Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Muscle Enhancement Benefits - Not Solely For Men

By Amelinda Nunez

Women who are keen on fit thin and anorexic bodies won?t even mull over looking at the sides of healthy exercise. Yet again, muscle expansion is not only intended for people who sought to have muscles but also for those who wanted to continue a wholesome standard of living. Life is not simply eating appropriately and getting the properly sleep hours. You have to make your body labor in order to get firmer and enhance your body?s circulating level.

Currently, there are a large number of women who get keen on body building to achieve a body that is recognizable among the masses. What's more, bodybuilding can contribute to a more positive energy. It relieves negative aspects of work and stress causing factors and changes it with a rejuvenating feeling. Really, there are no bad effects if you tauten up those muscles every once in a while. Generally, individuals wanted to apply muscle growth in order to expansion, lose and enhance. What are the separate reasons why women wanted to get into bodybuilding?

Reason # 1 - Burn up excessive fats: For women who weigh more than they should, bodybuilding is a way to reduce the fats in their body. This will reduce their chances of getting diseases and disorders like liver problems and heart problems which is the end product of being obese or eating unhealthy. A number of women who are doing well in burning fats are likely to produce muscles that are also dominant in men. And since men have an increased level of testosterone, it is estimated that they would have the increased mass of muscles as opposed to women. Women, conversely, are toned easier.

Reason # 2 - Contest purposes: For women who are into bodybuilding, one of the chief purposes why they wanted to expand physique is to enroll in bodybuilding competitions. By being successful in competitions like these, women challenged and simultaneously are happy with themselves. For athletes, being skinny is not an option because it is only applicable to models that want to preserve flesh and bones just to remain in the business.

In order to comprehend your goals, you have to set them up. If you choose to get into competitions, you have to lay out your plans that are suitable in achieving your object. Your objective is to size up which means that you have to go into painstaking sculpturing of your body. Your food intake must be at a limit and calories should be maximized in order to give your body extra energy for muscles to develop.

Bodybuilding has turned out to be popular for women because of the individual benefits that they expect to achieve. Weight lifting has also become popular. In order to be in shape in all aspects, one ought to initially practice exercising different parts of the body so that it won?t strain the body. Shortly, you will notice how your body can get used to to the exercises.

When you have reached the desired body, all you have to do is maintain it. It is also imperative that one introduces diverse exercises in order to let your body undergo other exercises and let your body tone even more. With these benefits, there are many more women getting passionate about muscle gain and many even sponsor the trend in order to maintain muscle strengthening and growth. - 17269

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Eat Right To Build Big Muscles

By Gerrad Mills

So, you have made a decision to work out to try and build some good muscle mass. Unfortunately, making the decision is not the most simple part. There are so many factors that go into muscle building, weight gain, and weight loss. Just look around you and see so many folks are not in the shape they would most need to be in. If it was straightforward, we'd all be there. Building muscle is going to be a consequence of both working out and eating right. Your work out is vital because you are taxing the muscles and getting them to grow to respond to the quantity of work you're having them do. Eating is equally significant, because without the correct quantity of calories you won't be in a position to feed the muscle to sustain its expansion. The most frustrating thing for a muscle builder is not getting enough calories and having their body burn off their hard earned muscle.

Here, we're going to talk about your diet habits. Everybody knows that you are going to want to lift some weights, but it is not quite so obvious what sorts of foods you'll need to eat to get that muscle. Building muscle means more meals each day. 5-7 small meals per day will give your body the extra calories you will need for working out and building lean muscle mass.

Without this energy, there is no way you will be in a position to stay alongside of your comprehensive work out routine. The meals should be tiny, or you will find yourself putting on fat instead of muscle. Infrequently, people will just try to gain as much weight as they can, and then trim down, but here we wish to teach you to put on nice, lean muscle mass and do it properly the first time. Naturally, preprocessed food and fried foods will not do your muscle building program any good. You must cut these foods out totally. Cheating is rarely to be recommended, but a little break in routine occasionally can help your morale and is something you can work off swiftly. Just be sure your break doesn't go on longer than intended.

You'll need to start drinking much more water than you probably do now. Carry a water bottle with you wherever you go. The body wants water, and your workout won't last long before you are exhausted. Your meals should consist of fifty percent carbs, thirty percent protein and twenty % fats. This is a general guide which has worked for most who are building muscle. You would like to begin to know your foods so you can recognize what will help you and what will obstruct you. Some of the top protein foods include turkey, chicken, eggs, fish and dairy. A number of these are high in saturated fat, so selecting the leaner meats is better for helping you to avoid putting on weight. A good way to spot lean red meat is to have a look for the words, round or loin on the package. Non or reduced fat dairy foods can be consumed, and white of the egg might be a better option than full eggs. Proteins contain amino acids, which are vital for muscle building. Here are some details on a couple of the protein sources. One egg contains six grams of proteins and also many vitamins. The protein can be simply soaked up by the body, but anyone working on their muscles should take away the yolk and eat only the white. Tuna is low on cost and fat but high on protein. It is good on a sandwich, but could also be whisked into a salad for a juicy dinner option. Milk is a great protein and is packed with vitamins and also contains calcium that will help your bones in the demanding workout sessions. It's best to go with skim milk because you actually do not need the additional fat. Excellent carbohydrate selections include bread, bagels, pastas, rice, oatmeal and potatoes. Try and go with slow burning carbs as frequently as possible . Use things like unprocessed wheat rice or pasta to get the most satisfactory results. Fruits and sport drinks and good for providing fast boosts of energy. These are typically best used as before and after workout meals because they give your body what it needs right away. Be cautious though, as quick boosts of energy will feel good in the short-run, but provide no help in the longer term. Fats will be included in the food that are debated above. It's also a brilliant idea to add nuts to your diet. They're a great fat source and also contain fiber, vitamin E, potassium, zinc, magnesium. They're also tasty too! Also know that veg are a great source for minerals and vitamins. Attempt to include them in every meal. Taking a multivitamin will also help you if you're not so big on vegatables. Other additions can also fill out the openings in your diet plan, and help you to get even more energy.

Be certain to eat meals before your exercise sessions and before bed. You'll need energy before you exert yourself and before you spend a considerable time of inaction. You do not desire your body to waste away while you're sleeping. It's also good to have a big breakfast for restoring the energy lost while sleeping. The muscles will shrink if you ignore these key eating hours. - 17269

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Inpeccable Truths Abouting Getting Sculpted Six Pack Abs

By Josh Wintrop

Any time you turn on the television, you are subjected to the sight of actors, models, and stars talking about their wonderfully sculpted, flat tummies. This can be frustrating, right? Why? Even though these people make it seem simple to get toned abs, you don't seem to have the same luck in your own life. However, have you been doing the best things? If you know what you need to do, getting that sculpted midsection you want is actually fairly simple.

Sadly, people are usually so focused on having a flat and toned stomach that they mostly do abdominal workouts and leave out other important exercise regimens necessary to reach their goal of having a six-pack.

One of the problems is that it's difficult to sort out all the reasons spokespeople say we store stomach fat, and it's hard to keep track of everything when you want to lose extra weight. The way you and your midsection look are attributable to your age, gender, genetics, health condition, lifestyle, and many other things as well. It is more common for men to store fat in their midsection, which contributes to that unattractive spare tire. When it comes to women, the fat is stored in the lower abdominal area, which creates that little pooch.

While exercising to reduce your body fat is important, you aren't going to be able to decide exactly where the fat you lose is going to come from. It is very complicated to determine just what the best way is to get those six- pack abs that you've been looking for. It is essential to choose an effective, comprehensive program to ensure that you will reach your goal. The first part of the struggle is lowering the fat level in your body, which is not very easy to do in the first place, is difficult to maintain, and can be very dangerous for you if not done properly.

If you are a person whose health prohibits these lifestyle changes, than you will only experience frustration in your attempts. Your only realistic answer it to set an attainable goal, that, over a long period of time, you can conceivably achieve. You should set goals that are possible for you to reach, which means you have to accept the fact that your body might not be perfect even after you work out. Rather than becoming agitated, it's useful if you begin challenging yourself by getting over the fact that your body won't be perfect and paying attention to your overall well-being.

You might be misinformed and start getting the wrong ideas if you keep watching infomercials that tell you tips on how to get a flat stomach. Be wary of weight loss pills and supplements, abdominal exercise machines and strange weight loss mechanisms, particularly when they claim you can reach your weight loss goals in a very short amount of time. In order to make permanent, effective changes in your body, you should not expect an overnight fix.

It's difficult to attain a firm, toned and sculpted body. Those strange machines and gadgets are not necessary to give your abs the workout they need. In order to get a great stomach, do abdominal exercises, the correct cardiovascular training workouts and eat the right food. - 17269

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Secrets to Building Lean Muscles Finally Discovered

By Josh Wintrop

Sculpting six-pack abs, building lean muscle, and generally getting ripped -- all of these can be worked into your workout routine, but before this an happen it's important for you to concentrate on losing fat. Not until the fat layers have been removed can you successfully develop and define your muscles, and get the physique you've dreamed about.

Your situation will come under one of two categories. If you have difficulty building muscle, and have been ridiculed for being the "scrawny kid" because you can't bulk up, you will first have to begin to gain weight. It will need to be healthy weight that you put on in order to truly bulk up and build muscle.

Or, your situation may be that you have a paunch or beer belly. In this case, you will not be able to begin to build and define your muscles until you get rid of the fat covering the muscles.

Whether your circumstances fall under the first or second category, it is essential to be prepared with the needed information to move on to the next step. It is now that you will benefit from a program that can reveal the true secrets to how to build muscle. So, you must initially work on losing the fat, so that you can begin the work of building and defining lean muscle.

It is important to remember that "lean" is the operative word. You need to take into account several essential factors in your search for an appropriate weight loss program that encourages the building of muscle. Is the author of the program knowledgeable about the topic? This is certainly one of the first things to look for when deciding on a program.

The second aspect to look for is an assurance that the program you choose will help you to lose weight and build muscle in a manner that will allow your results to be long term, and not just a quick fix that won't last. Unfortunately, many individuals who are searching for a way to shed extra weight turn to the quick fix in error. Relying on these relatively easy, short cut answers do not make for a healthy weight loss plan. You may get a boost when you notice the instant results when you step on the scale, but will these positive results continue.

An appropriate diet used in conjunction with a moderate to intense workout routine, will be necessary to ensure an appropriate weight loss and muscle building program. You will find that with this no-nonsense approach to weight loss, you will be able to maintain your weight loss permanently and while continuing to build muscle.

There is one additional piece of information. You will want to select a weight loss and muscle building plan that you can stick to for the long haul. It is common for individuals who desire to lose weight, to begin an exercise program, only to give up on it after a short time. If your goal is a healthy, fit lifestyle, than you will need to make changes in your eating habits, as well as the manner in which you exercise. Using a combination of these two is the true-blue, no-nonsense way of losing weight and building muscle. - 17269

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Babies and Food: Preparing Healthy Meals at Home for Infants

By Damian Papworth

One of the major events in your child's maturation process is the introduction of solid food instead of breast milk or formula. For most children, this occurs sometime around six months mark, but children aren't ready for table food until around the age of two years. Thus, baby food must be specially prepared, made so that a young child can easily eat and digest. While fast food and convenience are more a part of households now than ever before, that approach should not be taken with something as important as introducing children to food and nutrition, especially since those first years are a time of so much learning and development.

So many important benchmarks for development occur during those first months, when every day is a new adventure and every new lesson a huge challenge. For a child to be able to develop and learn at the average rate, it's important to be providing a diet rich in vitamins and minerals for growth. After all, these first years will provide the blueprint for how your child's body handles food and nutrients for the rest of his or her life. Making smart, informed choices about which food items to introduce and when does more than just feed your child. It also informs the energy he or she has to learn and grow.

While purchasing baby food has been a long standing tradition in parenting, more and more parents are opting to make at least a portion of the food they serve their children at home. Making baby food is an excellent choice on a number of different levels. Many children have food allergies, and preparing food at home makes it easy to single out what potentially troublesome ingredients are. Furthermore, a great deal of store-bought baby food has additives, and preparing your own meals is a great deal healthier.

The economic benefits of making your own baby food cannot be overstated. In tough economic times, spending the extra money for brand-name goods for babies in the hopes that there is something better in those cans or jars is a practice that should be avoided or forgotten. There's nothing more nutritious in store-bought baby food. Usually, the actual difference is merely additives!

One important fact to remember: The World Health Organization and The American Academy of Pediatrics both recommend that, until six months of age, children be breast-fed. This is the optimal source of nutrition, and prevents later iron deficiency. Try to keep that in mind when making your food choices.

The best way to tell if a child is ready to start solid foods is by paying attention to what stage in development he or she is at. Are they able to sit up and fight the urge to push solid items out of their mouth with their tongue? Then it's time to begin on solid foods.

Since babies are learning all of the time, it's safe to say their bodies are learning, too. Since children are not used to processing solid food, be advised that there might be a brief period of constipation during the switch. It's nothing to worry about, but is something that occasionally happens. This is why it's particularly helpful to start with a number of simple fruits and vegetables, that baby's bodies find easy to digest. Among them are avocados, sweet potatoes, carrots, bananas, and apples. These foods are also simple to puree, a must when making baby food, and are known to prompt fewer allergic reactions.

When babies are starting to eat, an excellent first recipe is cooked and pureed carrots. A root vegetable packed with beta carotene and vitamin C, as well as calcium, carrots provide much of the nutrition that children need to grow. First peel the carrots, then steam them. After that, pureeing them should be a breeze. - 17269

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Uncover Some New Ways to Workout and Build Muscle Fast

By Brad Morgan

If you are trying to build muscle, there are exercises that can help you get the most out of your workouts. Some moves are definitely more effective than others in helping you achieve your goal.

What are the keys to building muscle and keeping it on?

1. Work complementary muscles with consecutive supersets.

When you are building muscle, long workouts are actually less effective than short, intense ones. To get the most from each and every session, keep them short and hard. Your muscles need to be challenged.

The best way to challenge your muscles is supersetting. This is when you pair two exercises with no rest period in between.

Supersetting works by exercising two muscle groups in consecutive movements with very short periods of rest between sets. Your muscles are challenged more, and you reduce your risk of injury because there is much less strain on your joints and tendons.

An example of a superset is pairing bicep curls with tricep kickbacks. You can also work back and chest muscles together or quads and hamstrings. You will see results more quickly and make your workouts much more efficient and safe.

2. Raise the difficulty level with compound exercises.

Building muscle fast requires very intense, very difficult exercises for the body. The good news is that your workouts are shorter ? only about 35-40 minutes.

Using compound exercises is another great way to see results fast. They require that you use more than one muscle to complete the move. Compound moves include:

* Adding an overhead press to your walking lunges

* Completing a pushup with side planks

* Adding squats to overhead presses

* Lunges with bicep curls

* Executing pushups with one armed rows

Compound exercises like these have a lot of benefits: you work on balance and coordination, make sure all your muscle groups are active, and add intensity to your workouts. In addition, you can reduce your risk of injury. And you?ll see more muscle mass.

3. Muscle growth requires rest.

It is important to build rest into your workout routines. Your muscles develop when you are resting, not when you are working them.

If you continually strain your muscles with daily workouts or by working the same muscles for more than one day in a row, you are not allowing your muscles to build. In fact, you are sabotaging your own muscle building efforts.

The following workout routine is an example that is effective for building muscle:

* Schedule three weekly workout sessions.

* Train each part of your body once a week (chest, shoulders, triceps one day; back and biceps another; and finally legs).

* Build in rest periods.

* Repeat!

This will keep your body in muscle building mode and help you prevent injury to your muscles.

Supersets, compound moves, and rest are some of the most important factors in your quest to build muscle and retain it. When added into any workout routine, results will quickly follow. - 17269

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Fat Loss And Your Diet

By Kwasaq Gosli

The following tips will help you mislay fat so that you enjoy good health, feel better and live a healthy life. Simple yet superb, these guidelines are projected as an initiative or a quick tract for the people desiring to lose fat with diet.

Accessing Target: First of all, you must be aware of the art of ingesting healthy food. Because eating meager on any grounds may not help you accomplish your goals. Even a little prejudice while continuing the process can abandon overall progress. As a substitute, aspire yourself to gain expertise from the mistakes you commit and then apply your gained skills to bring progress in future.

Take control of your eating habits: For the person who is intending to get rid of the fat fast, a vital and simple way is to keep an eye on whatever he/she consumes. You should be well aware of the nutritional value of whatever you consume all day.

Eat in intervals: Stop skipping your meals and use healthy food items in your meals. Regular intake of such stuff will produce unsullied energy inside your body and it will also make your metabolic system more competent. Time-consuming ingestion method will benefit you and you'll be able to overcome overeating habits.

Eat lush-green Vegetables & fruits: Make habit of ingesting fruits and lush green vegetables and try to avoid junk foods and meat. Since these things are low-fatty and provides you with fiber and fresh energy. On the contrary, fast foods are fatty and they drive down your metabolic process.

Consume more Fiber: Ingestion of a handsome amount of fiber not only produces bodily energy but it also drives down metabolic process. It also helps to keep the stuff longer in the stomach. Similarly, eating fiber-containing meals in good amounts also preserves the level of our blood sugar.

Avoid Diabetic Meals: Evade or slash drinking lo fiber-containing drinks like soda, coffee, and other unflustered items as they contain a very little amount of energy. Likewise, they result in fats inside our body. Be very careful about the concealed sugary things such as creams, can foods, jams, ketchup, soups and other diet-drinks.

Furthermore, some fat-free items which contain sweeteners to improve the taste should also be consumed. If you diabetes is controlled, then it will help you a great deal in consuming fats in your body.

Avoid Alcoholics: Being a desirous of fat loss, one must evade using alcoholics and various other drugs such as speedballs, heroine and ecstasy. It's all because such stuff deteriorates internal system of the body and it also discontinues various functions. Finally, they disturb your digestive system that results in producing fat in the body, due to which, people start gaining weight. - 17269

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UPS? Are You Bringing My HCG?

By Amelia Handley

So article 8 is here! If you've been following the series then you're already up to date. If not...I'll just lay it out for you really quick. My friend, Lisa, and I are going to do the HCG diet using the homeopathic HCG weight loss formula from HCG Diet Direct. We ordered our products, and now we're just waiting for them to arrive. I hate waiting! The order was processed for shipping the same day as I ordered so I'm assuming they're entire shipping process will be fast. But since I only ordered it the day before yesterday it's not surprising that it hasn't arrived. Even if they're amazingly fast that's asking a little too much.

In one of my more obsessive moments I got in touch with Lisa to see if maybe she got her's this morning even though I didn't. She didn't. She's still waiting for her package to arrive, too. I was relieved. It was going to bug me if she got a look at it first; after all, it was MY idea! I guess my impatience stems from my love of online shopping. I HAVE to be able to buy HCG with a Mastercard, Visa or Discover card. I HAVE to be able to buy it online. And I HAVE to be able to have it delivered to my door. Those are my minimum requirements. But in the age of online shopping; those really aren't that out of the ordinary.

Thus far HCG Diet Direct is meeting my high expectations! I already got to buy it online. I was able to buy HCG with a Mastercard, Visa or Discover. Their checkout system was easy and secure. So the only thing I'm waiting on to fulfill my minimum requirements for purchases is for it to be delivered to my door. Hence my impatience directed at the UPS guy. But considering the fact that they updated my order status to "shipped" just a few hours after I made the purchase...I expect it to arrive quickly.

So far I guess I'm really happy with the way HCG Diet Direct conducts their online sales. I guess next day delivery is a bit too much to ask unless you actually designate the order as an overnight shipment. So I'll back off for now and take a couple deep breaths. In the mean time I've been researching a bit while I had free time between work projects. My obsession has been HCG recipes. They're all over the place. But some of them don't seem very strict.

So since I'm unsure if they're following the rules or not I didn't print any of them off yet. I'll wait to see the guidelines presented in the literature HCG Diet Direct is going to send along with my products. That way I won't get excited about any recipes that don't actually fit within the approved guidelines.

So far I'm totally following the rules. But so far it's just in theory. I don't actually have to restrict my eating habits yet. But I'm planning on being very, very good. Because honestly...I'd really hate admitting that I wasn't good in any upcoming articles! Hopefully my package will arrive tomorrow. If so...it will be in my next article. - 17269

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Before Starting the HCG Detox

By Amelia Handley

If you've been following the daily articles regarding my preparation for starting the HCG diet you already know that in addition to the HCG Diet Direct Homeopathic HCG Weight Loss Formula I decided to use B-Total Sublingual drops and the HCG Diet Direct Cookbook. The B-Total seemed logical since it's an effective weight loss method on its own and would definitely increase energy levels while on the very low calorie diet. And the cookbook seemed like a no brainer...anything to make it feel like I'm getting to eat full meals with some variety, right?

But I didn't want to leave all the other products out in the cold. So I thought I'd focus on the products I didn't choose for a bit! Yesterday's article discussed the benefits of the HCG Diet Metabolizer and Energy Supplement. It is apparently very beneficial during the diet as well as during maintenance and afterwards, as well.

Today we'll talk briefly about HCG Diet Direct's Remote Doctor Consultation. It seems like a popular option even for those who aren't yet working with HCG Diet Direct. You buy the consultation and get an email requesting a time for a phone conference. Then you get to talk to a doctor live by phone and ask whatever questions you might have about the HCG Detox Diet.

HCG Diet Direct urges dieters who are going to take advantage of the phone consultation to write down their questions prior to the scheduled phone conference so they are able to get all the answers they are looking for within the doctor's schedule. If the doctor requires time to research any of your questions he/she will call or email you back with the answer in a reasonable amount of time at no additional cost.

While many avoid the hcg diet clinics and weight loss specialists due to the cost of in office visits...some really appreciate the opportunity to get a doctor's opinion. They can ask the questions that are on their mind and know they have a qualified medical professional on hand to provide them with the exact answers they need.

This option seems like a good choice if you are unsure about any specific situations and the possibility that they could be effected by the HCG diet program. Whether your questions have to do with medications required for personal medical situations, family history, or the effect of limiting your foods while on the diet...the Remote Doctor Consultation seems the perfect way to go. It will provide you with accurate answers specific to your situation in the most economical, convenient way. So while I didn't choose to make it a part of my HCG detox plan if you have any desire to hear a doctor's opinion about your plan to engage in the HCG detox...I'd suggest you give it a try. - 17269

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Weights And Diets For Desired Body Tone

By Benedict Perez

Weights are for fitness programs which are designed according to your physical capabilities. When you are into these types of fitness regimen, you need to eat properly for energy. Having extra pounds is the common problem of most men and women these days. A problem like this can be overcome with proper diet and physical fitness program. Going on a diet alone is not a good solution for it will not give you the desired body tone and immediate results on how you must weigh.

Burning calories, defining body curves, building well-developed bone density are not from diets. You must have the proper fitness training to speed up your metabolism and prevent heart disease as this serves to well for the cardio-vascular system to function properly. Always bear in mind that you need to eat properly when you are exercising for you need extra strength to sustain the rigors of exercising.

Weights on a high-intensity fitness programs or HIT mean maximum physical effort to attain fast results. You will be having these in some numbers of repetitions and you need to eat properly. You will be assigned sets of physical exercises to match with your physical capacity. These weights are necessary to shed off extra pounds. It also means that you need to work hard to achieve faster results.

These fitness gears are usually built from sturdy steel and weighed suitable to your strength. There are different fitness tools to be used on a regular basis to transform your muscles into sculptured forms and to give you the weight you wish for. These gears come in various sizes and weights suitable to your needs.

Weights can be found on the internet when you browse and check on websites that are into these fitness equipments for more details. You can also have these shipped to your home address upon special arrangements if you want to make a home-gym. These generally come in sets which are carefully built to meet your needs. Having these at home is not a problem because these can be neatly organized on a portable rack that easily fits in any space in your home. - 17269

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Nutrition Bodybuilding Tips To Boost Your Metabolism

By Ricardo d Argence

The following 6 foods could act similar to the way a thermogenic or a cardio session in how they affect the body. These foods can ramp up your metabolism, and in essence, can assist you in burning fat whilst also maintaining a healthy, longer lasting life. And who wouldn't want that?

How many people blame their genetic pre-disposition on their slow metabolism? Or, how many people say that their partner can take off weight easily when they work harder and still stay stagnant because of their metabolism? By having these foods in the right portions and at the right times of the day, you'll be helping yourself in your own weight-loss, muscle-gain ventures.

1. Blueberries: They are antioxidants. Antioxidants seem to be the new buzzword of the decade. We know everyone needs more antioxidants, but most people don't understand why. We buy the foods with antioxidants but don't truly understand what they do.

Oxidation is a chemical process within your body whereby electrons are taken off a substance via a chemical reaction. When your body undergoes oxidative stress, such as when you're sick, have a disease or after a workout, the product from this oxidation is known as a 'free radical'. Good thing we have antioxidants like blueberries.

Free radicals can start to build up in our body if they are not removed. They will start to damage our cells and this will lead to inhibited muscle growth. It can also lead to fat loss and even a disease. This is why we need antioxidants, and why they are a good thing. Antioxidants will help our bodies to prevent oxidation, and prevent build up of free radicals.

2. Almonds: Many believe that one of nature's miraculous foods is almonds. We get the most healthy calories and nutrition out of the least amount. It's the highest amount of nutrition for the smallest amount of calories that we eat. One serving size of almonds is the size of a handful and is a great source of vitamin E. It's a great source of fiber too and will help you to stay full, and offers monounsaturated fat.

3. Whey Protein: Whey protein (the highest quality and best form of protein) is incredible stuff. It provides the body with the necessary building blocks to produce amino acids that are used for building muscle tissue. Whey protein also plays a role as an antioxidant and helps support a healthy immune system. Most importantly, consistent whey protein intake coupled with exercise will result in consistent muscle building and potential fat loss.

4. Salmon: Although it's higher in calories than most whitefish, salmon is low in saturated fat, yet high in protein, and a unique type of health-promoting fat, the omega-3 essential fatty acid. The omega-3 fats found in salmon have a broad array of beneficial cardiovascular effects. Omega-3s help prevent erratic heart rhythms, make blood less likely to clot inside arteries, improve the ratio of good cholesterol to bad cholesterol, and can help prevent the clogging of arteries.

5. Spinach: A jade green in color, leafy vegetable such as spinach can provide more nutrients than most other foods. Protect yourself against osteoporosis, colon cancer, arthritis, and other diseases by eating lots of spinach. Spinach is also known for benefiting your mental state too.

6. Water: Water makes up nearly 2/3rds of our body's weight. Did you know that 83% percent of your blood is made up of water? Muscles consist of 75% water, bones are 22% water, and the brain is 74% water. Knowing how big of a percentage of your body is made up of water can help you to understand how important it is to stay hydrated. The human body cannot function without it. Without water we are depriving our bodies with the most essential nutrient.

Believe me; if you include any (preferably all) of these foods in your daily eating plan, your body will thank you with extra energy and longevity. There aren't many foods out there that can help keep you fit and healthy, but these 6 are a great start. - 17269

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Acai Fruit Juice : Frequently Asked Questions

By Mark Walters

Acai fruit juice has been getting a lot of publicity recently, and for good reason too - it has rightly been recognized as a health boosting super-food. Still, many people are unsure as to what it is and what benefits it has to offer; if you're one of these people, then read on to have your questions answered...

What exactly are Acai berries? Acai berries are approximately 1cm long, dark colored fruits, deriving from a palm tree with the same name, which is native to primarily the Americas. The fruit is also a relative of the other dark purple fruits including cranberries.

Is Acai fruit juice as healty as people say it is? Recent research on Acai fruit juice has revealed it incredibly potent anti-oxidizing affect on the human body, which in turn assists in the prevention of diseases related to oxidant build-up including heart attacks and cancer.

What is it that makes Acai berries so healthy? The reason that Acai berries are so much healthier than other types of fruits is because they contain two of the world's best anti-oxidants - Anthocyanins and Flavonoids. In fact, Acai berries don't just contain them, they are absolutely jam-packed with them! These two ingredients specifically target and remove the harmful toxins that build up in your body that cause diseases to develop..

Have the health benefits been scientifically proven? Recent studies have shown that Acai fruit juice is super high in anti-oxidants and contains more antioxidants that direct relatives such as cran-, ras-, black-, and blueberries. It is however essential to note that these studies are still ongoing.

Is there a link between weight loss and Acai berries? As mentioned previously, studies are still being conducted on Acai berries, and no-one yet knows for sure the connection between Acai berries and weight loss. Although acai fruit is mentioned as an ingredient in some weight loss products, there are very few studies that have yet proven Acai berries to be an effective weight loss promoter. However, there's no doubting the fact that berries and specifically acai fruit juice is a must for any healthy diet to prompt weight loss.

Are there beauty enhancing properties to Acai berries too? Some beauty products, such as facial and body creams, do contain Acai berries, and this is again due to their anti-oxidizing nature. When used in beauty products, it is normally Acai oil which is used, which is seen a great alternative to the standard chemical based oils which are often used.

Are there any side effects to using Acai fruit juice? As a fruit and a natural product, the vast majority of people will experience no side effects whatsoever to using Acai fruit juice. A small minority of people do have allergies to berry or pollen products though, so, if you have had bad reactions with other types of berries, then it is best to avoid Acai berries too. - 17269

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