Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Friday, June 5, 2009

How To Lose Belly Fat Fast - Langhorne Personal Trainer Teaches About Oxygen Debt

By Jose Loni

Losing belly fat fast through exercise is the most effective way to get ripped abs. Utilizing exercises that cause oxygen deficiency can be achieved by having a regular scheduled exercise program, increasing exercise intensity and using interval training.

When the body is training in a decreased oxygen level, the oxygen debt that results causes the muscles to increase its metabolic activity. The increased levels of carbon dioxide and lactic acid cause the muscles to require oxygen, so the body will increase its metabolic activity and bring oxygen to nourish and repair muscle tissue as well as clear away carbon dioxide and lactic acid.

Having a regular routine of exercise is key to losing belly fat fast. Consistency, will allow the body to become more efficient at providing enough fuel to the increased muscle activity. The body will search for excess fat and break it down to provide more fuel for the increased muscle activity.

With increased metabolism, the body is better able to sustain its fat burning and providing oxygen to the muscles, which can take up to many hours after the exercise session. The result being, the body becomes more proficient at burning excess fat for a prolonged period.

Higher intensity during exercise increases the activity in the muscles causing an anaerobic situation in the muscles. The heart rate target zone is a way to monitor exercise intensity and help increase the body's overall metabolism.

Training with interval exercises really jump-starts the metabolic activity of the body. The quick intense exercise followed by a rest period causes more oxygen to go to the muscles to nourish, repair and clear waste products within the muscles.

When we increase the physical demands on our muscles, we force our body to adapt by increasing its metabolism. The overall fat burning that occurs supplies energy and nutrients to the muscles, which results in losing belly fat and the body becomes more efficient

Through energy system work, we are better able to lose belly fat fast. The anaerobic training which is composed of a regular exercise schedule of activities that are higher intensity and incorporate interval training, have the fastest results in losing belly fat. - 17269

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Lose Weight Fast With Pomegranate Supplements

By John Steely

Pomegranate is an exception fruit recently being inducted into the "super fruit" category for its great benefits to humans.

What is it in pomegranates that make them so helpful for us? Well, the concentrate and supplements that are created from pomegranate contain higher than normal levels of substances such as vitamins and minerals that contain strong antioxidant properties.

Pomegranate concentrates contins nutrients like vitamin C, folic acid, niacin and also other vitamins like B3, B6, B12, C and E, as well as other antioxidants that give you many benefits when compared with other ordinary vegetables and fruits.

If you consume pomegranate, you will be able to stay healthier and fight off disease. It also contributes to staying fitter and keeping the pounds off.

You will also have the added benefit of living a healthier lifestyle and gaining a lot of energy that you otherwise would not have.

Pomegranate also helps increase oxygen flow to the important parts of your body and keeps your arteries strong. This increased oxygen flow means that it will be easier for you to lose weight.

Since pomegranates are natural fruits that have been around for centuries, there are no side effects when consuming them. Even consuming concentrates of pomegranates will not give you any side effects.

For these reasons, if you are interested in losing weight and living a healthy life, then you may want to consider a pomegranate concentrate like PomaSlim that has all the wonderful benefits of pomegranate super concentrated so that you gain a large dose of the positive effects. At this time, you can even get a free trial of PomaSlim so that you can try it for yourself before spending any money at all to see if you lose weight using this great product. Give it a try! - 17269

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What is Ecklonia Cava Extract?

By Mason Ballenger

Ecklonia Cava Extract - known as ECE for short - comes from a species of brown algae called Ecklonia cava. It is a standardized extract of molecules, and contains a unique number of polyphenols known as phlorotannins. These polyphenols have a structure completely different from many land-based plants, and they are known to promote unique health benefits in the body.

Ecklonia Cava Extract is unique in many ways. It is estimated that ECE is between 10 to 100 times more powerful in antioxidant activity than green tea extract. ECE is unique in that it is 40% fat soluble, which allows it to be universal in its effects on the body. Also, Ecklonia Cava Extract stays in the blood for up to 12 hours per dose, significantly longer than compounds extracted from land-based plants. It has an ORAC value of approximately 8,300 mol TE/100g.

ECE is known as a superantioxidant. Its polyphenols have up to eight interconnecting rings, compared to the four rings of green tea catechins. This contributes to its powerful free-radical scavenging ability. Also, it has the ability to cross the blood-brain barrier.

Peroxynitrite is believed to be a dangerous free radical that ECE is especially good at neutralizing. Peroxynitrite has been linked to everything from chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia to multiple chemical sensitivities, and many more conditions. ECE also contains important inflammatory mediators, and has demonstrated neutralizing abilities towards oxidized LDL cholesterol particles.

Ecklonia Cava Extract was administered to a group of established fibromyalgia patients in an 8-week, placebo-controlled, double-blind study. The participants reported positive results: higher energy levels, sounder sleep, reduced pain, improvement in general condition, and more good days per week. They study also indicated that ECE increased overall nighttime sleep, and reduced the time it took to fall asleep in these patients.

Studies have also been performed on the effects of ECE on obesity and weight loss. An increase in physical activity and a reduction of body fat has been shown in laboratory rats given ECE. Young adults showed an increase in muscle mass and a decrease in body fat after drinking a beverage containing ECE for a period of time. ECE also contains compounds believed to provide overall cardiovascular benefits, promoting healthy cholesterol levels and scavenging free radicals in the blood.

Improvements in brain function have also been demonstrated with subjects given ECE - notably, memory, relaxation, and alertness. It has been shown to increase blood flow in the carotid artery, increase alpha waves in the brain, and prevent sleepiness during daytime activities. ECE has been shown to protect neural cells and enhance brain activity in regions related to memory formation. In a rat study, ECE inhibited beta-amyloid formation in the brain, a substance which accumulates in Alzheimer's disease.

ECE is certainly a unique substance and warrants further study. There may be even greater benefits that we are not currently aware of. Ongoing studies indicate that ECE may help treat a variety of conditions, including arthritis, inflammation, allergies, asthma, diabetes, and erectile dysfunction. - 17269

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How Does Resveratrol Effect You

By Jen Croff

If you have not heard by now, then you should know that Resveratrol is a very exciting substance recently found in medical research.

It has been covered extensively by the media and has been featured on shows like Oprah and Dr. Oz who frequents her show has even recommended it to users at home to take on a consistent basis.

In fact, Resveratrol was looked at in some ways as many as 17 years ago when 60 Minutes featured a show that looked at the benefits of red wine as well as a variety of other popular French foods and drinks on one's health. Red wine is one of the best sources of resveratrol in natural foods and drinks. Of course, you can get an even greater, healthier effect from a compounded supplement form.

There have been many medical studies done on resveratrol. There was one particular study done with resveratrol that stands out. Using two mice, both mice were given a high carb diet. However, the difference was that one mouse got a carb diet that also came with a little bit of resveratrol while the other mouse received no resveratrol at all.

After a while, the weights of the two mice were taken and it was found that the mouse that had gotten the resveratrol supplement was 30% thinner than the other mouse despite having the same lifestyle and diet!

Interestingly, our bodies only absorb about 40-50% of the nutrients that are contained inside the foods that we eat on a daily basis. The excess components then remain in the body sometimes in fat tissues or other places for years or more at a time. These are considered toxic and can hurt our bodies given enough time.

Resveratrol is a very strong anti-oxidant and is able to go in and destroy these toxins so that they do not damage our bodies. Even if you only use resveratrol for a little bit, you can receive many benefits.

If you are interested in getting positive effects from resveratrol, you should consider a resveratrol supplement like Resvalife. At the time of this writing, Resvalife is even being offered as a free trial so you can give it a shot and see the results before having to spend a dime on it! - 17269

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Reduce Your Wrinkles Around Your Eyes

By Laura Sora

As we grow older, our skins age with us and this usually results in many imperfections appearing in our skin like wrinkles and fine lines.

There are a multitude of treatments but these treatments often involve various problems like costly treatments or painful injections.

However, now there is an alternative. Even better, it does not involve injections and can be used safely in your own home.

Eyepothesis is the best non-surgical wrinkle reducing serum on the market today.

The unique oil-free serum is often used as an alternative to painful and costly anti-aging injections like Restylane and Botox.

Eyepothesis has the most potent ingredients to help your skin reduce wrinkles and fine lines.

Eyepothesis has been proven to reduce fine lines and wrinkles by up to 50% through the use of many ingredients including leuphasyl, argirilene, octapeptide, matrixly 3000, tripeptide and more.

At this time, there is no other anti-wrinkle product on the market that features this many ingredients for your skin. As a result, Eyepothesis is the best product for reducing wrinkles and fine lines.

Ultimately, if reducing your wrinkles and fine lines is what you want, then SP Beauty Lift is the product for you. Recently, Eyepothesis has even been started on a free trial so you can test out the product for yourself absolutely free of risk. Give it a try today and see for yourself! - 17269

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Martial Arts Nutrition Guidelines

By Amanda Gamdana

Being a contestant in a MMA tournament calls for a lot of work and so, a lot of training is necessary for you to be competitive. Martial arts differ from MMA in that because in martial arts, you can only use the established techniques for that particular martial art but in the case of MMA, players can use any martial arts technique. Some of the counterattack and attack moves are allowed in the MMA but are not accepted in regular martial arts. MMA is not just a men's sport since at this very moment several women have also become part these games.

The physical prowess of players is essential and players will move faster if their muscles are strong plus enhanced senses and the knowledge of various MMA techniques can you give you an advantage and chances of winning the game. To gain more physical power, many players in the MMA use nutrient supplements which can be in the form of pellets, syrups, powders, tablets, and capsules.

Athletes now are encouraged to have low fat and high carbs diet because carbohydrates are the main energy source. When you plan to compete in a match or tournament, you will require a lot of energy and with adequate carbohydrates as part of your diet, you will have sufficient energy to complete the fight. Besides the carbohydrates in your daily food intake and food supplements and you'll need fiber. Pasta and bread may be rich in carbohydrates but these foods lack vitamins, minerals, or fiber and if your goal is to be physically fit then you should be eating natural foods.

The building blocks of the body are proteins and every athlete without regard for their sport should take sufficient proteins so if the natural foods you consume do not have proteins will want to take protein supplements A lot of companies exist all over the world that manufacture or produce these protein supplements however, you'll want to talk to your doctor before taking any kind of supplements. Medical advice is still the best because if you ingest too much of the supplements it may have harmful side effects to your body.

Health hazards can be by consuming too many fatty acids and fats so while, during short periods, they might become effective to your body over the long term, undesirable effects could become noticeable. Omega 3 is a fatty acid which is needed for stopping the excessive fat storage though it also helps to stop muscle tissue from breaking down.

Mineral supplements play just as an important role as vitamin supplements so consult your doctor so you can pick your best nutritional supplements for your body. Nutrition is also a foremost factor in order for a player to achieve victory even though it won't work by itself so be certain that good nutrition is also backed by a working knowledge of different fighting techniques. Your reflexes must be perfect and a mound that is sound and using these in combination you will have an edge in mixed martial arts competitions.

MMA athletes should be aware of how important good nutrition is so they should consult a doctor or nutritionist and then by doing so, they can determine what supplements to take. Set up an appointment with a nutritionist while you're still training, so you can shape the condition of your body your mind and physical health also. - 17269

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Healthy Life Benefits from Drinking Wu Long Tea

By Zak Hunter

In recent times there have been some incredible claims for the properties of Wu long tea and not just about weight loss. According to some it lessens signs of aging, increases energy levels, improves your teeth, even reduces hair loss, is beneficial to improves the immune system...the list continues.

In recent times there have been some incredible claims for the properties of Wu long tea and not just about weight loss. According to some it lessens signs of aging, increases energy levels, improves your teeth, even reduces hair loss, is beneficial to improves the immune system...the list continues.

This is a truly amazing product and well worth sourcing to bring into your life's every day routine. Find some on the net or simply go to your local Asian speciality store. Research so far has indicated that Oolong Tea boosts the metabolic rate and definitely assists with weight-loss.

A Japanese journal claims that this tea can increase the body's ability to burn fat. This declaration has increased the demand of Oolong Tea, and it is meant to be scarce in supply. Green tea and black tea come from the same plant, Camelia sinensis; the differences in taste and colour are due to the way the leaves from the plant are processed.

Wu Long Tea tends to be an in between colour...more brown with the higher quality teas showing tinges of green. Oolong Tea also has less caffine than green tea but both teas have similar, incredible properties.They are both full of anti-oxidants. This remarkable product can be easily found at most Asian supermarkets.

Despite the rumours, WuLong Tea is not overly expensive but it does vary in quality. Oolong Tea is more flavoursome and beneficial as a loose leaf tea as opposed to tea bags. To find out more please come and visit us at wulongteahouse.net

Higher quality blends are from $15 for te same quantity.That is loose leaf and I would drink around 6 cups per day. I also paid the same price for a higher quality Oolong Tea and receive 10 tea bags ! The quality was definitely noticeable. Buy a few brands and find your own way. I now drink more Wu Long Tea than I do coffee...now that can't be a bad thing..

Higher quality blends are from $15 for te same quantity.That is loose leaf and I would drink around 6 cups per day. I also paid the same price for a higher quality Oolong Tea and receive 10 tea bags ! The quality was definitely noticeable. Buy a few brands and find your own way. I now drink more Wu Long Tea than I do coffee...now that can't be a bad thing.. - 17269

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Resveratrol Promotes Weight Loss

By Jane Louis

Resveratrol has now been featured in many places including the media and a variety of other sources, as well.

Even television shows are picking up on this great discovery and it has been prominently featured on shows like Oprah because of the great benefits.

Resveratrol was first investigated on television about 17 years ago on the show, 60 Minutes, where it was looked into why the French were able to stay so thin despite a diet high in foods like cheese. Red wine, in particular, was shown to show a very large role. As it has been found today, red wine is a huge source of resveratrol.

Even clinical studies show the results of resveratrol. In one study, two mice were raised and given a high carb diet. However, one of the mice was also given a resveratrol supplement while the other one did not.

After a while, the weights of the two mice were taken and it was found that the mouse that had gotten the resveratrol supplement was 30% thinner than the other mouse despite having the same lifestyle and diet!

Interestingly, our bodies only absorb about 40-50% of the nutrients that are contained inside the foods that we consume. The excess components then remain in the body sometimes in fat tissues or other places for years at a time. These are considered toxic.

Resveratrol is an anti-oxidant and so it is able to get rid of these toxins in our bodies and make us healthy and thin again. Even after only a short time of use, resveratrol can have these great effects.

So, if you want to get the great benefits from resveratrol, I recommend trying out a resveratrol supplement like Resveratrol Ultra. Resveratrol Ultra is even being offered for a free trial now so that you can try it and see the results for yourself before having to spend any money. - 17269

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Vegetarians and Diabetes

By Jake Ryan

When you find out you have diabetes you have to change a lot of your life to help manage this disease. Your diet is one of the first things that must be changed immediately. You have to manage your sugar wisely. Many have chosen a vegetarianism lifestyle after being diagnosed with diabetes.

When you have diabetes not maintaining a proper diet can cause extra blood sugar to build up and cause bad health problems. Your insulin isn't being utilized enough or the cells are not using the insulin properly. Insulin is the glucose carrier to the blood stream and then to your cells to fuel them.

Vegetarianism. There are many levels of a vegetarian diet, from strict vegetarian or vegan to more liberal plans that allow for meat on special occasions. No matter which plan you lean towards there is some evidence that vegetarianism and diabetes are a good fit.

An average diet consists of many calories and processed foods. A vegetarian diet contains a lot less calories which is very beneficial to a diabetics diet. Cells work best at producing insulin when you are at a proper body weight.

Also a vegetarian diet has less foods that have animal products in them. So your fat and cholesterol will be reduced protecting your body from cardiovascular and kidney disease.

There are many health benefits of a vegetarian diet. Lower cholesterol and calories will increase overall health and have been shown to reduce insulin resistance in patients with type II diabetes. Overall vegetarianism as a diabetes treatment plan has little if any downside. - 17269

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Xylitol Facts

By Alyssa Devan

In ordinary term, xylitol is a sweetener that can be used as a substitute for sugar. Studies have shown that it has benefits not found in sugar. It is also found to prevent tooth decays and can be used as sugar substitute in food for people with diabetes.

Chemically, xylitol is not a sugar compound. There are various kinds of sugar, namely, fructose and glucose, among others. Xylitol is a sugar alcohol and has five instead of six carbon atoms. It is almost similar to and is as sweet as sucrose.

German and French chemists discovered xylitol in the late 1900s. It is found in some fruits such as raspberries and strawberries. It can also be found in some vegetables and even in some mushrooms.

How does xylitol prevent tooth decay? It prevents the occurrence of acid attack, that's how. The food that we eat contains sugar that aids in the proliferation of certain bacteria in the mouth. Those bacteria can penetrate the surface of our teeth through the acids produced by metabolic process.

Acidity is measured by "pH". When the pH of plaque falls down to 5.5 or lower, calcium is being stripped away from our tooth's surface. Then, our tooth's enamel will start to dissolve slowly. This is when tooth cavities will be formed. As it goes on further, the enamel will become porous and vulnerable to bacteria and will later lead to tooth decay.

Xylitol stops the growth of bacteria by hampering their metabolism process. This will then prevent the acid attack that causes tooth decay. Lactobacilli and streptococci are the leading bacteria that cause tooth decay. With xylitol intake, the growth of these bacteria can fall to as much as 90%. Since the bacteria become incapable of producing acid, the enamel stays safe from acid attacks and cavity cannot be formed.

Our mouth is being protected from bacteria by our saliva. It maintains the desired pH level to prevent bacteria from producing acid that destroys our teeth. However, too much consumption of sugar in our daily diet limits the protective capability of saliva or may render it useless.

Since most of us consume too much sugar in a day, we need to brush our teeth often. The fluoride in toothpaste helps wash out acids formed on the enamel. On the other hand, xylitol that is present in our saliva can make our mouth more alkaline. It raises amino acids and ammonia causing the pH level to rise and halt the production of bacteria.

After you've known the benefits of xylitol, you are probably interested about how you can avail of xylitol. It is being used in the production of chewing gum sweeteners. Dentists found that gums with xylitol is a good way of adding the compound to our saliva. Chewing in itself facilitates the production of more saliva. Presence of xylitol and more saliva secretion means more protection against tooth decay-causing bacteria.

Your teeth are one of the most important parts of the body. We need them for crushing our food for better digestion. Toothache is not something that can be taken lightly, either. It's a curse if you suffer from it and extracting the tooth responsible for the pain may not be immediately possible. Most dentists would first give you medication to stop toothache before they can extract the tooth.

With healthy teeth, you can always have a ready smile for everyone without hesitation. It can give you more confidence talking to anyone. Manufacturers would, hopefully, find ways to include xylitol in our daily diet so that our teeth would always be healthy and strong. - 17269

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Experiencing Headaches?

By Dr. Jason Fowler

If you have a headache, you're not alone. Nine out of ten Americans suffer from headaches. Some are occasional, some frequent, some are dull and throbbing, and some cause debilitating pain and nausea.

What do you do when you suffer from an annoying headache? Do you grit your teeth and carry on? Lie down? Pop a pill and hope the pain goes away? There is a better alternative.

Research shows that spinal manipulation - the primary form of care provided by doctors of chiropractic - may be an effective treatment option for tension headaches and headaches that start in the neck.

A report released in 2001 by researchers at the Duke University Evidence-Based Practice Center in Durham, NC, found that spinal adjustments resulted in almost immediate improvement for those headaches that originate in the neck, and had significantly fewer side effects and longer-lasting relief of tension-type headache than a commonly prescribed medication.

Also, a 1995 study in the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics found that spinal manipulative therapy is an effective treatment for tension headaches and that those who ceased chiropractic treatment after four weeks experienced a sustained therapeutic benefit in contrast with those patients who received a prescribed medication.

Headache Triggers But to get to the bottom of the problem, you first need to find out what is causing your pain. Headaches have many causes. These may include foods, environmental stimuli (noises, lights, stress, etc.) and/or behaviors (insomnia, excessive exercise, blood sugar changes, etc.). About 5 percent of all headaches are warning signals caused by physical problems.

Ninety-five percent of headaches are primary headaches, such as tension, migraine, or cluster headaches. These headaches are not caused by disease. The headache itself is the primary concern.

What Can You Do? If you spend a large amount of time in one fixed position, such as in front of a computer, on a sewing machine, typing or reading, take a break and stretch every 30 minutes to one hour. The stretches should take your head and neck through a comfortable range of motion. Low-impact exercise may help relieve the pain associated with primary headaches. However, if you are prone to dull, throbbing headaches, avoid heavy exercise. Engage in such activities as walking and low-impact aerobics. Avoid teeth clenching. The upper teeth should never touch the lowers, except when swallowing. This results in stress at the temporomandibular joints (TMJ) - the two joints that connect your jaw to your skull - leading to TMJ irritation and a form of tension headaches. Drink at least eight 8-ounce glasses of water a day to help avoid dehydration, which can lead to headaches. In addition, the ACA and its Council on Nutrition suggest you avoid the following food "triggers":

Avoid caffeine. Foods such as chocolate, coffee, sodas and cocoa contain high levels of the stimulant. Avoid foods with a high salt or sugar content. These foods may cause migraines, resulting in sensitivity to light, noise, or abrupt movements. Avoid drinking alcoholic beverages. These drinks can dehydrate you and cause headache pain. Other headache sufferers may want to avoid not only caffeine, but also high-protein foods, dairy products, red meat and salty foods. What Can a Doctor of Chiropractic Do? Chiropractors may do one or more of the following if you suffer from a primary headache:

Perform spinal manipulation or chiropractic adjustments to improve spinal function and alleviate the stress on your system. Provide nutritional advice, recommending a change in diet and perhaps the addition of B complex vitamins. Offer advice on posture, ergonomics (work postures), exercises and relaxation techniques. This advice should help to relieve the recurring joint irritation and tension in the muscles of the neck and upper back. Doctors of chiropractic go through extensive training to help their patients in many ways - not just back pain.

If your headache is symptomatic of a health problem that needs the attention of another discipline, your doctor of chiropractic will refer you to an appropriate specialist. - 17269

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Massage Chair Review for Panasonic EP-3222 Massage Recliner

By Steve Esquire

We will focus on the EP-3222 massage chair lounger by Panasonic. The EP3222 is part of the Real Pro Elite series of massage chairs. This massage lounger is one of the luxury models produced by Panasonic. It includes some advanced technology features such as a body scan to customize the massage for each individual user. We will take a look at some of these advanced features and functions. We will also touch on the warranty and provide you our insights into the EP-3222 massage chair recliner.

Massage chairs are complex machines that use both computer electronics and mechanical systems to deliver effective massage therapy. Like any complex product, you want to protect yourself from defects in materials or workmanship. Although, it is unlikely you will have a problem, it is always better to be protected so you do not have to worry later if something were to happen.

What is the warranty coverage of the EP-3222 massage chair? Panasonic provides coverage in the following areas: 3 years parts are covered, 1 year labor is also covered. Panasonic also offers in home technician service. This is covered for the first 90 days after the purchase. This warranty is a little light compared with other manufacturers in this class.

An excellent feature that is integrated into the EP 3222 is known as a body scan. The body scan creates an electronic map of your back. It identifies key points like your shoulder height and width of your neck. Also, it identifies your acupressure points in your back of which there are almost 100 in all. The information is then used to give you a truly unique massage.

Another innovative feature of the EP3222 is the floating massage mechanism. The floating massage mechanism is patterned after the hand movements of a master masseuse. The floating mechanism consists of 2 to 4 firm rubber massage heads. These massage heads can very accurately simulate certain massage movements like pressing with the heal of the hand, stroking with the palm of the hand, thumb-like kneading and thumb-like pressure.

Panasonic has built into the EP 3222 an arsenal of massage treatments and options to help relieve any aches and pains you might have. There are 6 pre-programmed massages which can be activated at the touch of a button. You also have a solid variety of manual massages including Swedish, Kneading, Compression, Tapping, Shiatsu and Rolling.

This is a full body massage chair and comes with a lower body air massage system. The air massage system comes with 33 airbags that provide a soothing compression style massage. The airbags are inflated which provide a firm squeeze on your buttocks, thighs, calves and feet. You can vary the level of air pressure to find the perfect compression level to provide relief.

Panasonic has an advanced remote control which enables you to exactly target where you want relief. Whether you choose to run an automatic program at the touch of a single button or you want to relieve a knotted muscle in your back, the Real Pro Elite provide the massage you want. Panasonic has included a voice guidance system which helps walk you through the steps of getting the perfect massage every time.

Other advanced features include a stretch function for the lower body. When this function is activated, the leg ottoman will raise horizontal. The airbags will activate to hold the feet. The leg ottoman will begin to lower slowly. This stretches the leg, knee and hip to relieve tension from stiff muscles. This also helps increase your flexibility and range of motion.

The EP-3222 is one of the better massage chairs produced by Panasonic. It is part of the Real Pro Elite massage chair series and comes with some excellent functionality. Our minor concern is the 1 year of labor for the chair. We feel this should match the parts of 3 years and be in line with the other major manufacturers. The massage therapy is very effective and the variety of massage treatments is very good. This is a good massage chair. The EP-3222 massage chair will provide you many years of massage therapy enjoyment and relief. - 17269

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