohydrates and starchy foods like bread and pasta are allowed, but in moderate portions.

So, there you have it, 6 ways to lose 6 pounds in a week. - 17269

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Are There Homeopathic Solutions to My Easy Bruising?

By Carolyn Cooper

If you happen to be someone who suffers from easy bruising, you will probably find that you have an interest in exploring the homeopathic route for a cure. Homeopathy is essentially a type of alternative medicine that seeks to treat and cure disorders through using much diluted preparations that often mimic the problems that are manifesting. When you are dealing with bruising easily, you'll find that there are several different herbs that you can use to treat your bruising. These preparations can reduce the amount of time that your bruises stick around, and they can even help prevent you from getting bruised in the first place.

To begin with, let's discuss dosages. Generally, you can use the compounds that you formulate for bruising any way or time that you please, but it is likely better for you to maintain the strength of your dosage favoring the mild side. Educate yourself so that you learn as much as you can about homeopathic cures if this is your first time to try to use them, because this may make a great deal of difference for the results you get.

When you have to deal with easy bruising repeatedly, you will quickly learn that arnica is one of the herbs that you should look into. Arnica is known to give some people a much shorter recovery time frame when used as a cold compress applied directly to the bruised area. You may use it externally if the skin has not been broken, but you should never apply it to an open wound. Arnica has a long reputation as an excellent remedy for reducing the visible appearance of bruising.

Another herb that has been used to reduce bruising through homeopathy is bellis, and so too are the herbs ledum, hamamelis, and ruta. These could be used in possible treatments that you might want to experiment with if you are going to practice homeopathy yourself, or if you are going to use someone who is already practices homeopathy. You should not just disregard homeopathy because its a practice that is somewhat outside of the norm for general medicine. Understand the basis of homeopathy so that you can really determine whether these cures might be beneficial for you. Have you have ever worked with homeopathy before, and what kind of results did you obtain?

Finding a solution that will let you work with the bruises that you already have can be quite difficult. Everyone has a slightly different problem that is made unique by their own particular circumstances, so consider yours. What you eat, how old you are, and your level of activity can be something that really affects how much you bruise and how often. Homeopathy is something that could make a huge difference in your unique situation, so always review your possible solutions, whether you decide to use homeopathy, or vitamin supplements, or a combination of both approaches. - 17269

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The Good For Your Health Dietary Advantages Of The Acai Berry

By Rose Howard

The acai berry (pronounced ah-sigh-ee) has lately been the focus of a huge amount of media hype. This small berry has been marketed as a abundantly nutritious and helpful dietary supplement, with some startling claims that it can help you to lose weight, prevent illness, undo the troubles of aging and sustain superior healthiness.

Even so, as of March 2009, there have not been any controlled studies on humans that back up these claims. However, when you are aware of the data about this little berry your common sense will tell you that even without scientific findings to prove it this healthy little berry is still an very healthy addition to a healthy nutritional regime.

Promotion claims on the acai berry reach from increased energy levels and improved digestion to detoxification and superior sexual functioning. There are claims that it can improve your heart health, improve the look of your skin, shrink your cholesterol levels and it has commonly been marketed as a weight loss product.

The details are that the acai berry is one of the most healthy foods ever found on the earth. It boasts one of the utmost antioxidant levels of any food as measured by the ORAC or Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity. It has a healthful synergy of nourishing monounsaturated fats and Omega 3, 6 and 9 fatty acids, and it has an very nearly ideal essential amino acid complex, along with a good for you dosage of fiber.

These wholesome components that are naturally a part of this healthy berry can all be a aspect in all of these claims that are being made. Fiber, essential fatty acids and antioxidants can all be a causative aspect to healthy weight loss. Antioxidants have been implicated as a factor in anti-aging and the hindrance of disease. It has been known for many, many years that first-class nutrition is significant for our all around good health by providing the components that our bodies need to effortlessly create great physical condition.

But the acai berry is not some recently exposed wonder fare but rather it is just another food in a long line of nourishing and nourishing foods that all play a part to our superior wellbeing.

Beneficial and extremely nutritious foods are copious on our planet. The berry grouping alone, of which the acai berry is a part, includes amazingly healthful and nourishing blueberries, raspberries, cranberries, blackberries and more. Spinach, cabbage, broccoli and cauliflower are exceptionally wholesome. And there are many, many other very wholesome foods such as pumpkin, tomatoes, oranges, grapefruit, sweet potatoes and more. All of these enormously nourishing foods are advantageous to our physical condition and most of them also contribute to the very same healthiness benefits that the acai berry has been touted for.

The acai berry is just one of the healthiest of them all as it has up to 10 times the antioxidant strength of red grapes and even 2 times as much as blueberries. It is just reasonable that eating a nutritious diet is valuable to our health so it is not really necessary to have controlled studies on humans to prove it. The acai berry is a healthful fruit found in nature, healthy food is helpful to our bodies so it cannot harm to try it and see how it will influence your health. - 17269

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The Prevention of Low Back Pain

By James J Knowlon

One of the most amazing parts of the human is the spine. The spine is an amazing engineering feat. The spine is designed to distribute the weight of the body across its length. The spine gives us the ability to walk upright. Our dependence on our spine is one of mobility. Many people experience low back pain. Low back pain comes when there is a concentration of force. This concentration of force can stress the muscles and soft tissues of the spine. You can take preventative actions to minimize this type of occurrence.

Diet is essential to maintaining the health of the soft tissues and bones of the spine. Many people with low back pain have very poor diets. Their diets may contain many processed foods and sugars and fast food high in fats. This can cause obesity which increases the load on the spine. Maintain a diet using fresh foods over processed foods.

One important area to look at is reducing the stress on your back in your daily activities. Simple activities like sitting and standing and lifting can directly affect your spines health. You must learn the correct ways of lifting, sitting and standing. If these activities are done incorrectly then they will put extra stress on the lower spine.

Sitting and standing also helps to reduce the risk of having upper back pain. Many people find that they sit with their shoulders slouched forward which places much more strain on the muscles of the upper back. This can be corrected by learning to hold your shoulders back and sit straight. This protects the spine.

Another key area of prevention is learning proper lifting techniques. Lifting applies to all sorts of objects, not just heavy lifting. Most people lift by bending over which puts all the weight and strain directly on the lower back. The lower back was not designed for this type of lifting. Instead use your legs by bending your knees. Let your legs do the lifting because these are the largest and strongest muscles you have.

You need to do periodic exercise to help strengthen your back. Light exercise should include a warm-up of stretching and massage therapy. With the muscles warmed up then do some light aerobics exercises. Going for a walk for just 20 minutes a day can help strengthen your back. You want to keep your back muscles strong and flexible.

Massage chairs help to increase the flexibility of the lower back muscles. Massage chairs use a finger press technique to adjust each vertebra. This will elongate the muscles and tendons surrounding the spinal column. This helps increase their elasticity which helps them become more flexible. Massage chairs also apply kneading, tapping and vibration to stimulate these key muscles which helps to reduce pain and speed up the healing process.

Another important preventative health tip for your spine is your sleeping position. Most people sleep between seven and eight hours a night. Improper sleeping positions can put stress on different parts of the spine and neck. It is better to sleep on your back than on your stomach. If you sleep on your side you may want to consider using a pillow to put between your knees. This will help to straighten your spine while you sleep. You can also try rolling up a small towel and inserting it in the lumbar area to make it more comfortable.

While most people will suffer from low back pain at some point in their lives there are specific treatment protocols and methods of prevention that can help to speed the recovery process and reduce the risk of the problem happening again. Diet, exercise, lifting techniques, sleeping and massage therapy can all help to minimize potential problems and low back pain. Massage chairs can be an excellent asset in the prevention and healing of low back problems. Check with your doctor for more information and what might be right for your situation. - 17269

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Healthy Eating by Lowering Dietary Fat

By Ian Bowers

When embarking on a fitness plan, whether it be for a particular activity or increasing muscle, such as body building, it is vital to address your diet. Although many sports diet programs look at and give advice about particular foods like high protein foods, it is important to eat healthily.

It is important even for those dieting, on a weight loss program. A low calorie or sports diet is not always a healthy diet. One especially important area is in fat intake. The following provides tips and advice on which foods to buy and how to cook them in the best way to reduce fat intake:

Particular foods to buy:

Find out if there are alternatives to the food you normally buy by checking the labels and choosing low saturated fat ones.

If you are buying poultry such as chicken or turkey, buy it without the skin on.

Vegetarian and Fish alternatives tend to have a lower fat content.

Choose low fat alternatives of dairy products like semi-skimmed milk and low fat yoghurts.

A pie with just one crust on the top is much lower in fat.

Checking the cut of meat and the visible fat content will help reduce the fat level. Look out for lower fat alternatives of meat such as lean mince meat. Also check the amount of fat on a cut of meat and choose the one with the lowest fat amount.

Low fat food preparation:

Saturated oils are bad, so use unsaturated oils as an alternative. Sunflower, rapeseed and olive oil are popular types. These are a good alternative to lard, butter and ghee.

Grill your meat instead of frying it. The fat is allowed to run away off the meat when grilling. Removing the fat from the meat before cooking will lower the fat content.

Using a non-stick pan can allow you to avoid using fat or oil altogether.

Using low fat spreads when making foods such as mashed potatoes is a much healthier alternative.

If you are on a fitness plan then a more healthy alternative can be substituted. If you add all these small amounts of advice together it can amount to big changes in your diet. Consistent small changes can soon add up to large differences. - 17269

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Liquid Vitamins and Minerals - Better Versions of Supplements

By Martin Castella

Liquid vitamins and minerals provide that much needed urgency when it comes to healing and nurturing the human body. Unlike those that are consumed through solid foods and supplements, vitamins and minerals in liquid form are more effective in distributing different sources of energy in our system. While there are a lot of chronic diseases present in the world today, the antioxidants present in the liquid vitamins and minerals can help our bodies remain fit and strong.

All human beings require a particular amount of vitamins and minerals for everyday. Due to this specific requirement and need, the body demands a hefty amount of nutrients so as to work with utmost efficiency during work, school and leisure time. Vitamins and minerals must come in specific doses so as to make us more energized throughout the day.

In the form of antioxidants, nutrients are injected in liquid food supplements so as to allow the body to fully digest the different live components and automatically distribute these throughout our internal system. Made into organic components, the vitamins and minerals are now helping the organs make the body release its full potential.

The ability of the body to absorb the nutrients from the vitamins and minerals is heavily affected by whether the supplement is in a liquid or solid form. Liquid supplements allow the body to quickly move the nutrients to the blood stream because they are easy to digest.

Older people also have trouble digesting vitamins and minerals in their body, which is why some vitamin production companies have made it possible for them to receive their antioxidants in liquid state.

As they replenish the supply of nutrients in our bio-systems, liquid vitamins and minerals also strengthen the work of DNAs in our body. To make sure that the body is more effective in barring out causes of sickness, liquid supplements are also deprived of heavy metals in order to give us the pure doses of nutrients.

With the early 1990's being a year of distress for those people who've been diagnosed with mineral deficiency, people have been more cautious with the food that they eat. Without the right nutrients, the body is weaker and is more likely to contract diseases.

With everyone experiencing the lack of money to buy the right food, a lot of Americans depend on supplements that will give them the nutrients that their bodies need. Liquid vitamins and minerals are sold in very affordable prices so as to cater to every individual's health. - 17269

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A Brief Introduction To Protein

By Diane Walters

As you may have picked up, it is all important to eat as much as protein as possible to keep up a healthy diet. As you know, protein makes up the key building block for most body organ tissues and additional elements such as important enzymes, skin, hair, nails, bones, connective and muscle tissue. Proteins constitutes anywhere from 13-20 per centum of the average humans physical structure , and it is significantly important to keep up this percentage in order experience a fit and healthy life-style.

It is crucial to confer with your doctor or other health care professional person to find out exactely what amounts of protein is suggested for you personally. Nevertheless, for the vast majority of people in America and Canada, the suggested day-to-day consumption is approximately fifty grams a day, based on a two thousand-calorie diet. The major sources of protein are found in foods such as meats, chicken, bean curd, and eggs. Protein is also be found in most dairy products such as milk, cheese, and yogurt. Many athletes, musclebuilders, and anybody who exerts themselves on a steady basis will need a lot more protein to help build up and preserve muscle. Naturally, many people may require more protein then others depending upon several personal aspects such as their food intake, diet, quantity of physical exercise, age and weight.

Now, for those people that need the additional protein. It is very difficult to obtain the required extra protein through food consumption alone. It could take quite a few more extra calories. There is a healthier solution. Protein powders! The protein powder is mixed with liquid such as milk, juice, or water to make a protein shake. We add extra protein to our shakes, which just adds to the nutritional value of one meal replacement shake. Protein powders are powdery mixtures of dietary supplements and other ingredients such as whey, whey isolate, creatine, calcium caseinate, isopure and isapro. They are a very good source of protein because they are easy to consume and digest. You can make a tasty protein shake by adding fruit or yogurt and milk. You can get the same amount or more of protein by drinking a protein shakes as eating a steak dinner, with a lot less calories and you spend a lot less time making aqnd eating it.

Have you heard of another form of protein supplements called liquid proteins? Liquid proteins can be made from collagen hydrolysate, or a fruit enzyme called predigested papain. Liquid proteins are protein molecules that have been broken down into free amino acids and polypeptides, which increases your protein absorption. Liquid proteins can be easily and unnoticeably mixed in with assorted foods and beverages. There are a few brands of liquid proteins availale in the marketplace nowadays. To name just a few, Pro-Stat, Isapro, Proteinex and, IsoPure. The chief benefits to liquid proteins are they allow vast amounts of good protein in a much smaller amount of substance.

Another great way to find protein is in protein bars and cookies. Protein bars and cookies are tasty convenient for busy people looking for additional protein consumption. You should keep in mind that a major disadvantage to protein bars and cookies are they can be very high in fats and sugars. If you do not like the idea of protein shakes or liquid protein you can seek additional protein in other ntritional supplements. - 17269

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The Right Food - Better Health

By Spencer Gabato

A person concerned with health should choose to eat foods that have high health values. The food gives as the necessary substances for our body to operate optimally including our brain. To learn the what foods have higher health values can help us choose the food that can give us the needed nutrients.

Different foods have different health values and within food groups, some have more health value than others. Below, you can find the healthiest food choices. Eating them on a regular basis can bring you good health and hence a happier life.

Vegetables come first. They are packed with vitamins and minerals to provide you with the needed nutrition. All vegetables are loaded with different nutrients but antioxidants wise, dark colored vegetables have more antioxidants. Choose asparagus, peas, green beans, celery, kale, spinach, peas and green beans. Other health promoting vegetables are squash, yams, mushrooms, potatoes, carrots and eggplant.

As for fruits, the same goes for the darker colored ones. They have higher antioxidant content. Your good options are oranges, pears, fig, apples, bananas, raspberries, watermelon and grapes. Most berries have good nutritional value but acai berry seems to have the highest including antioxidant content.

For meat, choose the ones that are low in cholesterol and fat such as chicken breast, lamb, turkey, venison, and lean beef. Good seafood choices are scallop, cod, tuna and shrimp. Among the dairy food groups - egg, low fat cheese and yogurt are the best.

Eating grains and nuts is also very important. Your body needs the extra protein and carbohydrates found in nuts and grains. Flaxseeds, almonds, peanuts, extra virgin olive oil, sunflower seeds, and pumpkin seeds are good for the health and quite tasty too. You can find grain products in bread, barley, buckwheat, corn, rye, oats and whole wheat. White bread is inferior to whole grain products so you can leave it off from your diet.

Stay away from sugar. Many delicious food are sweetened by sugar to make it sweet and savory. Sugar can make more harm than good to your body so choose foods that have natural sweeteners like honey, molasses and maple syrup. These naturally sweetened food still tastes good and is beneficial for your health.

You don't need to add sugar or fat to make the food delicious. Combine it with spices such as black pepper, basil, dill, cilantro, oregano, peppermint, black pepper, sage, rosemary, and thyme.

Water is the best when it comes to hydrating your body. Refrain from soda as it contains sugar and most of them also contain caffeine. If you need a beverage, choose green tea as it is very health promoting and contains a lot of antioxidants to give you healthier and younger looking skin. - 17269

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Massage, Fitness and Healthy Eating for Health and Wellness

By Sue Saiah

Massage and Health.

Did you know that massage and bodywork supports better health and wellness? Did you know that bodywork goes hand-in-hand with diet, nutrition and fitness?


I am a licensed and certified massage therapist and Bodyworker, certified nutritionist and certified fitness trainer. I have worked on high profile sports medical teams. My work prevents injuries and speeds healing of injuries. I am all about health and fitness. That requires exercise, good nutrition and bodywork.

The Path to Natural Health.

I have had my battles with health over the years, and I try to work with the body to promote and enhance health and wellbeing. Proper nutrition provides the essentials for the body to heal itself. Fitness stimulates healing. Massage enhances the natural healing ability of the body.

Talking About Health.

This blog is a great opportunity to chat about natural healing. I want to help other understand the importance ofhealthy eating and exercise. I also want people to khow how massage and bodywork can help you to be healthier and happier.


This blog is a wealth of information on health and wellness. Learn about the body, body balance and how it to keep it in balance with massage, bodywork, diet, nutrition and fitness. There are always clues to imbalances that lead to ill health. Spot them before they become a problem.

Natural Advice.

I will discuss natural ways to enhance your wellbeing. This has been such a large part of my life for so very, very many years. I have shared much advice with my massage clients over the years and now I will share it with you here. I also include other health information as it all relates to wellness.


Holistic therapies, such as massage and bodywork teach us that the body is well designed with all sorts of checks and balances. It will work well for you and support you in spite of many strains going against it. Your body works very hard for you.

The Natural Way to Health.

There is an innate intelligence in the body and it works on a cellular level. Your body constantly is offsetting the harm done to it daily, replenishing and rebuilding itself. We use massage, bodywork, nutrition and fitness to support and stimulate this innate intelligence.

Better and Better.

Using proper diet and exercise, we can support our bodies by working with this mechanism instead of against it. By taking care of ourselves we can live better, longer and healthier than otherwise. Life is not perfect, but there are degrees toward which we can strive and achieve. Amazing results can he had, just by assisting our bodies' amazing mechanism for preservation and rejuvenation with diet, fitness, nutrition, and bodywork.

Natural Essentials.

Nature also provides many means of supporting this mechanism. Some of the most effective things are the most natural. Bodywork and massage are entirely natural. Eating good, healthy foods rich in antioxidants and nutrients, drinking fresh water, and getting plenty of fresh air and exercise is the most effective thing you can do for your body.

The Extra Boost.

Herbs and nutritional supplements provide an extra boost. Massage, chiropractic and Bodyworx help to realign and balance the body, removing unnatural stresses so it can restore optimal functioning. Essential oils are a specialty of mine, and they can be used in a variety of ways toward many purposes.

We are Here for You.

I encourage you to use this health and wellness blog as a resource. Visit our sites for more information, tips and nutritional products. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. - 17269

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