Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Thursday, February 5, 2009

How to Boost Your Metabolism and Immune System With Noni

By Lenette Nakauchi

Island Fire Noni Elixir is a health tonic focused on rejuvenation, detoxification, superior energy, good mood, and overall health. Is is a proprietary product from Elements for Life and is now considered by raw food health experts such as David Wolfe and Steve Adler as the best Noni product on the market. This is a live, unpasteurized, Noni juice with no added fruit juices, artificial flavorings or colors, or refined sugars. It is made from Tahitian Noni juice and has ginger, Hawaiian Turmeric, cayenne, lemon, apple cider vinegar, and trace minerals (both from colloidal, and plant and ocean-sourced ionic minerals) added in for additional health benefits. A shot or two in the morning will really liven up your metabolism and immune system!

David Wolfe, world authority on raw foods and superfoods, has referred to Noni as his favorites food and fruit of all time. The fruit is found all over the island of Hawaii and other tropical environments. For 15 years now, various companies have been trying to get Noni products out to people. But unfortunately, almost all Noni juices have been pasteurized and have added fruit juices and this undoes most, if not all, of the benefits of Noni.

Polynesian culture has used traditionally used Noni for thousands of years and is actually known in Polynesian lore as a "cure-all." Noni contains large amounts of sulfur and the highest natural concentration of polysaccharides. Sulfur is a beauty mineral and does wonders for our hair, skin, and nails. Polysaccharides are type of sugar that stimulates the immune system. If we have enough polysaccharides in our diet, body naturally becomes more resistant to viruses, bacteria, etc. Polysaccharides also stimulate the immune system to help ward off illness, aides in digestion and helps to cleanse the digestive tract. As we learn more and more about this, the future of nutrition may become quite focused on this type of sugar.

Noni has powerful anti-fungal and anti-microbial properties. It can boost your immune system. There is no sugar stimulation with just a shot of Island Fire but a long-term energy that supports the immune system (there is just 1 gram of sugar per ounce serving). And because it's unpasteurized, or never been cooked, it is loaded with enzymes--over 140 bio-active enzymes. Enzymes are the workers that turn food into energy and unlock the energy for use in the body. They are essential to cellular function and health, they are what make our five senses happen, and they are what break down the food into nutrients and waste. They are vital for our health and energy levels.

Added ingredients turmeric and ginger really make Island Fire stand out as an overall health tonic. Turmeric is actually the greatest anti-inflammatory in the Ayurvedic system. It is also a wonderful antioxidant. We can tell this just by looking at its bright orange color. Ginger has a large amount of sulfur and sulfur-bearing proteins. Both of these foods put together create a powerful tool for muscle recovery and injury. Ginger, with its high sulfur content, also helps protect us from sun damage, free radicals, and wrinkles. Sulfur is a beauty mineral that can help rejuvenate the skin.

This is really a powerful tonic to take everyday to support your overall health and immune system, as well as help in muscle recovery and skin, hair, and nail strength. There are several ways you can drink Island Fire. You can sip on it like you would a cocktail, alone or on ice. You could take a shot glass or two of it in the morning to wake you up and get your metabolism going. Or you can mix it with coconut water or some soaked and blended Goji Berries for a delicious superfood elixir. The smell and taste of genuine Noni Juice can be quite interesting for most people (like ripened cheese?) but it can grow on you after a while. Elements for Life has really toned down the bitter elements of Noni with all of these bonus ingredients too. It's wonderful that we now get to enjoy this superfood. - 17269

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Is It Hard To Prevent Fat Gain While Growing Muscle?

By Rob Molloy

Many who are into bodybuilding will try to bulk up and get as big as they can but what happens much of the time is that they also add on extra padding with their muscle. Especially for those who want those cuts for a special event or competition. They will try to work frantically prior to the event to get rid of the fat. The key is to not gain that fat in the first place because what happens is that while fat is being lost, muscle is also being lost. Here is a simple strategy to gain muscle without adding that extra weight you don't want.

First realize that you should be gaining, at most, a pound of muscle every couple of weeks. More than that and it's most likely some fat that you are adding. If you see that you are gaining weight too rapidly, take a close look at the amount of food that you are eating. Make sure that you are eating the right amounts of the right foods for your particular workout routine. There are exceptions to every rule but just make sure by checking everything out that you are truly an exception, if you are gaining more rapidly.

Maintaining the right type of diet will assist you in reaching your goals as far as your bodybuilding goes. This is easy to make into a boring routine though. You change out your workouts; you can also vary your diet. The right routine to build your muscles has days where you rest your body and allow your muscles to be able to repair themselves from the tearing up they get in your workouts. Let your body also rest on these days from your strict diet requirements that you keep it on most days. Rest is good for you mentally; this is the same with taking off a day or two from the rigid diet too. A good schedule is 5 days sticking to the diet and then give yourself 2 days off, if you do this right you can have the weekends off and have a bit of fun food wise, and also your body will thank you.

You should also be eating 5 times per day at least. Your body will be getting a constant supply of the fuel it needs and won't have the need to store it like it would if you were starving it. Also, follow the rule that you should have a diet that is one part healthy fat (monounsaturated), two parts protein (you can't build muscle without it) and three parts carbohydrates (you need this to give you energy for your workouts).

The other thing you need to build your muscle without packing on fat as well, is developing the correct workout program. Start by performing 10 to 15 minutes of some activity that is aerobic before you do your actual workout. It is good for warming you up for your workout, for burning fat and it will make your heart healthier. It can backfire on you to do too much aerobic activity though as far as you trying to gain muscle mass.

Extended aerobic sessions may help if you are training for a marathon but it will not build muscle. The more muscle you have helps you burn more calories. You need to stretch a little while after you do the aerobics and prior to starting the main section of your workout for building muscle.

Your workout routine needs to be documented in a journal and each day you should repeat a workout of a particular muscle group. You need to push yourself to go a notch further each workout. Keeping up with this journal will help you do that. For your workout, concentrate on a different body group Monday through Thursday with a "mixed bag" of workouts on Friday where every muscle group gets worked.

With your workout, pyramid the sets and make the one in the middle have more weight than the first and last ones. You need push your body. With the first set you prepare the body for the heavier set of #2 and then with the third set you cool your body down. You can also pyramid your reps within the sets too. The first rep do the most, the middle you make them harder but fewer, and then the third one is the cool down where you do the same reps as the first.

If you use these tips to come up with your workout regimen by honing it to your particular body needs, you will soon see that this is the best method for adding muscle minus gaining the fat. - 17269

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