Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Carbohydrates and Their Effecting in Treating Diabetes

By Lara Richards

A simple blood test will confirm a diagnosis of diabetes. Normally a high blood glucose will indicate that a person has diabetes. A sedentary lifestyle and poor food choices will contribute to the rise in blood sugar levels in the body. The hormone insulin controls the blood sugar level. A person getting diabetes might not be producing enough insulin or the insulin that person produces is not utilized properly by the body.

Diabetes when not properly controlled can lead to multiple organ failure. It is known that it can affect organs such as the eyes, kidney, nerves and the heart. Complications such as gangrene, edema, retinopathy are common for people with diabetes. Diabetes, if not inherited, can be avoided. It is greatly attributed to carbohydrate intake of the person. Carbohydrates is directly related to the blood sugar levels of the body. Just as the body needs other nutrients, excessive consumption of food rich in carbohydrates can lead to the development of diabetes.

There are many misconceptions about diabetic meal planning. Diabetic or not, you may have the idea that insulin dependence will be the end to the high blood sugar levels in the body, without any need to worry anymore about having high blood sugar level. Another one is that diabetics can eat anything so long as the eat bitter herbs and vegetables at the end of each meal. Another popular one is that it is okay for diabetics to eat anything they want as long as it is not sweet. All of these are wrong.

The battle against diabetes begins once you are diagnosed with the disease. If not avoided, you may need long term care from a physician to avoid getting the complications from the disease. Also, you need to regularly monitor your blood sugar level. You may also be required to take insulin shots to keep your blood sugar level under control.

Once diagnosed, you will be forced to make lifestyle modifications to avoid further complications from the disease. There are many diabetics who live considerably normal lives as long as they keep their blood sugar levels in check and they remain physically active.

The diabetics diet should be guarded against consumption of carbohydrate-rich food. Why so much concern on carbohydrates? Carbohydrates directly relates to the blood sugar levels. There are certain food that contain large amounts of sugar. These high glycemic index foods are normally ones that people crave for, sweets, cakes, candies, ice cream. These are packed with sugar and carbohydrates that can be detrimental to the health of the diabetic.

Staying healthy has a lot to do with good eating habits and a little discipline. They are essential not only for the diabetic but for anyone wanting to stay healthy and avoid not only diabetes but other diseases as well. The idea of eating in moderation and exercise will go along way into maintaining a healthy body. It is okay to eat sweet foods so long as you dont overeat, reducing portions or replacing some foods with healthier alternatives will help you feel not being deprived of the tempting foods that you like. - 17269

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Abs Workout - Motivate With A Workout Partner

By Jose Loni

What else can motivate us to do ab workouts? Try a workout partner. Doing ab workouts with a workout partner keeps the workout from getting boring, helps us stay on track and has psychological benefits that go beyond the gym.

Our natural tendency to workout more faithfully in the presence of another person lends itself well to having a workout partner. More often than not, we can let ourselves down but not others.

Social support encourages physical activity and a workout partner can help achieve and maintain that goal by providing a gentle coercion. Seeing someone like you doing a physical activity makes you believe you can do it too. The greater our self-confidence doing regular activity, the more motivated we become, which allows us to stay with an exercise program beyond the start-up phase.

Getting motivated with a workout partner is easier because our partner helps the time pass more quickly. Chatting with a companion distracts us from the monotony and physical challenges of the session. So we're more likely to stay on track.

Good partners can help challenge and encourage each other to not skip a session when feeling low and unmotivated. There is no bad day with them.

A workout partner keeps us focused on our goals. If we're having fun working out, then we're going to want to do it more and when we stick with it longer, we get better results in the end. As well, we become more accountable especially in regards to proper eating habits further helping us achieve our goals.

Working out with a friend has the added benefit of allowing us to de-stress. Because we have the opportunity to talk to a friend who will listen, we are able to unburden some of the daily stresses we go through to them.

Get motivated with a workout partner while doing ab workouts. They not only take the boredom out of the routine and keep us on track with our workout goals, but they also help us outside the gym setting by helping us de-stress while we chat and share stories with each other. Let's motivate ourselves with a workout partner - it could be the best abs workout session yet. - 17269

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Weight lifting tips - Why recordkeeping is essential

By Jon Cardozo

On the road to building huge amounts of muscle (or even moderate amounts of muscle for that matter), the two critical factors are obviously progressive resistance and a proper weight gain diet.

The problem is that many people don't know how to act really measure their results. In other words, it's one thing to know that you should increase your calories, but how do you know whether or not things are working for you? If you don't keep track of what you're doing on a daily basis, there's no way to tell how much progress has been made or what you're doing incorrectly. That's why you need to write down everything that you eat and all the exercises that you do.

This may seem difficult and even annoying at first, but it should become second nature pretty soon. Gradually you'll get to know how many calories a particular food contains or how many grams of protein or fat you're eating. When you think about it, most foods that you buy at the grocery store already have this kind of information available, so this should make your job that much easier.

If you have doubts about your current meal plan, you can simply look at your records and see if you've been eating enough calories or protein. Likewise, you can measure your progress in the gym and decide if you're truly headed the right direction. If your progress halts or slows down (that is you're no longer building muscle), the problem is either with your training or with your meals.

There will be times when you're not even sure if you're making progress all. There are some tips to keep in mind however, such as trying to gain a pound each week. This is one example of a goal you can shoot for that can help you track your progress along the way (as long as you also measure body fat percentage).

As for weightlifting exercises, your record keeping is just as important here. Your goal should be to gradually lift more weight from week to week, and you'll easily be able to see if you've met this requirement by writing things down.

Keeping a journal of your actions and your progress is such a simple thing that many people completely disregard it. This would be a huge mistake, however, because the simple actions are often what really determine your success or failure.

Simply put, record keeping is an essential part of a comprehensive muscle building program. - 17269

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