Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The Influence of Infant Brain Development in Smart Babies

By Michael Byrd

The development of the brain plays a vital role in the quality of life of a person.

It is during pregnancy that the human brain starts to develop. Mothers are given the responsibility to make sure that they are well nourished during pregnancy.

Want to know why? This is because an infant's brain starts to develop even as a fetus, thus it is important that it is provided with important oils ? omega 3 fatty acids with DHA in particular.

As Brain Development Starts

Did you know that a baby's brain begins to develop as early as a month after fertilization? Thus it is recommended for women who are in their childbearing years to get as much omega 3 fatty acids that contains DHA in their diets.

Scientist worldwide believes that it is necessary to have adequate consumption of DHA for proper brain development. Centuries ago, our primitive ancestors did not get as much DHA in their diet hence this explains why we are now more advanced in thinking as compared to them.

This helps you understand why omega 3 oils with DHA are essential for brain development.

The brain capacity of our ancestors was believed to have declined as they did not get sufficient amount of DHA in their diets. But soon, as they moved to the coastal areas, they were able to eat plenty of fish that contained DHA, there's a remarkable increase in their brain capacity was observed.

Scientists think that Homo Sapiens (that is you and me) wouldn't have developed with the absence of DHA from fish oil in their diets. [Lipids, Vol. 34:s39-s47]

What can a Bigger Brain Do For Us

If we have bigger brains, we would be able to learn, communicate and rationalize better and be able to do the things that we want to do.

It all starts during pregnancy; a fetus' brain begins to develop during the 25th to 28th week of pregnancy. The brain then starts to regulate the control of bodily functions. But expect more growth 12 weeks before full term pregnancy.

To ensure that a baby reaches full term, omega 3 fatty acids is needed. It is also needed for the continuous development of the baby's brain and nervous system.

Hilarious it may seem, but we have the fishes from the ocean to thank that we did not grow up like the apes swinging in vines hanged in trees. Maybe we should thank our ancestors for discovering what a great food fish can be.

Insufficient Omega 3 Fish Oil

A research from the Institute of Brain Chemistry and Human Nutrition in London, blames DHA deficiency during pregnancy as the reason for underweight babies.

Since brain development disorders can be lasting, mothers are advised to get into a diet that has abundant amount of omega 3 oils with DHA. Eating lots of fatty fish and taking supplements of high and pure quality fish oil capsules can suffice these needs. [AJCN, Vol. 57, 703s-709s]

Since you are going to have a baby, wouldn't you prefer having a smart and healthy one by taking omega 3 fish oil daily?

Take a look at great picture of healthy pregnancy stages, got to human pregnancy week by week.

Copyright by Michael Byrd. All Rights Reserved. - 17269

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Home Delivered Diet Meals- Diet Variety So You Don't Get Bored!

By Xania Hughes

Home delivered diet meals can make dieting so much easier for many people, especially if they have tried dieting before and found that food preparation is one of their biggest obstacles to weight loss. One of the main problems on a diet plan is monotony, and once we get it through our heads that there's nothing good to eat on our weight loss programs, it's very easy to become negative and lose sight of our weight loss goals. Home delivered diet meals can however change all that!

Here's some of the benefits of home delivered diet meals that I have discovered through using them:

1. Food variety! Professional home delivery diet services today pride themselves on supplying gourmet style meals full of flavour. The best plans have meals that have been designed with flavour and interest in mind and offer some amazing meals. The variety does not stop at just the evening meal either as plans cater for interest and taste at breakfast and lunchtime, also providing 2 snacks for between meals

2. Home delivered diet meals are delivered to your door frozen, fully prepared, and ready to heat and eat. The weekly plans provide three meals and two snacks for every day of the week, meaning you save time and energy by not having to do special diet shopping and preparation.

3. Costing on average about twenty dollars a day, home delivery diet meals plans are affordable and a great help to your budget. As all the meals and snacks you receive in your delivery are all you need to eat for the week, once you have paid your subscription you will know that everything you need to eat and lose weight for the next seven days.

4. No more boring diet diaries and remembering to count all the calories of everything you eat. If you are like me, I find that one of the most annoying chores on a diet plan is tracking all my eating and writing it down. Home delivered diet meals free us from this chore. All the calculating is done for you and all you really need to do is eat what is supplied-guilt free!

5. You are freed from the kitchen!. No more trying to make imaginative food from salad leaves! The variety found in home delivered diet meals these days means on any meal time you could be sitting down to gourmet delights such as Beef Pot roast or Teriyaki Chicken. All you have to do is heat and serve!

Have you ever considered how much help home delivered diet meals can make to your dieting efforts? The meal plans are gourmet style , nutritionally balanced and full of taste and variety that stop meal boredom by offering variety and flavour. They help reinforce your weight loss goals by keeping your food interesting.

The Bistro MD home delivered diet meals program is the program I chose to provide my diet plan meals. Bistro MD have an excellent reputation for service and quality, and deliver meals that are gourmet style, great taste and restaurant standard. The Bistro MD service is also extremely reliable and has always delivered my weekly packages on time. - 17269

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Rowing Exercise For Fast Fat Loss and Conditioning

By Caleb Lee

If you want to lose weight and burn fat fast while increasing your anaerobic, aerobics and overall endurance but you're sick and tired of running all the time then you're going to love this article about rowing.

Yesterday I did one more of my rowing exercises on the rowing machine at the fitness center and boy did it kick my ass " ONCE MORE! This article will train you all about rowing for exercise, why you have to do it, and the highly effective way to perform rowing to burn fat automatically

What's Rowing?

Rowing is a physical exercise where you get on a machine with a handle affixed to a cable of some type and you put your feet in loops. You later row by pulling the cable backwards towards your chest as you shove with through your heels (resembling squat movement). The seat you sit on moves rearwards in that case you can push yourself away.

Why Do You Have To Row?

When most people think of cardio training they only think of running. Running is breathtaking and all that, but then again, I get tired of it after a short while. I definitely cant stand long slow steady state cardio at any rate, and any time I run I do perform sprint interval training.

But rowing is a fantastic workout since it is more upper body dominant, and will give you a time out from conventional cardio workouts such as running, bicycling, and all that.

Its also one of the few cardio exercises that hits all the major muscle groups, including quads, biceps, triceps, lats, glutes and abdominal muscles.

Its great for your cardiovascular conditioning, and you can easily do interval training on it because you can adjust both the resistance level of the row, and you can vary your speed easily (like on a bicycle).

How Should You Row For Maximum Fat Loss?

Here's the training I did yesterday and the one you have to give it a go if you're in good shape and want to nuke some body fat off swiftly. It only takes FIVE to SIX minutes, but I assure you you'll know you had an awesome workout!

Here's how to execute it:

* Row at a constant pace for 1-2 minutes to get loose

* Work Interval: At the minute mark Row as powerful and promptly as you can for 20 seconds

* Rest Interval: Row at your warm up pace for 10 seconds

* Repeat your work/rest interval 8 more times

* You're through!

Now's the time to get up, tell your heart its NOT going to break through your chest and if necessary, you may have to puke. By round 6, 7 and 8 you're going to REALLY be winded and think you cant keep going (this is if you're really rowing as hard and fast as you can during your work intervals)

In spite of this stick it out " you wont be going that fast in your last couple rounds but the important part is Amount of effort in short you are MAKING AN EFFORT to row as quickly and as intense as you can (though you can only handle an average speed).

Whats So Great About This Workout?

This is the well-known tabata procedure. Researchers discovered that people who took pleasure in the routine five days a week for six weeks developed their full aerobic capacity by 14% GOOD THING, they also increased anaerobic capacity by 28%.

Besides, scientists became aware that the people in the wake of the tabata protocol burned 9 TIMES MORE FAT than a group that worked out for an hour a day (carrying out steady-state aerobics). Plus your metabolism remains revved up and burns more fat until 48 hours after the Tabata protocol.

When Should You Do This Workout?

Try it on your rest days. You can alternate a cardio workout of sprints and a cardio workout like this with rowing to keep your body from adapting and for variety in your cardio routines. If you're following the DoubleYourGains 3-5 program you'll have 2-3 rest days per week. You could do this rowing routine on one rest day and a different cardio routine on the other to keep it fresh or just do this routine on both days, its your choice.

You'll get a better feel for how frequently you can do this routine and still restore your health once you've done it a few times. So get out there and try it now! - 17269

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A Healthy Energy Drink Has Natural Energy

By Julieanne van Zyl

A healthy energy drink contains natural energy from nutrients plus an energy blend gives prolonged energy. Most of the energy drink are soft drinks, formulated specifically to increase energy levels, and there are hundreds of various kinds on the market today. Some are high caffeine drinks, others are enhanced fruit juices, and others contain extra nutrients to improve health.

Most folks take some kind of beverage during the day and quite often at night also, to give them a boost in energy. The traditional coffee and tea has been drunk for a lot of years for this purpose. Energy drinks came into existence over the last 20 years, and a lot of of these are essentially soft drinks with Caffeine or Guarana added to them. Youths and teenagers tend to prefer high energy drinks more than coffee and tea, although folks of all different ages are now drinking energy drinks also.

Caffeine has the benefit of stimulating the central nervous system, and increasing metabolism. Guarana has the active constituent Guaranine, which is almost identical to caffeine. Nutritionists believe that the Guarana seed may be good for athletic performance, fatigue and weight control.

Most energy drinks have a high sugar content, and the sugar causes the short lived energy and the crash once the sugar works its way out of the bloodstream. So, these drinks are sometimes made with less sugar or a sugar substitute

The ingredients in energy drinks differs enormously. Some have natural ingredients like Ginkgo, Ginseng, Yerba Mate and Guarana and others have added nutrients like vitamins. For example, HiroEnergy, Monster Energy, Red Bull and XS Energy Drink Root Blast all contain B Vitamins.. The Verve Energy Drink, which is based on an existing dietary supplement and contains contains plus an energy blend.

Drinking a healthy energy drink gives more energy that lasts much longer, because the extra nutrients improve the body's cardiovascular and immune system, which assists in preventing prevent sickness. The nutrients also play an important role in protein and carbohydrate absorption and metabolism, along with supporting the digestive system. In addition, healthy drinks usually contain antioxidants, which help prevent damage to our bodies from stress and being exposed to dirty air and environmental pollutants.

It should be okay for athletes to drink a healthy energy drink without being afraid of their performance being affected.. Always check the label to see what is actually contained in the energy drink.. - 17269

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Best Weight Loss Supplement For Those Who Drink Lots Of Sodas And

By Deen Dragonovich

The majority of weight loss supplements on the market today work basically one of two ways. They either control your appetite or work through a process called thermogenesis (fat burning).

The most popular fat burner on the market today is probably Green Tea and the most popular appetite suppressant is Hoodia. Green Tea is considered Asias secret to weight loss and there are many studies to back its claims.

Hoodia on the other hand carries the torch for appetite suppressants. It originates in Southwestern Africa, but has only been marketed as a weight loss supplement for a few years. Unfortunately the jury is still out on its effectiveness. This is probably caused by the varying quality of this product from company to company.

Until now there really hasnt been any weight loss supplement that addresses the root cause of obesity " fructose, more specifically high fructose corn syrup (HFCS). Heres what the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition had to say about HFCS:

evidence that a marked increase in the use of HFCS, and therefore in total fructose consumption, preceded the obesity epidemic and may be an important contributor to this epidemic in the United States.

With the fast pace of todays society, more and more Americans eat there meals at fast food restaurants, coffee and doughnut shops. Most of the foods found there contain heaps of sugar and HFCS.

Even if you have the time to cook at home, supermarket shelves are filled with products that now contain HFCS instead of plain sugar. HFCS is even found in so-called healthy foods like yogurt. It shouldnt be surprising that more and more Americans are overweight.

There is however a new compound that actually prevents fructose from metabolizing into fat. This all natural compound is derived from the roots of Scutellaria baicalensis, commonly referred to as Chinese skullcap and Heartwood of Acacia catechu, known as Black catechu in India.

This natural compound has the ability to decrease two key obesity markers in the blood stream that are found in high levels in the chronically obese

By inhibiting fat conversion from fructose pathways this new compound has been shown to significantly decrease both of these obesity markers, thereby blocking fructose for the formation of fat.

This new weight loss supplement shows a lot of promise. The compounds are all natural with no known side effects. This new weight loss supplement may very well hold the key to the obesity epidemic. Only time will tell.

If your live style requires you to eat out a lot, or if you just eat a lot of sweets, you may want to give this new weight loss supplement a try. - 17269

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How To Lose Weight Fast! 2 Startling Secrets Revealed.

By Peter Clayton

Two shocking secrets demonstrating how to lose weight fast are disclosed here.

Recently disclosed information by Dr. Suzanne Gudakunst allows anyone, regardless of their diet, to do just one simple and immediately begin losing undesirable and potentially dangerous fat. In the first 30 days alone, this discovery has seen, on average, a weight loss of 45 lbs. for most people just beginning to use her new secret.

Dr. Gudakunst found that foods which contain chemicals, preservatives, pesticides, etc. produce crusty "plaque" that builds up in everyone over the years.

This plaque is the reason for your extra weight for the following reasons:

Your body starves from lack of proper nutrition, no matter how much you eat " so, you continue to eat and get very fat.

Your hypothalamus adjusts your metabolism to burn food much more slowly in an effort to store food - making you even fatter..!

Getting rid of this undesirable "garbage" will permit you to begin naturally melting away this unwanted fat that can harm your otherwise fit and attractive physique.

Dr. Suzanne also identified many specific species of "parasites" (i.e.--little worm-like, eyeless, fanged creatures) living inside 99.964% of everyone's intestines in the USA alone, and 92.36% of people worldwide.

Parasites produce a damaging and very toxic, jelly-like "sludge" that smothers your intestines. Also, they rob your body of nutrition and, at the same time, lay millions of eggs. After they die, the parasites calcify, creating a coral-like obstruction which further precludes you from getting the nutrition you desperately need.

These nasty organisms discharge chemical messengers, which means that you desire foods you are not meant to eat. Irradicating them means you no longer crave thousands of harmful foods.

We all need sufficient nutrition. Without it, your health is in jeopardy. Not only will you see a decrease in your quality of life, but your lifespan as well.

Dr. Suzanne has tested her amazing new discovery privately with a select group of volunteers for 6 years, with nothing short of fantastic results!

In less than 5 months, a Chicago patient who initially weighed 587 lbs. was able to shed 449 lbs. She now looks like and feels like a totally different person. Clearly, she has also increased the quality of her life and added many productive years as well by using the "Top Secret Fat Loss Secret!"

There have been many other success stories like this. - 17269

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Muscle Gains And Fitness Supplements - What You Need To Know

By Francoise A. Hale

A person with active lifestyle stays fit by means of tested exercise routines and regular weight training. Though stressful to the body, these routines combined with the right nutritional diets can lead to astonishing gains in the muscle, body strength, and over-all wellbeing. However, since the result of these may show up for quite a time - a significant number of fitness enthusiasts resort to Steroids because of its ability to increase muscle size and strength in a shorter period of time. Unknowingly, steroid users are damaging their body's natural processes and drug dependency.

What leads to good muscle development?

Muscle increase is achievable but with a certain degree of sacrifice. Staying in shape entails maintaining a high protein diet, having the right nutritional supplements, and the right amount of sleep. Some people, however, opt for an easier and less time-consuming process by turning to steroids.

Muscle size and strength are developed as the body goes through a combination of rigorous workout and enough rest. During one's period of relaxation, the broken down tissues and cells are rebuilt thereby increasing the number of cells that enhances muscle fibers. As the workout routine progresses, so is the body's response by naturally increasing muscle cells.

Muscle gains are also the result of adequate nutrition during the recovery period. Many athletes and bodybuilders turn to muscle support formulas such as alpha lipoic acid and L-carnitine to protect valuable muscle tissue and reduce the risk of losing lean muscle mass. Taking these supplements either before or after a workout can encourage the body to preserve lean muscle tissue and improve the cell rebuilding and repair process for hours after the workout session.

Stemulite, a Good Substitute for Steroids

For quite some time, sports players and bodybuilders have taken into extreme measures in order to attain the desired muscle strength and endurance. Steroids were potent medications preferred while the all-natural supplements were not that appealing to many. Recently, a fitness supplement called Stemulite penetrated the market and is claimed to be making waves with active people due to its amazing health benefits. Without the potentially harmful effects associated with steroids, Stemulite is reported by athletes, bodybuilders, and triathletes to have positive results even for only a few weeks of intake.

As stated by Dr. Todd J. Cielo, a practicing Chiropractor and IronMan Triathlete,

"I have been able to achieve a deeper sleep. I wake up hitting the ground running. I noticed from working out my muscles are fuller, denser and harder. My endurance has increased 25%. There is something in Stemulite for everyone."

Dr. Cielo noticed benefits within just five days of using the supplement, reporting better sleep, better performance during his weight lifting routine, and improved endurance. He feels that Stemulite is a valuable energy-enhancing supplements that can be used for all types of lifestyles including busy parents, those who live active lifestyles, and athletes.

Safe and effective, Stemulite is a good alternative to the numerous life threatening and critical fitness supplements available in the health and wellness market today. Stemulite guarantees to improve the lives of many with its all-natural formula and anybody looking for a healthier and safer way in improving their performance and well-being can use it. - 17269

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Get to Know What Connects Omega 3 Fatty Acids and Male Fertility

By Michael Byrd

What's the connection between omega 3 fatty acids and male fertility?

That's an interesting issue. Let me enlighten you with a great answer.

Scientists are delving into the field of omega 3 fatty acids with its relations to sperm and sperm mobility. However, as of today, there are a number of benefits confirmed for omega 3 fish oil.

For instance, it has been confirmed that the fatty acids in fish have great impact in the progress of blood flow to the genitals. It also lessens blood pressure and sustains a healthy prostate gland.

These fish oil products are truly essential to the act of reproduction.

Lower risk of erectile dysfunction and healthier blood pressure usually happens if there's enhanced blood flow to the genitals. We also know that it's quite difficult to reproduce if there's some sort of challenge rising to the occasion.

Prostatitis is a disease that involves the swelling of the prostate; the disease has serious reproductive repercussions. It is essential for a man to supplement with fish oil on a regular basis so as to have the natural anti-inflammatory ability of the fatty acids to keep the prostate in good shape.

However, sperm delivery is only one part of reproduction. Sperm cells have to be many, strong, healthy and mobile in order for fertilization to happen.

Cholesterol and oxidation within the sperm are the two leading factors of male infertility.

Sperm cell membranes are mostly comprised of important fatty acids and cholesterol. 60% of these are DHA, commonly found in fish oil as the omega 3 fatty acid. [Molecular Human Reproduction, Vol. 4, 111-118]

And it has been examined that fertile men have a much higher level of DHA in their sperm cell membranes as compared to infertile men.

Therefore, DHA is indeed a catalyst in its effects to the well-being of the sperm.

Cholesterol amount in the sperm is a symbol of infertility. Greater cholesterol would only mean greater risks of infertility. Causes of it are the depletion of fatty acids in the sperm. [Biology of Reproduction, vol. 59, 7-11]

The explanation is; lack of good fatty acids means much more cholesterol taking place inside the sperm membrane therefore keeping the sperm from maturing.

In simple terms, low fatty acids cause a man to be infertile.

However, abnormal sperm cells make free radicals that cause oxidation and annihilation of healthy normal sperms. Also, it increases infertility. [Current Medical Chemistry, Vol. 8, 851-862]

Accordingly, fish oil omega 3 fatty acids and male fertility are indeed counterparts.

Be aware that the only natural source for DHA is found in fish and fish oil. And such elements improve your fertility if you increase your intake of these important fatty acids, especially omega 3 with DHA.

Enhanced fish oil intake greatly strengthens the effectiveness of the sperm thus improving a man's probability of reproducing. - 17269

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