Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Friday, February 27, 2009

Acai Berry Articles

By Jenny North

There are very few foods in the world that can claim to be superfoods. Superfoods must have many more benefits besides just providing enough calories and some nutrition. However, there are some foods that are able to be elevated to superfood status because of the incredible benefits they can deliver.

Acai berry is one of these foods. With its ability to do everything from increase weight loss to fighting off disease, acai berry can provide you with better health without any effort.

What makes Pure Acai Berry such an incredible food is the fact that its nutritional content is as close to perfect as possible. First of all, it is absolutely filled with antioxidants. Click here to find more information about Acai Berry Articles.

As you probably know, antioxidants are necessary for slowing down the effects of aging and for fighting disease. The berry also has monounsaturated fats, which are the healthy type also found in olive oil.

Fiber and phytosterols are also part of the package, as is a well balanced amino acid complex. In all, this food is a very complete way of getting energy, nutrition, and antioxidants all in one package.

Because of its extremely complete nutritional content, the acai berry has the potential to provide tons of benefits for your body. Among the most popular reasons for people to use the product are to increase energy, maintain better health, and to lose weight.

You can expect to have more energy when you use the acai berry because of its combination of carbohydrates and fats and its high concentration of antioxidants. All of these things combined make it a very good source of energy and a great way to increase your stamina during the day. Because you are likely to feel and be healthier while taking it, this will also increase your energy.

The antioxidant levels of this berry are more than five times as high as in blueberries and other such foods. This makes them very powerful in terms of fighting aging and bodily damage. Many people rely on this berry to fight off the free radicals that can be implicated in everything from cancer to wrinkles.

Antioxidants have the amazing power to neutralize free radicals, which can help you feel younger and healthier than ever before. By using foods with high levels of antioxidants, you can experience great health and fend off the damaging effects of pollution, UV light, aging and more.

Pure Acai Berry can also help you with your weight loss goals as it has the ability to help your body burn fat more efficiently and to increase your metabolism. In addition, because it can help your body work more efficiently in general, you can expect losing weight to be easier.

For instance, the ability of the berry to increase your stamina will make it easier for you to exercise, and the berries perfect amino acid complex will allow your muscles to function properly during exercise. The berry even provides digestive support so that you can use your food more efficiently.

The benefits of the acai berry are hard to beat and it is a great addition to any diet. Since it is not a local crop, the best way to get the benefits of this berry is in the supplement form offered by Pure Acai Berry.

Since this is the most concentrated and purest way of getting the incredible benefits of this berry, you will be able to reap the benefits of this berry much sooner. Begin now and you can even get a Free Trial of Pure Acai Berry to see the benefits for yourself! Click on Acai Berry Articles to find out more. - 17269

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Acai Berry Antioxidant Supplement

By Jenny North

There are very few foods in the world that can claim to be superfoods. Superfoods must have many more benefits besides just providing enough calories and some nutrition. However, there are some foods that are able to be elevated to superfood status because of the incredible benefits they can deliver.

Acai berry is one of these foods. With its ability to do everything from increase weight loss to fighting off disease, acai berry can provide you with better health without any effort.

What makes Pure Acai Berry such an incredible food is the fact that its nutritional content is as close to perfect as possible. First of all, it is absolutely filled with antioxidants. Click here to find more information about Acai Berry Antioxidant Supplement.

As you probably know, antioxidants are necessary for slowing down the effects of aging and for fighting disease. The berry also has monounsaturated fats, which are the healthy type also found in olive oil.

Fiber and phytosterols are also part of the package, as is a well balanced amino acid complex. In all, this food is a very complete way of getting energy, nutrition, and antioxidants all in one package.

Because of its extremely complete nutritional content, the acai berry has the potential to provide tons of benefits for your body. Among the most popular reasons for people to use the product are to increase energy, maintain better health, and to lose weight.

You can expect to have more energy when you use the acai berry because of its combination of carbohydrates and fats and its high concentration of antioxidants. All of these things combined make it a very good source of energy and a great way to increase your stamina during the day. Because you are likely to feel and be healthier while taking it, this will also increase your energy.

The antioxidant levels of this berry are more than five times as high as in blueberries and other such foods. This makes them very powerful in terms of fighting aging and bodily damage. Many people rely on this berry to fight off the free radicals that can be implicated in everything from cancer to wrinkles.

Antioxidants have the amazing power to neutralize free radicals, which can help you feel younger and healthier than ever before. By using foods with high levels of antioxidants, you can experience great health and fend off the damaging effects of pollution, UV light, aging and more.

Pure Acai Berry can also help you with your weight loss goals as it has the ability to help your body burn fat more efficiently and to increase your metabolism. In addition, because it can help your body work more efficiently in general, you can expect losing weight to be easier.

For instance, the ability of the berry to increase your stamina will make it easier for you to exercise, and the berries perfect amino acid complex will allow your muscles to function properly during exercise. The berry even provides digestive support so that you can use your food more efficiently.

The benefits of the acai berry are hard to beat and it is a great addition to any diet. Since it is not a local crop, the best way to get the benefits of this berry is in the supplement form offered by Pure Acai Berry.

Since this is the most concentrated and purest way of getting the incredible benefits of this berry, you will be able to reap the benefits of this berry much sooner. Begin now and you can even get a Free Trial of Pure Acai Berry to see the benefits for yourself! Click on Acai Berry Antioxidant Supplement to find out more. - 17269

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Did You Know These 6 Facts About Nutrition In Growing Taller?

By Rodney Williams

Nutrition plays an important part in all aspects of our lives, from our energy levels, to our ability to focus and retain information, to our ability to grow taller. The nutrients and elements contained in food are the fuel that powers our body, very much like the fuel that powers your car. The wrong fuel can hinder your car's performance, but while your car won't shrink or grow based on what's put into it, we can. Let's look at six important facts about nutrition and its relation to growing taller.

1) Vitamins - Vitamins have multiple and powerful health benefits and the good news is that many of them also promote growth. Eating a balanced diet of 'grow taller' foods should supply you with the vitamin intake necessary for further growth, but as a last resort you can also turn to vitamin supplements to reach your desired intake level.

2) Water - Water intake is not overplayed in its importance. Getting yourself hydrated with a large daily intake of water will not only lead to healthier looking skin, it also flushes out harmful toxins that can cause a variety of ill effects, such as preventing growth.

3) Minerals - Minerals function in much the same way as vitamins, but finding a good source for most minerals can be difficult, meaning supplements may be necessary. Consult with your doctor first before embarking on any drastic changes in your mineral intake.

4) Protein - Much easier to obtain than minerals, protein contains many necessary acids to help in the development and growth of tissue.

5) Fats - Fats of course are the reason for the obesity epidemic in many countries, and likewise, are not ideal to over indulge in while trying to gain height. They can block the release of growth hormone, not to mention the added pounds of weight will give one the appearance of being shorter.

6) Carbohydrates - We look at carbs the same way as fat. Keeping your carbs, and thus your Glycemic Index under control will let your growth hormone function to its fullest. A favourite food of many, which has one of the lowest GI ratings, is pasta.

With fast food, home delivery, instant packaged meals, and all the other little culinary conveniences at our disposal, its never been more difficult to restrict yourself to a healthy and balanced diet. Supplements can help in this endeavour, but if you're serious about gaining height and leading a generally healthier life, making the sacrifice to eat better is one that will have limitless benefits. - 17269

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Why Your Biceps Aren't Getting Bigger

By Jason King

Almost all body builders that start a body building regime want bigger biceps. Biceps are the main part of the body that shows strength, and body builders like their shirts fitting tightly at the top of their arms. Because the biceps get a lot of attention they become the most over trained muscle which means for a lot of gym users their progress actually goes in reverse.

The most common reason that most body builders over train their biceps is because they read body building magazines. Most magazines possess an article that will try and tell you how to get bigger biceps within 6 weeks. In the article you'll see a massive body builder, and he'll give you his biceps routine.

A typical arm workout in a magazine will normally be a workout of about 20 sets of exercises. This is way too many sets to encourage growth in your biceps. You can give your back, cheat and shoulders a good workout with 20 sets, and your biceps don't require no where near this many sets. At the end of the article you'll normally see a photo of the body builder sitting their with his favorite protein shake in his hand. The article you read is an ad for the supplement he's holding, and is in no way intended to help you get bigger biceps. They want you to purchase the supplement.

When you exercise your back and shoulders, all the pulling you do will have already given your biceps a decent workout so giving them another 20 sets will definitely train them too much. Body builders who write these magazine articles can give their arms 20 sets because they're usually on growth hormones and/or steroids. This type of routine is impossible if you're a natural body builder.

After all the training you give your back and shoulders all you need to do to get your biceps to grow is about 4 sets a week. You don't have to risk any injuries to your arms to make them bigger, all you need to do is make sure you gain strength.

All you need to do is add extra weight to the bar every week, and as you gain more strength then your arms will get bigger. Getting bigger isn't achieved with adding more sets to your routine. If you fail to add extra weight or extra reps to your routine then your muscles won't grow.

If you don't gain the strength to add more weight or extra reps every workout then you need to look at what you're eating. To get stronger you need to eat enough carbs, protein and healthy fats to aid the repair of your muscles. Without the right balance of macro nutrients, and enough of them you won't get bigger. Eating enough small meals spaced out through the day will cause a natural anabolic effect in your body that will cause you to get bigger.

Keeping a journal of hop your getting on will help you discover what is working best for you. When you get all of the little things right you'll start getting the gains you're after. - 17269

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Some Great Tips for Losing Weight

By Dyan Pascal

There's a lot of conflicting information on weight loss on the internet. Most people who follow traditional advice of avoiding high fat foods will find that it just doesn't help, period. Once you start eating unhealthy, your body starts to build up an ugly gum-like residue. Even if you switched to eating healthier, your body won't start to lose weight overnight, because of this buildup.

This gross, gummy substance will continue to build up as long as you're eating unhealthy foods. It will eventually build up into plaque, if it goes unaddressed. Finally, the gum and plaque can become laden with parasites. This build-up won't be eradicated just by choosing to eat low fat foods.

A great way to think of it is like a yellow tooth. Say you've been eating sweets all your life -- then looked in the mirror one day, and saw that your teeth were turning yellow. Even if you changed your habits they wouldn't turn white overnight. Once you change habits, it takes a long time for the built-up damage to clear.

Luckily, the plaque and gum build-up in your digestive tract can be cleaned out much more quickly than whitening your teeth. How do you do this? You clean out your system using a specially-formulated diet that's designed to purge the plaque, gum, and parasites. After you clean your system, you'll find that losing weight becomes much easier.

The best way to keep your system clean is to adopt an easy diet plan. It's important to have a diet plan that you can follow for the long term. The plan should nourish you and contribute to your long term health, but it should also be a pleasure to follow, so that you won't be tempted to fall off your diet. The only long term solution is to clear out your system and start to eat healthy again.

When people set out to lose weight, they want it to happen overnight. and don't want to ever have to think about it again. That's not how it works. The reality is that if you go back to eating the same way as before, your weight will come back -- just like before. The diet you use in the long run should be healthy and fun, so that you'll be more tempted to stay healthy than to overeat.

By adopting this natural weight-loss method, you'll never have to touch a diet pill. People don't realize how unhealthy diet pills actually are. Diet pills either kill fat cells or repress appetite, neither of which is healthy for you in the long run. The only real way to lose fat and keep it off is to clean your digestive system of its gunk and eat healthy.

To lose the weight and keep it off, it's important to adopt a diet system that really works in the long run. This ensures that not only are you losing weight, but you'll be nourishing your body as well. - 17269

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4 Reasons to Hire a Mesothelioma Lawyer

By Heidi Wingrain

If you've been diagnosed with Mesothelioma and are facing the bills left by lost wages and medical expenses, you may wonder why you'd want to take on the additional expense of hiring a lawyer who specializes in filing Mesothelioma lawsuits. You may think there's no proof of company negligence, that it's been too long since you worked for the company that is at fault, or that you just plain don't want any more bills. By this type of thinking you could be denying yourself and your family benefits that rightfully belong to you. Hiring a Mesothelioma lawyer is probably the best move you'll ever make in your life for the following reasons:

1. You aren't to blame for having contracted Mesothelioma. What you are is the victim of negligence caused by the company you worked for failing to advise you about the risks you were taking. It isn't because they didn't know, either. Information was available clear back in the 1920s telling them about hazards associated with workers who were in environments where asbestos was present. By the 1940s they were even getting warnings telling them to eliminate asbestos from their workplace. Many of them chose to turn a deaf ear to these admonitions, though, because to comply would mean smaller profits. Therefore, they chose to sacrifice your health to put more money in their pockets, and now you're suffering because of it. Hiring a Mesothelioma lawyer will help put the blame where it belongs.

2. If you're the surviving family member of someone who got Mesothelioma as a result of exposure to asbestos in the workplace, you need to hire a Mesothelioma lawyer to file a wrongful death lawsuit on your loved one's behalf. You may well still be fighting to pay medical bills this person incurred or struggling due to the loss of the person's wages in addition to the emotional suffering you've gone through, and your lawyer will help get you the compensation you need so badly.

3. Mesothelioma may have already robbed you of your life's savings and possibly many of your other assets. It may be forcing you to sell your home and live on a shoestring budget. After all, the disease has kept you from working which means you've lost wages, and you probably have incurred medical bills which insurance just doesn't pay for. Why shouldn't you hire a lawyer who will work on a no win, no pay basis to go after what you have coming to you and help you meet your financial obligations? What this means is that the lawyer will only take payment if he's successful in getting a settlement for you. Otherwise his services won't cost you anything.

4. Corporate negligence as far as employee health is concerned has been going on far too long and needs to be stopped. Companies have been allowed to give profits a higher priority than health issues surrounding their employees, and this practice is totally unacceptable. It has caused hundreds of employees to become victims as employer greed took the forefront. A Mesothelioma lawyer will seek restitution for what you have endured and will also ask for punitive damages. This is additional money the company will be forced to pay as a punishment for their negligence. When companies are forced to pay punitive damages, other companies are being warned that no one is going to tolerate such irresponsible behavior any longer.

When you hire a Mesothelioma lawyer and present your case to the world, you end up helping yourself, your family, and workers everywhere. - 17269

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5 Tips to Treat Constipation at Home

By Xylene Belita

Constipation is a condition in which a person has difficulty in defecating. You feel uncomfortable and 'full' all the time. The feces is hard and dry and sometimes painful to pass. Most of us experience constipation at one time or another. It often only lasts for a short time and isn't serious. But understanding why it happens should give you ideas on how to stop constipation.

Fortunately there are a lot of natural home remedies that can help you find relief from constipation:

1.Drinking water regularly would be very great and therapeutic. Make sure to drink at least 6 glasses of water a day. Large amounts of water aids quick digestion and enables easier bowel movement.

2.Adding roasted black gram powder to chapatti made of wheat including the husks too can enhance constipation relief.

3.Molasses which have high calorie content are also very good. Beware though as it has a strong taste and you'll want to add fruit juice or milk to it when taking it. All you really need is two tablespoonfuls of blackstrap molasses just before sleeping at night.

4.Take half a cup of cabbage juice twice a day. This is very effective in treating and curing constipation.

5.If you got access to mango, take one in the morning right after brushing before breakfast, and one at night after dinner. Mangoes are very effective bowel movers. There is a sure guarantee that you'll have to "go" at least twice before nightfall.

However, if you suffer from painful constipation, you can treat it with maximum results in a very short time with Bowtrol. Even with only one bottle of Bowtrol can work wonders since it completely cleanses and empties your colon leaving you feeling well. - 17269

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Basic Truth About Abs Workout Mistakes

By Thomas Moore

Most guys want a ripped, good-looking abs for several reasons: to be able to wear body hugging clothes, be healthier, and be able to attract plenty of girls. But the path towards that beautiful fat-free tummy can get really ugly.

There are hundreds of product out now in the market and they seem to promise the same thing; fast results. But the human body is not like clay to mold and see results in a blink of an eye, you will need long-term plan for that journey and the way could be treacherous. Here are the most basic problems and their solutions in obtaining that dream six-packs in reality.


Most guys are cool and excited in the first two weeks of the work out program; hitting the gym three times a week, doing all the basic exercises, and choosing the best diet. But most of them feel disheartened seeing still no visible results after and tendency is they would give up. We need to understand that it would take months or even years for the fat to convert into healthy-good looking muscles and two weeks won't even make up for that time percentage. Before planning on enrolling to the gym, you should set your mind that the gym will be your second home for the coming months and you need to keep on pushing no matter what. At the end, you will not only look "sexy" but you'll feel proud that you have endured the test and surely that abdominals is the fruit you reap.


When you work out your body uses a lot of energy and water so naturally your appetite for food will skyrocket. But one of the things that make any program a success is the consumption of the right food. Most of this food will alienate your taste bud but if you're not willing to make a permanent lifestyle change, the burgers, fried chicken, sodas, and cakes in the fridge will be your everyday nightmare. This will not only jeopardize your dream abs but will also inflict depression in your system. You need discipline in this area and a strong will to avoid the temptation. Healthy food does not necessarily mean cereals, veggies, and the likes of those "tasteless" consumptions. Instead of fried chicken, why not bake it? Or swap your lunch to a salmon or salad? There are lots of easy ways to cook food if only you are willing to learn them.


If your program says three repetitions only, then don't attempt to exceed that number thinking you'll gain more muscles if you do. Remember that your instructor is a professional and has seen this countless time so he knows the fact and he knows what would be the best training for you. Most guys often do this to fasten the results but the exact opposite happens (e.g. uneven muscle gain). Stick to your program and never facilitate because you might end up sprouting abs in your back due too poorly received workout plan. - 17269

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The Secret of Stemulite Fitness Formula

By Paige Langston

When you exercise, for instance, you put your muscles through heavy stress, and although the body is designed for this - so long as you don't overwork yourself - it does need special nutrition supplementation to help in a speedy recovery.

When you work out, for instance, you put your muscles through heavy stress, and although the body is designed for this - so long as you don't overwork yourself - it does need some nutrition supplementation to help in a speedy recovery.

If you work out but don't eat right, then you may be putting your body through too much stress because it won't have enough building blocks to generate what you need to stimulate the chemicals in the body that aid in cell repair.

Although the body is meant to be used and exercised - even taken beyond it's limits to grow - this has to be done with regard to the benefits of eating right and eliminating foods that could become counter-productive.

Using a supplement like Stemulite which contains some extraordinary nutritional supplements the body is craving for anyway, but even more so when you put it to the test in the gymnasium, can not only keep you in good health but it helps accelerate your muscles' recuperation time.

The elements in Stemulite also include food nutrients that help in cell repair (helping not only repair the stress caused body parts, but also boosting the immune function) as well as factors that aid the body in generating stem cells which are how the body regenerates cells and just about everything.

The ingredients in Stemulite also include food nutrients that help in cell repair (helping not only repair the stress caused body parts, but also promoting the immune function) as well as factors that aid the body in begetting stem cells which are how the body regenerates cells and just about everything.

Stem cells are the birth of all of the cells in your body. Every organ, every cell, every skin cell etc.. all started out as a stem cell. The body is constructed from them and when it needs to renew or revive itself the stem cells are where the mending materials originate.

As you get older the body makes less of these due to a diversity of health issues and feckless lifestyles, and this makes restoring the body much tougher and more sluggish - if there's any repairing at all.

The components in Stemulite are designed to assist in amping up your stem cell yield as well as including a variety of other elements that have important health benefits. - 17269

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You Know You Need To Get Healthy

By Jimm Goodspel

Are you exercising? If not you should be. Exercising is perhaps the most important thing you can do. It is imperative that we exercise in order to maintain a healthy weight and lifestyle. In order to lose weight we must burn more calories than we consume. Therefore, exercise is a major contributor to weight loss.

Exercising can also help prevent diseases. Heart disease and diabetes can be averted by routine exercise. HDL Cholesterol, triglyceride and blood pressure levels can all be lowered with regular exercise.

We have all heard about a magic pill that can help us drop pounds in matter of weeks. The truth is no pill can do what exercise can do for you. Many of us have also been caught up in the latest diets in hopes of losing weight. While a proper diet is important to maintain a healthy weight, it does little to help you if you are not exercising. Weight loss comes from burning calories. We must exercise to be sure we are burning enough calories.

Exercise not only benefits your body but, it also benefits your mind. Those who stick to their exercise routine have shown an increase in their endorphin levels. As a result they are less likely to become depressed.

If you are feeling tired the answer may not be the latest energy drink. Exercising can increase serotonin levels aiding in less depression and increased energy. Who doesn't want to have more energy in this fast paced world?

Maybe your self esteem could use a boost. Routine exercise can help you feel better about yourself in short period of time. If you are exercising and losing weight you will feel more confident about your looks. This new confidence will ultimately boost your self esteem.

Beginning an exercise routine doesn't have to be a daunting task. Find exercises that you enjoy and stick with it. You'll be glad you did, and you may even find that you like it and it becomes a regular part of your lifestyle. When that happens, you know you are on the right track. - 17269

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Natural Remedies For Acne.

By Julieanne van Zyl

Over 50 per cent of individuals between the ages of 12 and 21 suffer the devastation of acne. The pimples often start with the start of puberty and the body's hormones are rising. Individuals become more propensity to acne anytime hormones begin to lift or surge in the body. Women who are pregnant, or going through menopause, or anybody who is using steroids is likely to undergo from acne. If not treated, the acne often results in scarring.

To moderate the scarring, the condition needs to be treated, wherever the acne appears, face, arms or buttocks. The choice is between remedies prescribed by a physician, which will be laboratory made, or natural remedies, or a combination of both, one supplementing the other.

Open pores in the skin are an proposal to the bacteria and oil which make the pustules and cysts of acne. A simple protective method is to close these open pores by rubbing the face with ice for 10 to 15 minutes each day. Closing the pores will go help a lot in preventing new pimples.

The acidity of tomatoes presents another option as they help to diminish large pores and black heads in people who have oily skin. Slice the tomato open and rub it on the face letting it to dry for some minutes before washing it off. If you have very oily skin, do not wash the face with soap and water. Instead, in the morning and evening, use lukewarm salt water which will eliminate the oil without drying out the skin too much.

Crushed mint leaves tied in a muslin cloth and squeezed is another natural remedy for acne and blackheads. Use the juice on the face.

By far the best natural treatment for acne is stop it from happening in the first place.. When potential acne victims become conscious of that period in their lives when their hormones will be flowing such as during puberty, pregnancy or when they are using certain medications, it is good policy to use good skin cleansing and general good health practices to prevent the pustules and blackheads developing.

The largest organ in the body is the skin, and it is fed by the food that we eat. By eating junk the skin will produce junk. Improve your overall diet by reducing your intake of processed foods, foods that contain undue quantities of trans fatty acids or foods that are high in fat. This means relinquishing as much as possible foods like hamburgers, french fries, ice cream, excessive chocolate and processed foods like chips and candies.

Modify your diet to one that's high in green leafy vegetables, fruits and trace minerals and pimples will not come close. And, while fluids are very important to the health and wellness of your skin, it is well to remember that soda is a toxin full of excess sugar and other chemicals. Water is the best fluid to flush out toxins from the body and give your skin overall health and glow.

If the pimples do occur, resist from the use of makeup. Cosmetics tend to bother the condition and assume the appearance of pimples covered by makeup.

The sun is valuable for both the prevention of acne and its treatment, but there are several things to remember. Be sure that you are using an approved sunscreen to prevent sunburn to your face or any other exposed areas of the body. Tanning by the sun may make the acne look less visible but it also speeds the aging process of the skin and increases your risk of skin cancer.

Include in your diet an sufficient amount of vitamin A and beta-carotene. These have been found to help rebuild healthy tissue and hinder outbreaks in those who are prone to acne. Cucumber juice, either by itself or mixed with carrots, lettuce or alfalfa, has been found to be another natural choice which provides the vitamins, minerals and enzymes necessary for the skin to help rebuild itself. It is vital that these juices should be made and consumed within 12 hours of making, or the active living enzymes in them will die and will decrease their effectiveness.

Vitamins B, E, and C have been found helpful for both the prevention and treatment of acne. Potassium deficiencies have been related with people who have acne but because potassium is also important in the electrical conduction of the heart individuals should refrain from taking supplements and just eat bananas. Bananas are high in potassium.

Although there is no one vitamin that is of dominant importance in the prevention of acne, in combination they work jointly to provide a curative process for the body from the inside out. - 17269

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Three Very Important Body Building Supplements You Should Use

By Lionel Weathers

If you've spent any time on a body building supplement website, you have undoubtedly noticed that there is a wide variety of supplements to choose from. You could probably spend hours and hours on one of these sites and still not know what you should use! The purpose of this article is to go over three of the most common basic supplements: whey protein, creatine, and glutamine.

Whey Protein

Whey protein is by far the best protein that you can use while working out. It is absorbed quickly by the body making it so your body can quickly put it to use. Proteins are the building blocks of muscle and so you need to make sure that you are getting enough protein in your diet to grow. Using a whey protein powder is a very convenient way to get more high quality protein into your diet.


Creatine is one of (if not the) most popular body building supplement on the market today. Creatine supplements can help you increase help increase your energy levels and lean muscle mass. The other great thing about creatine supplements is that you can usually get them for a pretty low price. There are a lot of companies that put out supposedly more advanced formulas, but just adding plain creatine monohydrate is a great way to use this supplement.


The most abundant amino acid in the body is glutamine. Many bodybuilders will use this supplement because it can help to reduce muscle breakdown after workouts. You see, when you put a lot of stress on your muscles the glutamine levels in your muscles can go down by as much as 50%. This leaves your muscles open for breaking down rather than growing. Like creatine, glutamine is also rather cheap, which is another bonus. But make sure you mix it in with something because it has a rather nasty flavor if you take it plain!

There are plenty of other useful body building supplements on the market, but these three are a good place to start for anybody. Also be careful of all the hype out there about products that say that you will put on insane amounts of muscle without doing anything. Building a great body takes dedication over time. Use body building supplements to help you achieve better results - they won't do the work for you. - 17269

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