Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Does Acai Berry Work For You?

By Carter Sinclair

With the popularity Acai has recently received many people are probably wondering; "Does Acai juice do anything for you...or is it just a scam"? As a long time Acai user I can definitely say Yes Acai does do some amazing things for those who drink it consistently. The key is to get a high quality Acai product that is properly processed to retain all the nutrients the fruit contains. Like anything you only get high quality results when you use high quality products.

Recent research has been performed at the University of Florida and they found that Acai causes cancer cells to self-destruct because of its high antioxidant levels. Acai contains one of the highest levels of antioxidants fruits out there. Antioxidants help fight free radicals that cause aging, cancer, and problems to the immune system.

One effect that you will notice almost immediately is the boost of energy that you will receive from drinking Acai juice. Brazilian surfers and mixed martial artist have been using Acai juice for ages to get a leg up on their competition, and the rest of the world is finally starting to catch on. Acai is a healthy replacement for coffee and sugar filled energy drinks, and many people report that the energy they get from Acai lasts even longer than coffee or Redbull.

The Omega fatty acids have been proven to improve your mood, so you will also be in the best possible mindset for your day.

The benefits of Acai are so many that I can go on and on. Omega fatty acids also reduce cholesterol and inflammation.

Today many health food specialists are raving about Acai as one of the best health foods on the market. The question Does Acai do anything for you is most certainly YES. - 17269

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Buying organic food online

By Karol Wariala

Co-submitted by: Mustard Dressing. Information on organic products is one of the best searched domains online, and this interest is all owing to the increasing awareness of the organic food benefits. Besides the possibility to find lots of details on vitamins and minerals as well as the health risks posed by non-organic items, consumers now have the chance to actually order organic foods online. Plenty of stores choose the Internet as a promotion environment, with the mention that the the perishable nature of organic food makes long distance transportation a problem. Therefore most of the organic foods online come from local businesses, family farms and markets that deliver the products in no more than two days.

It is however preferable to buy from local suppliers who can actually deliver the organic foods online orders on the same day or within twenty-four hours. In case there is no organic food availability in your area, you can search on the Internet for maps and reviews on the organic products suppliers and retailers that are closest and thus most geographically advantageous for you as a buyer.

The items that are frozen or chilled require special packaging for the preservation of the temperature. Once you find an organic store online to match your needs, also check their terms and conditions to know what to expect from the delivery.

You may also have to pay some extra charges in addition to the transportation too. Should you buy bulk quantities, web sites will often give you a discount; yet, remember that there could be a minimum product quantity required under certain circumstances. The online order is not the same with the farm market purchase: you won't be able to buy just ten eggs but a carton or two as a minimum.

Check all such details before the order or the purchase.

As for delivery, there is a certain local limitation too, even for organic foods online stores. This policy corresponds to the necessity to offer viable products that keep all their properties and do not deteriorate during transportation. The very first condition of buying organic food is that it be fresh, and therefore the items have to remain in a good storage environment until they get delivered.

Make sure that you take such elements into account when you place an order. And finally, remember that shopping with local suppliers is the most rewarding, meaning that the Internet should be the alternative when you are out of options. - 17269

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Healthy Chocolate does it have to be Dark?

By Adaeze Zheng

The whole human race just loves chocolate with no exceptions. It is so delightful it makes you smile. Specially the plan chocolate which has come to be known as dark chocolate. The coco in this chocolate has the best taste and best benefits for your body.

Chocolate originates from beans, yes just like coffee. These Coco beans come from coco trees. It is thought that the process of turning the beans into chocolate originated three thousand years ago in the Americas. There are so many types of flavours and textures that chocolate is the King of all sweets.

Dark chocolate can taste bitter yet is still the favourite for all chocolate experts. One can compare the art of chocolate with the art of wine making. The coca is taken from the beans and made into pulp. Once this has been done the pulp is put into vats where it is left to ferment again similar to making wine. After this process the beans have to be dried in the sun and can take as long as 7 days. The beans then undertake a cleaning process and mixed with other mouth watering mixtures to determine its final type.

There are many ways to make chocolate all depending on the final requirements for example milk or dark chocolate When the chocolate has reached its final stage it is stored before being sent all over the world.

Dark chocolate tastes delicious and is so delectable it also acts on the body in a positive way. New medical analyses has shown that the body blood flow improves with the consumption of dark chocolate. With very convincing results showing levels of cholesterol being lowered and heart defects improved.

To achieve the best results look for chocolate that contains a high percent of coco as much as ninety percent if possible. You are then sure to be buying chocolate that will not contain any artificial flavours or ingredients and will have the best impact on your health. There is another gain in eating dark chocolate, dark chocolate has aphrodisiacal properties so enjoy! - 17269

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Diets Delivered From The Pure Package

By Susan Reynolds

The Pure Package diet delivery programme is a revolutionary new way to enjoy fresh, healthy, perfectly balanced meals and snacks; delivered straight to your door!

Jennifer Irvine, the founder of The Pure Package, launched the program in 2003 from her home kitchen. Since then, it has grown and evolved into an award winning company while still retaining the personal touch.

What is The Pure Package? The Pure Package is an innovative system that delivers freshly prepared ready-to-eat meals and snacks to your front door or other location of your choosing. The foods used are all nutritionally and expertly balanced to contain the right amount of proteins, carbohydrates and essential fats.

The Pure Package foods are all guilt and genetically modified free. All chicken, eggs, meat and dairy are free range. No use of endangered fish. No artificial additives, preservatives or colorings are used. Foods are not over-processed and contain no antisocial ingredients such as raw garlic.

The food is prepared by experienced chefs and an award winning team of nutritionists and dietary dynamos in high standard restaurant kitchens, using five star hygienic practices.

The Pure Package uses ethical ingredients, carbon neutral deliveries, and 100% recyclable packaging.

How Does it Work? The Pure Package diet delivery programme eliminates the need for you to plan meals, shop for food, count calories or weigh portions.

There are seven types of diet programmes available:

Weight Loss Healthy Eating Training Support Pre and Post Baby Skin and Ageing Energy Detox Cleanse

After you contact The Pure Package, either online or by telephone, their team of experts will help you choose the programme designed to help you achieve your specific health goals. If you have special nutritional needs or food allergies, just let them know and your meals will be planned and adjusted accordingly.

Then, every day by 6am, a temperature controlled bag is delivered to you containing all of your freshly prepared meals and snacks for the day. At the end of each day, just leave your empty temperature controlled bag on your doorstep, and it will be exchanged for another full bag of tempting food while you sleep. What could be easier?

Convenience With a Conscience This diet delivery programme prides itself on providing convenience with a conscience. The Pure Package takes great care to make sure that the food they offer is sourced and delivered in an environmentally friendly, ethically conscious way. Buying decisions are ethically based, and the company takes its responsibilities to the natural world very seriously.

The Pure Package company is opposed to inhumane mistreatment of animals, and adhere to the belief that a better quality of life means a superior food product.

In summary, if you want the convenience of having healthy, freshly prepared, perfectly balanced, delicious meals and snacks delivered right to your door every day, the Pure Package programme of diet delivery might be the answer to a prayer for you. This programme offers an amazingly convenient way to attain your dietary goals! - 17269

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The Right Way to Use Creatine Supplements

By Lionel Weathers

With creatine being the most popular body building supplement ever, it only makes sense that a lot of people would have questions on how to use it. But honestly you'll get different answers from different sources! Let's go over a few of the different theories that are out there about how to use creatine supplements.

Creatine Loading and Cycling

If you've ever heard anything about using creatine supplements before then you've probably heard about the 'loading phase.' The idea behind loading is to saturate your muscles with a bunch of extra creatine and then try to maintain that saturation with the rest of the cycle. Typically, the standard loading phase would usually be to take up to 20g of creatine a day for 5 days, then move into a maintenance dose of 5g a day. These amounts depend on your body weight.

The common question is if it is really necessary. I'm sure supplement companies love the loading phase approach because by the time you're done with your loading phase you've pretty much gone through your first bottle of creatine!

A lot of people will tell you that it really isn't necessary. I've read articles before (I'd source them here, but I can't remember where I read them!) that suggest that if you use creatine supplements long term you will get the same benefit as loading. A lot of users have also found that it probably isn't necessary either.

I found another interesting twist on the creatine loading cycle idea from MuscleHack.com. He tried a technique that involved loading for 3 days, abstaining for 3 days, and repeating that cycle over and over again. The idea being that if you cycle in this way you will maintain a higher level of creatine concentration in the muscles over time.

In the end, I don't really know which way is best. This is one area where you should experiment and see which method reacts the best with your body. Try a few things and stick with what works for you.

When to Take Your Creatine Supplements

Another area of concern is when creatine supplements should be taken. This was a big question that I had when I very first started taking creatine. The standard suggestion has often been to take creatine soon after your workout (unless you are doing a standard loading phase, then you would take it throughout the day).

But there are variations to this standard approach as well. For example, if you're going with the 3 days on 3 days off approach suggested by MuscleHack Mark McManus, you would take creatine before your workout, after your workout, and then at least 2 other times throughout the day. You really have to load up on a cycle like that.

Once again, it would seem that you will need to experiment and see what works best for you and your body.

Concluding Thoughts

My intent in writing this article was not to come out with some kind of decisive solution as to what is the best way to get all the benefits out of using creatine supplements. As you can see, there are several different approaches that different people have found to work. In the end you really do have to test and see how your body reacts to the different approaches. - 17269

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The Many Uses of Acai Berry Juice

By Carter Sinclair

Acai berry juice has a number of uses that can help bring a new and healthier you into being. Acai is a small purple or green berry that has a high nutritional value, as a result it is highly prized in the health food market. However, this fruit is not viable long after harvest so it is usually shipped as Acai berry juice or as frozen/dried berries.

Acai berry juice does not have to be used strictly by itself. It is perfect addition for a variety of different foods. The taste has been likened by some to be that of a chocolate and berry mix so some experimentation on non-desert use may be required. It does make a good addition to salad dressings for a variety of different types of salads, especially fruit salads or it can be used as a sauce to go over other types of fruit based deserts.

It is also a great addition to milkshakes, ice cream and sorbets. Acai berry juice also makes a good addition to dishes that go well with fruit based flavors such as chicken and pork. If using it with meat it is best to use it as a marinade to add flavor but not as a sauce. It can also be might into a light gaze for a ham.

In addition to all that it has also started seeing its place in night clubs. It makes a great mixed drink and you can even add it to water to get an explosion of flavor without any sugar.

For those that like flavored coffee here is a great way to not only get an energy kick times two but get all the nutritional value of Acai berry juice. These are some of the best ways to get the nutritional value that comes from the Acai.

The juice is packed with B-vitamins, Beta-carotene, Calcium, Copper and Chromium, even iron, magnesium, and Zinc can be found. All of these ingredients help with handling stress, providing energy, increasing the metabolism even helping to produce healthy skin, hair and eyes. There are even ongoing studies that show that Acai berry juice added to the diet can help with chronic illnesses such as Diabetes and may be able to help those who are at risk or who have cancer.

Free radicals have been linked to some cancers and the Acai has one of the highest rankings when it comes to antioxidant content and the ability to prevent free radical activity within the body. This can also help you to look younger, feel younger and remove toxins from the body. - 17269

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Tinnitus Relief - How To Stop Ringing In The Ears

By Matt Hellstrom

Perhaps you misspent much of your youth standing too close to the speakers at one too many rock concerts. The regrettable consequence, more often than not, is a high-pitched ringing noise in one or both ears. As if that's not enough, you may even suffer hearing loss due to foolishly listening to such loud music without any protection. Sound familiar? Is there any tinnitus relief available?

Although there is tinnitus relief for the many sufferers of the problem, there really isn't a sure-fire cure as such. Those bothersome sounds that ring continuously in your ears, as well as the possibility of permanent damage to your hearing will be a constant reminder of your days of attending rock concerts.

One of the methods employed for tinnitus relief is to leave an air conditioner running or a radio turned on. This is known as "White Noise" and the way it brings relief, is to mask the ringing sound with an entirely different noise. Now you're probably wondering how that helps? Noise is noise; right? Not always. If it distracts your mind from the ringing sound, it works.

Retraining therapies work in a similar way to the White Noise method, and are designed to retrain your brain to switch off or ignore the noise, which is often easier said than done. Some people find that a hearing aid helps alleviate the noise some what. Any tinnitus relief is most welcome, even if it is only temporary!

The use of natural herbs to promote good health is alive and well in today's modern world. One such Asian herb known as Ginko Biloba has had great success in treating people with cardio and lung disorders and it looks as though it will be an effective form of tinnitus relief as well. By increasing the flow of blood and oxygen to the brain, this wonder herb is seeing great results with tinnitus sufferers having the severity of their symptoms reduced. It must be used with some caution though as there can be other health problems when using blood thinners.

Everyone knows that smoking and too much caffeine in the diet definitely do you a great deal of harm, so cutting down on coffee and quitting the cigarettes are another beneficial tinnitus relief strategy. Other lifestyle changes that you could implement regularly include a high fibre diet, getting outdoors more to exercise and even meditation can help alleviate some of the symptoms.

It may be a difficult decision to not attend your favourite band's next big gig, but as prevention is more effective than any cure; it may be a wise one. Once you have tinnitus, it will be there for good reminding you constantly of why you should stick to your decision and not go to that concert! Well, earplugs could be another solution! - 17269

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