Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Monday, January 5, 2009

How your computer can help you maintain your weight

By Henry Kronsburgitis

Weight maintenance is different from losing weight. When we lose weight, we can try any diet method we like - as long as the result is positive. Weight maintenance is much like weight loss.

The concept of losing weight and maintaining weight are the same. What is important is to eat healthy, control the amount of food you eat at each meal and make daily exercise a part of your routine.

Part of being successful in weight maintenance is being motivated on an ongoing basis to keep from gaining additional weight. Also important is getting support from those around you and being able to handle stress without resulting to eating to much or eating the wrong foods. You must assume responsibility for your weight maintenance program.

Factors that may pose a risk for weight regain include a history of weight cycling, ununhibited eating, binge eating, more hunger, eating in response to negative emotions and stress, and more passive reactions to problems .

Weight maintenance is, therefore, a balancing act of energy utilization and replenishment, and it is important to know your individual needs.

If you track your caloric expenditure during your workouts, you can then adjust your caloric intake accordingly to ensure you're replenishing but not overindulging.

Using a computer program to track calories burned and how many calories you can consume to maintain your weight taking into account calories burned is an excellent way to maintain your weight. When the computer program notices a change in your metabolism, it will adjust your daily calorie budget to prevent a weight loss or a weight gtain. Also the program should help you adjust your retention of water from high sodium intake, or in the case of women, menstrual cycles. A good program even know how to adjust if you skip logging food for a few days. one excellent program for this is called Diet Power. - 17269

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Weight Loss and Quality Protein

By Ricardo d Argence

Abundant quantities of protein is required by the body for proper nutrition. It is called a macronutrient and provides about 4 calories a gram to the body for its health. It is vital for the formation of the body's building blocks. Do not be surprised to notice that it helps with many things including, but not limited to, upkeep of muscles, immune system and muscles. Protein is essential to enzyme creation as well as overall healthy blood.

Protein is not like some other nutrients. It is not produced in our body, so it is important that we consume an adequate amount of protein every day.

Muscles cannot get strong or keep their strength without protein, that's why it is vital for muscle building to have enough protein. The more muscle mass you produce the more effectively your body burns fat also. Remember your heart is a muscle and can be affected by a diet that is deficient in protein.

If you eat protein in every meal is a way to prevent cravings for certain foods you should not have. That's because it will leave you more satisfied. Protein takes more energy to digest than other nutrients. During the process of protein digestion, body temperature is raised by a few degrees.

This small increase in temperature results in a thermogenic effect that helps the body to more efficiently burn fat calories. This can help you in your quest to lose weight. In addition, by eating the proper amount of protein, it will be easier to refrain from snacking between meals and easier to avoid unhealthy foods that will make you gain weight.

Protein can be used as a replacement for sweets as it is often the case that this is what your body is craving, rather than sweets.

Some sorces of quality protein are:

Tuna, Salmon, in fact all kinds of fish are great sources for lean protein as long as they are grilled, broiled, or baked. Low-fat cottage cheese is not great protein but also a source of dairy for your daily needs. Lean red meat consumed in moderation is a great source of quality protein. It also is great for the health of your blood.

Another ones are: skinless chicken breasts are much lower in fat than the dark meat on chicken. The skin with its high fat content should never be consumed. Tuna, Salmon, in fact all kinds of fish are great sources for lean protein as long as they are grilled, broiled, or baked. Avoid heavy breaded fried fish. Skinless turkey breasts are basically similar to the chicken mentioned here. - 17269

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Zrii News and a Healthy You

By Francis Eberson

What is Zrii? The very meaning of Zrii is light, luster, splendor and prosperity. Zrii make healthy supplement drinks with an array of healthful ingredients, much like the definition of the word.

Zrii is the first company in the history of networking marketing that had such a massive buzz, momentum, sales and overall excitement as Zrii did in the first two months. This is very uncommon and proves success of Zrii.

To find out if becoming and independent Zrii distributor is right for you make an appointment with Zrii to discuss Zrii news and opportunities.

The Zrii ingredients other than Amalaki are ginger, turmeric, schizandra, haritaki, jujube, and tulsi or holy basil. So this impressive list of Zrii ingredients definately will help you regain your help and unlock the doc from within your body.

The main zrii ingredients are amalaki and tulsi. Some of the other less common zrii ingredients are turmeric, jujube, haritaki, ginger and amla.

Current scientific and medical research shows that the nutritional benefits of Zrii are many.

Zrii news is on the rise. There are many reasons to choose to become a zrii seller. Being your own boss is one of them.

Find Zrii news online and read up and decide if this career choice is for you. - 17269

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Muscle Building Workouts, Back Training

By Ricardo d Argence

Increase muscle mass and functional strength are the two reasons of primary importance to get into bodybuilding. Most important in both cases is the development of core strength; the muscles of the abdomen, upper, middle and lower back.

The primary stabilizing muscles of your body are in your back, these are the easiest muscles to injure while lifting weights. Your back consists of the spine, the ribs, the scapula and the ligaments that string them all together, like parts of a mobile or kinetic motion structure.

Injuries to the back are almost always compression or rotation injuries, they're damage to the soft tissue that lets your back move. Good weight lifting practices and muscle group isolation are the key to avoid back injuries, many of which won't show up for years after you've done them to yourself.

Traps, Lats, and Deltoids are some back muscle groups to work on, but take your time. Doing it slowly will prevent injuries. Sure, you are going to get a ripped back by overworking, but you should concentrate more on everyday strength over getting to big when working your back.

The trapezius muscles are the ones that form the bulk of your back. In Traps, the fundemental exercise is the shrug where you lift the dumbbells in both hands, shrug and hold then release.

Another workout that mostly works on your deltoids, but helps the traps a bit, is a straight-arm lift. Hold a dumbbell in your hand with your elbow at your side, and your forearm out level with the map. Extend your arm until it's at shoulder height, in one fluid motion, and look down your arm at the dumbbell, like you're sitting on a pistol range. Then bring it down slowly. This is a common exercise in martial arts groups that emphasize punching.

To build up the lower trapezius muscle, you're going to want a sitting down 'V-bar pull down', where you're pulling down against resistance. This is better than a straight pull up because it isolates the muscle thoroughly.

To work on your lower back, the best exercise you can perform is arches. By doing shoulder arches you will not only gain strength (this is the most important thing), but you will also work on definition of your back as well. Hold a light dumb-bell over the back of your neck and lay down on your front. Clasp your hands, arch your back, lift and hold for three counts then slowly lower. And be aware, because it's very easy to overdo them.

Like all the exercises which help with muscle building, stretching and cardio exercise before and after are a must for maintaining flexibility. - 17269

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