Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Getting into Shape without the Expense

By Ricardo d Argence

You've probably taken notice of the colorful and usually ridiculous commercials that claim to have a product that can give you the muscle mass you want in a rather short amount of time. Such products do not normally work. What they will do however is hurt your body and even deplete your wallet if given a chance.

Instead, try utilizing the effective and cost-free method outlined in this article. With the knowledge of how your workout routine should be orchestrated, you have all the tools you need to build a great physique.

First of all, you need to decide on what type of physique you actually want. Perhaps you want to look completely ripped like Arnold Schwarzenegger, or maybe you want to be a little smaller with a hint of muscle. Maybe you want to be somewhere in between? Believe it or not, most men do not want to be huge, but they do want to be muscular.

Accent on muscle tone: First you must build the muscle before you focus on toning it. After all, what good will entering a rigorous cardiovascular program do if you have no muscle mass to refine? Begin with a similar workout routine to someone seeking to build large muscle mass at first, soon shifting to an entirely different regiment.

Make sure that you keep on with your cardiovascular training. This will help you to keep your slender physique, and lower that body fat. When you start, warm up with ten repetitions of the first exercise that you would do with each muscle group. Warming up is very important!

Perform 6-8 reps with four sets per exercise. The following should be worked on the same day: 1. Chest and Triceps, 2. Back and Biceps, 3. Legs and Shoulders

Perform 3 or 4 exercises in each major muscle category. Biceps and triceps require less work than chest and back when worked on the same day (as they should be), as working back also works your biceps, and working chest also works your triceps. Maintain this regimentation until you begin to build a muscular base.

Big lifts are something that you would benefit from, so start adding them into your routine. For example you can do squats, bench presses, deadlifts, among other things. These are great ways to build up your muscles, and are worth a try.

There will come a time when you finally have the muscle that you have always dreamed of. But it's not time to quit! Now you need to increase the number of repetitions you do! An ideal number would be an additional eight to twelve. In addition to this you should increase your cardiovascular exercises, and in doing so you will increase your muscle tone. Diet is also very important, and you should bear this in mind as your exercise.

Accent on muscle mass: Similar to the start of the previous exercise campaign, you should begin with performing 6-8 reps in the same muscle group layout as listed previously. The main difference is that you will not be incorporating higher repetitions into your regiment, but you will be incorporating less repetitions into your campaign. For example, vary it up from 6-8 reps to 2-4 reps, changing what your muscles are used to, and therefore increasing your body's response.

Later you will start to increase the weights you are using. As you do, you will get closer and closer to the level of fitness that you are seeking. Your muscles will be experiencing things they never thought possible, and your muscle size will increase. At least they will as long as you follow the directions.

You need to make sure that each and every one of the exercises is performed right. If you do not, then you might not just hurt yourself, you might end up doing absolutely nothing for your body. Make sure you know how to do the exercises. Make sure you do them safely, and overall, make sure you are building the muscle you've always dreamed of. - 17269

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How to Easily Put On Weight And Muscle Safely

By Ricardo d Argence

The best way to gain weight and muscle naturally and fast is through the combination of the proper diet and the right exercises.

The single safest and totally natural way that you can gain weight is simply by eating more food. But to accomplish his safely make sure to eat the correct foods.

You may already be aware that protein is greatly considered a necessity in the world of bodybuilding. Undoubtedly, protein plays a very vital role in building muscles. It is not only the building blocks of muscle fibers, but also the building blocks of life. However, some substances that considerably help in gaining weight and muscle have been often overlooked.

Carbohydrates are extremely important to gain weight and muscle. Just as gasoline is to a car, carbohydrates are the fuel to our body. During high intensity workouts, the body relies heavily on carbohydrates as its primary source of energy. Simple and complex are the two common types of carbohydrates. For body builders, it is wise to stack up on complex carbohydrates since the body absorbs these at a slower rate.

Furthermore, they provide a more sustained source of energy. It is reported that the best sources of complex carbohydrates are rice, legumes, whole grain bread, starchy vegetables, and pasta. It is important to take a small serving of complex carbohydrates before every workout. This will give you the sufficient amount of energy to train at the intensity levels that will stimulate muscle growth.

Unsaturated fat or also called good fat is another essential for gaining muscle and weight correctly, not all people know this though. This type of fat is another primary energy source. It not only stimulates the production of hormones it also helps regulate the metabolic processes in the body. Your body also needs this to be able to absorb vitamin E, A, K, and D.

Good sources for this type of fat are foods like olive oil, salmon, avocados, salmon, walnuts, and canola oil. You can chow down big time on complex carbohydrates and protein, but just eat moderate portions of fat, this is key. With each meal eat some fat and the after you have finished your workout. Keep from eating the bad fats though completely because these only buildup in the body as fat and do not have any good qualities that help.

Everyone of course knows they need a good diet just gets them so far. To be able to add both weight and more muscle, you have to also exercise.

Build Muscle is a site on the Internet which you can turn to for tips and information about gaining muscle and weight in a quick, effective, and natural way. It will be surprising to you how easy it is to build muscles and gain weight. - 17269

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Bruise Treatment; How To Make A Bruise Get Better Fast

By Jan Doan

A bruise happens when an area on the body of soft tissue has a sudden impact that causes the small blood vessels beneath the skin to break and bleed to pool under the skin. Bruises can either be painful or you might not even notice you have them until you see them. Bruise treatment is a natural way to make them heal and disappear quickly and to ease the pain of the ones that do feel uncomfortable.

Right after impact it is important to apply cold to the bruise for around 30 minutes. You can use a commercial ice pack or you can grab a bag of peas out of the freezer. The best thing about a bag of frozen peas is that it will wrap around the area no matter where it is because of the texture of the peas. Wrap the bag in a towel before applying to the bruise and if you decide to use ice from the freezer make sure to put it in a re-closable plastic bag so it does not leak and then place in a towel.

The cold does two advantageous things to the bruised area. The first benefit is that it stops the area from swelling. The second benefit is that it stops the blood flow from the broken blood vessels and the bruise will not get as big as it would if this was not done.

If the injury occurs in the leg or food be sure to raise it up on a stool or something and try to keep it up about 12 hours. The blood from the broken capillaries will stop moving out into the skin. If the bruise is causing pain you can take acetaminophen or ibuprofen but never take aspirin because it stops clotting from happening.

After 48 hours has elapsed soak a wash cloth in warm water and apply for about ten minutes and do this three to four times a day. Applying warmth enabled the skin to absorb the blood and the bruise will not be as noticeable. Just bare in mind that this does not always work.

You can find commercial treatments for bruises in the pharmacy or Online. Their ingredients include vitamin A and K since these particular vitamins will stop discoloration and start the healing process. Arnica is also in some of those treatments and can be found in the form of ointments or pills but is most always in the form of gel. You should follow the package instructions for each of these preparations.

A great herbal remedy is to use comfrey which has been used to treat bruises for a very long time. Grow it in a garden or find the crushed leaves. It is most often sold just like other herbs and spices but never use it internally as there is suspicion that it can be a cause of cancer. Using it on the body in a topical manner has been proven to be safe. Take the crushed leaves and steep a tablespoon of them in a cup of boiling water for about 15 minutes, covered. When it is cool enough to touch dab a cotton ball in and dab it on the bruise and let it air dry. Do this several times a day. If you have the leaves from the garden take a heavy object and pound the leaf to extract its juices then cover it with the cup of boiling water and steep covered for 15 minutes. Dab the infusion on the bruise but then take the leaf and lay it over the bruise. Using a cloth bandage attach it to the area and leave it on for 2 to 3 hours.

The bruise will go through the healing process and it will turn several different colors. At first it is purple then it will get a greenish tinge and when it about ready to heal it will turn yellow. There really is no cure for bruises; you just have to wait until they decide to heal. Some of the things discussed above can help them to heal much faster than normal. If the bruise sticks around longer than two to three weeks it is probably a good idea to consult a doctor. This may indicate a deficiency within the body concerned with clotting. - 17269

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Using Weight Lifting Workouts for Weight Loss?

By Thaya Kareeson

Contrary to the common opinion and the impression that is given by many infomercials and ads about weight training workouts, they are not primarily designed to lose weight. Find out about the most common misconceptions in this article.

First, weight lifting does not necessarily burn a lot of fat. Heart rate and overall fat burning capacity is relatively low, because weight lifting addresses only a group of muscles at a time for the most part. Therefore, the same time spent in an exercise that engages more muscles at the same time will burn a lot more fat and energy.

Weight lifting workouts really strengthen specific muscle groups and build muscle. This can actually lead to an increase in weight, particularly if it is not accompanied by fat burning exercises and targeted nutrition adjustments.

To keep a balanced weight lifting workout, it is best to mix up weight lifting exercises with fat burning exercises such as bicycling or running. When coming up with a balanced schedule, it is also important to account for muscle rest time. That way, muscle groups that have been stressed during weight lifting workouts are given a chance to recover before they are stressed again.

It is also important to consider your overall workout goals and the time that you have available to put into the routines. Someone who wants to develop an overall fitness from scratch with a 3-day per week time availability will end up with a significantly different workout plan than a person who is in good shape and wants to build more strength in 5 workouts per week.

A general rule of thumb is that 2 parts of fat burning exercise with one part of muscle and strength building exercise will help people lose weight and lose weight and gain a better overall fit appearance.

For example, if you are working with a 3 day workout regime, you can perform two days of fat burning and conditioning, and one day of muscle building. If you are working with a 5 day workout regime, you can perform three days of fat burning and conditioning, and two days of muscle building. A good general rule of thumb is to alternate between fat burning and weight lifting days. - 17269

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How To Lose Fat And Build Muscle

By Kenney Choslayer

Great muscles add to the charm of anyone's personality. Muscular person always have advantage over other overweight people as they are mostly preferred in everything. Building muscles in easy words means to get stronger - And for that fats are the main obstacle. They need to be burnt in order to carve out an attractive muscular body. This is not an easy deal and requires a lot of courage. Several sacrifices and determination can make it a reality.

Most people are normally of the view that reducing fats is next to impossible once it gets beyond limits. Laziness is what that makes them belief this but this is certainly not the case. It is just a matter of rendering themselves for a relevant fats reducing method in order to carve out a muscular body. This takes time depending on the intensity of your application to a process and the stature of your body.

It might be surprising for most that building muscles and reducing fats are things poles apart. Over feeding is a mandatory requirement for muscle building and under feeding for losing fats. Muscle building requires to intake far more calories for a person than he burns per day and it is totally opposite for the other case. So, focus on one thing at a time in order to hit the bull's eye.

The above scenario is especially for over-weight people as for them gaining muscles and losing fats concurrently is difficult. But, for normal-weight people, things are not that complex. After a thorough self-analysis, proper exercises and healthy diet plan should be developed and applied. One should clearly mark the deficient items in his body and should look to go for that by following any approved technique.

Medical approach is also a way to reduce fats quickly by the use of anabolic steroids and drugs. Collagen, a protein enriched weight loss product has given considerable results in reducing fats. This product is mostly suitable for lazy people as it works when the person is sleeping. Collagen helps in raising the protein level of the body and ultimately reduces fats and builds muscles. It is excellent in giving you a nice long sleep so that you can wake up with lots of energy in the morning.

On the other hand, the better recommendation is to follow natural and healthy things as it gives positive results endlessly. Medications might have some after effects that can give harm to your body. Therefore such treatments are better for people who have a sensible justification of running away from the chaotic natural method.

In the end, it is entirely upon us that what we choose as the most suitable approach from which we can have maximum benefit. - 17269

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Using Focus Factor, Stimulate Your Brain

By Shawne M. Patrick

Focus Factor has been developed by a doctor and has all natural ingredients to improve memory and provide nutrient elements the body wants. While Focus Factor has a broad spread of vitamins and could take the place of a daily supplement, the combined ingredients in particular target nourishing the brain. Focus Factor provides support to help the individual concentrate and concentrate on tasks at hand.

The nutrient elements in Focus Factor and their sources are 'the key' to the formula that is employed in the supplement. The beta-carotene utilized in Focus Factor is like what is present in fresh vegetables. The vitamin E comes from the soybean and is not a man-made as is used in other additions. There are six different sorts of vitamin C. The magnesium employed in Focus Factor is derived from malate, as well as citrate and from taurinate. DMAE is a natural component found in fish and is one of the nutrients utilized in Focus Factor that targets brain function. Bacopa is a botanical extract, as is Huperzine, and they're also part of the formula made to support memory and concentration. Vinpocetine is another botanical extract that bolsters brain activity. Focus Factor doesn't use caffeine or stimulants in its formula. Ephedrine and ma huang are also not included in the ingredients.

While Focus Factor assists in healthy brain function, individuals that are concerned with maintaining a high level of brain activity should also add fresh fruit and vegetables to their diet. Protein should be derived from high-quality sources, like chicken or fish. For the vegetarian, tofu is an excellent source of protein. Focus Factor is a supplement and cannot take the place of physical exercise.

Something as straightforward as walking for about 20 minutes gets the circulation going and the blood flowing to the brain. Play games that exercise the mind or read a good book. Sleep is also awfully vital in brain function, and an individual should get eight hours a night. Focus Factor can help when there's lack of sleep but can't fully replace brain energy that is lost.

Even though Focus Factor starts to work as fast as it is in the system, it is suggested that people stay on the suggested dose for thirty days. Check with your health practitioner before adding Focus Factor or any vitamins or additions to a daily regime. Girls that are pregnant or are nursing should not take Focus Factor. - 17269

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Yeast-Free Living - Do I Need to Follow a Gluten-Free Diet?

By Matt Bournston

Have you recently started on a yeast-free diet? Or maybe you are thinking of starting on a yeast-free diet. Whichever applies to you, you may be also wondering about gluten, as many people need to follow a gluten-free diet as well. But does avoiding yeast also have to mean avoiding gluten?

Well, the short answer is no, because yeast and gluten are two different things, and are therefore two different food intolerances. A particular food can contain gluten without containing yeast. For example pasta, which is made from wheat but is free from the yeast that causes bread to rise.

But the thing is, many foods that you find in health food shops that are gluten free are also yeast free. This is because health food companies want to be able to sell their special foods to as many people as they can, so by making them free from common allergens, many people with food intolerances can eat them. Also, for me personally, I find that I react worse when I eat foods that contain both yeast and gluten than when I eat food that just contains one of them.

It's also worth considering the possibility that you might have an intolerance to both yeast AND gluten. If you find yourself reacting the worst to bread, cakes or other similar baked goods, then it could be that it is the combination of the gluten and the yeast together which causes your health problems. But once you get into the habit of regularly buying special "free from" foods from health food shops, you will find the whole food intolerance thing much easier to cope with.

And the great news is: there are many gluten and yeast free breads available in health food shops these days. And if you're not quite happy with those, you can always make your own at home, using special yeast free bread recipes. - 17269

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Diets That Work Fast: Are They Dangerous?

By Amy Bernstein

Given the sedentary life-style that most of the people are now living, it is comprehensible why many are in the continued search for diets that work fast. There are really diets that work fast, but there are certainly only a few them.

In looking for diets that work fast, it is critical to weigh things out and consider some crucial factors in choosing it to grasp if they're smart to follow or not. Enumerated below are some tips and issues you need to remember.

One significant thing to be aware of is that this type of diet routinely shocks you with a sudden losing of weight, but in the longer term, could make you gain more weight. It is really because this type of diet is usually restrictive of certain food items. It might cause you to feel too deprived of the food you used to eat and you love. So, you would want most of the time that could push you to eat the incorrect sorts of food. If you're under this diet, you want to look for set of meals with flexible food items that you would love.

Selecting a diet plan that would help you to lose weight faster should encourage you to eat better food items. In choosing the food items to include in your meals, it should be nutrient-dense food items; natural healthy food; fiber-rich vegetables and fruit. Also, you need to eat protein-rich and carbohydrate heavy food items moderately but do not deprive yourself of eating such.

Do not push yourself to succumb to fad diets that only give people false hope. Those would just work for a short-term, and it's important to always consider long-term effects. It may also pose some threats on your general health.

If you want to search for diets that work fast, you can research on your own and choose which one would most likely work for your current position. However, diet alone isn't really enough if you want to get rid of your additional pounds fast.

If you actually wish to lose weight fast in a shorter period of time, you need to make sure you have regular physical activities. It may be as straightforward as running or walking within the vicinity of your neighborhood. It would not need you to continually visit a gym. Also, monitoring your food intake would help you lose weight quicker and better. If you establish this goal, there's nothing impossible. It's far better to eat sensible food items and engaging in physical exercises than trying man-made diet tablets that would put yourself in peril.

Diets that work fast as existent, but diet alone wouldn't work if you want to seriously lose pounds and maintain that for long term. Remember always not to try fad diets that cause you to feel more depressed in the future. Depression, in a way, could be a justification for you to gain more weight. Reputedly, those kinds of diets simply do not work. - 17269

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Rachel Rays Acai Berry Show

By Megan Smith

We all know Rachel Ray drinks acai juice. Acai is a berry promoted by Rachel Ray amongst other celebrities such as Oprah and celebrity doctors such as Dr. Oz and Dr. Perricone. Acai berry is dark purple or green in color and grows atop palm trees in the Amazon rainforests of Brazil. For centuries the local population used the berries to make a fruity pulp that was used as a food flavoring ingredient. Acai is a relatively new concept in Europe and North America but it is really catching on and is now commonly found in most health food stores. and Europe.

Acai berries are a significant source of anthocyanins which are a particular antioxidant nutrient. This nutrient is the same as that which provides red wine with it's health benefits. Acai are also a good source protein and fiber. Lastly, acai berries also provide a good quantity of vitamins and omega fatty acids. Acai Berries provide a remarkably powerful combination of many healthy nutritional benefits.

Acai has enjoyed a great deal of publicity and attention since being introduced to the world by Dr. Nicholas Perricone in his book The Perricone Promise. It has caught the attention of many celebrities. Rachel Ray uses acai regularly and speaks about it on her show. The book unabashedly calls the acai berry the most perfect food on the planet. He rates the Acai Berry among his top ten superfoods that if taken regularly are supposed to make a person look and feel younger within 10 days.

Healthy diets and healthy lifestyle information are becoming common knowledge these days. We are aware that we should eat more raw foods and foods that are richer in good fats whole grains. It is commonly known that antioxidants are absolutely critical to enjoying good health. Antioxidants reduce inflammation and that help us fight the ongoing threat of illness and the debilitating effects of aging.

I have always respected Rachel Ray and her opinions on food. I wanted to learn more about Rachel Ray and acai berry. I was interested to read that recently a team of investigators decided to research just how much antioxidant power was in commercially available acai juices. Three store bought and readily available acai juice blends containing varied but unspecified percentages of acai juice and/or acai pulp were compared for in vitro antioxidant capacity against other well known and common antioxidants such as six types of pure fruit juice, tea, red wine and pomegranate juice. The antioxidant capacity of the acai juice was actually ranked lower than that of Concord grape juice, pomegranate juice, blueberry juice, and red wine. The average antioxidant capacity was approximately equal to that of black cherry or cranberry juice, and was higher than that of apple juice, orange juice, and tea. So what does this mean for Rachel Ray and acai? Simply put it means that commercially available acai juice blends are good for you and provide a health benefit. They are significantly better for you than orange or apple juices, but not as good antioxidant-wise as red wine or pomegranate juice.

The results using pure acai juice might be significantly different. I have seen acai juice blends and there is no telling whether they are mostly acai or rather pear juice with a splash of acai berry juice for flavor. The problem with this study is that it uses juices with unspecified concentrations of acai. In the interests of fairness and giving her the benefit of the doubt to Rachel Ray and acai she might promote a juice that is 100% acai. - 17269

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Finding Body Building Gyms And Fitness Centers

By John Vopel

Everyone has at one time or another thought of going to a gym or fitness center. Most who think about joining get intimidated by all of the people who know what they are doing. Most people are afraid about walking in to a place looking and feeling out of shape. People tell themselves that they will join after they lose some weight.

People can make all kinds of excuses for not going to a gym, but that's exactly what they are, excuses. Depending on the lifestyle that a person has will determine the type of place they should join. Bodybuilding gyms and fitness centers can be local or global. If a person is ready to take care of themselves they should first set an easy goal to attain and then look at their job and the demands it puts on a person.

If a person travels a lot for business, they need to find a national chain that is located in many of the cities where they will travel. This allows the person to regularly go to the body building gyms and fitness centers. On the other hand, if ones job keeps them in the same place everyday it might make more sense to join a local bodybuilding gym and fitness center.

There are also some differences between using a gym and a fitness center. The fitness center will probably have many machine stations and aerobic workouts while a gym is more likely to have a larger assortment of free weights for their customers.

Choosing The Right Bodybuilding Gyms And Fitness Centers

How does someone know what place to join that would be best for them? Each person must decide for themselves what's best for them. One choice is as good as any other except for different prices and the staff employed to help people. Sometimes, the local fitness center might have low prices but might not have the best workers. Some others might be a national chain with higher prices but excellent customer service.

Bodybuilding gyms and fitness centers are in business to allow people to get and stay in better shape. They are also not non profit so they have to make money to stay in business. Consider this when trying to choose one to join.

Bodybuilding gyms and fitness centers can help people to feel better and also to become healthier. Whatever type a person decides to join, remember that the whole reason for joining is to feel better and stay healthier. With the right attitude any one can truly succeed in being healthier than ever. - 17269

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Rapid Weight Loss Solutions Are They Safe?

By Mima Mavington

Everyone is looking for the super quick miracle weight loss plan that will make them loose huge amounts of weight in a minimal period of time. Most people embark on this challenge because of an upcoming holiday, wedding or reunion. The one question you have to ask yourself however is, "Rapid Weight Loss Diets Are They Safe?"

If you are one of those people embarking on the search to loose weight quickly, make sure you find the right weight loss plan for your body and be sure to do all your research and consult with your doctor to ensure that whichever route you choose will be safe.

The most important thing is to find the weight loss method that is best for your body as everybody will react differently to different methods. The best way for anybody to begin is to make small changes to your daily life which will promote healthy weight loss.

The first steps to take are to include moderate exercise into your routine at least three times a week and make sure you drink at least eight glasses of water a day to cleanse your system and keep you hydrated. Get yourself eating correctly - fresh fruit and vegetable with whole grains and low fat meat options will give your body the fuels it needs to sustain the weight loss. The biggest thing that will increase the speed of you slimming plan is to cut out fast foods and fatty or fried foods. By also cutting down on sugars and white flour products you will see a major difference in your weight.

Detoxification is a secret weapon when it comes to rapid weight loss. Most of our bodies hold waste and toxins which hinder out weight loss goals. If you can learn to detoxify your body safely you will experience easier and faster weight loss.

There are many weight loss supplements on the market today, all promising miracle results. Make sure you do your own research before wasting your money on these products. Never just believe what the adverts say - make sure there is scientific evidence to back it up. Also take note of the side effects, so many of these products contain ingredients that could have severe side effects if taken incorrectly or if the dosage is too high.

If you loose weight too quickly there is a large chance that you will be damaging your health. Rapid weight loss can be linked to gall stones and if you loose a substantial amount of weight you may even experience unsightly loose skin.

Many people who embark on rapid weight loss plans tend to become obsessive and this could lead to serious eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa or bulimia where you binge eat and then purge the food from your system.

Weight loss is always more effective and longer lasting if it is done correctly and slowly. Most doctors will always advise against rapid weight loss due to the harm it could have on your health. In most cases of rapid weight loss the person has not adopted a healthy lifestyle and as soon as the dieting has stopped the weight piles back on with some extra.

Any form of dieting and weight loss should be done with care so that you don't neglect your health and your body and do not suffer any long term side effects. - 17269

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Advanced Bodybuilding Training Techniques

By Landon Martinez

So, you tried bodybuilding exercise, gave it a year and like it. You're starting to see results. You've lost the flab, are hard, but your muscles aren't big. Perhaps you'd like to turn your body into a work of art and get some really sculpted muscle and maybe even compete. And you want more challenge in your workouts. Advanced bodybuilding training techniques are also used by professional athletes, wrestlers, security personnel, bouncers, models and quite possible the military.

If you've been gradually building up your body's strength, eat plenty of the right protein-laden meals and have the patience, you are most likely ready for advanced bodybuilding training techniques.

Things To Keep In Mind

As you've discovered, there are a lot of bodybuilding training styles, programs and exercises for the beginning bodybuilder, the intermediate bodybuilder and yes, for the advanced as well. Keep in mind that this may cost more and take up more of your free time. And you can't miss meals. Get a check up from your doctor to see if all the parts of your body can handle the intense workouts. You might discover your arms and legs can handle some exercises, but your back can't. There are still advanced bodybuilding training techniques you can do, but avoid leg exercises like crunches and girls and instead try a leg-lift machine.

If you're still up for the challenge, then you are definitely ready for some of the advanced bodybuilding training techniques:

Forced Reps: You keep lifting a weight over and over again, faster and faster, but sometimes you have a helper to "force" the repetition of lifting the barbell going. Say, for every ten lifts, you get help on the eleventh. Over time, the barbell gets heavier and heavier.

Partials: Now this is fun. Instead of moving a weight all the way, you just move it part of the way and hold it. Be sure to stretch after each set to minimize the pain.

Pre-Exhaust Training: Say you want to concentrate on one area of muscle, like your triceps. You do some weightlifting, say lifting dumbbells straight overhead, but instead of resting in between differing weights and lifts, you skip the rest and just go right into a new exercise. This is sometimes called "supersetting". Giant Sets: This is just like pre-exhaust training, except there is no rest between an entire series of exercises for a specific muscle group.

Strip Sets: You need two spotters for this, as time is of the essence. You start bench-pressing a barbell with the most weight on it, then the two spotters keep lowering weight. There is no rest in between weight changes like you are already used to. The speed is what builds the muscles here in these kinds of advanced bodybuilding training techniques. - 17269

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